コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection formCollection)
            //  try
            //  {
            ElevatorBusiness ElevatorBusiness = new ElevatorBusiness(new ElevatorDataAccess());
            LookupBusiness   lookupBusiness   = new LookupBusiness(new LookupDataAccess());

            ElevatorCoreModel.Elevator elevator = new ElevatorCoreModel.Elevator
                CreatedByUserId  = 1, // (int)Session["ElevatorId"];
                ModifiedByUserId = 2, // (int)Session["ElevatorId"];
                ElevatorName     = formCollection["ElevatorName"],
                FloorDuration    = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["FloorDuration"]),
                MaxWeight        = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["MaxWeight"]),
                CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                MainStatusId     = lookupBusiness.GetLookupId("MainStatus", formCollection["MainStatus"]),
            //    return View();
コード例 #2
        // GET: User
        public ActionResult Index()
            UserBusiness     userBusiness   = new UserBusiness(new UserDataAccess());
            LookupBusiness   lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness(new LookupDataAccess());
            List <User>      userList       = userBusiness.GetUsers();
            List <UserModel> userModelList  = new List <UserModel>();

            foreach (User user in userList)
                UserModel userModel = new UserModel
                    Address          = user.Address,
                    CreatedByUserId  = user.CreatedByUserId,
                    CreatedDate      = user.CreatedDate,
                    DateOfBirth      = user.DateOfBirth,
                    EmailId          = user.EmailId,
                    FirstName        = user.FirstName,
                    Gender           = (Enums.Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.Gender), lookupBusiness.GetLookupValue(user.GenderId)),
                    LastName         = user.LastName,
                    ModifiedByUserId = user.ModifiedByUserId,
                    ModifiedDate     = user.ModifiedDate,
                    Password         = user.Password,
                    UserId           = user.UserId
コード例 #3
        public static object GetSpotRateByFilter(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string processdate, int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List <MA_SPOT_RATE> SpotRates = _lookupbusiness.GetSpotRateByFilter(sessioninfo, processdate, jtSorting);

                //var jsonData = (from s in SpotRates
                //                select new
                //                {
                //                    ID = s.ID,
                //                    CurrencyLabel = s.MA_CURRENCY.LABEL,
                //                    Proc_date = s.PROC_DATE,
                //                    Rate = s.RATE
                //                }).ToList();
                //Return result to jTable
                    Result = "OK",
                    Records = jtPageSize > 0 ? SpotRates.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList() : SpotRates,
                    TotalRecordCount = SpotRates.Count
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #4
        public static object GetCurrencyByFilter(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string name, int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
                //Return result to jTable
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List <MA_CURRENCY> currencies = _lookupbusiness.GetCurrencyByFilter(sessioninfo, name, jtSorting);

                //Return result to jTable
                    Result = "OK",
                    Records = jtPageSize > 0 ? currencies.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList() : currencies,
                    TotalRecordCount = currencies.Count
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #5
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection formCollection)
            //  try
            //  {
            UserBusiness   userBusiness   = new UserBusiness(new UserDataAccess());
            LookupBusiness lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness(new LookupDataAccess());
            User           user           = new User
                CreatedByUserId  = 1, // (int)Session["UserId"];
                ModifiedByUserId = 2, // (int)Session["UserId"];
                Address          = formCollection["Address"],
                EmailId          = formCollection["EmailId"],
                FirstName        = formCollection["FirstName"],
                LastName         = formCollection["LastName"],
                CreatedDate      = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                DateOfBirth      = DateTime.Now,
                GenderId         = lookupBusiness.GetLookupId("Gender", formCollection["Gender"]),
                Password         = formCollection["Password"]

            //    return View();
コード例 #6
ファイル: DealBusiness.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public DA_TRN CancelDeal(SessionInfo sessioninfo, DA_TRN trn)
     LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
     using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
         var foundTrn = unitOfWork.DA_TRNRepository.GetById(trn.ID,true);
         if (foundTrn == null)
             throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!");
         else if (!Guid.Equals(foundTrn.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID, sessioninfo.CurrentUserId))
             throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "You have no right to cancel this transaction");
         else if (!(foundTrn.ENGINE_DATE.Date == sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate && foundTrn.SOURCE == "INT"))
             throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "You cannot cancel the past deals");
             //foundTrn.STATUS_ID = new Guid("1ccd7506-b98c-4afa-838e-24378d9b3c2e");
             foundTrn.REMARK = trn.REMARK;
             foundTrn.STATUS_ID = _lookupBusiness.GetStatusAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == StatusCode.CANCELLED.ToString()).ID;
             foundTrn.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;
             foundTrn.LOG.MODIFYDATE = DateTime.Now;
             trn = foundTrn;
     return trn;
コード例 #7
        public static List <FIDealModel> GetDealInternalByProcessDate(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
            DealBusiness       _dealBusiness   = new DealBusiness();
            UserBusiness       _userBusiness   = new UserBusiness();
            LookupBusiness     _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
            List <MA_CURRENCY> ccys            = _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll();
            List <MA_USER>     users           = _userBusiness.GetAll();
            Guid          productID            = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == ProductCode.BOND.ToString()).ID;
            List <DA_TRN> trns = _dealBusiness.GetDealInternalByProcessDate(sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate);

