コード例 #1
		protected override void Create() {
			// 初始化下單物件,Contracts.UserSpecified 可指定規模,OrderExit.FromAll 可一次全平
			BUY = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.Buy, OrderExit.FromAll));
			SELL = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.SellShort, OrderExit.FromAll));
			BUY_C = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Sell, OrderExit.FromAll));
			SELL_C = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.BuyToCover, OrderExit.FromAll));

			__cKD = new KD(this);
			__cMACD = new MACD(this);
コード例 #2
 protected override void Create()
     m_MACD = new MACD(this);
     m_XAverage = new XAverage(this);
     m_my_MACD = new VariableSeries<Double>(this);
     m_MACD_diff = new VariableSeries<Double>(this);
     m_MacdSE =
         OrderCreator.MarketNextBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, "MacdSE",
コード例 #3
        public void MACD()
            //MACD macd = new MACD();
            MACD macd = new MACD(true);

            MACDSerie serie = macd.Calculate();

            Assert.True(serie.Signal.Count > 0);
            Assert.True(serie.MACDLine.Count > 0);
            Assert.True(serie.MACDHistogram.Count > 0);
コード例 #4
        public void MACD()
            //MACD macd = new MACD();
            MACD macd = new MACD(true);

            macd.Load(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\table.csv");
            MACDSerie serie = macd.Calculate();

            Assert.IsTrue(serie.Signal.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(serie.MACDLine.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(serie.MACDHistogram.Count > 0);
コード例 #5
        public ThoseFourIndicators(BarItemType barType)
            this.barType = barType;

            this.identityCode = string.Format("{0}({1})", IDENTITY_CODE, barType.Code);

            cci   = new CCI(barType, 14);
            stoch = new Stochastics(barType, 14, 2, 2);
            macd  = new MACD(barType, 8, 40, 8);
            adx   = new ADX(barType, 14);

            Register(cci, stoch, macd, adx);
コード例 #6
ファイル: BOTTOM.cs プロジェクト: zhaostephen/quant
        public BOTTOM(kdata data)
            var macd  = new MACD(data.close());
            var lows  = new PEAK(data, PEAK_TYPE.low).Select(p => new { p.Date, p.Value, type = PEAK_TYPE.low }).ToArray();
            var highs = new PEAK(data, PEAK_TYPE.high).Select(p => new { p.Date, p.Value, type = PEAK_TYPE.high }).ToArray();
            var peaks = lows.Concat(highs).OrderBy(p => p.Date).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < peaks.Length - 3; ++i)
                var a = peaks[i];
                var b = peaks[i + 1];
                var c = peaks[i + 2];
                var d = peaks[i + 3];

                if (a.type == PEAK_TYPE.low &&
                    b.type == PEAK_TYPE.high &&
                    c.type == PEAK_TYPE.low &&
                    d.type == PEAK_TYPE.high &&
                    b.Value > a.Value &&
                    c.Value < b.Value &&
                    c.Value >= a.Value &&
                    d.Value > b.Value)
                    //var next = macd.Where(p => p.Date > d.Date).ToArray();
                    //for(var k = 2; k < next.Length; ++k)
                    //    if (next[k].DIF < 0 &&
                    //        next[k - 1].DIF < 0 &&
                    //        next[k - 2].DIF < 0 &&
                    //        next[k].DIF > next[k - 1].DIF &&
                    //        next[k].DIF > next[k - 2].DIF)
                    //    {
                    //        var v = data.FirstOrDefault(p=>p.date == next[k].Date);
                    //        if (v != null)
                    //        {
                    //            if (!this.Any(p => p.Date == next[k].Date))
                    //            {
                    //                Add(next[k].Date, v.high);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        break;
                    //    }
                    var next = macd.cross_gold().Where(p => p.Date > d.Date).ToArray();
                    if (next.Any())
                        Add(next.First().Date, 0);
コード例 #7
        public void SeriesTest()
            DataSeries ds           = null;         // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            double     fastPeriod   = 0F;           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            double     slowPeriod   = 0F;           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            double     signalPeriod = 0F;           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string     name         = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            MACD       expected     = null;         // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            MACD       actual;

            actual = MACD.Series(ds, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod, name);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #8
        public void SignalSeriesTest()
            //application.MarketData market = new application.MarketData(AppTypes.TimeRanges.Y1, AppTypes.TimeScaleFromType(AppTypes.TimeScaleTypes.Day),"SSI");
            application.MarketData stockData = new application.MarketData(AppTypes.TimeRanges.Y1, AppTypes.TimeScaleFromCode("D1"));
            DataSeries             ds        = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            double     fastPeriod            = 12;
            double     slowPeriod            = 26;
            double     signalPeriod          = 9;
            string     name   = string.Empty;                                             // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            MACD       target = new MACD(ds, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod, name); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            DataSeries actual;

