コード例 #1
        public string Process(DtoDrugDispensed drugDispensed)
                LookupLogic facilityLookup           = new LookupLogic();
                string      receivingFacilityMflCode = drugDispensed.MESSAGE_HEADER.RECEIVING_FACILITY;
                string      sendingFacilityMflCode   = drugDispensed.MESSAGE_HEADER.SENDING_FACILITY;
                //check if facility exists
                LookupFacility recieverfacility = facilityLookup.GetFacility(receivingFacilityMflCode);
                LookupFacility senderfacility   = facilityLookup.GetFacility(sendingFacilityMflCode);
                if (recieverfacility == null)
                    return(Msg = $"The facility {receivingFacilityMflCode} does not exist");
                if (senderfacility == null)
                    return(Msg = $"The facility {sendingFacilityMflCode} does not exist");

                if (recieverfacility.FacilityID != senderfacility.FacilityID)
                    return(Msg = "The sending facility is not the same as the receiving facility!");

                //check if it is the right facility
                LookupFacility thisFacility = facilityLookup.GetFacility();
                if (thisFacility == null)
                    return(Msg = "Facility not found");
                if (recieverfacility.FacilityID != thisFacility.FacilityID)
                    return(Msg = $"This message belongs to {receivingFacilityMflCode}, not this facility {thisFacility.MFLCode}!");
                var patientLookup = new PatientLookupManager();
                //check patient
                var identifier = drugDispensed.PATIENT_IDENTIFICATION.INTERNAL_PATIENT_ID.FirstOrDefault(n => n.IDENTIFIER_TYPE == "CCC_NUMBER");
                if (identifier == null)
                    return(Msg = "Message does not contain a CCC number!");
                var patient = patientLookup.GetPatientByCccNumber(identifier.ID);
                if (patient == null)
                    return(Msg = "Patient could not be found!");
                //check pharmacy order exists
                int orderId       = Convert.ToInt32(drugDispensed.COMMON_ORDER_DETAILS.PLACER_ORDER_NUMBER.NUMBER);
                var pharmacyOrder = _pharmacyOrderManager.GetPharmacyOrder(orderId);
                if (pharmacyOrder == null)
                    return(Msg = "Pharmacy Order could not be found!");
                var orderedDrugs = _pharmacyDispenseManager.GetByPharmacyOrderId(pharmacyOrder.ptn_pharmacy_pk);
                if (orderedDrugs != null)
                    var newDispensedDrugs = orderedDrugs;
                    foreach (var drug in newDispensedDrugs)
                        //todo refactor to use drug codes and possibly drug ids to be included in the message
                        var               drugFind         = _drugManager.GetDrug(drug.Drug_Pk);
                        string            drugname         = drugFind.DrugName;
                        PHARMACY_DISPENSE messageDispensed = null;
                        messageDispensed = drugDispensed.PHARMACY_DISPENSE.FirstOrDefault(x => drugname.Contains(x.ACTUAL_DRUGS));
                        if (messageDispensed != null)
                            drug.DispensedQuantity = messageDispensed.QUANTITY_DISPENSED;
                            //todo get frequencyId
                            //drug.FrequencyID = messageDispensed.FREQUENCY;
                            drug.PatientInstructions = messageDispensed.DISPENSING_NOTES;
                            //todo get strength ids
                            //drug.StrengthID = messageDispensed.STRENGTH;
                            drug.Duration   = messageDispensed.DURATION;
                            drug.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                            drug.UserID     = InteropUser.UserId;
                            //drug.SingleDose = Convert.ToDecimal(Regex.Replace(messageDispensed.DOSAGE, @"^[A-Za-z]+", ""));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            return(Msg = "error " + e.Message);
                    PatientPharmacyDispense newlyDispensedDrugs = new PatientPharmacyDispense();
                    foreach (var drug in drugDispensed.PHARMACY_DISPENSE)
                        string drugNameQuery = "%" + drug.ACTUAL_DRUGS + "%";
                        var    drugFind      = _drugManager.GetDrugsByName(drugNameQuery).FirstOrDefault();
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.Drug_Pk           = drugFind.Drug_pk;
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.DispensedQuantity = drug.QUANTITY_DISPENSED;
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.Duration          = drug.DURATION;
                        //todo get frequencyId
                        //newlyDispensedDrugs.FrequencyID = drug.FREQUENCY;
                        //newlyDispensedDrugs.SingleDose = Convert.ToDecimal(Regex.Replace(drug.DOSAGE, @"^[A-Za-z]+", ""));
                        //todo get strength ids
                        //newlyDispensedDrugs.StrengthID = drug.STRENGTH;
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.PatientInstructions = drug.DISPENSING_NOTES;
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.Prophylaxis         = 0;
                    foreach (var order in drugDispensed.PHARMACY_ENCODED_ORDER)
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.OrderedQuantity     = Convert.ToInt32(order.QUANTITY_PRESCRIBED);
                        newlyDispensedDrugs.PatientInstructions = order.PRESCRIPTION_NOTES;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return(Msg = "error " + e.Message);
                var updatedPharmacyOrder = pharmacyOrder;
                var orderingPhysician    = drugDispensed.COMMON_ORDER_DETAILS.ORDERING_PHYSICIAN;
                updatedPharmacyOrder.OrderedByName = orderingPhysician.PREFIX + " " + orderingPhysician.FIRST_NAME +
                                                     " " + orderingPhysician.LAST_NAME;
                //todo harmonise users
                updatedPharmacyOrder.DispensedBy     = InteropUser.UserId;
                updatedPharmacyOrder.DispensedByDate = drugDispensed.MESSAGE_HEADER.MESSAGE_DATETIME;
                updatedPharmacyOrder.OrderStatus     = 2;
                string str = updatedPharmacyOrder.PharmacyNotes;
                if (str != null)
                    str += " Dispensed from IL";
                updatedPharmacyOrder.PharmacyNotes = str;
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(Msg = "error " + e.Message);
                Msg = "Success";
            catch (Exception e)
                Msg = "error " + e.Message;
コード例 #2
        //int _userId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["AppUserId"]);
        //int _facilityId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["AppLocationId"]);
        public string Save(ViralLoadResultsDto viralLoadResults)
            LabOrderEntity          labOrder   = null;
            List <LabDetailsEntity> labDetails = null;
            var results = viralLoadResults.ViralLoadResult;

