private void BindAbilityLevelsToDoubleListBox(OccurrenceTypeAttribute ota) { LookupCollection allAbilityLevels = new LookupCollection(Convert.ToInt32(LookupTypeIDSetting)); LookupCollection availableAbilityLevels = new LookupCollection(); LookupCollection selectedAbilityLevels = new LookupCollection(); foreach (Lookup abilityLevel in allAbilityLevels) { if (ota.AbilityLevelLookupIDs.Contains(abilityLevel.LookupID)) { selectedAbilityLevels.Add(abilityLevel); } else { availableAbilityLevels.Add(abilityLevel); } } dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxRight.DataSource = selectedAbilityLevels; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxRight.DataTextField = "Value"; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxRight.DataValueField = "LookupID"; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxRight.DataBind(); dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxLeft.DataSource = availableAbilityLevels; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxLeft.DataTextField = "Value"; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxLeft.DataValueField = "LookupID"; dlbAbilityLevels.ListBoxLeft.DataBind(); }
private static LookupCollection RawFilesinFrame(binFrame frame, out int nRawfiles) { //Need the Rawfile names LookupCollection rawFilesColl = new LookupCollection(); string rawFileName; nRawfiles = 0; for (int i = frame.scan.GetLowerBound(0); i <= frame.scan.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { if (frame.scan[i].rawFileName != null) { rawFileName = frame.scan[i].rawFileName.Trim(); if (!rawFilesColl.Contains(rawFileName)) { int initScansNum = 1; rawFilesColl.Add(rawFileName, initScansNum); } else { int oneMore = (int)rawFilesColl[rawFileName] + 1; rawFilesColl[rawFileName] = oneMore; } } } nRawfiles = rawFilesColl.Count; return(rawFilesColl); }
/* public static LookupCollection countRawFiles(string fileXml,out int nRawfiles) * { * * //Initialize necessary objets for XML reading * XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fileXml); * XmlNodeType nType = reader.NodeType; * XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); * xmldoc.Load(reader); * * //Initialize the AminoacidList[] tAaList * XmlNodeList xmlnodeMatch = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("peptide_match"); * * //Need the Rawfile names * LookupCollection rawFilesColl = new LookupCollection(); * * string rawFileName; * nRawfiles = 0; * foreach (XmlNode node in xmlnodeMatch) * { * foreach (XmlNode chNode in node.ChildNodes) * { * if (chNode.Name == "RAWFileName") * { * rawFileName = chNode.InnerText.ToString().Trim(); * * if (!rawFilesColl.Contains(rawFileName)) * { * int initScansNum = 1; * rawFilesColl.Add(rawFileName, initScansNum); * } * else * { * int oneMore = (int)rawFilesColl[rawFileName] + 1; * rawFilesColl[rawFileName] = oneMore; * } * * } * } * } * nRawfiles = rawFilesColl.Count; * * return rawFilesColl; * * } */ public static LookupCollection countRawFiles(DataView _quiXMLv, out int nRawfiles) { //Need the Rawfile names LookupCollection rawFilesColl = new LookupCollection(); string rawFileName; nRawfiles = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _quiXMLv.Count; i++) { rawFileName = _quiXMLv[i]["RAWFileName"].ToString().Trim(); if (!rawFilesColl.Contains(rawFileName)) { int initScansNum = 1; rawFilesColl.Add(rawFileName, initScansNum); } else { int oneMore = (int)rawFilesColl[rawFileName] + 1; rawFilesColl[rawFileName] = oneMore; } } nRawfiles = rawFilesColl.Count; return(rawFilesColl); }
private void Project(IEventEnvelope eventEnvelope) { switch (eventEnvelope.Data) { case (NodeContainerSpecificationAdded @event): _nodeContainerSpecifications.Add(@event.Specification); break; } }
private void Project(IEventEnvelope eventEnvelope) { switch (eventEnvelope.Data) { case (ManufacturerAdded @event): _manufacturer.Add(@event.Manufacturer); break; } }
private LookupCollection InitializeCollection(DataTable dt) { LookupCollection retVal = null; if (dt != null && dt.Columns.Count > 0) { retVal = new LookupCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Lookup item = InitializeObject(row); retVal.Add(item); } } return(retVal); }
private void Project(IEventEnvelope eventEnvelope) { switch (eventEnvelope.Data) { case (SpanStructureSpecificationAdded @event): _spanStructureSpecifications.Add(@event.Specification); break; case (SpanStructureSpecificationDeprecated @event): _spanStructureSpecifications[@event.SpanStructureSpecificationId] = _spanStructureSpecifications[@event.SpanStructureSpecificationId] with { Deprecated = true }; break; } } }