            actual = target.SignalSeries;
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #9
        public void Run(string downloadTime)
            DateTime           date          = DateTime.Now;
            DownloadEngine     download      = new DownloadEngine();
            Formatting         formatting    = new Formatting();
            PeregrineOperation peregrine     = new PeregrineOperation();
            MACD                macd         = new MACD();
            Stochastic          stochastic   = new Stochastic();
            TechnicalIndicators indicators   = new TechnicalIndicators();
            Transactions        transactions = new Transactions();
            WebClient           web          = new WebClient(); // provides the ability to download from the internet
            WebURIs             uRIs         = new WebURIs();   // refers to an instance of the Wall Street Journal URL

            DownloadTimer(download, formatting, peregrine, macd, stochastic, indicators, transactions, web, uRIs, Database, downloadTime);
コード例 #10
ファイル: QUOTATION.cs プロジェクト: zhaostephen/quant
        public QUOTATION(kdata data)
            var close = data.close();
            var macd  = new MACD(close);
            var ma120 = new MA(close, 120);
            var q     = (from a in data
                         join m in macd on a.date equals m.Date
                         select new { date = a.date, price = a, macd = m, ma120 = ma120[m.Date] }).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < q.Length; ++i)
                var item  = q[i];
                var state = quotationstate.None;

                if (item.macd.MACD < 0)
                    state = quotationstate.调整;
                    if (item.price.close >= item.price.open)
                        state = quotationstate.反弹;
                    state = quotationstate.升;
                    if (i - 1 > 0)
                        if (this[i - 1].state == quotationstate.回调 ||
                            this[i - 1].state == quotationstate.调整)
                            state = quotationstate.回升;
                    if (item.price.close < item.price.open)
                        state = quotationstate.回调;

                Add(new quotation
                    date     = item.date,
                    state    = state,
                    position = judgePosition(state, item.price, item.ma120),
                    strategy = judgeStrategy(state, item.price, item.ma120)
コード例 #11
        public static MACD GetMACD(List <float> input, int fastLength, int slowLength)
            int          maxLength = fastLength > slowLength ? fastLength : slowLength;
            List <float> emaFast   = GetEMA(input, fastLength);
            List <float> emaSlow   = GetEMA(input, slowLength);
            MACD         output    = new MACD();

            output.Macd = Enumerable.Repeat(0f, maxLength - 1).ToList();
            output.Macd.AddRange(emaFast.GetRange(maxLength - 1, emaFast.Count - maxLength + 1).Zip(emaSlow.GetRange(maxLength - 1, emaSlow.Count - maxLength + 1), (x, y) => x - y).ToList());
            output.Signal = Enumerable.Repeat(0f, maxLength - 1).ToList();
            output.Signal.AddRange(GetEMA(output.Macd.GetRange(maxLength - 1, output.Macd.Count - maxLength + 1), 9));
            output.Histogram = Enumerable.Repeat(0f, maxLength + 9 - 2).ToList();
            output.Histogram.AddRange(output.Macd.GetRange(maxLength + 9 - 2, output.Macd.Count - maxLength - 7).Zip(output.Signal.GetRange(maxLength + 9 - 2, output.Macd.Count - maxLength - 7), (x, y) => x - y).ToList());

コード例 #12
        public void MACDTest()
            BacktestBroker backtestBroker = new BacktestBroker();

            BrokerAccount brokerAccount = new BrokerAccount();

            backtestBroker.LoadAccount(new BrokerAccount(), Guid.Empty);

            BacktestSession backtestSession = backtestBroker.CreateSession(brokerAccount.AccountId, SpotForex.EURUSD, Timeframes.M1, @"data\EURUSD-M1.bar", Guid.Empty);

            MACD macd = new MACD(Timeframes.M1, 12, 26, 9);


コード例 #13
        //Тест проверяет правильно ли срабатывает TradingRule
        public void test_TradingRule()
            //Входные данные

            //Создать 2 условия
            int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
            int curIndex                 = 60;
            ParameterCondition par1      = ParameterCondition.PriceMax;
            ParameterCondition par2      = ParameterCondition.PriceMin;
            Predicate          predicate = Predicate.Less;

            Condition cond = new Condition(index1, index2, par1, par2, null, null, 0.0, 0.0, predicate);

            int index1_ = 1, index2_ = 1;
            ParameterCondition par1_      = ParameterCondition.Indicator;
            ParameterCondition par2_      = ParameterCondition.Indicator;
            Predicate          predicate_ = Predicate.MoreEqual;
            Indicator          ind1       = new SMA(14);
            Indicator          ind2       = new MACD(28);