            return((from t in trns.Where(a => a.PRODUCT_ID.Value == productID && a.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null)
                    join user in users on t.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID equals user.ID into ljuser
                    from inputuser in ljuser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    join tempccy1 in ccys on t.FIRST.CCY_ID equals tempccy1.ID into ljccy1
                    from ccy1 in ljccy1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    join tbmauser in users on t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SENDER_ID equals tbmauser.ID into ljtbmauser
                    from tbmainputuser in ljtbmauser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    orderby t.LOG.INSERTDATE descending
                    select new FIDealModel
                ID = t.ID,
                DMK_NO = t.INT_DEAL_NO,
                OPICS_NO = t.EXT_DEAL_NO,
                InsertState = t.MA_STATUS.LABEL == StatusCode.CANCELLED.ToString()
                                            ? "Cancelled"
                                            : t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE != null
                                                ? "Sent"
                                                : 1800 - DateTime.Now.Subtract(t.LOG.INSERTDATE).TotalSeconds <= 0
                                                    ? "Late"
                                                    : (1800 - Math.Round(DateTime.Now.Subtract(t.LOG.INSERTDATE).TotalSeconds)).ToString(),
                TradeDate = t.TRADE_DATE.Value,
                MaturityDate = t.MATURITY_DATE,
                Instrument = t.MA_INSRUMENT.LABEL,
                BuySell = t.FLAG_BUYSELL,
                Portfolio = t.MA_PORTFOLIO.LABEL,
                Counterparty = t.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME,
                Yield = t.FIRST.RATE.Value,
                GrossValue = t.FIRST.NOTIONAL.Value,
                CCY = ccy1 != null ? ccy1.LABEL : null,
                Trader = inputuser != null ? inputuser.USERCODE : null,
                Status = t.MA_STATUS.LABEL,
                PCE = t.KK_CONTRIBUTE.HasValue ? t.KK_CONTRIBUTE.Value : 0,
                Sender = tbmainputuser != null ? tbmainputuser.USERCODE : null,
                Unit = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.UNIT : 0,
                CleanPrice = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.CLEAN_PRICE : 0,
                GrossPrice = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.GROSS_PRICE : 0,
                YieldType = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.YIELD_TYPE : string.Empty,
                ReporyBy = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.IS_REPORT_CLEAN ? "Clean Price" : "Gross Price" : string.Empty,
                Purpose = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.PURPOSE : string.Empty,
                Term = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null && t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.TERM.HasValue ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.TERM.Value : 0,
                Rate = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null && t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.RATE.HasValue ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.RATE.Value : 0,
                TBMA_Remark = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.REMARK : string.Empty,
                SendTime = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION != null ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE.HasValue ? t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE.Value.ToString("dd MMM yyy HH:mm") : string.Empty : string.Empty,
                PrimaryMarket = t.FLAG_PCE.Value ? "Yes" : "No",
                NonDVP = t.FLAG_SETTLE.Value ? "Yes" : "No"
コード例 #8
 public static MA_TBMA_CONFIG GetTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         //Get data from database
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #9
ファイル: PCCFUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object GetPCCFFXSpotByLabel(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string CCYPairLabel)
     StaticDataBusiness _staticBusiness = new StaticDataBusiness();
     LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
     var productID = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL.Replace(" ", string.Empty) == ProductCode.FXSPOT.ToString()).ID;
     MA_PCCF pccf = _staticBusiness.GetPCCFByLabelProduct(sessioninfo, CCYPairLabel, productID);
     if (pccf != null)
     else {
         throw new Exception("Invalid currency pair.");
コード例 #10
        public static object UpdateTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_TBMA_CONFIG record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateTBMAConfig(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #11
        public static object UpdateSpotRate(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_SPOT_RATE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateSpotRate(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #12
        public static object CreateSpotRate(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_SPOT_RATE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

                var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateSpotRate(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK", Record = added });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #13
        public static object UpdateCSAType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CSA_TYPE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateCSAType(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #14
 public static object UpdateStatus(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_STATUS record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL    = record.LABEL;
         var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateStatus(sessioninfo, record);
         return(new { Result = "OK" });
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #15
        public static object Create(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_COUTERPARTY record)
                CounterpartyBusiness _counterpartyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness();
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                MA_CTPY_LIMIT cplimit;

                record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                record.SNAME = record.SNAME.ToUpper();
                record.TBMA_NAME = record.TBMA_NAME.ToUpper();
                record.FNAME = record.FNAME.ToUpper();
                record.BUSINESS = record.BUSINESS.ToUpper();
                record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
                record.LOG.INSERTDATE = DateTime.Now;
                record.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;
                record.GROUP_CTPY_ID = record.GROUP_CTPY_ID == Guid.Empty ? null : record.GROUP_CTPY_ID;

