private void VerifyHash_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { VersionLabel.Text = "Version: v" + Application.ProductVersion; Log.Core("VERIFY HASH: Opened"); if (!FunctionStatus.IsVerifyHashDisabled) { LogVerify.StartVerifyLogging(); /* Clean up previous logs and start logging */ string[] filestocheck = new string[] { "checksums.dat", "validfiles.dat", "invalidfiles.dat", "Verify.log" }; foreach (String file in filestocheck) { if (File.Exists(file)) { try { File.Delete(file); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + file + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + file + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + file + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } } LogVerify.Info("VERIFYHASH: Checking Characters in URL"); if (FileSettingsSave.CDN.EndsWith("/")) { char[] charsToTrim = { '/' }; FinalCDNURL = FileSettingsSave.CDN.TrimEnd(charsToTrim); LogVerify.Info("VERIFYHASH: Trimed end of CDN URL -> " + FinalCDNURL); } else { FinalCDNURL = FileSettingsSave.CDN; LogVerify.Info("VERIFYHASH: Choosen CDN URL -> " + FinalCDNURL); } } else { StartScanner.Enabled = false; } }
private void CorruptedFilesFound() { DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Verify Bad", null); /* START Show Redownloader Progress*/ StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = true); VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => VerifyHashText.Text = "Currently (re)downloading files\nThis part may take awhile\ndepending on your connection."); if (File.Exists("invalidfiles.dat") && File.ReadAllLines("invalidfiles.dat") != null) { DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "\nPreparing to Download Files"); string[] files = File.ReadAllLines("invalidfiles.dat"); foreach (string text in files) { if (!ForceStopScan) { try { while (StillDownloading) { } if (!ForceStopScan) { currentCount = files.Count(); string text2 = FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation + text; string address = FinalCDNURL + "/unpacked" + text.Replace("\\", "/"); if (File.Exists(text2)) { try { LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + text2); File.Delete(text2); } catch (Exception Error) { LogVerify.Error("File: " + text2 + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + text2 + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + text2 + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } try { if (!new FileInfo(text2).Directory.Exists) { new FileInfo(text2).Directory.Create(); } } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH File Info", null, Error, null, true); } Uri URLCall = new Uri(address); int Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).TotalMilliseconds; if (address.Contains("copspeechdat")) { Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30).TotalMilliseconds; } else if (address.Contains("nfs09mx.mus")) { Timeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15).TotalMilliseconds; } ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(URLCall).ConnectionLeaseTimeout = Timeout; var Client = new WebClient(); if (!WebCalls.Alternative()) { Client = new WebClientWithTimeout(); } else { Client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "SBRW Launcher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); } Client.DownloadProgressChanged += (Systems, RecevingData) => { if (RecevingData.TotalBytesToReceive >= 1 && !ForceStopScan) { DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "Downloading File [ " + redownloadedCount + " / " + currentCount + " ]:\n" + CurrentDownloadingFile + "\n" + TimeConversions.FormatFileSize(RecevingData.BytesReceived) + " of " + TimeConversions.FormatFileSize(RecevingData.TotalBytesToReceive)); } else if (ForceStopScan) { Client.CancelAsync(); } }; Client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(Client_DownloadFileCompleted); try { Client.DownloadFileAsync(URLCall, text2); CurrentDownloadingFile = text; StillDownloading = true; } catch (Exception Error) { if (!ForceStopScan) { redownloadErrorCount++; } LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH", null, Error, null, true); } finally { if (Client != null) { Client.Dispose(); } } } else { break; } } catch (Exception Error) { if (!ForceStopScan) { redownloadErrorCount++; } LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH", null, Error, null, true); } finally { if (IsVerifyHashOpen) { Application.DoEvents(); GC.Collect(); } } } else { break; } } } }
private void Client_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { StillDownloading = false; if (e.Error != null && IsVerifyHashOpen && !ForceStopScan) { redownloadErrorCount++; LogVerify.Downloaded("File: " + CurrentDownloadingFile); DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Verify Bad", redownloadedCount + redownloadErrorCount + " out of " + currentCount); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "Failed To Download File [ " + redownloadedCount + redownloadErrorCount + " / " + currentCount + " ]:" + "\n" + CurrentDownloadingFile); DownloadProgressBar.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressBar.Value = redownloadedCount + redownloadErrorCount * 100 / currentCount); LogVerify.Error("Download for [" + CurrentDownloadingFile + "] - " + (e.Error != null ? (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Error.Message) ? e.Error.ToString() : e.Error.Message) : "No Exception Error Provided")); if (redownloadedCount + redownloadErrorCount == currentCount) { StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = false); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "\n" + redownloadedCount + " Invalid/Missing File(s) were Redownloaded"); VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; VerifyHashText.Text = redownloadErrorCount + " Files Failed to Download. Check Log for Details"; }, this); DownloadErrorEncountered = true; GameScanner(false); } } else if (IsVerifyHashOpen && !ForceStopScan) { redownloadedCount++; DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Verify Bad", redownloadedCount + " out of " + currentCount); LogVerify.Downloaded("File: " + CurrentDownloadingFile); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "Downloaded File [ " + redownloadedCount + " / " + currentCount + " ]:\n" + CurrentDownloadingFile); DownloadProgressBar.