            Condition cond2 = new Condition(index1_, index2_, par1_, par2_, ind1, ind2, 0.0, 0.0, predicate_);

            //Накопить данные для индикаторов
            for (int i = 0; i < curIndex; i++)
                ind1.update_value(i, instrument);
                ind2.update_value(i, instrument);

            //Создать правило
            TradingRule rule = new TradingRule(Signal.Buy);


            bool expected = instrument.get_interval(curIndex, index1).ClosingPrice <
                            instrument.get_interval(curIndex, index1).OpeningPrice&&
                            ind1.get_value(curIndex, index1_) >= ind2.get_value(curIndex, index2_);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, rule.check(curIndex, instrument));
コード例 #14
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string[] stockNames = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StockNames"].Split(',');
            foreach (var stockName in stockNames)
                MACD macd = new MACD(false);

                MACDSerie           macdSeries   = GetMacdSeries(macd, stockName);
                RSI                 rsi          = new RSI(14);
                RSISerie            rsiSeries    = GetRsiSeries(rsi, stockName);
                SMAV2               shortTermSma = new SMAV2(14);
                SingleDoubleSerieV2 shorttermSingleDoubleSerieV2 = GetSingleDoubleSeriesV2(shortTermSma, stockName);
                SMAV2               longTermSma = new SMAV2(60);
                SingleDoubleSerieV2 longtermSingleDoubleSerieV2 = GetSingleDoubleSeriesV2(longTermSma, stockName);

                ExcelUtilities.WriteMacdhistogramDataToExcel(macdSeries, rsiSeries, shorttermSingleDoubleSerieV2, longtermSingleDoubleSerieV2, stockName);
コード例 #15
        static macd[] cross(MACD k, Func <macd, macd, bool> cmp)
            var cross = new List <macd>();

            for (var i = 1; i < k.Count; ++i)
                if (cmp(k[i - 1], k[i]))
                    if (Math.Abs(k[i - 1].DEA - k[i - 1].DIF) <
                        Math.Abs(k[i].DEA - k[i].DIF))
                        cross.Add(k[i - 1]);
コード例 #16
ファイル: MACD_Hybrid.cs プロジェクト: oghenez/trade-software
        override protected void StrategyExecute()
            MACD macd = Indicators.MACD.Series(data.Close,
                                               parameters[0], parameters[1],
                                               parameters[2], "");

            ADX adx = new ADX(data.Bars, parameters[3], "");

            int    cutlosslevel = (int)parameters[4];
            int    takeprofitlevel = (int)parameters[5];
            double delta = 0, lastDelta = 0;

            for (int idx = 1; idx < macd.Values.Length; idx++)
                delta = (macd.HistSeries[idx] - macd.HistSeries[idx - 1]);
                //If there is a trend
                if (adx[idx] > 25)
                    if (delta > 0 && lastDelta < 0)
                if (delta < 0 && lastDelta > 0)

                if (is_bought && CutLossCondition(data.Close[idx], buy_price, cutlosslevel))

                if (is_bought && TakeProfitCondition(data.Close[idx], buy_price, takeprofitlevel))
                lastDelta = delta;
コード例 #17
        public void TestCalculate()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 0, 21100000);

            double[] inputData = new double[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                inputData[i] = t.Close;

            double?[] m = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] s = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] h = new double?[tList.Count];

            Result res = MACD.Calculate(inputData, 26, 12, 9, m, s, h);
コード例 #18
        protected override void OnStateChange()
            if (State == State.SetDefaults)
                Description                  = @"Enter the description for your new custom Strategy here.";
                Name                         = "DrawOnIndicatorPanels";
                Calculate                    = Calculate.OnBarClose;
                EntriesPerDirection          = 1;
                EntryHandling                = EntryHandling.AllEntries;
                IsExitOnSessionCloseStrategy = true;
                ExitOnSessionCloseSeconds    = 30;
                IsFillLimitOnTouch           = false;
                MaximumBarsLookBack          = MaximumBarsLookBack.TwoHundredFiftySix;
                OrderFillResolution          = OrderFillResolution.Standard;
                Slippage                     = 0;
                StartBehavior                = StartBehavior.WaitUntilFlat;
                TimeInForce                  = TimeInForce.Gtc;
                TraceOrders                  = false;
                RealtimeErrorHandling        = RealtimeErrorHandling.StopCancelClose;
                StopTargetHandling           = StopTargetHandling.PerEntryExecution;
                BarsRequiredToTrade          = 20;
                DrawOnPricePanel             = false;
                // Disable this property for performance gains in Strategy Analyzer optimizations
                // See the Help Guide for additional information
                IsInstantiatedOnEachOptimizationIteration = true;
            else if (State == State.DataLoaded)
                MACD1 = MACD(12, 26, 9);
                MACD1.DrawOnPricePanel = false;
                MACD1.IsOverlay        = false;