                //Prepare Counterparty-Limit data
                List<MA_LIMIT> limits = _lookupBusiness.GetLimitAll();

                foreach (MA_LIMIT limit in limits)
                    cplimit = new MA_CTPY_LIMIT();

                    cplimit.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cplimit.CTPY_ID = record.ID;
                    cplimit.LIMIT_ID = limit.ID;
                    cplimit.FLAG_CONTROL = true;
                    cplimit.AMOUNT = 0;
                    cplimit.EXPIRE_DATE = sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate;
                    cplimit.LOG.INSERTDATE = DateTime.Now;
                    cplimit.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;


                var addedRecord = _counterpartyBusiness.Create(sessioninfo, record);


                return new { Result = "OK", Record = addedRecord };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #16
        public static object Create(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_COUTERPARTY record)
                CounterpartyBusiness _counterpartyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness();
                LookupBusiness       _lookupBusiness       = new LookupBusiness();
                MA_CTPY_LIMIT        cplimit;

                record.ID                 = Guid.NewGuid();
                record.SNAME              = record.SNAME.ToUpper();
                record.TBMA_NAME          = record.TBMA_NAME.ToUpper();
                record.FNAME              = record.FNAME.ToUpper();
                record.BUSINESS           = record.BUSINESS.ToUpper();
                record.ISACTIVE           = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
                record.LOG.INSERTDATE     = DateTime.Now;
                record.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;
                record.GROUP_CTPY_ID      = record.GROUP_CTPY_ID == Guid.Empty ? null : record.GROUP_CTPY_ID;

                //Prepare Counterparty-Limit data
                List <MA_LIMIT> limits = _lookupBusiness.GetLimitAll();

                foreach (MA_LIMIT limit in limits)
                    cplimit = new MA_CTPY_LIMIT();

                    cplimit.ID                 = Guid.NewGuid();
                    cplimit.CTPY_ID            = record.ID;
                    cplimit.LIMIT_ID           = limit.ID;
                    cplimit.FLAG_CONTROL       = true;
                    cplimit.AMOUNT             = 0;
                    cplimit.EXPIRE_DATE        = sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate;
                    cplimit.LOG.INSERTDATE     = DateTime.Now;
                    cplimit.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;


                var addedRecord = _counterpartyBusiness.Create(sessioninfo, record);


                return(new { Result = "OK", Record = addedRecord });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #17
 public static object CreateCurrency(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CURRENCY record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ID       = Guid.NewGuid();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL    = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
         var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateCurrency(sessioninfo, record);
         return(new { Result = "OK", Record = added });
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #18
        public static object UpdateBondMarket(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_BOND_MARKET record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.LABEL       = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
                record.DESCRIPTION = record.DESCRIPTION.ToUpper();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateBondMarket(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #19
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object CreateCurrency(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CURRENCY record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
         var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateCurrency(sessioninfo, record);
         return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
     catch (Exception ex)
         return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #20
        public static object GetCSATypeOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var csa = _lookupBusiness.GetCSATypeAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID });

                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Options = csa });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #21
ファイル: PCCFUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetPCCFFXSpotByLabel(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string CCYPairLabel)
            StaticDataBusiness _staticBusiness = new StaticDataBusiness();
            LookupBusiness     _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
            var     productID = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL.Replace(" ", string.Empty) == ProductCode.FXSPOT.ToString()).ID;
            MA_PCCF pccf      = _staticBusiness.GetPCCFByLabelProduct(sessioninfo, CCYPairLabel, productID);

            if (pccf != null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid currency pair.");
コード例 #22
 public static object CreatePortfolio(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_PORTFOLIO record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ID        = Guid.NewGuid();
         record.ISACTIVE  = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.ISDEFAULT = record.ISDEFAULT == null || !record.ISDEFAULT.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL     = record.LABEL;
         var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateProfolio(sessioninfo, record);
         return(new { Result = "OK", Record = added });
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #23
    private void Initialize()
        Session["OldPasswords"] = new List <string> {
            "Password@1", "Password@2", "Password@3"

        rdoCountry.DataSource     = LookupBusiness.GetCountries();
        rdoCountry.DataValueField = "Code";
        rdoCountry.DataTextField  = "Value";

        Candidate candidate = Session["Candidate"] as Candidate;

        if (candidate != null)
            rdoCountry.SelectedValue = candidate.CountryCode.ToString();
            rdoStates.DataSource     = LookupBusiness.GetStates(candidate.CountryCode);
            rdoStates.DataValueField = "StateID";
            rdoStates.DataTextField  = "StateName";
            rdoStates.SelectedValue = candidate.StateID.ToString();

            txtFirstName.Text                = candidate.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text                 = candidate.LastName;
            txtEmailID.Text                  = candidate.EmailID;
            txtAlternateEmailID.Text         = candidate.AlternateEmailID;
            ddlCandidateStatus.SelectedValue = candidate.CandidateStatus;
            txtPhoneHome.Text                = candidate.PhoneHome;
            txtPhoneCell.Text                = candidate.PhoneCell;
            txtPhoneWork.Text                = candidate.PhoneWork;
            txtAddress1.Text                 = candidate.Address1;
            txtAddress2.Text                 = candidate.Address2;
            txtCity.Text    = candidate.City;
            txtZipCode.Text = candidate.ZipCode;

            hdnCountryCode.Value  = candidate.CountryCode.ToString();
            hdnCountryValue.Value = candidate.CountryValue;

            hdnStateID.Value   = candidate.StateID.ToString();
            hdnStateName.Value = candidate.StateName.ToString();
コード例 #24
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object CreateBondMarket(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_BOND_MARKET record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
                record.DESCRIPTION = record.DESCRIPTION.ToUpper();

                var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateBondMarket(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #25
        public static object GetPortfolioOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var portfolio = _lookupBusiness.GetPortfolioAll().Where(t => t.ISACTIVE == true).OrderBy(p => p.LABEL)
                                .Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID, Default = c.ISDEFAULT });

