public void OnLogicValueChanged(object data) { var logicValueChanged = (LogicValueChanged)data; //if (logicValueChanged.portID != NotificationTriggerConfig.InputPortId) // return; if (LogicCircuitNetwork.IsBitActive(0, logicValueChanged.newValue)) { if (this.wasOn) { return; } // this.Toggle; ??? this.wasOn = true; if (WillPause && !SpeedControlScreen.Instance.IsPaused) { SpeedControlScreen.Instance.Pause(false); } this.UpdateVisualState(); } else { if (!this.wasOn) { return; } this.wasOn = false; this.UpdateVisualState(); } }
private LogicCircuitNetwork CheckWireState() { LogicCircuitNetwork network = GetNetwork(); int num = network?.OutputValue ?? unNetworkedValue; GetComponent <Operational>().SetFlag(logicOperationalFlag, num > 0); return(network); }
public bool IsPortConnected(HashedString port_id) { int portCell = GetPortCell(port_id); LogicCircuitManager logicCircuitManager = Game.Instance.logicCircuitManager; LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell = logicCircuitManager.GetNetworkForCell(portCell); return(networkForCell != null); }
private void OnLogicValueChanged(object data) { LogicValueChanged logicValueChanged = (LogicValueChanged)data; if (logicValueChanged.portID == PORT_ID) { LogicCircuitNetwork logicCircuitNetwork = CheckWireState(); GetComponent <KSelectable>().ToggleStatusItem(infoStatusItem, logicCircuitNetwork != null, this); } }
public bool GetPortConnected(PortId port) { if (port == PortId.InputTwo && !base.RequiresTwoInputs) { return(false); } int cell = PortCell(port); LogicCircuitManager logicCircuitManager = Game.Instance.logicCircuitManager; LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell = logicCircuitManager.GetNetworkForCell(cell); return(networkForCell != null); }
private void OnLogicValueChanged(object data) { var logicValueChanged = (LogicValueChanged)data; if (logicValueChanged.portID == OPEN_CLOSE_PORT_ID) { int newValue = logicValueChanged.newValue; if (changeStateChore != null) { changeStateChore.Cancel("Automation state change"); changeStateChore = null; } // Bit 0 green: automatic, bit 0 red: lock the door requestedState = !LogicCircuitNetwork.IsBitActive(0, newValue); } }
private void TriggerAudio(int new_value) { LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell = Game.Instance.logicCircuitManager.GetNetworkForCell(cell); SpeedControlScreen instance = SpeedControlScreen.Instance; if (networkForCell != null && new_value != value && (UnityEngine.Object)instance != (UnityEngine.Object)null && !instance.IsPaused && (!KPlayerPrefs.HasKey(AudioOptionsScreen.AlwaysPlayAutomation) || KPlayerPrefs.GetInt(AudioOptionsScreen.AlwaysPlayAutomation) == 1 || !(OverlayScreen.Instance.GetMode() != OverlayModes.Logic.ID))) { string name = "Logic_Building_Toggle"; if (CameraController.Instance.IsAudibleSound(Grid.CellToPosCCC(cell, Grid.SceneLayer.BuildingFront))) { EventInstance instance2 = KFMOD.BeginOneShot(GlobalAssets.GetSound(name, false), Grid.CellToPos(cell)); instance2.setParameterValue("wireCount", (float)(networkForCell.Wires.Count % 24)); instance2.setParameterValue("enabled", (float)new_value); KFMOD.EndOneShot(instance2); } } }
private void OnDelay() { if (!cleaningUp) { delayTicksRemaining = 0; meter.SetPositionPercent(1f); if (outputValue != 0) { int outputCell = base.OutputCell; LogicCircuitNetwork logicCircuitNetwork = Game.Instance.logicCircuitSystem.GetNetworkForCell(outputCell) as LogicCircuitNetwork; if (logicCircuitNetwork != null) { outputValue = 0; RefreshAnimation(); } } } }
static bool IsLogicCellActive(int cell, LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell) { // If there's only 1 sender on the network then it's impossible for another to be overwriting it if (networkForCell.Senders.Count <= 1) { return(true); } foreach (var sender in networkForCell.Senders) { if (sender.GetLogicCell() == cell) { if (sender.GetLogicValue() <= 0) { return(false); } return(true); } } return(true); }
protected void RefreshAnimation() { if (!cleaningUp) { KBatchedAnimController component = GetComponent <KBatchedAnimController>(); int outputCell = base.OutputCell; LogicCircuitNetwork logicCircuitNetwork = Game.Instance.logicCircuitSystem.GetNetworkForCell(outputCell) as LogicCircuitNetwork; if (logicCircuitNetwork == null) { component.Play("off", KAnim.PlayMode.Once, 1f, 0f); } else if (base.RequiresTwoInputs) { component.Play("on_" + (inputOne.Value + inputTwo.Value * 2 + outputValue * 4).ToString(), KAnim.PlayMode.Once, 1f, 0f); } else { component.Play("on_" + (inputOne.Value + outputValue * 4).ToString(), KAnim.PlayMode.Once, 1f, 0f); } } }
private bool ShowMissingWireIcon() { LogicCircuitManager logicCircuitManager = Game.Instance.logicCircuitManager; if (outputPortInfo != null) { for (int i = 0; i < outputPortInfo.Length; i++) { Port port = outputPortInfo[i]; if (port.requiresConnection) { int portCell = GetPortCell(; LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell = logicCircuitManager.GetNetworkForCell(portCell); if (networkForCell == null) { return(true); } } } } if (inputPortInfo != null) { for (int j = 0; j < inputPortInfo.Length; j++) { Port port2 = inputPortInfo[j]; if (port2.requiresConnection) { int portCell2 = GetPortCell(; LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell2 = logicCircuitManager.GetNetworkForCell(portCell2); if (networkForCell2 == null) { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
static bool IsBitActiveWrapper(LogicCircuitNetwork networkForCell, int bit, int cell) => networkForCell.IsBitActive(bit) && IsLogicCellActive(cell, networkForCell);