private void processRes(LuisResult res) { txtPredict.Text = ""; prevResult = res; queryTextBlock.Text = res.OriginalQuery; topIntentTextBlock.Text = res.TopScoringIntent.Name; List <string> entitiesNames = new List <string>(); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { entitiesNames.Add(entity.Name); } entitiesListBox.ItemsSource = entitiesNames; if (res.DialogResponse != null) { if (res.DialogResponse.Status != "Finished") { dialogTextBlock.Text = res.DialogResponse.Prompt; } else { dialogTextBlock.Text = "Finished"; } } }
private void processRes(LuisResult res) { Console.WriteLine("OriginalQuery = " + res.OriginalQuery); Console.WriteLine("TopScoringIntent = " + res.TopScoringIntent.Name); Console.WriteLine("-------AllEntities-------"); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { Console.WriteLine("entity.Name = " + entity.Name); } if (res.DialogResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("-------DialogResponse-------"); if (res.DialogResponse.Status != "Finished") { Console.WriteLine(res.DialogResponse.Prompt); } else { Console.WriteLine("Finished"); } } }
private async Task <IntentItem> CreateIntentItem(IntentItem item) { string appId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LuisAppId"); string subscriptionKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LuisSubscriptionKey"); bool preview = true; var client = new LuisClient(appId, subscriptionKey, preview); LuisResult res = await client.Predict(item.Utterance); var processingResult = new ProcessingResult(); List <string> entitiesNames = new List <string>(); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { processingResult.Entities.Add(entity.Name, entity.Value); } processingResult.Confidence = res.TopScoringIntent.Score; processingResult.Intent = res.TopScoringIntent.Name; processingResult.IsFromCache = false; item.Intent = processingResult.Intent; item.JsonEntities = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(processingResult.Entities); return(item); }
private async Task GetQuoteInformation(IDialogContext context, LuisResult luisResult) { Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS.Entity ativo = luisResult.GetAllEntities().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "Ativo"); if (ativo != null) { await GetQuote_PrintQuoteValueAsync(context, ativo.Value); } else { PromptDialog.Text(context, GetQuote_AfterUserInputAsync, "Qual o ativo ou empresa você deseja consultar?"); } }
public static void FillStateActivity(LuisResult result, object context) { List <Entity> entitis = result.GetAllEntities(); if (entitis != null && entitis.Count > 0) { foreach (Entity entity in entitis) { if (entity.Name.Equals(Constant.StateEntity, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Aggregator.GetEvent <FillStateEvent>().Publish(entity.Value); } } } }
public static void FillCityActivity(LuisResult result, object context) { List <Entity> entitis = result.GetAllEntities(); if (entitis != null && entitis.Count > 0) { foreach (Entity entity in entitis) { if (entity.Name.Contains(Constant.GeographyEntity)) { Aggregator.GetEvent <FillCityEvent>().Publish(entity.Value); } } } }
private ProcessingResult processRes(LuisResult res) { var processingResult = new ProcessingResult(); List <string> entitiesNames = new List <string>(); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { processingResult.Entities.Add(entity.Name, entity.Value); } processingResult.Confidence = res.TopScoringIntent.Score; processingResult.Intent = res.TopScoringIntent.Name; processingResult.IsFromCache = false; return(processingResult); }
private static void GetQuoteInformation(LuisResult luisResult) { Entity quoteEntity = luisResult.GetAllEntities().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == "Ativo"); string entityValue = string.Empty; if (quoteEntity != null) { entityValue = quoteEntity.Value; } else { Console.WriteLine("Qual o ativo ou empresa você deseja consultar?"); entityValue = Console.ReadLine(); } QuoteResult quoteResult = FakeQuote.GetPrice(entityValue); Console.WriteLine($"O preço do ativo {quoteResult.Name} é {quoteResult.Value:C2}."); }
private void processRes(LuisResult res) { string entityValue = ""; if (res.TopScoringIntent.Score < 0.7 || res.TopScoringIntent.Name == "None") { if (loopTestCheckbox.IsChecked == false) { return; } } prevResult = res; //((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow)._scenariosControl.LogLuis(res.OriginalQuery); ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow)._scenariosControl.LogLuis("\"" + res.OriginalQuery + "\": LUIS Intent: " + res.TopScoringIntent.Name + ", confidence: " + (res.TopScoringIntent.Score * 100).ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "%"); List <string> entitiesNames = new List <string>(); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { entitiesNames.Add(entity.Name); ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow)._scenariosControl.LogLuis(", " + entity.Name + ": " + entity.Value); entityValue = entity.Value; } ((MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow)._scenariosControl.LogLuis("\n"); switch (res.TopScoringIntent.Name) { case "New Quote": if (entityValue.ToLower().Contains("car")) { OpenUri(""); } else if (entityValue.ToLower().Contains("house")) { OpenUri(""); } else if (entityValue.ToLower().Contains("insurance")) { OpenUri(""); } else { OpenUri(""); } break; case "New Complaint": OpenUri(""); break; case "New Incident": OpenUri(""); break; case "Update Contact Details": OpenUri(""); break; default: break; } }