                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Options = portfolio });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #26
 public static object UpdateLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_LIMIT record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ISACTIVE   = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE ? false : true;
         record.LABEL      = record.LABEL;
         record.LIMIT_TYPE = record.LIMIT_TYPE;
         record.INDEX      = record.INDEX;
         var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateLimit(sessioninfo, record);
         return(new { Result = "OK" });
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #27
        public static object CreateCSAType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CSA_TYPE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.ID    = Guid.NewGuid();
                record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
                record.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;
                record.LOG.INSERTDATE     = DateTime.Now;

                var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateCSAType(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK", Record = added });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #28
        public static object GetCurrencyOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var currencies     = _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID.ToString() });
                var currenciesList = currencies.ToList();

                currenciesList.Insert(0, new { DisplayText = "Please select", Value = string.Empty });
                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Options = currenciesList });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #29
 public static object UpdateFreqType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_FREQ_TYPE record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         //record.LABEL = record.LABEL;
         //record.USERCODE = record
         record.USERCODE = record.USERCODE;
         record.INDEX    = record.INDEX;
         var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateFreqType(sessioninfo, record);
         return(new { Result = "OK" });
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #30
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object CreateCSAType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CSA_TYPE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();
                record.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId;
                record.LOG.INSERTDATE = DateTime.Now;

                var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateCSAType(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #31
        public static object GetBondMarketOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var bondMarkets     = _lookupBusiness.GetBondMarketAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID.ToString() }).OrderBy(p => p.DisplayText);
                var bondMarketsList = bondMarkets.ToList();

                bondMarketsList.Insert(0, new { DisplayText = "Please select...", Value = string.Empty });
                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Options = bondMarketsList });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #32
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object CreateFreqType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_FREQ_TYPE record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL = record.LABEL;
         record.USERCODE = record.USERCODE;
         record.INDEX = record.INDEX;
         var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateFreqType(sessioninfo, record);
         return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
     catch (Exception ex)
         return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #33
        public static object SendFIReport(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string IDs)
                string[]       TrnsID          = IDs.Split(',');
                DealBusiness   _dealBusiness   = new DealBusiness();
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                MA_TBMA_CONFIG config          = _lookupBusiness.GetTBMAConfig(sessioninfo);
                Guid           productID       = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == ProductCode.BOND.ToString()).ID;
                List <DA_TRN>  trns            = _dealBusiness.GetDealInternalByProcessDate(sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate)
                                                 .Where(a => a.PRODUCT_ID.Value == productID && TrnsID.Contains(a.ID.ToString()) && a.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE == null).ToList();
                var validateTBMA_NAME = (from o1 in trns
                                         where string.IsNullOrEmpty(o1.MA_COUTERPARTY.TBMA_NAME)
                                         select o1.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME).Distinct().ToArray();

                //verify required info
                if (validateTBMA_NAME.Length > 0)
                    throw CreateException(new Exception(), "TBMA_NAME can't be empty. Please input TBMA_NAME on counterparty " + string.Join(",", validateTBMA_NAME));
                if (config == null)
                    throw CreateException(new Exception(), "Cannot get configurations. Please contact administrator");

                foreach (DA_TRN trn in trns)
                    _dealBusiness.CreatingTBMAReportFile(sessioninfo, trn, config);

                Guid[] TrnsIDSend = trns.Select(t => t.ID).ToArray();
                _dealBusiness.UpdateFISendReport(sessioninfo, TrnsIDSend);
                    Result = "OK",
                    Message = String.Format("Sending report completed")
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #34
        public static object GetCSAByCtpyID(SessionInfo sessioninfo, Guid ID)
                CounterpartyBusiness _counterpartyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness();
                LookupBusiness       _lookupBusiness       = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List <CSAAgreementModel> results = new List <CSAAgreementModel>();
                var csa      = _counterpartyBusiness.GetCSAByCtpyID(sessioninfo, ID);
                var products = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll();

                if (csa != null)
                    var csaproduct = from c in csa.MA_CSA_PRODUCT
                                     join product in products on c.PRODUCT_ID equals product.ID
                                     select new
                        LABEL = product.LABEL

                    CSAAgreementModel ca = new CSAAgreementModel();
                    ca.CSA_TYPE_ID = csa.CSA_TYPE_ID;
                    ca.ID          = csa.ID;
                    ca.ISACTIVE    = csa.ISACTIVE;
                    ca.PRODUCTS    = String.Join(",", csaproduct.Select(p => p.LABEL));


                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Records = results, TotalRecordCount = results.Count });
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #35
        // GET: Elevator/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            ElevatorBusiness elevatorBusiness = new ElevatorBusiness(new ElevatorDataAccess());
            LookupBusiness   lookupBusiness   = new LookupBusiness(new LookupDataAccess());