                MACD2 = MACD(13, 26, 9);
                MACD2.DrawOnPricePanel = false;
                MACD2.IsOverlay        = false;
コード例 #19
        protected override void OnCalculate()
            MACD            macd = MACD(8, 17, 9);
            StochasticsFast stoc = StochasticsFast(5, 14);
            EMA             ema  = EMA(10);

            //if (macd[0] > macd.Avg[0]) {
            //    //AddChartArrowUp("ArrowLong_MACD" + +Bars[0].Time.Ticks, this.IsAutoAdjustableScale, 0, Bars[0].Low, Color.Green);

            //if (stoc.K[0] > stoc.D[0])
            //    //AddChartArrowUp("ArrowLong_STOC" + +Bars[0].Time.Ticks, this.IsAutoAdjustableScale, 0, Bars[0].High, Color.DarkMagenta);

            //if (Bars[0].Close > ema[0])
            //    //AddChartArrowUp("ArrowLong_EMA" + +Bars[0].Time.Ticks, this.IsAutoAdjustableScale, 0, Bars[0].High - (Bars[0].Range/2), Color.DarkGoldenrod);

            if (macd[0] > macd.Avg[0] && stoc.K[0] > stoc.D[0] && Bars[0].Close > ema[0])
                AddChartArrowUp("ArrowLong_philtown" + +Bars[0].Time.Ticks, this.IsAutoAdjustableScale, 0, Bars[0].Low, Color.Green);
                MyPlot1[0] = 1;
            else if (macd[0] < macd.Avg[0] && stoc.K[0] < stoc.D[0] && Bars[0].Close < ema[0])
                AddChartArrowDown("ArrowShort_philtown" + +Bars[0].Time.Ticks, this.IsAutoAdjustableScale, 0, Bars[0].High, Color.Red);
                MyPlot1[0] = -1;
                MyPlot1[0] = 0;
コード例 #20
        static void Intraday()

            var ticks = mainProvider.GetTicks(symbols, 121, 30, GooglePoints);

            #region Main Symbol Loop
            foreach (var tick in ticks.Where(t => t.TickGroup.Count() > 0))
                notificationsList.Add(tick.Symbol, mainProvider.GenerateTickReportData(tick));

                #region Intraday Ticks Indicators Events
                var twoMinutesFiveDaysClosePrices = tick.TickGroup2Minutes5Days.Select(x => x.Close).ToList();
                if (twoMinutesFiveDaysClosePrices.Count() > 0)
                    RelativeStrengthIndex.GetRSI(10, twoMinutesFiveDaysClosePrices, tick.Symbol, Periods.TwoMinutesFiveDays);
                    MACD.GetMACDInfo(12, 26, 9, twoMinutesFiveDaysClosePrices, 5, tick.Symbol, Periods.TwoMinutesFiveDays);

            NotifSender.SendTickReportData(notificationsList, Delivery.FTP);
コード例 #21
        protected override void OnCalculate()
            Bollinger bol = Bollinger(this.Bollinger_stddev, this.Bollinger_Period);

            if (Close[0] < bol.Lower[0])
                longsignalbb = true;
            else if (Close[0] > bol.Upper[0])
                shortsignalbb = true;

            MACD macd = MACD(this.MACD_Fast, this.MACD_Slow, this.MACD_Smooth);

            if (longsignalbb && CrossAbove(macd.Default, macd.Avg, 0))
                AddChartArrowUp(Time[0].ToString() + "long", 0, Low[0], this.ColorLongSignal);
                longsignalbb = false;
            else if (shortsignalbb && CrossBelow(macd.Default, macd.Avg, 0))
                AddChartArrowDown(Time[0].ToString() + "short", 0, High[0], this.ColorShortSignal);
                shortsignalbb = false;
コード例 #22
ファイル: volume.cs プロジェクト: zhaostephen/quant
        public override universe Pass(IEnumerable <string> stocks)
            var client = new kdatadb();

            log.Info("query D");
            var D = stocks
                    .Select(code => client.kdata(code, "D"))
                    .Where(p => p != null && p.Any())

            log.InfoFormat("D total {0}", D.Count());

            var codes = D
                        .Where(p =>
                if (!p.Any())

                var close = p.close();
                var cross = new MACD(p.volume()).cross();

                return(cross.Any() &&
                       cross.Last().type == Interface.Data.crosstype.gold &&
                       cross.Last().value.Date.Date == DateTime.Today);
                        .Select(p => p.Code)

            log.InfoFormat("selected {0}", codes.Count());

            return(new universe("volume", codes));
コード例 #23
        public override void Run(Account account)
            var client = new kdatadb();

