コード例 #1
        public async Task ShouldReturnEvents()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async(a, e) => { return("dummyToken"); };

                // Mock the LUIS service
                var luis1 = new Mock <ILuisService>();
                // Mock other services
                var mockEventService = new Mock <IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.GetEvents()).ReturnsAsync(new List <Event>()
                    new Event
                        Subject = "dummy event",
                        Start   = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 12:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                        End = new DateTimeTimeZone()
                            DateTime = "2017-05-31 13:00",
                            TimeZone = "Standard Tokyo Time"
                var subscriptionId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock <INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(subscriptionId);
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                builder.RegisterInstance(mockEventService.Object).As <IEventService>();
                builder.RegisterInstance(mockNotificationService.Object).As <INotificationService>();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                /// Instantiate dialog to test
                LuisRootDialog rootDialog = new LuisRootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func <IDialog <object> > MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(luis1.Object))
                    using (var container = Build(Options.ResolveDialogFromContainer, luis1.Object))
                        var dialogBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
                        .As <IDialog <object> >();

                        // Register global message handler

                        // Specify "Calendar.Find" intent as LUIS result
                        SetupLuis <LuisRootDialog>(luis1, d => d.GetEvents(null, null, null), 1.0, new EntityRecommendation(type: "Calendar.Find"));

                        // Create a message to send to bot
                        var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                        toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        toBot.Text    = "get events";

                        // Send message and check the answer.
                        IMessageActivity toUser = await GetResponse(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                        // Verify the result
                        Assert.IsTrue(toUser.Text.Equals("2017-05-31 12:00-2017-05-31 13:00: dummy event"));
コード例 #2
        public async Task ShouldCreateEvent()
            // Instantiate ShimsContext to use Fakes
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Return "dummyToken" when calling GetAccessToken method
                AuthBot.Fakes.ShimContextExtensions.GetAccessTokenIBotContextString =
                    async(a, e) => { return("dummyToken"); };

                // Mock the LUIS service
                var luis1 = new Mock <ILuisService>();
                // Mock other services
                var mockEventService = new Mock <IEventService>();
                mockEventService.Setup(x => x.CreateEvent(It.IsAny <Event>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
                var subscriptionId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var mockNotificationService = new Mock <INotificationService>();
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.SubscribeEventChange()).ReturnsAsync(subscriptionId);
                mockNotificationService.Setup(x => x.RenewSubscribeEventChange(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

                var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
                builder.RegisterInstance(mockEventService.Object).As <IEventService>();
                builder.RegisterInstance(mockNotificationService.Object).As <INotificationService>();
                WebApiApplication.Container = builder.Build();

                /// Instantiate dialog to test
                LuisRootDialog rootDialog = new LuisRootDialog();

                // Create in-memory bot environment
                Func <IDialog <object> > MakeRoot = () => rootDialog;
                using (new FiberTestBase.ResolveMoqAssembly(luis1.Object))
                    using (var container = Build(Options.ResolveDialogFromContainer, luis1.Object))
                        var dialogBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
                        .As <IDialog <object> >();

                        // Register global message handler

                        // create datetimeV2 resolution
                        Dictionary <string, object> resolution = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        JArray values = new JArray();
                        Dictionary <string, object> resolutionData = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        resolutionData.Add("type", "datetime");
                        resolutionData.Add("value", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
                        resolution.Add("values", values);

                        // Specify "Calendar.Find" intent as LUIS result
                        SetupLuis <LuisRootDialog>(luis1, d => d.GetEvents(null, null, null), 1.0,
                                                   new EntityRecommendation(type: "Calendar.Subject", entity: "dummy subject"),
                                                   new EntityRecommendation(type: "builtin.datetimeV2.datetime", resolution: resolution));

                        // Create a message to send to bot
                        var toBot = DialogTestBase.MakeTestMessage();
                        toBot.From.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        toBot.Text    = "eat dinner with my wife at outback stakehouse at shinagawa at 7 pm next Wednesday";

                        // Send message and check the answer.
                        var toUser = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                        // Verify the result
                        Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("Creating an event."));
                        Assert.IsTrue((toUser[1].Attachments[0].Content as HeroCard).Text.Equals("Is this all day event?"));

                        toBot.Text = "No";
                        toUser     = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                        Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("How many hours?"));

                        toBot.Text = "3";
                        toUser     = await GetResponses(container, MakeRoot, toBot);

                        Assert.IsTrue(toUser[0].Text.Equals("The event is created."));