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressBar.Value = redownloadedCount * 100 / currentCount); if (redownloadedCount == currentCount) { Integrity(); Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Re-downloaded Count: " + redownloadedCount + " Current File Count: " + currentCount); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "\n" + redownloadedCount + " Invalid/Missing File(s) were downloaded"); VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; VerifyHashText.Text = "Yay! Scanning and Downloading\n is now completed on Gamefiles"; }, this); StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = false); GameScanner(false); } else if (redownloadedCount + redownloadErrorCount == currentCount) { DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "\n" + redownloadedCount + " Invalid/Missing File(s) were downloaded"); VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; VerifyHashText.Text = redownloadErrorCount + " Files Failed to Download. Check Log for Details"; }, this); StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = false); DownloadErrorEncountered = true; GameScanner(false); } } else if (IsVerifyHashOpen && ForceStopScan) { Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Download Process has Stopped"); DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Verify Bad", redownloadedCount + " out of " + currentCount); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Text = "Download Stopped on File [ " + redownloadedCount + " / " + currentCount + " ]:" + "\n" + CurrentDownloadingFile); DownloadProgressBar.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressBar.Value = redownloadedCount * 100 / currentCount); LogVerify.Error("Download for [" + CurrentDownloadingFile + "] - has been Cancelled"); StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = false); VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.Text = "Verify Hash Download Process has been Terminated"; }, this); } else if (ForceStopScan) { Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Download Process has Stopped"); LogVerify.Error("Download for [" + CurrentDownloadingFile + "] - has been Cancelled"); } }
private void StartGameScanner() { DiscordLauncherPresence.Status("Verify Scan", null); Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Checking and Deleting '.orig' Files and Symbolic Folders"); ScanProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressText.Text = "Removing any '.orig' Files in Game Directory"); /* START Show Warning Text */ VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; VerifyHashText.Text = "Warning:\nIf '.orig' Files Exist\nIt will be Removed Permanently"; }); /* END Show Warning Text */ try { DirectoryInfo InstallationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation); foreach (DirectoryInfo FoldersWeFound in InstallationDirectory.GetDirectories()) { if (!ForceStopScan) { foreach (FileInfo FoundFile in InstallationDirectory.EnumerateFiles("*.orig", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (!ForceStopScan) { try { FoundFile.Delete(); LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + FoundFile.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } else { break; } } foreach (FileInfo FoundFile in FoldersWeFound.EnumerateFiles("*.orig", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (!ForceStopScan) { try { FoundFile.Delete(); LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + FoundFile.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } else { break; } } foreach (DirectoryInfo FoundDirectory in InstallationDirectory.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (!ForceStopScan) { if (ModNetHandler.IsSymbolic(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { if (Directory.Exists(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { try { Directory.Delete(FoundDirectory.FullName, true); LogVerify.Deleted("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } else if (File.Exists(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { try { File.Delete(FoundDirectory.FullName); LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } } } else { break; } } foreach (DirectoryInfo FoundDirectory in FoldersWeFound.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (!ForceStopScan) { if (ModNetHandler.IsSymbolic(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { if (Directory.Exists(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { try { Directory.Delete(FoundDirectory.FullName, true); LogVerify.Deleted("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("Folder: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } else if (File.Exists(FoundDirectory.FullName)) { try { File.Delete(FoundDirectory.FullName); LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + FoundDirectory.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } } } else { break; } } } else { break; } } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation, "scripts")) && !ForceStopScan) { DirectoryInfo ScriptsFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation, "scripts")); if (ScriptsFolder.EnumerateFiles().Count() > 1) { if (MessageBox.Show("Verify Hash has found files in the Scripts folder.