public void OnMessageReceived(Action <dynamic>[] actions, string customer) { this.MessageReceived += (message, client) => { LastActiveTime = DateTime.Now; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { return; } if (message.Contains("keep") && message.Contains("alive")) { if (DateTime.Now > lastKeepaliveWriteTime.AddMinutes(15)) { LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Event: {message}"); lastKeepaliveWriteTime = DateTime.Now; } } else { LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Event: {message}"); } if (actions == null) { return; } foreach (var action in actions) { action?.Invoke(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(message)); } }; }
private void lbInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbInfo.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } LogUnit logUnit = (LogUnit)updateService.GetLog()[lbInfo.SelectedIndex]; Film film =; FilmInfo filmInfo = logUnit.filmInfo; tbRussianTitle.Text = film.russianTitle; tbOriginalTitle.Text = film.originalTitle; tbYear.Text = film.year; tbCountry.Text =; tbGenre.Text = film.genre; tbDirector.Text = film.director; rtbActors.Text = film.actors; tbWorldDate.Text = film.worldDate; tbRussianDate.Text = film.russianDate; tbDiscDate.Text = film.discDate; tbRusTitle.Text = filmInfo.russianTitle; tbOrigTitle.Text = filmInfo.originalTitle; tbY.Text = filmInfo.year; tbC.Text =; tbG.Text = filmInfo.genre; tbD.Text = filmInfo.director; rtbA.Text = filmInfo.actors; tbWDate.Text = filmInfo.worldPremiere; tbRDate.Text = filmInfo.russianPremiere; tbDDate.Text = filmInfo.discPremiere; }
void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { int RealHight = mBtRealHight; GUI.contentColor = Color.white; GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, mBtWidget, RealHight * 2 + 20)); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = mBtWidget / 7; = mBtWidget / 6; = mBtWidget / 7; //GUILayout.Label GUI.Box(new Rect(5, 20, mBtWidget, RealHight), mGuiFPSTex); //GUI.Box(new Rect(5, 20 + mBtHight, mBtWidget, RealHight), mGuiCPUTex); //GUI.Box(new Rect(5, 20 + mBtHight * 2, mBtWidget, RealHight), mGuiMoTex); for (int i = 0; i < mLogBufs.Count; i++) { LogUnit lu = mLogBufs[i]; GUI.contentColor = lu.color; GUI.Label(new Rect(5 + mBtWidget / 3 * i, 20 + mBtHight, mBtWidget, RealHight), "(" + lu.mLogInfos.Count.ToString("00") + ")"); } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 20 + mBtHight * 2, mBtWidget / 2, RealHight), "关闭")) { CloseLog(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5 + mBtWidget / 2, 20 + mBtHight * 2, mBtWidget / 2, RealHight), "展开")) { mIsScale = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">Unit.</param> public LogUnitNode(LogUnit unit) { if (unit == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("unit"); } Unit = unit; }
void ShowListLog(int index) { mSelectLogUnity = mLogBufs[index]; mhSbarValue = 0; mhSbarSize = 0; mDetailInfo = null; mPauseLogInfo = null; mScrollPosition =; }
/// <summary> /// Select the text that corresponds to the given unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="unit">The unit to select the text for.</param> public void SelectText(LogUnit unit) { if (unit == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("unit"); } View.SelectLine(unit.LineNumber); }
private void btnItemClear_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (lineDataGrid.SelectedItems != null) { LogUnit startUnit = lineDataGrid.SelectedItems[0] as LogUnit; LogUnit endUnit = lineDataGrid.SelectedItems[lineDataGrid.SelectedItems.Count - 1] as LogUnit; logUnitViewModel.SelectedClear(startUnit, endUnit); } }
private void RegLog(string keyName, List <LogInfo> log, Rect rt, Color c) { LogUnit lu = new LogUnit(); lu.keyName = keyName; lu.mLogInfos = log; lu.mRect = rt; lu.color = c; mLogBufs.Add(lu); }
