public static void OnStart() { if (wasExecuted) { script.Call(script.Globals.Get("OnStart")); } }
public void CompileAndRunString() { state = new Lua(); LuaStatus result = state.LoadString("x=1"); stackDump(state); state.Call(0, 0); stackDump(state); result = state.LoadString("1"); stackDump(state); state.PCall(0, 0, 0); stackDump(state); result = state.LoadString("print(x)"); // stdout?? stackDump(state); state.Call(0, 0); stackDump(state); state.Close(); }
// 开发模式,直接源文件DoFile public static void DoAllLuaFileDev() { HashSet <string> set = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < firstLoadFiles.Length; ++i) { set.Add(firstLoadFiles[i]); } DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(LuaConst.luaDir); AddP27SearchPath(); // Add 之后 直接DoFile 名字(不带后缀) FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.lua", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // 加载firstLoad for (int i = 0; i < firstLoadFiles.Length; ++i) { Lua.state.DoFile(firstLoadFiles[i]); } // 加载其他 for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i) { string luafileName = PathUtil.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(files[i].FullName); if (!set.Contains(luafileName)) { Lua.state.DoFile(luafileName); } } Lua.Call("Main.OnInitOK"); //初始化完成 }
// AssetBundle中加载lua文件,运行时。 public static void DoAllLuaFile(AssetBundleRef luaAbr) { UnityEngine.Object[] luaFiles = luaAbr.LoadAllAssets(); HashSet <string> set = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < firstLoadFiles.Length; ++i) { set.Add(firstLoadFiles[i].ToLower()); } TextAsset t; // 先加载firstLoad for (int i = 0; i < luaFiles.Length; i++) { string pureName = PathUtil.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(luaFiles[i].name); if (set.Contains(pureName)) { t = luaFiles[i] as TextAsset; Lua.state.DoString(t.text); } } // 加载非firstLoad for (int i = 0; i < luaFiles.Length; i++) { string pureName = PathUtil.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(luaFiles[i].name); if (!set.Contains(pureName)) { t = luaFiles[i] as TextAsset; Lua.state.DoString(t.text); } } Lua.Call("Main.OnInitOK"); //初始化完成 }
bool LoadInitFuncToInstanceTable(Lua L) { if (_InitChunk == null || _InitChunk.Length == 0) { // remove _Init func Api.lua_rawgeti(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, luaBehaviourRef); Api.lua_pushnil(L); Api.lua_setfield(L, -2, "_Init"); return(false); } try { Api.lua_rawgeti(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, luaBehaviourRef); L.LoadChunk(_InitChunk, scriptName + "_Init"); L.Call(0, 1); // run loaded chunk Api.lua_setfield(L, -2, "_Init"); Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop behaviour table return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "LuaBintils Test"; /* * { * LuaChunk LC = new LuaChunk("luac.out"); * Console.WriteLine(LC.Functions[0].ToString2()); * Console.ReadLine(); * return; * } * //*/ LuaChunk MainChunk = new LuaChunk(); Lua L = new Lua(MainChunk.CreateFunction(0, "@luac.lua")); L.Load("Hello World!"); L.GetGlobal("print"); L.Swap(0, 1); L.Call(0, 2, 1); L.Return(0, 1); L.Func.MaxStackSize = 50; MainChunk.Save("lua.out"); Console.WriteLine(MainChunk.Functions[0]); Console.ReadLine(); }
public virtual void Start() { ="(Clone)", ""); if (exporter == null) { string scriptName = name + "View"; object[] obj = Lua.Call(scriptName, param); LuaController = obj[0] as LuaTable; } else { LuaController = exporter.InitLuaController(param); LuaController["gameObject"] = this.gameObject; LuaController["transform"] = transform; } LuaController["this"] = this; UILayer layer = this.GetComponent <UILayer>(); if (layer != null) { LuaController["layer"] = layer; } updateFunc = LuaController["Update"] as LuaFunction; CallLuaMethod("Start", this, gameObject); }
public void OnDestroyed(Tile tile) { if (destroyedFunction == null) { return; } Lua.Call(destroyedFunction, tile); }
/// <summary> /// Calls the <see cref="LuaFunction"/> with the given arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> /// <returns>The results.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// One of the supplied arguments is a <see cref="LuaReference"/> which is tied to a different <see cref="Lua"/> environment. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="args"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> /// <exception cref="LuaException">A Lua error occurs.</exception> public object[] Call(params object[] args) { if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } PushOnto(Lua.MainState); return(Lua.Call(args)); }
private void Trigger() { if (executionActions != null) { Lua.Call(executionActions.ToArray(), this); } if (!CanRepeat && !infiniteRepeats) { executed = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Resumes the <see cref="LuaThread"/> with the given arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> /// <returns>The results.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// One of the supplied arguments is a <see cref="LuaReference"/> which is tied to a different <see cref="Lua"/> environment. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="args"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="LuaThread"/> cannot be resumed.</exception> /// <exception cref="LuaException">A Lua error occurs.</exception> public object[] Resume(params object[] args) { if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (!CanResume) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Thread cannot be resumed."); } return(Lua.Call(args, _threadState, true)); }
public void Update() { if (executed || MaxRepeats > 0 && repeatAmount >= MaxRepeats) { return; } if (preconditions.Any(precondition => !Lua.Call(precondition, this, Time.deltaTime).Boolean)) { return; } if (!infiniteRepeats) { repeatAmount++; } Trigger(); }