            log.InfoFormat("total {0}", account.universe.Count);
            foreach (var stock in account.universe.AsParallel())
                log.InfoFormat("run {0}", stock.Code);
                var k         = client.kdata(stock.Code, "15");
                var kdj       = new MACD(k.close());
                var crossup   = kdj.cross_gold();
                var crossdown = kdj.cross_dead();

                if (crossup.Any())
                    var s = crossup.Last();
                    if (s.Date == k.Last().date&& s.Date.Date == DateTime.Today)
                        Buy(account, stock.Code, s.Date);

                if (crossdown.Any())
                    var s = crossdown.Last();
                    if (s.Date == k.Last().date&& s.Date.Date == DateTime.Today)
                        Sell(account, stock.Code, s.Date);

                log.InfoFormat("no signal {0}", stock.Code);
コード例 #24
        public void MACD()
            //MACD macd = new MACD();
            MACD macd = new MACD(false);

            //MACDSerie serie = GenerateMacdHistogramData(macd, "vas"); q q
            //macd = new MACD(false);
            //serie = GenerateMacdHistogramData(macd, "stw");
            //macd = new MACD(false);
            //serie = GenerateMacdHistogramData(macd, "apt");
            macd.Load(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + "table" + ".csv");
            MACDSerie serie = macd.Calculate();

            Assert.IsTrue(serie.Signal.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(serie.MACDLine.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(serie.MACDHistogramDataList.Count > 0);
            //serie.MACDHistogram.Select((x,i) => new {i, value = x.GetValueOrDefault(),Consider = x != null &&  x.Value < 0 && x.Value >-1 }).Where(x => x.Consider)
            //serie.MACDHistogram.ElementAt(i-1) if its negative and > current negative value between 0 and -1 , good time to buy
コード例 #25
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: haibo-chen/Security
        private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (repository == null)
                repository = new IndicatorRepository(textBox2.Text);
            SecurityPropertiesSet securities = repository.Securities;
            List <String>         codes      = securities.Codes;
            int num = 0;

            foreach (String code in codes)
                if (code == null || code == "")
                TimeSerialsDataSet tsd = repository[code];
                if (tsd == null)

                KLine dayLine = tsd.DayKLine;
                if (dayLine == null)

                MACD macd = (MACD)tsd.Create("macd", TimeUnit.day, false);
                if (macd == null)
コード例 #26
        private void DownloadTimer(DownloadEngine download, Formatting formatting, PeregrineOperation peregrine, MACD macd, Stochastic stochastic,
                                   TechnicalIndicators indicators, Transactions transactions, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, string Database, string downloadTime)
            var DailyTime = downloadTime;  //Time when method needs to be called

            var timeParts = DailyTime.Split(new char[1] {

            var dateNow = DateTime.Now;
            var date    = new DateTime(dateNow.Year, dateNow.Month, dateNow.Day,
                                       int.Parse(timeParts[0]), int.Parse(timeParts[1]), int.Parse(timeParts[2]));
            TimeSpan ts;

            if (date > dateNow)
                ts = date - dateNow;
                date = date.AddDays(1);
                ts   = date - dateNow;
            while (date != dateNow)
                Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for {downloadTime}");
                //waits certan time and run the code
                Task.Delay(ts).ContinueWith((x) => Download(date, download, formatting, peregrine, macd, stochastic, indicators, transactions, web, uRIs, Database));
コード例 #27
		protected override void Create() {
			// 初始化下單物件,Contracts.UserSpecified 可指定規模,OrderExit.FromAll 可一次全平
			多單 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.Buy));
			空單 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.UserSpecified, EOrderAction.SellShort));
			多沖 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.Sell, OrderExit.FromAll));
			空沖 = OrderCreator.MarketThisBar(new SOrderParameters(Contracts.Default, EOrderAction.BuyToCover, OrderExit.FromAll));

			__cService = OrderCreator as AbstractOrderService;

			__cTimer = new Timer(1);
			__cTimer.AutoReset = false;
			__cTimer.Elapsed += Timer_onElapsed;

			//bbb = BarsOfData(2);

			__cKDSum = new VariableSeries<double>(this);

			__cMACD = new MACD(this);
			__cMACD.FastPeriod = 5;
			__cMACD.SlowPeriod = 10;
			__cMACD.MACDPeriod = 10;

			__cKD = new KD(this);
			__cKD.Length = 5;
コード例 #28
        public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
            DataSet = dataSet;

            // Reading the parameters
            var basePrice       = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            var referencePeriod = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int previous        = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation

            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            var macd = new MACD();

            macd.IndParam.ListParam[1].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            macd.IndParam.ListParam[2].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            macd.IndParam.ListParam[3].Index    = 0;
            macd.IndParam.NumParam[0].Value     = IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            macd.IndParam.NumParam[1].Value     = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            macd.IndParam.NumParam[2].Value     = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            macd.IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked;

            double[] indicatorMa = MovingAverage(referencePeriod, previous, MAMethod.Simple, macd.Component[0].Value);
            double[] marketMa    = MovingAverage(referencePeriod, previous, MAMethod.Simple, Price(basePrice));
            // ----------------------------------------------------------

            int firstBar = macd.Component[0].FirstBar + referencePeriod + 2;
            var cd       = new double[Bars];

            if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Convergence")
                for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars; bar++)
                    cd[bar] = IsConvergence(indicatorMa, marketMa, bar);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Divergence")
                for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars; bar++)
                    cd[bar] = IsDivergence(indicatorMa, marketMa, bar);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0] = new IndicatorComp
                CompName   = "MACD Histogram",
                DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue,
                ChartType  = IndChartType.Line,
                ChartColor = Color.RoyalBlue,
                FirstBar   = firstBar,
                Value      = macd.Component[0].Value

            Component[1] = new IndicatorComp
                CompName   = "MACD MA",
                DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue,
                ChartType  = IndChartType.Line,
                ChartColor = Color.Red,
                FirstBar   = firstBar,
                Value      = indicatorMa

            Component[2] = new IndicatorComp
                ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart,
                FirstBar  = firstBar,
                Value     = cd

            Component[3] = new IndicatorComp
                ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart,
                FirstBar  = firstBar,
                Value     = cd

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";
コード例 #29
        public override TradeRecords Execute(String code, Properties strategyParam, BacktestParameter backtestParam, ISeller seller = null)
            IndicatorRepository repository = (IndicatorRepository)backtestParam.Get <Object>("repository");

            if (repository == null)
            double    buy_mainlow = strategyParam.Get <double>("buy_mainlow"); //主力线低位买入
            int       buy_cross   = strategyParam.Get <int>("buy_cross");
            GetInMode p_getinMode = (GetInMode)strategyParam.Get <GetInMode>("getinMode");

            TradeRecords       tr = new TradeRecords(code);
            TimeSerialsDataSet ds = repository[code];

            if (ds == null)

            KLine kline = ds.DayKLine;

            if (kline == null)

            MACD macd = (MACD)ds.Create("macd", TimeUnit.day, false);

            if (macd == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < macd.Count; i++)
                MACDItem macdItem = macd[i];
                if (macdItem.Date < backtestParam.BeginDate || macdItem.Date >= backtestParam.EndDate)

                if (macdItem.CROSS <= 0)

                if (macdItem.DIF > buy_mainlow)

                DateTime  d         = macdItem.Date;
                KLineItem klineItem = kline[d];
                if (klineItem == null)
                TradeBout bout = new TradeBout(code);
                bout.RecordTrade(1, d, TradeDirection.Buy, klineItem.CLOSE, (int)(p_getinMode.Value / klineItem.CLOSE), backtestParam.Volumecommission, backtestParam.Stampduty, "低位金叉" + macdItem.DIF.ToString("F2"));
コード例 #30
ファイル: NewStrategy.cs プロジェクト: dox0/uTrade
 public override void Initialize()
     macd = this.MACD(this.Close, 13, 26, 9);
コード例 #31
        /// Download and save to Database
        private void Download(DateTime date, DownloadEngine download, Formatting formatting, PeregrineOperation peregrine, MACD macd, Stochastic stochastic, TechnicalIndicators indicators, Transactions transactions, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, string Database)
            List <string> Symbols = transactions.DatabaseSymbolListQuery(Database, stocks);

            transactions.TruncateStockTable(Database, "Clean Data"); // clears data from the clean data table.
            int count = 1;

            foreach (var stock in Symbols)
                Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {stock} || {count} of {Symbols.Count}");
                download.ToDatabase(date, formatting, peregrine, transactions, web, uRIs, stock, Database);
            Console.WriteLine("I'm Done");
            //count = 1;
            //calls the list of stocks that have been data verified
            //List<string> CleanData = transactions.DatabaseSymbolListQuery(Database, stocks);
            //foreach (var stock in CleanData)
            //    Console.Clear();
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Doing Math {stock} || {count} of {CleanData.Count}");
            //    List<Results> results = MathPredictsTheFuture(download, macd, stochastic, transactions, indicators, stock);
            //    transactions.SaveToTableResult(Database, results); // saves the calculations to the Results table in the database
            //    count++;

