コード例 #1
        async Task GenerateCxCodeAsync(LottieVisualDiagnostics diagnostics, string suggestedClassName, IStorageFile cppFile)
            // Ask the user to pick a name for the .h file.
            var filePicker = new FileSavePicker
                SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary,
                SuggestedFileName      = suggestedClassName,

            // Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as
            filePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("C++ CX header", new[] { ".h" });

            var hFile = await filePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();

            if (hFile == null)
                // No header file chosen - give up.

            // Generate the .cpp and the .h text.
            diagnostics.GenerateCxCode(hFile.Name, out var cppText, out var hText);

            // Write the .cpp file.
            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(cppFile, cppText);

            // Write the .h file if the user specified one.
            if (hFile != null)
                await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(hFile, hText);
コード例 #2
        IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > DiagnosticsToProperties(LottieVisualDiagnostics diagnostics)
            yield return(Tuple.Create("File name", diagnostics.FileName));

            yield return(Tuple.Create("Duration", $"{diagnostics.Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString("#,##0.0##")} secs"));

            var aspectRatio = FloatToRatio(diagnostics.LottieWidth / diagnostics.LottieHeight);

            yield return(Tuple.Create("Aspect ratio", $"{aspectRatio.Item1.ToString("0.###")}:{aspectRatio.Item2.ToString("0.###")}"));

            yield return(Tuple.Create("Size", $"{diagnostics.LottieWidth} x {diagnostics.LottieHeight}"));

            foreach (var marker in diagnostics.Markers)
                yield return(Tuple.Create("Marker", $"{marker.Key}: {marker.Value.ToString("0.0###")}"));
コード例 #3
        async Task GenerateCxCodeAsync(LottieVisualDiagnostics diagnostics, string suggestedClassName, IStorageFile cppFile)
            // Ask the user to pick a name for the .h file.
            var filePicker = new FileSavePicker
                SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary,
                SuggestedFileName      = suggestedClassName,

            // Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as
            filePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("C++ CX header", new[] { ".h" });

            var hFile = await filePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();

            if (hFile == null)
                // No header file chosen - give up.

            // Ask the user to pick a name for the ICompositionSource.h file.
            var iCompositionSourceFilePicker = new FileSavePicker
                SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary,
                SuggestedFileName      = "ICompositionSource.h",

            // Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as
            iCompositionSourceFilePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("ICompositionSource header", new[] { ".h" });
            var iCompositionSourceHeader = await iCompositionSourceFilePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();

            // Generate the .cpp and the .h text.
            diagnostics.GenerateCxCode(hFile.Name, out var cppText, out var hText);

            // Write the .cpp file.
            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(cppFile, cppText);

            // Write the .h file if the user specified one.
            if (hFile != null)
                await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(hFile, hText);

            // Write the ICompositionSource.h file if the user specified it.
            if (iCompositionSourceHeader != null)
                await FileIO.WriteLinesAsync(iCompositionSourceHeader, new[]
                    "#pragma once",
                    "namespace Compositions",
                    "    public interface class ICompositionSource",
                    "    {",
                    "        virtual bool TryCreateAnimatedVisual(",
                    "        Windows::UI::Composition::Compositor^ compositor,",
                    "        Windows::UI::Composition::Visual^* rootVisual,",
                    "        Windows::Foundation::Numerics::float2* size,",
                    "        Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan* duration,",
                    "        Platform::Object^* diagnostics);",
                    "    };",