            if (results != null)
                    var            patientLookup            = new PatientLookupManager();
                    var            labOrderManager          = new PatientLabOrderManager();
                    var            patientCcc               = viralLoadResults.PatientIdentification.INTERNAL_PATIENT_ID.FirstOrDefault(n => n.IdentifierType == "CCC_NUMBER").IdentifierValue;
                    var            patient                  = patientLookup.GetPatientByCccNumber(patientCcc);
                    string         receivingFacilityMFLCode = viralLoadResults.MesssageHeader.ReceivingFacility;
                    LookupLogic    flm           = new LookupLogic();
                    LookupFacility thisFacility  = flm.GetFacility(receivingFacilityMFLCode);
                    int            interopUserId = InteropUser.UserId;
                    if (thisFacility == null)
                        Msg = $"The facility {receivingFacilityMFLCode} does not exist";
                        throw new Exception(Msg);
                    if (patient == null)
                        Msg = $"Patient {patientCcc} does not exist ";
                        throw new Exception(Msg);
                    if (results.Count(r => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.VlResult.Trim())) > 0)
                        Msg = $"Viral load message has no results indicated ";
                        throw new Exception(Msg);
                    int invalidResult = 0;
                    foreach (var result in results)
                        if (result.VlResult.Contains("LDL"))
                        else if (Regex.Split(result.VlResult, @"[^0-9\.]+").Length > 0)

                    if (invalidResult > 0)
                        Msg = $"Viral load message has invalid results indicated ";
                        throw new Exception(Msg);
                    if (patient != null && thisFacility != null)
                        //todo brian check
                        labOrder = labOrderManager.GetPatientLabOrdersByDate((int)patient.ptn_pk, results.FirstOrDefault().DateSampleCollected).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();
                        DateTime sampleCollectionDate = results.FirstOrDefault().DateSampleCollected;
                        if (labOrder == null)
                            var patientMasterVisitManager = new PatientMasterVisitManager();