            //// calls the stocks from the results list
            //List<PeregrineResults> todaysResults = transactions.DailyResultsQuery(peregrine.Database);
            //transactions.TruncateStockTable(database, peregrineresults); // clears the web results table. This table feeds the model for the ASP.Net interface.
            //transactions.SaveToTableWebResult(peregrine.Database, todaysResults);
            //Console.WriteLine("Peregrine Results Updated");
コード例 #32
ファイル: Class1.cs プロジェクト: ssh352/trade
        public override void OnBar(Bar bar)
                macd = new MACD(_1mlist);
                mv5  = new MA(_1mlist, BarData.Volume, 5);
                ma5  = new MA(_1mlist, 5);;

                /*  Print("k:" + _1mlist.Ago(0).ToString());
                 *           Print("ma:  " + macd.Ago(0).ToString());
                 *           Print("vma:  " + mv5.Ago(0).ToString());
                 *           Print("ma:  " + ma5.Ago(0).ToString());
                 *           Print("dif:" + macd.DIF(0).ToString() + "dea" + macd.DEA(0).ToString());*/
                //         Print(klist(0).)

                 * Print("onbar bars[0]: " + bars[0].ToString());
                 * Print("onbar bars.Count: " + bars.Count.ToString());
                 * Print("onbar blist1.Count: " + blist1.Count.ToString());*/
                for (int j = 0; j < blist1.Count; j++)
                    if (blist1[j].zd == 结构.顶)
                        Print("blist1" + "^|" + blist1[j].high.ToString() + "|" + blist1[j].ba.BeginTime.ToString());
                        Print("blist1" + "v|" + blist1[j].low.ToString() + "|" + blist1[j].ba.EndTime.ToString());

            var 当前多头持仓 = GetPosition(EnumMarket.期货, DefaultAccount, DefaultFutureCode, EnumPositionDirection.多头);
            var 当前空头持仓 = GetPosition(EnumMarket.期货, DefaultAccount, DefaultFutureCode, EnumPositionDirection.空头);

            if (blist1.Last().zd == 结构.底)
                if (当前空头持仓 != null)

                    if (当前空头持仓.YdPosition > 0)
                        order = LimitOrder(当前空头持仓.Volume, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.买入, EnumOpenClose.平仓);
                    if (当前空头持仓.TodayPosition > 0)
                        order = LimitOrder(当前空头持仓.Volume, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.买入, EnumOpenClose.平今仓);
                if (当前多头持仓 != null)
                    order = LimitOrder(1, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.买入, EnumOpenClose.开仓);
            if (blist1.Last().zd == 结构.顶)
                if (当前多头持仓 != null)

                    if (当前多头持仓.YdPosition > 0)
                        order = LimitOrder(当前多头持仓.Volume, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.卖出, EnumOpenClose.平仓);
                    if (当前多头持仓.TodayPosition > 0)
                        order = LimitOrder(当前多头持仓.Volume, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.卖出, EnumOpenClose.平今仓);
                if (当前空头持仓 != null)
                    order = LimitOrder(1, blist1.Last().ba.Close, EnumBuySell.卖出, EnumOpenClose.开仓);
コード例 #33
        private void CalculateDaily(string code)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
            var scripts     = Config.Instance.INFO.ScriptSetting.Scripts;
            var macdsetting = Config.Instance.INFO.MACDSetting;
            var rsisetting  = Config.Instance.INFO.RSISetting;

            // Delete MACD, RSI values
            if ((CheckTable <DBStkMACDEntity>() && scripts.ContainsKey("DEL_MACD_BY_CD")) &&
                (CheckTable <DBStkRSIEntity>() && scripts.ContainsKey("DEL_RSI_BY_CD")))
                var lprm_macd = accessor.CreateParameter("CODE", code);
                var lcmd_macd = accessor.CreateCommand(scripts["DEL_MACD_BY_CD"], new List <DbParameter>()
                var lprm_rsi = accessor.CreateParameter("CODE", code);
                var lcmd_rsi = accessor.CreateCommand(scripts["DEL_RSI_BY_CD"], new List <DbParameter>()
                if (accessor.ExecuteSQLCommand(new List <DbCommand>()
                    lcmd_macd, lcmd_rsi
                }) < 0)
                    logger.Write(TYPE.ERROR, string.Format("delete MACD and RSI data failed.({0})", code));
                    logger.Write(TYPE.ERROR, accessor.LastError);

            // Retrieve Stocks
            var page = new EntityPage <DBTStkDailyEntity>(
                new Clause("Code = {Code}").AddParam("Code", code),
                new Sort().Add("ID", Sort.Orientation.asc), 100, accessor);
            List <DBTStkDailyEntity> lst_daily = null; DateTime ldt_date = DateTime.Today;
            MACD macd = null; RSI rsi = null; AverageValue daily30 = null;