public RobotBehavior(LuisResult luisResult, List <SynAppsIntentModel> synappsIntents, Dictionary <long, List <PredictionIntentModel> > _predictions = null, Dictionary <string, List <PredictionEntityModel> > _predictionEntities = null) { this.IntentName = None; this.Score = 0.0; this.FreeAction = ErrorAction; this.LinkedEntities = None; this.LuisEntities = new List <string>(); this.IsContinues = false; if (luisResult != null && luisResult.TopScoringIntent != null) { this.ExampleText = luisResult.OriginalQuery; this.IntentName = luisResult.TopScoringIntent.Name; this.Score = luisResult.TopScoringIntent.Score; var entities = luisResult.GetAllEntities(); var entityValues = entities.Select(entity => ToNarrow(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(entity.Value, " ", "", RegexOptions.Singleline), " ", "", RegexOptions.Singleline))); this.LuisEntities = entityValues.ToList(); var targetsWithEntities = synappsIntents.Where(intent => intent.Name == this.IntentName && entityValues.Any(Regex.Replace(ToNarrow(intent.Entity.ToLower()), " ", "", RegexOptions.Singleline).Split(',').Contains) ).ToList(); targetsWithEntities = targetsWithEntities.OrderByDescending(intent => entityValues.Count(intent.Entity.Split(',').Contains) ).ThenBy(intent => intent.Entity.Split(',').Count() ).ToList(); var resultWithEntities = getLinkedAction(targetsWithEntities, entities); if (resultWithEntities.Status == Status.Success) { this.FreeAction = resultWithEntities.FreeAction; this.LinkedEntities = resultWithEntities.LinkedEntities; } else { var targets = synappsIntents.Where(intent => intent.Name == this.IntentName && intent.Entity == "" ).ToList(); var result = getLinkedAction(targets, entities); if (result.Status == Status.Success) { this.FreeAction = result.FreeAction; this.LinkedEntities = result.LinkedEntities; } else { var preview = new PreviewLabeledExampleDto(); preview.IntentLabel = this.IntentName; var entityLabels = new List <PredictionEntityDto>(); foreach (var e in entities) { var entityLabel = new PredictionEntityDto(); entityLabel.EntityName = e.Name; entityLabel.EntityValue = e.Value; entityLabels.Add(entityLabel); } preview.EntityLabels = entityLabels; this.FreeAction = Predictions(preview, _predictions, _predictionEntities, targetsWithEntities) ?? this.FreeAction; this.LinkedEntities = result.LinkedEntities; } } string talk = ""; this.IsContinues = (bool)(this.FreeAction["IsContinuance"] ?? false); if (this.IsContinues) { talk = (this.FreeAction["Talk1"] ?? "").ToString(); } else { talk = (this.FreeAction["Talk"] ?? "").ToString(); } if (talk != "") { talk = Regex.Replace(talk, "\\\\rspd=.+?\\\\", "", RegexOptions.Singleline); talk = Regex.Replace(talk, "\\\\vct=.+?\\\\", "", RegexOptions.Singleline); this.NaturalTalkText = talk.Trim(); } } }
public async Task <bool> WikipediaLookup(LuisResult result, object context, object speak) { string s; var speech = (App.SpeechFunc)speak; //get the entities from the result List <Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS.Entity> entities = result.GetAllEntities(); if (entities.Count > 0) { s = "I'll lookup " + entities[0].Value; } else { s = "looking it up"; } speech(s); string query = result.OriginalQuery; // See if we can work out the look up topic from the query parameters query = query.Replace("lookup", ""); query = query.Replace("look up", ""); query = query.TrimStart(' '); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(query); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //query = UppercaseWords(query); string urie = WebUtility.UrlEncode(query); //string uri = "" + urie + "&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=json"; string uri = "" + urie; HttpResponseMessage ressp = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Absolute)); string res = await ressp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); int start = 0; int end = 0; start = res.IndexOf("missing"); if (start > 0) { speech("Topic not found"); return(false); } start = res.IndexOf("extract"); if (start > 0) { end = res.IndexOf("}}}}"); } else { speech("Topic not found"); return(false); } start = start + 10; string basic = res.Substring(start);// 10 = extract":" basic = basic.Replace("'", ""); basic = basic.Replace("[", ""); basic = basic.Replace("]", ""); basic = basic.Replace("\n", ""); basic = basic.Replace(".", " "); basic = basic.Replace("}", ""); basic = basic.Replace("\\", ""); speech(basic); return(true); }
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RunAsync([TimerTrigger("* */1 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log) { IList <IntentItem> items = null; try { // Retrieve all non processed items items = await intentTable.Where(i => i.IsProcessed == false).ToListAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"Error while Retrieving all IntentItems : {ex}"); throw ex; } log.Info($"Total items to process = {items.Count}"); foreach (var item in items) { var intentId = item.Id; log.Info($"C# Processing Intent ID : {intentId}"); // Erro handling if (item == null) { log.Info($"No itent item retrieved (null) - {intentId}"); return; } // Ensure item require procesing otherwise skip it if (item.IsProcessed == true) { log.Info($" ItemItemd with if {intentId} has already been processed {item.IsProcessed} - will be skipped"); return; } // Calling Luis var appId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LuisAppId"); var subscriptionKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LuisSubscriptionKey"); bool isPreview = true; var client = new LuisClient(appId, subscriptionKey, isPreview); LuisResult res = await client.Predict(item.Utterance); log.Info($"Luis result : {res.DialogResponse}"); var processingResult = new ProcessingResult(); List <string> entitiesNames = new List <string>(); var entities = res.GetAllEntities(); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { processingResult.Entities.Add(entity.Name, entity.Value); } processingResult.Confidence = res.TopScoringIntent.Score; processingResult.Intent = res.TopScoringIntent.Name; processingResult.IsFromCache = false; item.Intent = processingResult.Intent; item.JsonEntities = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(processingResult.Entities); item.IsProcessed = true; await intentTable.UpdateAsync(item); } }
public static void OpenIncidentActivity(LuisResult result, object context) { List <Entity> entitis = result.GetAllEntities(); Aggregator.GetEvent <UIOperationEvent>().Publish(new KeyValuePair <string, List <Entity> >(Constant.IncidentScreenUrl, entitis)); }