\n" + "If you have installed custom Scripts or have not installed any Scripts" + "\n\nClick Yes, to Allow Deletion of Files" + "\nClick No, to Skip Deletion of Files", "VerifyHash", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (FileInfo FoundFile in ScriptsFolder.EnumerateFiles()) { if (FoundFile.Name != "LangPicker.ini") { try { File.Delete(FoundFile.FullName); LogVerify.Deleted("File: " + FoundFile.Name); } catch (Exception Error) { DeletionError++; LogVerify.Error("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.Message); LogVerify.ErrorIC("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.HResult); LogVerify.ErrorFR("File: " + FoundFile.Name + " Error: " + Error.ToString()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH", null, Error, null, true); } if (DeletionError != 0) { Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Completed check for '.orig' Files and Symbolic Folders, BUT Encounterd a File or Folder Deletion Error. " + "Check Verify.log for More Details"); if (MessageBox.Show("Verify Hash has encountered File or Folder Deletion Errors.\n" + "Would you like to Open Verify.Log and Stop the Scanner?", "VerifyHash", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { string LogFile = Strings.Encode(Locations.LogVerify); if (File.Exists(LogFile)) { Process.Start(LogFile); } StopScanner_Click(null, null); } } else { Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Completed check for '.orig' Files and Symbolic Folders"); } if (!ForceStopScan) { try { FunctionStatus.IsVerifyHashDisabled = true; String[] getFilesToCheck = { }; if (File.Exists("checksums.dat") && EnableInsiderDeveloper.Allowed()) { /* Read Local checksums.dat */ getFilesToCheck = File.ReadAllLines("checksums.dat"); } else { /* Fetch and Read Remote checksums.dat */ ScanProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressText.Text = "Downloading Checksums File"); Uri URLCall = new Uri(FinalCDNURL + "/unpacked/checksums.dat"); ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(URLCall).ConnectionLeaseTimeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds; var Client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; if (!WebCalls.Alternative()) { Client = new WebClientWithTimeout { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; } else { Client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "SBRW Launcher " + Application.ProductVersion + " (+"); } bool ErrorFree = true; try { getFilesToCheck = Client.DownloadString(URLCall).Split('\n'); } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH CHECKSUMS", "Downloading of the Checksums File has Encountered an Error", Error, "Error", false); ErrorFree = false; } finally { if (Client != null) { Client.Dispose(); } } if (ErrorFree) { File.WriteAllLines("checksums.dat", getFilesToCheck); } else { StopScanner_Click(null, null); } } scannedHashes = new string[getFilesToCheck.Length][]; for (var i = 0; i < getFilesToCheck.Length; i++) { if (!ForceStopScan) { scannedHashes[i] = getFilesToCheck[i].Split(' '); } else { break; } } filesToScan = scannedHashes.Length; totalFilesScanned = 0; /* START Show Warning Text */ VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormWarningTextForeColor; VerifyHashText.Text = "Warning:\n Stopping the Scan before it is complete\nWill result in needing to start over!"; }); /* END Show Warning Text */ foreach (string[] file in scannedHashes) { if (!ForceStopScan) { String FileHash = file[0].Trim(); String FileName = file[1].Trim(); String RealPathToFile = FileSettingsSave.GameInstallation + FileName; if (!File.Exists(RealPathToFile)) { InvalidFileList.Add(FileName); LogVerify.Missing("File: " + FileName); } else { if (FileHash != SHA.Files(RealPathToFile).Trim()) { InvalidFileList.Add(FileName); LogVerify.Invalid("File: " + FileName); } else { LogVerify.Valid("File: " + FileName); } } totalFilesScanned++; ScanProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressText.Text = "Scanning Files: " + (totalFilesScanned * 100 / getFilesToCheck.Length) + "%"); ScanProgressBar.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressBar.Value = totalFilesScanned * 100 / getFilesToCheck.Length); } else { break; } } Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Scan Completed"); if (!InvalidFileList.Any() || ForceStopScan) { StartScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StartScanner.Visible = false); StopScanner.SafeInvokeAction(() => StopScanner.Visible = false); ScanProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressText.Text = ForceStopScan ? "User Stopped Scan." : "Scan Complete. No Files Missing or Invalid!"); /* Hide the DownloadProgressBar as un-needed */ DownloadProgressBar.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressBar.Visible = false); DownloadProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => DownloadProgressText.Visible = false); /* Update the player messaging that we're done */ VerifyHashText.SafeInvokeAction(() => { if (!ForceStopScan) { VerifyHashText.ForeColor = Theming.WinFormSuccessTextForeColor; } VerifyHashText.Text = ForceStopScan ? "Verify Hash Scan Process has been Terminated" : "Excellent News! There are ZERO\nmissing or invalid Gamefiles!"; }); Integrity(); GameScanner(false); } else { ScanProgressText.SafeInvokeAction(() => ScanProgressText.Text = "Found Invalid or Missing Files"); File.WriteAllLines("invalidfiles.dat", InvalidFileList); Log.Info("VERIFY HASH: Found Invalid or Missing Files and will Start File Downloader"); CorruptedFilesFound(); } } catch (Exception Error) { LogToFileAddons.OpenLog("VERIFY HASH", null, Error, null, true); } } }