                            //var visitType = flm.GetItemIdByGroupAndItemName("VisitType", "Enrollment")[0]
                            //    .ItemId;
                            int patientMasterVisitId =
                                patientMasterVisitManager.AddPatientMasterVisit(patient.Id, interopUserId, 316);
                            var listOfTestsOrdered = new List <ListLabOrder>();
                            var order = new ListLabOrder()
                                FacilityId   = Convert.ToInt32(viralLoadResults.MesssageHeader.ReceivingFacility),
                                LabName      = "Viral Load",// results.FirstOrDefault().LabTestedIn,
                                LabNameId    = 3,
                                LabNotes     = results.FirstOrDefault().Regimen + " " + results.FirstOrDefault().SampleType,
                                LabOrderDate = sampleCollectionDate,
                                LabOrderId   = 0,
                                OrderReason  = "",
                                Results      = results.FirstOrDefault().VlResult,
                                VisitId      = patientMasterVisitId,
                                ResultDate   = viralLoadResults.MesssageHeader.MessageDatetime
                            var    jss             = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                            string patientLabOrder = jss.Serialize(listOfTestsOrdered);
                            //include userid and facility ID
                            int orderId = labOrderManager.savePatientLabOrder(patient.Id, (int)patient.ptn_pk, interopUserId, thisFacility.FacilityID, 203, patientMasterVisitId, sampleCollectionDate.ToString(), "IL lab order", patientLabOrder, "Complete");

                            labOrder   = labOrderManager.GetLabOrdersById(orderId);
                            labDetails = labOrderManager.GetLabTestsOrderedById(labOrder.Id);
                            labDetails = labOrderManager.GetLabTestsOrderedById(labOrder.Id);

                        if (labOrder != null)
                            bool    isUndetectable = false;
                            string  resultText     = "";
                            decimal?resultValue    = null;
                            foreach (var result in results)
                                if (result.VlResult.Contains("LDL"))
                                    isUndetectable = true;
                                    resultText     = result.VlResult;
                                    var      resultString = result.VlResult.Replace("copies/ml", "");
                                    string[] numbers      = Regex.Split(resultString, @"[^0-9\.]+");
                                    //bool isSuccess = decimal.TryParse(resultString, out decimalValue);
                                    //if (isSuccess) resultValue = decimalValue;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
                                        if (Regex.IsMatch(numbers[i], @"^\d+$"))
                                            resultValue = Convert.ToDecimal(numbers[i]);

                                if (labOrder != null)
                                    var labResults = new LabResultsEntity()
                                        //todo remove hard coding
                                        LabOrderId     = labOrder.Id,
                                        LabOrderTestId = labDetails.FirstOrDefault().Id,
                                        ParameterId    = 3,
                                        LabTestId      = 3,
                                        ResultText     = resultText,
                                        ResultValue    = resultValue,
                                        ResultUnit     = "copies/ml",
                                        ResultUnitId   = 129,
                                        Undetectable   = isUndetectable,
                                        StatusDate     = result.DateSampleTested,
                                        HasResult      = true
                                    labOrder.OrderStatus = "Complete";
                            Msg = "Success";
                        Msg = "Patient does not exist";
                catch (Exception e)
                    Msg = "error " + e.Message;
                    throw e;
                Msg = "Message does not contain results";
                throw new Exception(Msg);