public void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label, bool showLabels, ref float y) { if (parent.chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var typeLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Type") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Type"); var typeLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, SystemObjectInspector.Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(typeLabelPosition, typeLabel, Inspector.ProcessLabelStyle(parent.metadata, null)); x += typeLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= typeLabelPosition.width; } var typePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newType = LudiqGUI.TypeField(typePosition, GUIContent.none, parent.type, GetTypeOptions, new GUIContent("(Null)")); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { parent.metadata.RecordUndo(); parent.type = newType; parent.SetValue(); parent.SetHeightDirty(); } y += typePosition.height; } if (parent.chooseType && parent.showValue) { y += SystemObjectInspector.Styles.spaceBetweenTypeAndValue; } if (parent.showValue) { Rect valuePosition; if (parent.chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var valueLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Value") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Value"); var valueLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, SystemObjectInspector.Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(valueLabelPosition, valueLabel, Inspector.ProcessLabelStyle(parent.metadata, null)); x += valueLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= valueLabelPosition.width; } valuePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), valuePosition, GUIContent.none); } else { valuePosition = new Rect ( position.x, y, position.width, LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(parent, parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), position.width, label) ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), valuePosition, label); } y += valuePosition.height; } else { parent.metadata.value = null; } }
protected virtual void OnMemberGUI(Metadata member, Rect memberPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(member, memberPosition); }
public void OnKeyGUI(Rect keyPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata["Key"], keyPosition, GUIContent.none); }
protected override void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label) { // Super hacky hotfix: // If the value changes in between OnGUI calls, // the OnValueChange event will not be called, because // we don't even look at the value until showField is true. // For example, an object that was null and becomes non-null // will be reset to null by the inspector unless this line is here, // because type will be null and showField will thus be false. var haxHotfix = metadata.value; // TL;DR: storing a local private type field that does not // take the actual, current variable type into consideration is a // very bad idea and will inevitably cause inspector v. codebase fighting // or inspector v. inspector fighting. var showLabels = !adaptiveWidth && position.width >= 120; BeginBlock(metadata, position, GUIContent.none); if (chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var typeLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Type") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Type"); var typeLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(typeLabelPosition, typeLabel, ProcessLabelStyle(metadata, null)); x += typeLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= typeLabelPosition.width; } var typePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newType = LudiqGUI.TypeField(typePosition, GUIContent.none, type, GetTypeOptions, new GUIContent("(Null)")); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { metadata.RecordUndo(); type = newType; EnforceType(); SetHeightDirty(); } y += typePosition.height; } if (chooseType && showValue) { y += Styles.spaceBetweenTypeAndValue; } if (showValue) { Rect valuePosition; if (chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var valueLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Value") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Value"); var valueLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(valueLabelPosition, valueLabel, ProcessLabelStyle(metadata, null)); x += valueLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= valueLabelPosition.width; } valuePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata.Cast(type), valuePosition, GUIContent.none); } else { valuePosition = new Rect ( position.x, y, position.width, LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, metadata.Cast(type), position.width, label) ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata.Cast(type), valuePosition, label); } y += valuePosition.height; } else { metadata.value = null; } EndBlock(metadata); }
private void OnKeyGUI(Metadata keyMetadata, Rect keyPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(keyMetadata, keyPosition, GUIContent.none); }
public void OnTypeGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeMetadata, position, GUIContent.none); }
protected override void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(declarationsMetadata, position, GUIContent.none); }
public void OnValueGUI(Rect valuePosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(valueMetadata, valuePosition, GUIContent.none); }
protected override void OnContentGUI() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.background, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); var text = "Choose the types you want to use for variables and units.\n" + "MonoBehaviour types are always included."; GUILayout.Label(text, LudiqStyles.centeredLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(370)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); var height = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, typeOptionsMetadata, Styles.optionsWidth, GUIContent.none); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Styles.optionsWidth, height); LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeOptionsMetadata, position, GUIContent.none); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { typeOptionsMetadata.Save(); Codebase.UpdateSettings(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset to Defaults", Styles.defaultsButton)) { typeOptionsMetadata.Reset(true); typeOptionsMetadata.Save(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate", Styles.completeButton)) { Complete(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); }
private void OnTypeGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeMetadata, position); }
protected void OnHideLabelGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(hideLabelMetadata, position); }
protected void OnDescriptionGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(descriptionMetadata, position); }
protected void OnKeyGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(keyMetadata, position); }
protected virtual void OnInspectorGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata, position, GUIContent.none); }