public void PanicError() // PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to call a string value) { state = new Lua(); LuaFunction oldPanic = state.AtPanic(MyPanicFunc); stackDump(state); LuaStatus result = state.LoadString("1"); stackDump(state); try { state.Call(0, 0); Assert.Fail("Shoudln't go so far"); } catch (MyPanicException ex) { } stackDump(state); state.Close(); }
void RunInitFuncOnInstanceTable(Lua L) { Api.lua_rawgeti(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, luaBehaviourRef); // Behaviour._Init hides Script._Init Api.lua_getfield(L, -1, "_Init"); if (Api.lua_isfunction(L, -1)) { Api.lua_pushvalue(L, -2); try { L.Call(1, 0); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0}._Init failed: {1}.", scriptName, e.Message); } } else { Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop non-function } Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop behaviour table }
void Awake() { if (L == null || !L.valid) { Debug.LogError("Call LuaBehaviour.SetLua first."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptName)) { Debug.LogWarning("LuaBehaviour with empty scriptName."); return; } // make instance handleToThis = L.MakeRefTo(this); Api.lua_newtable(L); // stack: instance table luaBehaviourRef = L.MakeRefAt(-1); // meta Api.lua_createtable(L, 1, 1); // stack: instance table, meta L.PushRef(handleToThis); Api.lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1); // meta[1] = behaviour (this) // TODO: can be opt, each Script take its own meta for LuaBehaviour // load class Api.luaL_requiref(L, scriptName, Lua.LoadScript1, 0); // stack: instance table, meta, script table if (Api.lua_istable(L, -1)) // set metatable and bind messages { // stack: behaviour table, meta, script table L.DoString("return function(be, script)\n" + " return function(t, key)\n" + " local val = script[key]\n" + " if type(val) == 'nil' then val = be[key] end\n" + " return val\n" + " end\n" + "end", 1, "LuaBehaviour_GetMetaIndexFunction"); L.PushRef(handleToThis); Api.lua_pushvalue(L, -3); L.Call(2, 1); // stack: instance table, meta, script table, index function Api.lua_setfield(L, -3, "__index"); // stack: instance table, meta, script table Api.lua_insert(L, -3); // stack: script table, instance table, meta Api.lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // stack: script table, instance table // check message for (Message i = Message.Awake; i < Message._Count; ++i) { Api.lua_pushstring(L, i.ToString()); // stack: script table, instance table, key Api.lua_gettable(L, -3); // stack: script table, instance table, function? if (Api.lua_isfunction(L, -1)) { messageFlag = messageFlag | MakeFlag(i); messageRef[(int)i] = Api.luaL_ref(L, -2); // func pops, and make ref in behaviour table } else { Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop field } // stack: script table, instance table } // choose script ulong flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.Update) | MakeFlag(Message.FixedUpdate) | MakeFlag(Message.LateUpdate)); var componentType = Type.GetType("lua.LuaInstanceBehaviour" + flag.ToString()); instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent(componentType) as LuaInstanceBehaviour0); flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionEnter) | MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionExit)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaCollisionBehaviour>()); } flag = messageFlag & MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionStay); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaCollisionStayBehaviour>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionEnter2D) | MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionExit2D)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaCollisionBehaviour2D>()); } flag = messageFlag & MakeFlag(Message.OnCollisionStay2D); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaCollisionStayBehaviour2D>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerEnter) | MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerEnter)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaTriggerBehaviour>()); } flag = messageFlag & MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerStay); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaTriggerStayBehaviour>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerEnter2D) | MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerEnter2D)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaTriggerBehaviour2D>()); } flag = messageFlag & MakeFlag(Message.OnTriggerStay2D); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaTriggerStayBehaviour2D>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.Event_PointerClick) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_PointerUp) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_PointerDown) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_PointerEnter) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_PointerExit)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaPointerEventHander>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.Event_Drag) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_BeginDrag) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_EndDrag)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaDragEventHandler>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.Event_GestureTwoFingerBegin) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_GestureTwoFingerMove) | MakeFlag(Message.Event_GestureTwoFingerEnd)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaGestureTwoFingerEventHandler>()); } flag = messageFlag & MakeFlag(Message.OnLowMemory); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaLowMemoryHandler>()); } flag = messageFlag & (MakeFlag(Message.OnDrawGizmos) | MakeFlag(Message.OnDrawGizmosSelected) | MakeFlag(Message.OnGUI)); if (flag != 0) { instanceBehaviours.Add(gameObject.AddComponent <LuaMiscBehaviour>()); } Api.lua_pop(L, 2); // pop instance table, script table scriptLoaded_ = true; } else { Api.lua_pop(L, 3); // pop instance table, meta, script table } // stack: (*empty) if (scriptLoaded_) { // load _Init from serialized version LoadInitFuncToInstanceTable(L); RunInitFuncOnInstanceTable(L); // Awake Lua script for (int i = 0; i < instanceBehaviours.Count; ++i) { instanceBehaviours[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.NotEditable; instanceBehaviours[i].SetLuaBehaviour(this); instanceBehaviours[i].enabled = false; } SendLuaMessage(LuaBehaviour.Message.Awake); // Awake Lua Script } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("No Lua script running with {0}.",; } }
