public void ChangePassButton() { Users.ChangePassword(NewPassword.text); // change password of current user WrongPassPan.SetActive(false); TryagainImage.SetActive(false); LoginSound.Play(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenu"); }
public void Login() { LoginSound.Play(); if (Users.ContainsUser(usernameField.text)) // if the user is in the users list { User AttemptUserLogin = Users.GetUser(usernameField.text); // create a temporary user tester if (AttemptUserLogin.status == "blocked") // if this attempted user is blocked from the system { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "User is blocked from signing in."; TryagainButton.text = "Okay"; } if (AttemptUserLogin.password == passwordField.text && AttemptUserLogin.status != "blocked") // if the password works and they are not blocked { Users.CurrentUser = Users.GetUser(usernameField.text); // attmpted user is valid and is set to current user Users.currentUserStartTime = Time.time; // the user has successfully logged in and save the time it was succsessful if (Users.CurrentUser.status == "new") // if the current user is new and has not made a password { Users.CurrentUser.status = "normal"; TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ChangePasswordPan.SetActive(true); } else // everything worked out perfectly { SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenu"); } } else // the password did not work but the user exists { if (usernameField.text != "admin") // you cannot ban the admin { int remainingAttempts = addFailedLogin(usernameField.text); // remaining attempts for user to try to login if (remainingAttempts == 0) // if they are all out of attempts { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "Too many invalid login attempts, your account is now blocked!"; TryagainButton.text = "Okay"; Users.BlockUser(AttemptUserLogin.username); } else if (remainingAttempts == -1) // they try to log in evem though they are out of attempts { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "Sorry you have been blocked, talk to the admin to unblock you."; TryagainButton.text = "Okay"; } else // you still have attempts { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "That is an invalid password. This account will be blocked after " + remainingAttempts + " more invalid password(s)!"; } } else // the password was not correct { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "This is an invalid password."; } } } else // the user in not in the user list { TryagainImage.SetActive(true); ErrorPan.SetActive(true); InvalidTextPrompt.text = "This user does not exist."; } }