コード例 #1
        // Reads the input files
        // Fills the TABLES with DATA from the files
        private void Fill_tables(MySqlConnection connection)
            // Add data to RoomTable
            Console.WriteLine("We now add records to RoomTable\n");
            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("Room.txt"))
                String S = SR.ReadLine();

                // Loop through the file reading lines
                while (S != null)
                    String[] SArray    = S.Split(','); // Room.txt contains tab-delimited fields.
                    int      M         = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[1]);
                    int      Rm        = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[0]);
                    String   SqlString = "Insert Into RoomTable (Room, Capacity, Smart) Values(" +
                                         "'" + Rm.ToString() + "', " + M.ToString() + ", '" + SArray[2] + "')";

                    // Run the command
                    MySqlCommand Command2 = new MySqlCommand(SqlString, connection);
                    S = SR.ReadLine();
                } // end of while
            }     // end of using for StreamReader

            // Add data to OfficeTable
            Console.WriteLine("We now add records to OfficeTable\n");
            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("Office.txt"))
                String S = SR.ReadLine();
                // Loop through the file reading lines
                while (S != null)
                    String[] SArray    = S.Split(','); // Room.txt contains tab-delimited fields.
                    int      M         = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[1]);
                    String   SqlString = "Insert Into OfficeTable (Teacher , Office) Values(" +
                                         "'" + SArray[0] + "', " + M.ToString() + ")";

                    // Run the command
                    MySqlCommand Command2 = new MySqlCommand(SqlString, connection);
                    S = SR.ReadLine();
                } // end of while
            }     // end of using for StreamReader

            // Add data to ClassTable
            Console.WriteLine("We now add records to ClassTable\n");
            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("Class.txt"))
                // Ints to Convert strings to ints
                int M0;
                int M1;
                int M3;
                int M6;

                String S = SR.ReadLine();
                while (S != null)
                    // Show the string in the console

                    // If the line does not have Section 1 - ADD IT
                    //if ( (S.IndexOf('-')) == -1 )
                    //    S = S.Insert((S.IndexOf(',')), "-1");

                    // This split was also for the original input, but still works
                    // Split the String and Commas AND Dashes
                    String[] SArray = S.Split(new Char[] { ',', '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);  // Room.txt contains tab-delimited fields.

                    // Convert some stings to ints
                    // Check if any of the INTS are passed in as NULL
                        if (SArray[0] != "null")
                            M0 = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[0]);
                            M0 = -1;

                        if (SArray[1] != "null")
                            M1 = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[1]);
                            M1 = -1;

                        if (SArray[3] != "null")
                            M3 = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[3]);
                            M3 = -1;

                        if (SArray[6] != "null")
                            M6 = Convert.ToInt32(SArray[6]);
                            M6 = -1;

                    // If the file has NULL for primary keys - it will display a message box
                    // Except for the "Section"... because the new input file has "section" as null
                    // despite the fact that it MUST be part of the primary key
                    // because there are classes with the same Number

                    // Create the command String
                    String SqlString = "Insert Into ClassTable (Class, Section, Teacher, Room, Time, Days, Enrollment) Values(" +
                                       (M0 == -1 ? "NULL" : M0.ToString()) + ", " +
                                       (M1 == -1 ? "1" : M1.ToString()) + ", " +
                                       (SArray[2] == "null" ? "NULL" : "'" + SArray[2] + "'") + ", " +
                                       (M3 == -1 ? "NULL" : M3.ToString()) + ", " +
                                       (SArray[4] == "null" ? "NULL" : "'" + SArray[4] + "'") + ", " +
                                       (SArray[5] == "null" ? "NULL" : "'" + SArray[5] + "'") + ", " +
                                       (M6 == -1 ? "NULL" : M6.ToString()) + ")";

                    // Output the command to console

                    // Make the command and RUN IT
                    MySqlCommand Command2 = new MySqlCommand(SqlString, connection);
                    // Get a new Line
                    S = SR.ReadLine();
                } // end of while
            }     // end of using for StreamReader
コード例 #2
ファイル: AJESolver.cs プロジェクト: camlost2/AJEsolverTester
        public void CalculatePerformance(double pressure, double temperature, double velocity, double commandedThrottle)
            if (Tt7 == 0)
                mainThrottle = commandedThrottle;
                mainThrottle = Math.Min(commandedThrottle * 1.5, 1.0);
                abThrottle   = Math.Max(commandedThrottle - 0.667, 0);

            p0 = pressure * 1000;          //freestream
            t0 = temperature;

            gamma_c = CalculateGamma(t0, 0);
            Cp_c    = CalculateCp(t0, 0);
            Cv_c    = Cp_c / gamma_c;
            R_c     = Cv_c * (gamma_c - 1);

            M0 = velocity / Math.Sqrt(gamma_c * R_c * t0);

            T1 = t0 * (1 + 0.5 * (gamma_c - 1) * M0 * M0);      //inlet
            P1 = p0 * Math.Pow(T1 / t0, gamma_c / (gamma_c - 1)) * TPR;

            double prat3 = CPR;
            double prat2 = FPR;
            double k     = FPR / CPR;
            double p     = Math.Pow(k, (gamma_c - 1) / eta_c / gamma_c);

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)    //use iteration to calculate CPR
                P2 = prat2 * P1;
                P3 = prat3 * P1;
                T2 = T1 * Math.Pow(prat2, (gamma_c - 1) / gamma_c / eta_c); //fan
                T3 = T1 * Math.Pow(prat3, (gamma_c - 1) / gamma_c / eta_c); //compressor