/// <summary> /// 建立请求,以模拟远程HTTP的POST请求方式构造并获取支付宝的处理结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="sParaTemp">请求参数数组</param> /// <returns>支付宝处理结果</returns> public static string BuildRequest(SortedDictionary <string, string> sParaTemp) { Encoding code = Encoding.GetEncoding(_input_charset); //待请求参数数组字符串 string strRequestData = BuildRequestParaToString(sParaTemp, code); LogUnit.Write("请求入参:" + strRequestData); //把数组转换成流中所需字节数组类型 byte[] bytesRequestData = code.GetBytes(strRequestData); //构造请求地址 string strUrl = GATEWAY_NEW + "_input_charset=" + _input_charset; //请求远程HTTP string strResult = ""; try { //设置HttpWebRequest基本信息 HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(strUrl); myReq.Method = "post"; myReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //填充POST数据 myReq.ContentLength = bytesRequestData.Length; Stream requestStream = myReq.GetRequestStream(); requestStream.Write(bytesRequestData, 0, bytesRequestData.Length); requestStream.Close(); //发送POST数据请求服务器 HttpWebResponse HttpWResp = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse(); Stream myStream = HttpWResp.GetResponseStream(); //获取服务器返回信息 StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myStream, code); StringBuilder responseData = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { responseData.Append(line); } //释放 myStream.Close(); strResult = responseData.ToString(); } catch (Exception exp) { strResult = "报错:" + exp.Message; } LogUnit.Write("请求出参:" + strResult); return(strResult); }
private void btnEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbInfo.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } LogUnit logUnit = (LogUnit)updateService.GetLog()[lbInfo.SelectedIndex]; Film film =; int index = films.GetFilmIndex(film); if (index == -1) { MessageBox.Show(@"Данный фильм не найден в базе!"); return; } film.russianTitle = tbRusTitle.Text; film.originalTitle = tbOrigTitle.Text; film.year = tbY.Text; = tbC.Text; film.genre = tbG.Text; film.director = tbD.Text; film.actors = rtbA.Text; film.worldDate = tbWDate.Text; film.russianDate = tbRDate.Text; film.discDate = tbDDate.Text; film.dataCheck = DateTime.Now.ToString(); films.Edit(film, index); updateService.GetLog().RemoveAt(lbInfo.SelectedIndex); frMain.UpdateEvent(); frMain.FilmUpdateEvent(index); lbInfo.Items.RemoveAt(lbInfo.SelectedIndex); tbRussianTitle.Clear(); tbOriginalTitle.Clear(); tbYear.Clear(); tbCountry.Clear(); tbGenre.Clear(); tbDirector.Clear(); rtbActors.Clear(); tbWorldDate.Clear(); tbRussianDate.Clear(); tbDiscDate.Clear(); tbRusTitle.Clear(); tbOrigTitle.Clear(); tbY.Clear(); tbC.Clear(); tbG.Clear(); tbD.Clear(); rtbA.Clear(); tbWDate.Clear(); tbRDate.Clear(); tbDDate.Clear(); }
public async Task <string> OnFirstEvent(string customer, CancellationToken token) { waitFirstEvent = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset); this.MessageReceived += WebSocket_FirstEvent; if (await OpenWebSocket(token)) { if (waitFirstEvent.WaitOne(2000)) { LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Subscribe: {firstEvent}"); this.MessageReceived -= WebSocket_FirstEvent; return(firstEvent); } } throw new TimeoutException("WebSocket timed out after 2 seconds waiting for subscription event."); }
private void WriteToHistory(string message, LogType type) { if (_deviceInfoService.IsIgorPhone) { if (IsDuplicateMessages(message)) { _lastLogUnit.DuplicateMessagesCounter++; _lastLogUnit.Date = DateTime.UtcNow; return; } var logUnit = new LogUnit { Message = message, Type = type }; _lastLogUnit = logUnit; _history.Add(logUnit); } }
private void DoPrintLogCache() { if (!Debug.get_logger().get_logEnabled()) { return; } if (this.IsOutputLock) { return; } DebugUIView.LogString = string.Empty; LogUnit[] array = RemoteLogSender.Instance.LogCacheUnits.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { LogUnit logUnit = array[i]; DebugUIView.AddToLogString(logUnit.logString, logUnit.stackTrace, logUnit.logType); } this.SetOutput(DebugUIView.LogString); }