public static LookupCollection countRawFiles(string fileXml, out int nRawfiles) { //Initialize necessary objets for XML reading XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fileXml); XmlNodeType nType = reader.NodeType; XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.Load(reader); //Initialize the AminoacidList[] tAaList XmlNodeList xmlnodeMatch = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("peptide_match"); //Need the Rawfile names LookupCollection rawFilesColl = new LookupCollection(); string rawFileName; nRawfiles = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in xmlnodeMatch) { foreach (XmlNode chNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (chNode.Name == "RAWFileName") { rawFileName = chNode.InnerText.ToString().Trim(); if (!rawFilesColl.Contains(rawFileName)) { int initScansNum = 1; rawFilesColl.Add(rawFileName, initScansNum); } else { int oneMore = (int)rawFilesColl[rawFileName] + 1; rawFilesColl[rawFileName] = oneMore; } } } } nRawfiles = rawFilesColl.Count; return(rawFilesColl); }
private void Apply(SpanEquipmentSpecificationAdded @event) { _spanEquipmentSpecifications.Add(@event.Specification); }
private string CreateStaffXML() { StringBuilder sbMessages = new StringBuilder(); AttributeGroup StaffDetailsGroup = new AttributeGroup(StaffDetailsAttributeGroupID); Arena.Core.Attribute departmentAttribute = new Arena.Core.Attribute(DepartmentAttributeID); LookupType departments = new LookupType(Convert.ToInt32(departmentAttribute.TypeQualifier)); List <StaffMember> staff = new List <StaffMember>(); PersonCollection people = new PersonCollection(); people.LoadStaffMembers(); foreach (Person person in people) { string title = string.Empty; Lookup department = null; Lookup departmentPosition = null; PersonAttribute pa = (PersonAttribute)person.Attributes.FindByID(PositionAttributeID); if (pa != null) { title = pa.StringValue; } pa = (PersonAttribute)person.Attributes.FindByID(DepartmentAttributeID); if (pa != null && pa.IntValue != -1) { department = new Lookup(pa.IntValue); } pa = (PersonAttribute)person.Attributes.FindByID(DepartmentPositionAttributeID); if (pa != null && pa.IntValue != -1) { departmentPosition = new Lookup(pa.IntValue); } if (department != null && departmentPosition != null) { staff.Add(new StaffMember( person.PersonID, person.PersonGUID, person.NickName, person.LastName, person.Blob != null ? person.Blob.GUID : Guid.Empty, person.Emails.FirstActive, title, department, departmentPosition)); } } staff.Sort(); // Delete any existing department XML files in the staff folder DirectoryInfo staffFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(XMLFolderPath, "Staff")); if (staffFolder.Exists) { foreach (FileInfo fi in staffFolder.GetFiles()) { try { fi.Delete(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sbMessages.AppendFormat("Could not delete {0} file: {1}\n", fi.FullName, ex.Message); } } } else { staffFolder.Create(); } if (staff.Count > 0) { LookupCollection activeDepartments = new LookupCollection(); Lookup currentDepartment = new Lookup(); XmlDocument xdoc = null; XmlNode departmentNode = null; foreach (StaffMember StaffMember in staff) { if (currentDepartment.LookupID != StaffMember.Department.LookupID) { if (xdoc != null) { string path = Path.Combine(staffFolder.FullName, currentDepartment.Guid.ToString() + ".xml"); try { xdoc.Save(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sbMessages.AppendFormat("Could not save {0} file: {1}\n", path, ex.Message); } } currentDepartment = StaffMember.Department; activeDepartments.Add(currentDepartment); xdoc = new XmlDocument(); departmentNode = xdoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "department", xdoc.NamespaceURI); XmlAttribute xattr = xdoc.CreateAttribute("", "name", xdoc.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = currentDepartment.Value; departmentNode.Attributes.Append(xattr); xdoc.AppendChild(departmentNode); } departmentNode.AppendChild(StaffMember.XMLNode(xdoc)); if (StaffMember.DepartmentPosition.Qualifier2 == "1") { XmlDocument xdocStaff = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode xnodeStaff = StaffMember.XMLNode(xdocStaff); xdocStaff.AppendChild(xnodeStaff); if (_assistantTypeID != -1) { RelationshipCollection relationships = new RelationshipCollection(StaffMember.ID); foreach (Relationship relationship in relationships) { if (relationship.RelationshipTypeId == _assistantTypeID) { XmlNode xnodeAssistant = xdocStaff.