            ElevatorCoreModel.Elevator elevator = elevatorBusiness.GetElevator(id);
            ElevatorModel elevatorModel         = new ElevatorModel
                ElevatorName     = elevator.ElevatorName,
                CreatedByUserId  = elevator.CreatedByUserId,
                MainStatus       = (Enums.MainStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.MainStatus), lookupBusiness.GetLookupValue(elevator.MainStatusId)),
                ModifiedByUserId = elevator.ModifiedByUserId,
                ModifiedDate     = elevator.ModifiedDate,
                MaxWeight        = elevator.MaxWeight,
                FloorDuration    = elevator.FloorDuration,
                CreatedDate      = elevator.CreatedDate,
                ElevatorId       = elevator.ElevatorId

コード例 #36
        public static object GetProductOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string except_product = "")
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var products = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().Where(t => t.ISACTIVE == true);

                if (except_product != "")
                    products = products.Where(p => p.LABEL != except_product);

                //Return result to jTable
                return(new { Result = "OK", Options = products.OrderBy(t => t.LABEL).Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID }) });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
コード例 #37
        // GET: Elevator
        public ActionResult Index()
            ElevatorBusiness elevatorBusiness = new ElevatorBusiness(new ElevatorDataAccess());
            LookupBusiness   lookupBusiness   = new LookupBusiness(new LookupDataAccess());
            List <ElevatorCoreModel.Elevator> elevatorList = elevatorBusiness.GetElevators();
            List <ElevatorModel> elevatorModelList         = new List <ElevatorModel>();

            foreach (var elevator in elevatorList)
                ElevatorModel elevatorModel = new ElevatorModel
                    ElevatorId    = elevator.ElevatorId,
                    ElevatorName  = elevator.ElevatorName,
                    FloorDuration = elevator.FloorDuration,
                    MaxWeight     = elevator.MaxWeight,
                    MainStatus    = (Enums.MainStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enums.MainStatus), lookupBusiness.GetLookupValue(elevator.MainStatusId)),
コード例 #38
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetCurrencyOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var currencies = _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID.ToString() });
                var currenciesList = currencies.ToList();

                currenciesList.Insert(0, new { DisplayText = "Please select", Value = string.Empty });
                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = currenciesList };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #39
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static MA_TBMA_CONFIG GetTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         //Get data from database
         return _lookupbusiness.GetTBMAConfig(sessionInfo);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
コード例 #40
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetPortfolioOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var portfolio = _lookupBusiness.GetPortfolioAll().Where(t => t.ISACTIVE == true).OrderBy(p => p.LABEL)
                                                .Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID, Default = c.ISDEFAULT });

                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = portfolio };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #41
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetFreqTypeOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var freqtypes = _lookupBusiness.GetFreqTypeAll().OrderBy(p => p.INDEX).Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID });

                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = freqtypes };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #42
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object CreatePortfolio(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_PORTFOLIO record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.ISDEFAULT = record.ISDEFAULT == null || !record.ISDEFAULT.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL = record.LABEL;
         var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateProfolio(sessioninfo, record);
         return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
     catch (Exception ex)
         return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #43
ファイル: ReportUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static List<DealViewModel> GetPCEDetailData(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string strReportDate, string strCtpy, string strProduct, string strSource)
                ReportBusiness _reportBusiness = new ReportBusiness();
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                CountryBusiness _countryBusiness = new CountryBusiness();
                CounterpartyBusiness _ctpyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness();

                List<DA_TRN> trns = _reportBusiness.GetPCEDetailReport(sessioninfo, strReportDate, strCtpy, strProduct, strSource);
                List<MA_CURRENCY> ccys = _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll();
                List<MA_CSA_PRODUCT> csaproducts = _ctpyBusiness.GetCSAProductAll(sessioninfo);
                List<MA_COUNTRY> country = _countryBusiness.GetCountryAll();

                var report = (from trn in trns
                              join ct in country on trn.MA_COUTERPARTY.COUNTRY_ID equals ct.ID
                              join ccy1 in ccys on trn.FIRST.CCY_ID equals ccy1.ID into ljccy1
                              from subccy1 in ljccy1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              join ccy2 in ccys on trn.SECOND.CCY_ID equals ccy2.ID into ljccy2
                              from subccy2 in ljccy2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              join csaproduct in csaproducts on new { CTPY_ID = trn.CTPY_ID, PRODUCT_ID = trn.PRODUCT_ID.Value } equals new { CTPY_ID = csaproduct.CSA_AGREEMENT_ID, PRODUCT_ID = csaproduct.PRODUCT_ID } into ljcsa
                              from subcsa in ljcsa.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              select new DealViewModel
                                  EngineDate = trn.ENGINE_DATE,
                                  DMK_NO = trn.INT_DEAL_NO,
                                  OPICS_NO = trn.EXT_DEAL_NO,
                                  Source = trn.SOURCE == "INT" ? "DMK" : "OPICS",
                                  Product = trn.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL,
                                  Portfolio = trn.MA_PORTFOLIO.LABEL,
                                  TradeDate = trn.TRADE_DATE.Value,
                                  EffectiveDate = trn.START_DATE,
                                  MaturityDate = trn.MATURITY_DATE,
                                  Instrument = trn.MA_INSRUMENT.LABEL,
                                  Counterparty = trn.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME,
                                  Notional1 = trn.FIRST.NOTIONAL,
                                  Notional2 = trn.SECOND.NOTIONAL,
                                  FixedFloat1 = !trn.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? "-" : trn.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.Value ? trn.FIRST.FLAG_PAYREC + "-FIXED" : trn.FIRST.FLAG_PAYREC + "-FLOAT",
                                  FixedFloat2 = !trn.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? "-" : trn.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED.Value ? trn.SECOND.FLAG_PAYREC + "-FIXED" : trn.SECOND.FLAG_PAYREC + "-FLOAT",
                                  KKPCCF = trn.KK_PCCF,
                                  KKContribute = trn.KK_CONTRIBUTE,
                                  CCY1 = subccy1 != null ? subccy1.LABEL : "-",
                                  CCY2 = subccy2 != null ? subccy2.LABEL : "-",
                                  CSA = subcsa != null ? "Yes" : "No",
                                  Country = ct.LABEL
                              }).OrderBy(p => p.DMK_NO).ToList();

