public AnalogInputInstance(ushort InstanceId, double?CurrentValue, double MinRange, double MaxRange, string ApplicationType, string SensorType) : base(3202, InstanceId) { this.current = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Analog Input Current Value", 3202, InstanceId, 5600, false, false, CurrentValue); this.min = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Min Measured Value", 3202, InstanceId, 5601, false, false, CurrentValue); this.max = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Max Measured Value", 3202, InstanceId, 5602, false, false, CurrentValue); this.minRange = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Min Range Value", 3202, InstanceId, 5603, false, false, MinRange); this.maxRange = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Max Range Value", 3202, InstanceId, 5604, false, false, MaxRange); this.resetMinMax = new Lwm2mResourceCommand("Reset Min and Max Measured Values", 3202, InstanceId, 5605); this.applicationType = new Lwm2mResourceString("Application Type", 3202, InstanceId, 5750, true, true, ApplicationType); this.sensorType = new Lwm2mResourceString("Sensor Type", 3202, InstanceId, 5751, false, false, SensorType); this.resetMinMax.OnExecute += (sender, e) => { this.min.DoubleValue = this.current.DoubleValue; this.min.TriggerAll(); this.max.DoubleValue = this.current.DoubleValue; this.max.TriggerAll(); this.TriggerAll(); }; this.Add(this.current); this.Add(this.min); this.Add(this.max); this.Add(this.minRange); this.Add(this.maxRange); this.Add(this.resetMinMax); this.Add(this.applicationType); this.Add(this.sensorType); }
public GenericSensorInstance(ushort ObjectInstanceId, ushort InstanceId, double?CurrentValue, string Unit, double MinRange, double MaxRange, string ApplicationType, string SensorType) : base(ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId) { this.current = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Sensor Value", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5700, false, false, CurrentValue); this.unit = new Lwm2mResourceString("Unit", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5701, false, false, Unit); this.min = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Min Measured Value", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5601, false, false, CurrentValue); this.max = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Max Measured Value", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5602, false, false, CurrentValue); this.minRange = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Min Range Value", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5603, false, false, MinRange); this.maxRange = new Lwm2mResourceDouble("Max Range Value", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5604, false, false, MaxRange); this.resetMinMax = new Lwm2mResourceCommand("Reset Min and Max Measured Values", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5605); if (ApplicationType != null) { this.applicationType = new Lwm2mResourceString("Application Type", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5750, true, true, ApplicationType); } if (SensorType != null) { this.sensorType = new Lwm2mResourceString("Sensor Type", ObjectInstanceId, InstanceId, 5751, false, false, SensorType); } this.resetMinMax.OnExecute += (sender, e) => { this.min.DoubleValue = this.current.DoubleValue; this.min.TriggerAll(); this.max.DoubleValue = this.current.DoubleValue; this.max.TriggerAll(); this.TriggerAll(); }; this.Add(this.current); this.Add(this.unit); this.Add(this.min); this.Add(this.max); this.Add(this.minRange); this.Add(this.maxRange); this.Add(this.resetMinMax); if (this.applicationType != null) { this.Add(this.applicationType); } if (this.sensorType != null) { this.Add(this.sensorType); } }