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "assistant", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); XmlAttribute xattr = xdocStaff.CreateAttribute("", "fn", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = relationship.RelatedPerson.NickName; xnodeAssistant.Attributes.Append(xattr); xattr = xdocStaff.CreateAttribute("", "ln", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = relationship.RelatedPerson.LastName; xnodeAssistant.Attributes.Append(xattr); xattr = xdocStaff.CreateAttribute("", "email", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = relationship.RelatedPerson.Emails.FirstActive; xnodeAssistant.Attributes.Append(xattr); xnodeStaff.AppendChild(xnodeAssistant); break; } } } PersonAttributeCollection pAttributes = new PersonAttributeCollection(); pAttributes.LoadByGroup(StaffDetailsGroup, StaffMember.ID); foreach (PersonAttribute pa in pAttributes) { if (pa.AttributeType == Arena.Enums.DataType.Document) { if (BioDocumentTypeID != -1 && pa.TypeQualifier == BioDocumentTypeID.ToString()) { Arena.Utility.ArenaDataBlob bioDoc = new Arena.Utility.ArenaDataBlob(pa.IntValue); if (bioDoc.FileExtension == "txt") { ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding(); string bio = enc.GetString(bioDoc.ByteArray); if (bio != string.Empty) { XmlNode xnodeBio = xdocStaff.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "biography", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xnodeBio.AppendChild(xdocStaff.CreateCDataSection(bio)); xnodeStaff.AppendChild(xnodeBio); } } } } else { XmlNode xnodeAttribute = xdocStaff.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "attribute", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); XmlAttribute xattr = xdocStaff.CreateAttribute("", "name", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = pa.AttributeName; xnodeAttribute.Attributes.Append(xattr); xattr = xdocStaff.CreateAttribute("", "value", xdocStaff.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = pa.ToString(); xnodeAttribute.Attributes.Append(xattr); xnodeStaff.AppendChild(xnodeAttribute); } } string path = Path.Combine(staffFolder.FullName, StaffMember.Guid.ToString() + ".xml"); try { xdocStaff.Save(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sbMessages.AppendFormat("Could not save {0} file: {1}\n", path, ex.Message); } } } if (xdoc != null) { string path = Path.Combine(staffFolder.FullName, currentDepartment.Guid.ToString() + ".xml"); try { xdoc.Save(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sbMessages.AppendFormat("Could not save {0} file: {1}\n", path, ex.Message); } } XmlDocument xdocDepartments = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode xnodeDepartments = xdocDepartments.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "departments", xdocDepartments.NamespaceURI); xdocDepartments.AppendChild(xnodeDepartments); foreach (Lookup activeDepartment in activeDepartments) { XmlNode xnodeDepartment = xdocDepartments.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "department", xdocDepartments.NamespaceURI); XmlAttribute xattr = xdocDepartments.CreateAttribute("", "guid", xdocDepartments.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = activeDepartment.Guid.ToString(); xnodeDepartment.Attributes.Append(xattr); xattr = xdocDepartments.CreateAttribute("", "name", xdocDepartments.NamespaceURI); xattr.Value = activeDepartment.Value; xnodeDepartment.Attributes.Append(xattr); XmlNode xnodeDeptDescription = xdocDepartments.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "description", xdocDepartments.NamespaceURI); xnodeDeptDescription.InnerText = activeDepartment.Qualifier8; xnodeDepartment.AppendChild(xnodeDeptDescription); xnodeDepartments.AppendChild(xnodeDepartment); } try { xdocDepartments.Save(Path.Combine(staffFolder.FullName, "departments.xml")); } catch (System.Exception ex) { sbMessages.AppendFormat("Could not save {0} file: {1}\n", Path.Combine(staffFolder.FullName, "departments.xml"), ex.Message); } } return(sbMessages.ToString()); }
private void Apply(NodeContainerSpecificationAdded @event) { _nodeContainerSpecifications.Add(@event.Specification); }
private IList<ReturnedInfo> OrderByDateReturned(IList<ReturnedInfo> returns) { LookupCollection ordered = new LookupCollection(); foreach (ReturnedInfo ret in returns) { ordered.Add(ret.ReturnId, Convert.ToDateTime(ret.ReturnDate)); } IList<ReturnedInfo> orderedList = new List<ReturnedInfo>(); Object[] o = new Object[ordered.Count]; ordered.Keys.CopyTo(o, 0); Array.Reverse(o); foreach (Object oo in o) { foreach (ReturnedInfo rt in returns) { if (rt.ReturnId == (String)oo) { orderedList.Add(rt); } } } return orderedList; }
private IList<IssueInfo> OrderByDateIssued(IList<IssueInfo> issues) { LookupCollection ordered = new LookupCollection(); foreach (IssueInfo issue in issues) { ordered.Add(issue.IssueId, Convert.ToDateTime(issue.IssueDate)); } IList<IssueInfo> orderedList = new List<IssueInfo>(); Object[] o = new Object[ordered.Count]; ordered.Keys.CopyTo(o, 0); Array.Reverse(o); foreach (Object oo in o) { foreach (IssueInfo iss in issues) { if (iss.IssueId == (String)oo) { orderedList.Add(iss); } } } return orderedList; }