private void OpenContents(Rect position, Rect container) { if ((bool)isOpenMeta.value) { var typeHeight = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(typeMeta.Inspector(), typeMeta["type"], position.width, GUIContent.none); var valueHeight = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(typeMeta.Inspector(), typeMeta["value"], position.width, GUIContent.none); var typeLabel = new Rect(container.x + 5, container.y + y + 10, 60, 16); var typeRect = new Rect(container.x + 50, container.y + typeLabel.height + 16, container.width - 60, typeHeight); var defaultRect = new Rect(container.x + 50, typeRect.y + typeRect.height + 4, container.width - 60, typeHeight); var valueRect = new Rect(container.x + 10, typeRect.y + typeRect.height + defaultRect.height + 8, container.width - 20, valueHeight + 8); EditorGUI.LabelField(typeLabel, new GUIContent("Type")); LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeMeta["type"], typeRect, GUIContent.none); var addedHeight = 0; if (!((System.Type)typeMeta["type"].value).InheritsType(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { addedHeight += 16; LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeMeta["hasDefault"], defaultRect, new GUIContent("Default")); if ((bool)typeMeta["hasDefault"].value) { UtilityGUI.Container(valueRect,, 0.7f.Grey(), 1, 4, (valueContainer) => { if (typeMeta["value"].value != null || ((System.Type)typeMeta["type"].value).InheritsType(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(typeMeta["value"], valueContainer, GUIContent.none); if ((System.Type)typeMeta["type"].value == typeof(bool)) { var boolLabel = valueContainer; boolLabel.x += 18; GUI.Label(boolLabel, (nameMeta.value as string).Prettify()); } } }); addedHeight += (int)valueRect.height + 10; } } var optionsRect = Options(typeLabel, typeRect, addedHeight + defaultRect.height); var propertiesRect = optionsRect; propertiesRect.width = typeLabel.width + typeRect.width; propertiesRect.x -= 20; propertiesRect.y += 86; propertiesRect.height = 56; var propertyHeight = propertyMeta.Inspector().GetCachedHeight(lastPosition.width, GUIContent.none, accessor.Inspector()) + addedHeight; var prop = ((Property)propertyMeta.value); var propName = string.Empty; UAliveGUI.NestedSection(propertiesRect, e, "Property",, addedHeight, (propertiesContainer) => { LudiqGUI.Inspector(propertyMeta, new Rect(propertiesContainer.x, propertiesContainer.y, propertiesContainer.width - 40, propertyHeight)); }, isPropertyMeta); addedHeight += 30; y += typeHeight + defaultRect.height + optionsRect.height + propertiesRect.height + addedHeight + 4; } }
protected override void OnContentGUI() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.background, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); var text = "Choose the assemblies in which you want to look for units.\n" + "By default, all project and Unity assemblies are included.\n" + "Unless you use a third-party plugin distributed as a DLL, you shouldn't need to change this."; GUILayout.Label(text, LudiqStyles.centeredLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(370)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); var height = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, assemblyOptionsMetadata, Styles.optionsWidth, GUIContent.none); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Styles.optionsWidth, height); LudiqGUI.Inspector(assemblyOptionsMetadata, position, GUIContent.none); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { assemblyOptionsMetadata.Save(); Codebase.UpdateSettings(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset to Defaults", Styles.defaultsButton)) { assemblyOptionsMetadata.Reset(true); assemblyOptionsMetadata.Save(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(completeLabel, Styles.completeButton)) { Complete(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); }
private void OnInspectorGUI(Rect inspectorPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata, inspectorPosition, GUIContent.none); }
private void OnImplementationGUI(Rect implementationPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(implementationMetadata, implementationPosition, GUIContent.none); }
private void OnDefaultValueGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(typedDefaultValueMetadata, position); }
private void OnValueGUI(Metadata valueMetadata, Rect valuePosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(valueMetadata, valuePosition, GUIContent.none); }
public static Rect DrawSection(Rect position, Accessor _accessor, Accessor @base, Event e, string title, Texture2D icon, int heightModifier, bool togglable, int items, Accessor isOpen, bool isEditor = false, List <Rect> untouchableAreas = null) { var accessorHeight = isEditor ? _accessor.Editor().GetCachedHeight(position.width, GUIContent.none, @base.Editor()) : _accessor.Inspector().GetCachedHeight(position.width, GUIContent.none, @base.Inspector()); var sectionRect = position; sectionRect.y = position.height + position.y - 2; sectionRect.height = (bool)isOpen.value ? accessorHeight + heightModifier : heightModifier; // Draw a rectangle that contains a border and is light grey. Color usage for differentiating sections. UtilityGUI.Container(sectionRect,, 0.6f.Grey(), 1, 10, (rootContainer) => { UtilityGUI.Container(rootContainer,, 0.8f.Grey(), 1, 4, (container) => { var canTouch = true; if (untouchableAreas != null) { foreach (Rect rect in untouchableAreas) { if (rect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { canTouch = false; break; } } } if (canTouch && new Rect(container.x, container.y, container.width, 24).Contains(e.mousePosition)) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) { isOpen.value = !(bool)isOpen.value; } } UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x, rootContainer.y, rootContainer.width, 24), 1, 0.3f.Grey(),, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside); Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 5, rootContainer.y + 4, 16, 16), icon); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(container.x + 20, container.y, container.width - 26, 16), title, new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel) { normal = new GUIStyleState() { textColor = Color.white } }); var accessorRect = new Rect(container.x, container.y + 24, container.width, accessorHeight); UtilityGUI.BorderRect(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 100, rootContainer.y + 3, 20, 18), 1, 0.4f.Grey(),, UtilityGUI.BorderDrawPlacement.Inside); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rootContainer.x + 100, rootContainer.y + 3, 20, 18), items.ToString(), new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel) { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, normal = new GUIStyleState() { textColor = 0.85f.Grey() } }); if (togglable) { if ((bool)isOpen.value) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none); } Texture2D arrow = (bool)isOpen.value ? UAliveResources.arrowDownWhite : UAliveResources.arrowRightWhite; Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(container.x + container.width - 14, rootContainer.y + 6, 10, 10), arrow); return; } if (!isEditor) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(_accessor, accessorRect, GUIContent.none); } else { LudiqGUI.Editor(_accessor, accessorRect); } }); }); return(sectionRect); }