void Reload() { var lb = target as LuaBehaviour; if (lb == null) { initChunkLoadFailed = true; if (Application.isPlaying) { reason = "Unity is Playing"; } else { reason = "Unknown"; } return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lb.scriptName)) { return; } noInitFunc = false; initChunkLoadFailed = false; reason = string.Empty; // load from script Api.lua_pushcclosure(L, Lua.LoadScript1InEditor, 0); Api.lua_pushstring(L, lb.scriptName); try { L.Call(1, Api.LUA_MULTRET); } catch (Exception e) { initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = e.Message; return; } // stack: table, scriptPath if (!Api.lua_istable(L, -2)) { initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = string.Format("Needs behaviour table returned from {0}.lua", lb.scriptName); return; } if (!Api.lua_isstring(L, -1)) { initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = "Internal error. Lua.LoadScript2 should return behaviour table and loaded path."; return; } lb.scriptPath = Api.lua_tostring(L, -1); Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // stack: table var luaType = Api.lua_getfield(L, -1, "_doc"); if (luaType == Api.LUA_TSTRING) { docString = Api.lua_tostring(L, -1); } Api.lua_pop(L, 1); luaType = Api.lua_getfield(L, -1, "_Init"); Api.lua_remove(L, -2); // keep _Init, remove table if (luaType != Api.LUA_TFUNCTION) { noInitFunc = true; Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop func SetInitChunkByString(lb, null); keys = null; values = null; return; } // stack: func // call Script._Init on instance Api.lua_newtable(L); // oringal table // stack: func, table Api.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // push again, stack: func, table, table var refToOriginal = Api.luaL_ref(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // stack: func, table try { L.Call(1, 0); } catch (Exception e) { Api.luaL_unref(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = e.Message; return; } // stack: *empty* if (lb.IsInitFuncDumped()) { Api.lua_newtable(L); // new table for loading valued from dumpped _Init function // stack: table try { L.LoadChunk(lb.GetInitChunk(), lb.scriptName + "_Init_Editor"); // stack: table, loaded chunk (emits _Init function) L.Call(0, 1); // run loaded chunk // stack: table, func Api.lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // stack: table, func, table L.Call(1, 0); } catch (Exception e) { Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop table Api.luaL_unref(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = e.Message; return; } // stack: table // merge two tables // -1: deserialized values Api.luaL_dostring(L, mergeFunction); luaType = Api.lua_getglobal(L, "merge"); // stack: table, func Api.lua_rawgeti(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); // stack: table, func, original table Api.lua_pushvalue(L, -3); // stack: table, func, original table, table Api.lua_remove(L, -4); // stack: func, original table, table try { L.Call(2, 1); } catch (Exception e) { Api.luaL_unref(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); initChunkLoadFailed = true; reason = e.Message; return; } // stack: merged table } else { Api.lua_rawgeti(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); Api.luaL_unref(L, Api.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, refToOriginal); // stack: orignal table } // prepare to show on Inspector keys = new List <string>(); values = new List <object>(); // iterate table on stack Api.lua_pushnil(L); while (Api.lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { var key = Api.lua_tostring(L, -2); var value = L.ValueAt(-1); keys.Add(key); values.Add(value); Api.lua_pop(L, 1); } Api.lua_pop(L, 1); // pop table // stack: *empty* int[] sortedIndex = new int[keys.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < sortedIndex.Length; ++i) { sortedIndex[i] = i; } System.Array.Sort(sortedIndex, (a, b) => keys[a].CompareTo(keys[b])); keys.Sort(); var newValues = new List <object>(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; ++i) { newValues.Add(values[sortedIndex[i]]); } values = newValues; if (lb.IsInitFuncDumped()) { // dump again, in case of Script._Init and Behaviour._Init being merged. DumpInitValues(); } serializedObject.Update(); }
/* void Start() * { * * lastMsgShowTime = Time.time; * * //for (int i = 0; i < maxPickMsg; ++i) * //{ * // GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(msgObj,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * // go.SetActive(false); * // go.transform.SetParent(this.transform); * // go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); * // list.Add(go); * //} * }*/ #region 显示信息 /* 显示消息文本 * SysInfoData msgData = SysInfoData.Init(); * msgData.type = SysInfoType.Text; * msgData.text = msg; * msgList.Enqueue(msgData); * */ public void ShowMsg(string msg) { Lua.Call <string>("ui.showMsg", msg); }
public void Execute(WorldData worldData) { Lua.Call(rootProcess, worldData.Width, worldData.Height); }