                return report;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #44
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object CreateSpotRate(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_SPOT_RATE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

                var added = _lookupbusiness.CreateSpotRate(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK", Record = added };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #45
ファイル: DealViewUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object CancelDeal(SessionInfo sessioninfo, DA_TRN trn)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness();
                DealBusiness _dealbusiness = new DealBusiness();
                DA_TRN t = _dealbusiness.CancelDeal(sessioninfo, trn);
                DA_TRN t2 = _dealbusiness.GetDealByDealNo(t.INT_DEAL_NO,t.VERSION).FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID != t.ID);
                if (t2 != null) _dealbusiness.CancelDeal(sessioninfo, t2);
                var inputuser = _userBusiness.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == t.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID);

                var query = new DealViewModel
                                ID = t.ID,
                                EntryDate = t.LOG.INSERTDATE,
                                DMK_NO = t.INT_DEAL_NO
                                OPICS_NO = t.EXT_DEAL_NO,
                                TradeDate = t.TRADE_DATE.Value
                                EffectiveDate = t.START_DATE,
                                Instrument = t.MA_INSRUMENT.LABEL
                                MaturityDate = t.MATURITY_DATE,
                                BuySell = t.FLAG_BUYSELL
                                Product = t.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL,
                                Portfolio = t.MA_PORTFOLIO.LABEL
                                Counterparty = t.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME,
                                Notional1 = t.FIRST.NOTIONAL
                                PayRec1 = t.FIRST.FLAG_PAYREC,
                                FixedFloat1 = !t.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? null : t.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.Value ? "FIXED" : "FLOAT"
                                Rate1 = t.FIRST.RATE,
                                Fixing1 = t.FIRST.FIRSTFIXINGAMT,
                                SwapPoint1 = t.FIRST.SWAP_POINT,
                                Notional2 = t.SECOND.NOTIONAL
                                PayRec2 = t.SECOND.FLAG_PAYREC,
                                FixedFloat2 = !t.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? null : t.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED == true ? "FIXED" : "FLOAT"
                                Rate2 = t.SECOND.RATE,
                                Fixing2 = t.SECOND.FIRSTFIXINGAMT,
                                SwapPoint2 = t.SECOND.SWAP_POINT,
                                Status =  _lookupBusiness.GetStatusAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == t.STATUS_ID).LABEL
                                KKContribute = t.KK_CONTRIBUTE,
                                BotContribute = t.BOT_CONTRIBUTE
                                LimitOverwrite = string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.OVER_APPROVER) ? "No" : t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 && t.OVER_SETTL_AMOUNT > 0 ? "Yes" : t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 ? "PCE" : "SET"
                                LimitApprover = t.OVER_APPROVER
                                Trader = inputuser != null ? inputuser.USERCODE : ""
                                Remark = t.REMARK
                return new { Result = "OK", Record = query, DealPairID = t2 != null? t2.ID.ToString() : string.Empty };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #46
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetTBMAConfigAll(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List<MA_TBMA_CONFIG> config = _lookupbusiness.GetTBMAConfigAll(sessionInfo);

                return new
                    Result = "OK",
                    Records = config,
                    TotalRecordCount = 1
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #47
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetCSATypeByFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, string label, int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List<MA_CSA_TYPE> market = _lookupbusiness.GetCSATypeByFilter(sessionInfo, label, jtSorting);