            #region Cache For MACD
            SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > cache1 = null;
            SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > cache2 = null;
            LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > list1 = null;
            LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > list2 = null;
            #region Cache For AVG
            SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > cache3 = null;
            SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > cache4 = null;
            LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > list3 = null;
            LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> > list4 = null;
            Func <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>, decimal> fValue = (pair) => { return(pair.Value); };
            Func <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>, LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, bool> fSwitch1 = (v1, v2, segment) => {
                switch (segment.Orietion)
                case 0:

                case 1:
                    if (v2.Value >= v1.Value)

                case -1:
                    if (v2.Value <= v1.Value)
            Func <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, bool> fSwitch2 = (values, segment) =>
                if (segment.Orietion == 0 || segment.Orietion == values.Orietion)
                return(values.Count >= 10);
            int pageno = 0; var count = 0;
            while ((lst_daily = page.Retrieve(++pageno)).Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lst_daily.Count; i++, count++)
                        var daily = lst_daily[i];
                        ldt_date = daily.Date;
                        if (pageno == 1 && i == 0)
                            macd    = new MACD(daily.Close);
                            rsi     = new RSI(rsisetting.N1, rsisetting.N2, rsisetting.N3, daily.Close);
                            daily30 = new AverageValue(30, 4);
                            cache1 = new SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(
                                new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >[] { new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue), new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue) },
                                fSwitch1, null);
                            cache2 = new SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(
                                new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >[] { new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue), new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue) },
                                null, fSwitch2);

                            cache3 = new SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(
                                new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >[] { new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue), new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue) },
                                fSwitch1, null);
                            cache4 = new SegCache <LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >, KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(
                                new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >[] { new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue), new LinearList <KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal> >(fValue) },
                                null, fSwitch2);
                            if (cache1.Add(new KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>(daily.Date, macd.DEA), out list1))
                                cache2.Add(list1, out list2);
                            if (cache3.Add(new KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>(daily.Date, daily30.Average), out list3))
                                cache4.Add(list3, out list4);

                        var lent_macd = new DBStkMACDEntity(daily.ID);
                        lent_macd.EMA12 = macd.EMA12;
                        lent_macd.EMA26 = macd.EMA26;
                        lent_macd.DIFF  = macd.DIFF;
                        lent_macd.DEA   = macd.DEA;
                        lent_macd.BAR   = macd.BAR;

                        var lent_rsi = new DBStkRSIEntity(daily.ID);
                        lent_rsi.RSI1       = rsi.RSI1;
                        lent_rsi.RSI2       = rsi.RSI2;
                        lent_rsi.RSI3       = rsi.RSI3;
                        lent_rsi.RSI1MaxEma = rsi.RSI1MaxEma;
                        lent_rsi.RSI1ABSEma = rsi.RSI1ABSEma;
                        lent_rsi.RSI2MaxEma = rsi.RSI2MaxEma;
                        lent_rsi.RSI2ABSEma = rsi.RSI2ABSEma;
                        lent_rsi.RSI3MaxEma = rsi.RSI3MaxEma;
                        lent_rsi.RSI3ABSEma = rsi.RSI3ABSEma;

                        accessor.SaveEntity(lent_macd, lent_rsi);
                    catch { }
            if (count > 120)
                cache2.Add(cache1.Segment, out list2);
                cache4.Add(cache3.Segment, out list4);

                var lent_sum = new DBStkSummaryResultEntity();
                lent_sum.Code          = code;
                lent_sum.Time          = DateTime.Now;
                lent_sum.PAVG30_ORIENT = cache4.Segment.Orietion;
                lent_sum.PAVG30_DAYS   = cache4.Segment.Count;
                lent_sum.PAVG30_VALUE  = cache4.Segment.Slope;
                lent_sum.PAVG30_Date1  = cache4.Segment[0].Key;
                lent_sum.PAVG30_Date2  = cache4.Segment[cache4.Segment.Count - 1].Key;

                lent_sum.DEA_ORIENT = cache2.Segment.Orietion;
                lent_sum.DEA_DAYS   = cache2.Segment.Count;
                lent_sum.DEA_VALUE  = cache2.Segment.Slope;
                lent_sum.DEA_Date1  = cache2.Segment[0].Key;
                lent_sum.DEA_Date2  = cache2.Segment[cache2.Segment.Count - 1].Key;

                lent_sum.RSI_Date   = ldt_date;
                lent_sum.RSI_VALUE1 = rsi.RSI1;
                lent_sum.RSI_VALUE2 = rsi.RSI2;
                lent_sum.RSI_VALUE3 = rsi.RSI3;

                if (CheckTable <DBStkSummaryResultEntity>())
            if (page != null)
            if (cache1 != null)
            if (cache2 != null)
            if (cache3 != null)
            if (cache4 != null)
            if (daily30 != null)