                T4 = (Tt4 - T3) * mainThrottle + T3;                        //burner
                P4 = P3;
                ff = Cp_c * (T4 - T3) / (Cp_c * (T4 - T3) + h_f);           //fuel fraction

                Cp_t = CalculateCp(T4, ff);

                T5 = T4 * TTR;      //turbine
                double x = prat3;

                prat3  = (1 + ff) * Cp_t * (T4 - T5) / T1 / Cp_c + 1 + BPR;
                prat3 /= 1 + BPR * p;
                prat3  = Math.Pow(prat3, eta_c * gamma_c / (gamma_c - 1));
                prat2  = k * prat3;

                if (Math.Abs(x - prat3) < 0.01)

            gamma_t = CalculateGamma(T5, ff);//gas parameters
            Cp_t    = CalculateCp(T5, ff);
            Cv_t    = Cp_t / gamma_t;
            R_t     = Cv_t * (gamma_t - 1);

            P5 = P4 * Math.Pow((1 - 1 / eta_t * (1 - TTR)), gamma_t / (gamma_t - 1));

            if (exhaustMixer && BPR > 0)                      //exhaust mixer
                double Cp6 = (Cp_c * BPR + Cp_t) / (1 + BPR); //Cp of mixed flow -- kind of
                T6      = T5 * Cp_t / Cp6 * (1 + BPR * Cp_c * T2 / Cp_t / T5) / (1 + BPR);
                P6      = (P5 + BPR * 0.98 * P2) / (1 + BPR);
                ff     /= (1 + ff + BPR);
                gamma_t = CalculateGamma(T6, ff);//gas parameters
                Cp_t    = CalculateCp(T6, ff);
                Cv_t    = Cp_t / gamma_t;
                R_t     = Cv_t * (gamma_t - 1);
                T6 = T5;
                P6 = P5;

            if (Tt7 > 0)
                T7 = (Tt7 - T6) * abThrottle * 3 + T6;//afterburner
                T7 = T6;

            P7 = P6;                                                     //rayleigh loss?

            ff_ab    = ff + Cp_t * (T7 - T6) / (Cp_t * (T7 - T6) + h_f); //fuel fraction
            gamma_ab = CalculateGamma(T7, ff_ab);                        //gas parameters
            Cp_ab    = CalculateCp(T7, ff_ab);
            Cv_ab    = Cp_ab / gamma_ab;
            R_ab     = Cv_ab * (gamma_ab - 1);

            //Nozzle code is from NASA
            double P8 = P7;
            double T8 = T7;

            double p8, V8, A8;
            double epr = P8 / P1;
            double etr = T8 / T1;

            double area8max = .75 * Math.Sqrt(etr) / epr;//ratio of nozzle area to ref area

            A8 = area8max * Aref;
            if (exhaustMixer && BPR > 0)
                A8 *= (1 + BPR);
            double eair = P8 * Math.Sqrt(gamma_ab / R_ab / T8) *
                          Math.Pow((.5 + .5 * gamma_ab), .5 * (1 + gamma_ab) / (1 - gamma_ab));//corrected mass flow per area

            mdot = eair * A8;
            double npr  = P8 / p0;
            double fac1 = (gamma_ab - 1.0) / gamma_ab;

            V8     = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * R_c / fac1 * T8 * eta_n * (1.0 - Math.Pow(1.0 / npr, fac1))); //exit velocity
            p8     = (npr <= 1.893) ? p0 : .52828 * P8;
            thrust = V8 * mdot + (p8 - p0) * A8;

            if (BPR > 0 && FPR > 1 && exhaustMixer == false)
                fac1 = (gamma_c - 1) / gamma_c; //fan thrust from NASA
                double snpr   = P2 / p0;
                double ues    = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * R_c / fac1 * T2 * eta_n * (1.0 - Math.Pow(1.0 / snpr, fac1)));
                double pfexit = (snpr <= 1.893) ? p0 : .52828 * P2; //exit pressure of fan
                thrust += BPR * ues * mdot / (1 + ff_ab) + (pfexit - p0) * BPR * Aref;

            double netthrust = thrust - mdot / (1 + ff_ab) * (1 + (exhaustMixer ? 0 : BPR)) * (velocity);//ram drag

            Isp = thrust / (mdot * ff_ab * 9.81);

            debugstring  = "";
            debugstring += "TTR:\t" + TTR.ToString("F3") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "CPR:\t" + prat3.ToString("F3") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "M0:\t" + M0.ToString("F3") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "p0: " + p0.ToString("F2") + "\tt0: " + t0.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P1: " + P1.ToString("F2") + "\tT1: " + T1.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P2: " + P2.ToString("F2") + "\tT2: " + T2.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P3: " + P3.ToString("F2") + "\tT3: " + T3.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P4: " + P4.ToString("F2") + "\tT4: " + T4.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P5: " + P5.ToString("F2") + "\tT5: " + T5.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P6: " + P6.ToString("F2") + "\tT6: " + T6.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "P7: " + P7.ToString("F2") + "\tT7: " + T7.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "EPR: " + epr.ToString("F2") + "\tETR: " + etr.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";

            debugstring += "FF: " + ff.ToString("P") + "\t";
            debugstring += "FF_AB: " + ff_ab.ToString("P") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "V8: " + V8.ToString("F2") + "\tA8: " + A8.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "Thrust: " + (thrust / 1000).ToString("F1") + "\tmdot: " + mdot.ToString("F2") + "\r\n";
            debugstring += "NetThrust: " + (netthrust / 1000).ToString("F1") + "\tSFC: " + (3600 / Isp).ToString("F3") + "\r\n";