                return new
                    Result = "OK",
                    Records = jtPageSize > 0 ? market.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList() : market,
                    TotalRecordCount = market.Count
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #48
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object UpdateCSAType(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CSA_TYPE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                record.LABEL = record.LABEL.ToUpper();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateCSAType(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK" };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #49
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object UpdateLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_LIMIT record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE ? false : true;
         record.LABEL = record.LABEL;
         record.LIMIT_TYPE = record.LIMIT_TYPE;
         record.INDEX = record.INDEX;
         var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateLimit(sessioninfo, record);
         return new { Result = "OK" };
     catch (Exception ex)
         return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #50
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object UpdateSpotRate(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_SPOT_RATE record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateSpotRate(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK" };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #51
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
 public static object UpdateStatus(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_STATUS record)
         LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
         record.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE == null || !record.ISACTIVE.Value ? false : true;
         record.LABEL = record.LABEL;
         var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateStatus(sessioninfo, record);
         return new { Result = "OK" };
     catch (Exception ex)
         return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #52
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object UpdateTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_TBMA_CONFIG record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateTBMAConfig(sessioninfo, record);
                return new { Result = "OK" };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #53
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetBondMarketOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var bondMarkets = _lookupBusiness.GetBondMarketAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID.ToString() }).OrderBy(p => p.DisplayText);
                var bondMarketsList = bondMarkets.ToList();

                bondMarketsList.Insert(0, new { DisplayText = "Please select...", Value = string.Empty });
                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = bondMarketsList };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #54
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetStatusOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var products = _lookupBusiness.GetStatusAll().Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID });

                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = products };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #55
ファイル: DealViewUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static List<DealViewModel> GetDealInquiryData(SessionInfo sessioninfo
                                                            , string strDMKNo
                                                            , string strOPICNo
                                                            , string strProduct
                                                            , string strCtpy
                                                            , string strPortfolio
                                                            , string strTradeDate
                                                            , string strEffDate
                                                            , string strMatDate
                                                            , string strInstrument
                                                            , string strUser
                                                            , string strStatus
                                                            , string strOverStatus
                                                            , string strProcDate
                                                            , string strSettleStatus)
            DealBusiness _dealBusiness = new DealBusiness();
            UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness();
            LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();

            //Get data from database
            List<DA_TRN> trns = _dealBusiness.GetDealInquiryByFilter(sessioninfo
                                                                        , strDMKNo
                                                                        , strOPICNo
                                                                        , strProduct
                                                                        , strCtpy
                                                                        , strPortfolio
                                                                        , strTradeDate
                                                                        , strEffDate
                                                                        , strMatDate
                                                                        , strInstrument
                                                                        , strUser
                                                                        , strStatus
                                                                        , strProcDate);
            //Get user data
            List<MA_USER> users = _userBusiness.GetAll();
            List<MA_CURRENCY> ccys = _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll();
            List<MA_FREQ_TYPE> freq = _lookupBusiness.GetFreqTypeAll();

            return (from t in trns
                         join user in users on t.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID equals user.ID into ljuser
                         from inputuser in ljuser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join tempccy1 in ccys on t.FIRST.CCY_ID equals tempccy1.ID into ljccy1
                         from ccy1 in ljccy1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join tempccy2 in ccys on t.SECOND.CCY_ID equals tempccy2.ID into ljccy2
                         from ccy2 in ljccy2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join f1 in freq on t.FIRST.FREQTYPE_ID equals f1.ID into fg1
                         from subfg1 in fg1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join f2 in freq on t.SECOND.FREQTYPE_ID equals f2.ID into fg2
                         from subfg2 in fg2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new DealViewModel
                             ID = t.ID,
                             EntryDate = t.LOG.INSERTDATE,
                             DMK_NO = t.INT_DEAL_NO,
                             OPICS_NO = t.EXT_DEAL_NO,
                             TradeDate = t.TRADE_DATE.Value,
                             EffectiveDate = t.START_DATE,
                             Instrument = t.MA_INSRUMENT.LABEL,
                             MaturityDate = t.MATURITY_DATE,
                             BuySell = t.FLAG_BUYSELL,
                             Product = t.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL,
                             Portfolio = t.MA_PORTFOLIO.LABEL,
                             Counterparty = t.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME,
                             Notional1 = t.FIRST.NOTIONAL,
                             PayRec1 = t.FIRST.FLAG_PAYREC,
                             FixedFloat1 = !t.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? null : t.FIRST.FLAG_FIXED.Value ? "FIXED" : "FLOAT",
                             Rate1 = t.FIRST.RATE,
                             Fixing1 = t.FIRST.FIRSTFIXINGAMT,
                             SwapPoint1 = t.FIRST.SWAP_POINT,
                             Notional2 = t.SECOND.NOTIONAL,
                             PayRec2 = t.SECOND.FLAG_PAYREC,
                             FixedFloat2 = !t.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED.HasValue ? null : t.SECOND.FLAG_FIXED == true ? "FIXED" : "FLOAT",
                             Rate2 = t.SECOND.RATE,
                             Fixing2 = t.SECOND.FIRSTFIXINGAMT,
                             SwapPoint2 = t.SECOND.SWAP_POINT,
                             Status = t.MA_STATUS.LABEL,
                             KKContribute = t.KK_CONTRIBUTE,
                             BotContribute = t.BOT_CONTRIBUTE                             ,
                             LimitOverwrite = string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.OVER_APPROVER) ? "No" : t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 && t.OVER_SETTL_AMOUNT > 0 ? "Yes" : t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 ? "PCE" : "SET",
                             LimitApprover = t.OVER_APPROVER,
                             Trader = inputuser != null ? inputuser.USERCODE : null,
                             Remark = t.REMARK,
                             CCY1 = ccy1 != null ? ccy1.LABEL : null,
                             CCY2 = ccy2 != null ? ccy2.LABEL : null,
                             SettlementLimit = !t.FLAG_SETTLE.HasValue || !t.FLAG_SETTLE.Value ? "No" : "Yes",
                             Freq1 = subfg1 != null ? subfg1.USERCODE : null,
                             Freq2 = subfg2 != null ? subfg2.USERCODE : null,
                             OpicsTrader = t.INSERT_BY_EXT,
                             TBMA_SENT = t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION == null ? "N/A" : t.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE != null ? "Yes" : "No"
                         }).Where(p => p.LimitOverwrite == strOverStatus || String.IsNullOrEmpty(strOverStatus))
                         .Where(t => t.SettlementLimit == strSettleStatus || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSettleStatus)).ToList();
コード例 #56
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetStatusByFilter(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string name, int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
                //Return result to jTable
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List<MA_STATUS> status = _lookupbusiness.GetStatusByFilter(sessioninfo, name, jtSorting);

                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK",
                             Records = jtPageSize > 0 ? status.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList() : status,
                             TotalRecordCount = status.Count };
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #57
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetSpotRateByFilter(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string processdate, int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)

                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                List<MA_SPOT_RATE> SpotRates = _lookupbusiness.GetSpotRateByFilter(sessioninfo, processdate, jtSorting);

                //var jsonData = (from s in SpotRates
                //                select new
                //                {
                //                    ID = s.ID,
                //                    CurrencyLabel = s.MA_CURRENCY.LABEL,
                //                    Proc_date = s.PROC_DATE,
                //                    Rate = s.RATE
                //                }).ToList();
                //Return result to jTable
                return new
                    Result = "OK",
                    Records = jtPageSize > 0 ? SpotRates.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList() : SpotRates,
                    TotalRecordCount = SpotRates.Count
            catch (BusinessWorkflowsException bex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = bex.Message };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #58
ファイル: LookupUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static object GetProductOptions(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string except_product = "")
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                //Get data from database
                var products = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().Where(t => t.ISACTIVE == true);

                if (except_product != "")
                    products = products.Where(p => p.LABEL != except_product);

                //Return result to jTable
                return new { Result = "OK", Options = products.OrderBy(t => t.LABEL).Select(c => new { DisplayText = c.LABEL, Value = c.ID }) };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message };
コード例 #59
ファイル: ReportUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static List<DealViewModel> GetLimitOverwriteData(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string strReportDate, string strCtpy)
            ReportBusiness _reportBusiness = new ReportBusiness();
            UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness();
            LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
            char[] trimchar = { '/' };
            List<DA_TRN> trns =  _reportBusiness.GetLimitOverwriteReport(sessioninfo,strReportDate,strCtpy);
            List<MA_USER> users = _userBusiness.GetAll();
            List<MA_CURRENCY> ccys =  _lookupBusiness.GetCurrencyAll();
            var query = (from t in trns
                            join user in users on t.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID equals user.ID into ljuser
                            join ccy in ccys on t.FIRST.CCY_ID equals ccy.ID
                            from inputuser in ljuser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            select new DealViewModel
                                EngineDate = t.ENGINE_DATE,
                                Trader = inputuser != null ? inputuser.USERCODE : "",
                                LimitApprover = t.OVER_APPROVER,
                                Remark = t.OVER_COMMENT,
                                DMK_NO = t.INT_DEAL_NO,
                                Counterparty = t.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME,
                                Product = t.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL,
                                Instrument = t.MA_INSRUMENT.LABEL,
                                Notional1 = t.FIRST.NOTIONAL,
                                CCY1 = ccy.LABEL,
                                KKContribute = t.KK_CONTRIBUTE,
                                LimitOverwrite = string.Concat(t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 ? "PCE/" : "", t.OVER_SETTL_AMOUNT > 0 ? "SET/" : "", t.OVER_COUNTRY_AMOUNT > 0 ? "COUNTRY/" : "").TrimEnd(trimchar),
                                LimitOverAmount = ((t.OVER_AMOUNT > 0 ? "PCE: " + t.OVER_AMOUNT.Value.ToString("#,##0") : string.Empty)
                                                    + (t.OVER_SETTL_AMOUNT > 0 ? " SET: " + t.OVER_SETTL_AMOUNT.Value.ToString("#,##0") : string.Empty)
                                                    + (t.OVER_COUNTRY_AMOUNT > 0 ? " COUNTRY: " + t.OVER_COUNTRY_AMOUNT.Value.ToString("#,##0") : string.Empty)).Trim()

            return query;
コード例 #60
ファイル: ReportUIP.cs プロジェクト: Theeranit/DealMarker
        public static List<LimitAuditReportModel> GetLimitAuditExport(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string strLogDatefrom, string strLogDateto, string strCtpy, string strCountry, string strEvent)
            ReportBusiness _reportBusiness = new ReportBusiness();
            CounterpartyBusiness _counterpartyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness();
            LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
            UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness();
            List<LimitAuditReportModel> logs = _reportBusiness.GetLimitAuditReport(sessioninfo, strLogDatefrom, strLogDateto, strCtpy, strCountry, strEvent);

               return logs;