public void LogError(string message, Exception exception = null, string fileName = "") { LogUnit logUnit = new LogUnit { Moment = DateTime.Now, Head = message, Author = _user }; if (exception != null) { logUnit.Head = exception.GetType().Name; logUnit.Message = exception.PrintAllExceptions(); while (exception != null) { logUnit.Head = exception.GetType().ToString(); exception = exception.InnerException; } } _unitOfWork.SaveEntity(logUnit); }
private static void onThreadLogHandler() { while (LogEnable) { _autoResetEvent.WaitOne();//等待信号(开启绿灯) try { while (_logWaitingQueue.Count > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = GetStringBuilder(); LogUnit logUnit = _logWaitingQueue.Dequeue(); LogFormat(ref stringBuilder, logUnit.LogLevel, logUnit.Log.TrimStart(), logUnit.StackTrace, logUnit.Timer.ToString(TIME_FORMAT_HMSF)); WriteToLocalTxt(stringBuilder.ToString(), null); } } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } _autoResetEvent.Reset();//开启红灯 Thread.Sleep(1); } }
public static void WriteLog(LogUnit logUnit) { #if DEBUG_LOG || LOG_ONLY_EXCEPTION || UNITY_EDITOR if (!LogEnable) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logUnit.Log)) { return; } #if !CSHARP_LOGIC if (_limitOutputType != eLogOutputType.Txt && (logUnit.OutputType == eLogOutputType.Debug || logUnit.OutputType == eLogOutputType.All)) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = GetStringBuilder(); if (logUnit.Color != eLogColor.Default) { stringBuilder.Append("<color=#"); stringBuilder.Append(LogColor[(int)logUnit.Color]); stringBuilder.Append(">"); } #if !UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER stringBuilder.Append("["); stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.Timer.ToString(TIME_FORMAT_HMSF)); stringBuilder.Append("] "); #else stringBuilder.Append("["); stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.Timer.ToString("fff")); stringBuilder.Append("] "); #endif if (logUnit.Color != eLogColor.Default) { StringBuilder temp = GetStringBuilder(); temp.Append("\r</color><color=#"); temp.Append(LogColor[(int)logUnit.Color]); temp.Append(">"); stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.Log.Replace("\r", temp.ToString())); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logUnit.StackTrace)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.StackTrace.Replace("\r", temp.ToString())); } stringBuilder.Append("</color>"); } else { stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.Log); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logUnit.StackTrace)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(); stringBuilder.Append(logUnit.StackTrace); } } switch (logUnit.LogLevel) { case eLogLevel.Log: UnityEngine.Debug.Log(stringBuilder.ToString()); break; case eLogLevel.Warning: UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(stringBuilder.ToString()); break; case eLogLevel.Error: UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(stringBuilder.ToString()); break; case eLogLevel.Exception: UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(stringBuilder.ToString()); break; } } #endif if (logUnit.OutputType == eLogOutputType.Debug) { return; } _logWaitingQueue.Enqueue(logUnit); _autoResetEvent.Set();//开启绿灯 #endif }
public async Task CreateWebSocket(string uri, string customer, TimeSpan expire, Action openAction = null, Action closeAction = null, Action <Exception> errorAction = null, Action renewAction = null, bool keepAliveEnabled = false, TimeSpan?keepAliveInterval = null, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > header = null) { if (WebSocket?.State == System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState.Open) { return; } this.uri = new Uri(uri); await CloseWebSocket(CancellationToken.None); WebSocket = new ClientWebSocket(); if (header != null) { foreach (var h in header) { WebSocket.Options.SetRequestHeader(h.Key, h.Value); } } if (keepAliveEnabled && keepAliveInterval.HasValue) { WebSocket.Options.KeepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval.Value; } //WebSocket.EnableAutoSendPing = keepAliveEnabled; //WebSocket.AutoSendPingInterval = (int)keepAliveInterval?.TotalSeconds; this.Opened = (client) => { if (client.WebSocket.State == System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState.Open) { LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Opened"); openAction?.Invoke(); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { bool done = false; while (!done) { await Task.Delay(expire, cancelSource.Token); if (cancelSource.IsCancellationRequested) { done = true; LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Expire - Cancelled"); } else if (IsWebSocketOpen) { if (keepAliveEnabled && client.LastActiveTime < DateTime.Now.Subtract(keepAliveInterval.Value.Add(keepAliveInterval.Value).Add(keepAliveInterval.Value))) { done = true; LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Expire - Closing"); await client?.CloseWebSocket(CancellationToken.None); } else { renewAction?.Invoke(); } } else { done = true; LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Expire - Not Open"); } } }, cancelSource.Token); StartListen(cancelSource.Token); } }; this.Closed = (client) => { cancelSource.Cancel(); LogUnit?.LogInformation($"Websocket Closed"); closeAction?.Invoke(); }; this.Error = (client, e) => { cancelSource.Cancel(); LogUnit?.LogError($"Websocket Error", e); errorAction?.Invoke(e); }; CancellationToken token = new CancellationToken(); await WebSocket.ConnectAsync(this.uri, token); this.Opened(this); OnOpen?.Invoke(this, null); }
void OnGUIEx() { = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = mBtWidget / 7; = mBtWidget / 6; = mBtWidget / 7; //GUILayout.Label() GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - mBtWidget - 10, 10, mBtWidget, mBtRealHight), mGuiFPSTex); GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - mBtWidget - 10, 10 + mBtHight, mBtWidget, mBtRealHight), mGuiCPUTex); GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - mBtWidget - 10, 10 + mBtHight * 2, mBtWidget, mBtRealHight), mGuiMoTex); if (mIsScale) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, mBtWidget, mBtRealHight), "展开(↓↓)")) { mIsScale = false; } return; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10 + mBtHight * 3, mBtWidget, mBtRealHight), "收起(↑↑)")) { mIsScale = true; } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; for (int i = 0; i < mLogBufs.Count; i++) { LogUnit lu = mLogBufs[i]; GUI.contentColor = lu.color; if (GUI.Button(lu.mRect, lu.keyName + "(" + lu.mLogInfos.Count + ")")) { mSelectLogUnity = lu; mhSbarValue = 0; mhSbarSize = 0; mDetailInfo = null; mPauseLogInfo = null; mScrollPosition =; } } if (mDetailInfo != null) { GUI.Box(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10 + mBtHight, (int)(mBtWidget * 4.5 * mButtonDp), mBtHight * 10), ""); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10 + mBtHight, (int)(mBtWidget * 4.5 * mButtonDp), mBtHight * 10)); mScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(mScrollPosition, GUILayout.Width((int)(mBtWidget * 4.5 * mButtonDp)), GUILayout.Height(mBtHight * 10)); GUI.contentColor = GetColor(mDetailInfo.logType); GUILayout.Label("打印信息: \n" + mDetailInfo.logName + "\n\n堆栈信息:\n" + mDetailInfo.logStack); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUI.contentColor = GetColor(mDetailInfo.logType); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10, (int)(mBtWidget * 4.5 * mButtonDp), mBtRealHight), mDetailInfo.logName)) { mDetailInfo = null; } } else if (mSelectLogUnity != null) { List <LogInfo> infos = mPauseLogInfo != null ? mPauseLogInfo : mSelectLogUnity.mLogInfos; int logCout = infos.Count; int curYe = 0; if (logCout > 10) { float bb = mhSbarValue / (1 - mhSbarSize);; mhSbarSize = 10 / (float)logCout; curYe = (int)((logCout - 10) / (1 - mhSbarSize) * mhSbarValue); mhSbarValue = (1 - mhSbarSize) * bb; mhSbarValue = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(new Rect((int)(mBtWidget * 5.5 * mButtonDp) + 35, 10 + mBtHight, mBtWidget / 4, mBtHight * 10 - (mBtHight - mBtRealHight)), mhSbarValue, mhSbarSize, 0.0f, 1.0f); } int index = 0; for (int i = curYe; i < infos.Count && i < curYe + 10; i++) { LogInfo li = infos[i]; GUI.contentColor = GetColor(li.logType); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10 + mBtHight + mBtHight * index++, (int)(mBtWidget * 4.5 * mButtonDp), mBtRealHight), li.logName)) { mDetailInfo = li; } } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; if (mPauseLogInfo != null) { GUI.contentColor =; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10, mBtWidget * 2 * mButtonDp, mBtRealHight), "开启日志")) { mPauseLogInfo = null; } } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(mBtWidget + 20, 10, mBtWidget * 2 * mButtonDp, mBtRealHight), "暂停日志")) { mPauseLogInfo = new List <LogInfo>(mSelectLogUnity.mLogInfos.ToArray()); } GUI.contentColor =; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(mBtWidget * 2 * mButtonDp + mBtWidget + 40, 10, mBtWidget * 2 * mButtonDp, mBtRealHight), "清空日志")) { mSelectLogUnity.mLogInfos.Clear(); mPauseLogInfo = null; } } }
public IActionResult NewLog(NewLogView model, IFormCollection form, ICollection <IFormFile> files) { PopulateLogViewModel(model); if (model.LogType == LogTypes.Work && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["nonUnitPersonnel"])) { model.ErrorMessage = "You need to specify at least 1 person to be part of the work log."; return(View(model)); } try { try { if (files != null && files.Any()) { foreach (var file in files) { if (file != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.FileName)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extension)) { extension = extension.ToLower(); } if (extension != ".jpg" && extension != ".jpeg" && extension != ".png" && extension != ".gif" && extension != ".pdf" && extension != ".doc" && extension != ".docx" && extension != ".ppt" && extension != ".pptx" && extension != ".pps" && extension != ".ppsx" && extension != ".odt" && extension != ".xls" && extension != ".xlsx" && extension != ".txt" && extension != ".rtf") { model.ErrorMessage = string.Format("File type ({0}) is not importable.", extension); } if (file.Length > 10000000) { model.ErrorMessage = "Document is too large, must be smaller then 10MB."; } } } } } catch { } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ErrorMessage)) { return(View(model)); } // Get all unit blocks in the report List <int> unitsInReport = (from object key in form.Keys where key.ToString().StartsWith("unit_personnel_") select int.Parse(key.ToString().Replace("unit_personnel_", ""))).ToList(); model.Log.LoggedByUserId = UserId; model.Log.DepartmentId = model.Department.DepartmentId; model.Log.Narrative = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(model.Log.Narrative); model.Log.Cause = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(model.Log.Cause); model.Log.InitialReport = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(model.Log.InitialReport); model.Log.LogType = (int)model.LogType; if (model.Log.StationGroupId == 0) { model.Log.StationGroupId = null; } model.Log.Units = new Collection <LogUnit>(); model.Log.Users = new Collection <LogUser>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Log.InvestigatedByUserId)) { model.Log.InvestigatedByUserId = null; } if (model.Log.StationGroupId.HasValue && model.Log.StationGroupId.Value == 0) { model.Log.StationGroupId = null; } if (model.LogType == LogTypes.Run) { if (model.CallId == 0) { model.Call.DepartmentId = DepartmentId; model.Call.ReportingUserId = UserId; model.Call.Priority = (int)model.CallPriority; if (model.Call.Type == "No Type") { model.Call.Type = null; } model.Call = _callsService.SaveCall(model.Call); model.Log.CallId = model.Call.CallId; model.Log.StartedOn = model.Call.LoggedOn; } else { var call = _callsService.GetCallById(model.CallId); call.Priority = (int)model.CallPriority; call.NatureOfCall = model.Call.NatureOfCall; call.Address = model.Call.Address; call.LoggedOn = model.Call.LoggedOn; call.Name = model.Call.Name; model.Call = _callsService.SaveCall(call); model.Log.CallId = model.Call.CallId; } } if (model.LogType == LogTypes.Work) { var startedOn = form["Log.StartedOn"]; var endedOn = form["Log.EndedOn"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startedOn)) { model.Log.StartedOn = DateTime.Parse(startedOn); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endedOn)) { model.Log.EndedOn = DateTime.Parse(endedOn); } } if (model.LogType == LogTypes.Meeting) { var startedOn = form["Log.StartedOn"]; var endedOn = form["Log.EndedOn"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startedOn)) { model.Log.StartedOn = DateTime.Parse(startedOn); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endedOn)) { model.Log.EndedOn = DateTime.Parse(endedOn); } } if (model.LogType == LogTypes.Coroner) { var startedOn = form["coronerDate"]; var caseNumber = form["caseNumber"]; var coronerInstructors = form["coronerInstructors"]; var coronerDestination = form["coronerDestination"]; var coronerOthers = form["coronerOthers"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startedOn)) { model.Log.StartedOn = DateTime.Parse(startedOn); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(caseNumber)) { model.Log.ExternalId = caseNumber; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coronerInstructors)) { model.Log.Instructors = coronerInstructors; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coronerDestination)) { model.Log.Location = coronerDestination; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coronerOthers)) { model.Log.OtherPersonnel = coronerOthers; } } foreach (var i in unitsInReport) { var unit = new LogUnit(); unit.UnitId = i; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_dispatchtime_" + i])) { unit.Dispatched = DateTime.Parse(form["unit_dispatchtime_" + i]); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_enroutetime_" + i])) { unit.Enroute = DateTime.Parse(form["unit_enroutetime_" + i]); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_onscenetime_" + i])) { unit.OnScene = DateTime.Parse(form["unit_onscenetime_" + i]); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_releasedtime_" + i])) { unit.Released = DateTime.Parse(form["unit_releasedtime_" + i]); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_inquarterstime_" + i])) { unit.InQuarters = DateTime.Parse(form["unit_inquarterstime_" + i]); } model.Log.Units.Add(unit); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["unit_personnel_" + i])) { var personnelIds = form["unit_personnel_" + i].ToString().Split(char.Parse(",")); foreach (var personnelId in personnelIds) { var logUser = new LogUser(); logUser.UserId = personnelId; logUser.UnitId = i; model.Log.Users.Add(logUser); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["nonUnitPersonnel"])) { var personnelIds = form["nonUnitPersonnel"].ToString().Split(char.Parse(",")); foreach (var personnelId in personnelIds) { var logUser = new LogUser(); logUser.UserId = personnelId; model.Log.Users.Add(logUser); } } var savedLog = _workLogsService.SaveLog(model.Log); try { if (files != null) { foreach (var file in files) { if (file != null && file.Length > 0) { LogAttachment attachment = new LogAttachment(); attachment.LogId = savedLog.LogId; attachment.Type = file.ContentType; attachment.FileName = file.FileName; byte[] uploadedFile = new byte[file.OpenReadStream().Length]; file.OpenReadStream().Read(uploadedFile, 0, uploadedFile.Length); attachment.Data = uploadedFile; attachment.UserId = UserId; attachment.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; _workLogsService.SaveLogAttachment(attachment); } } } } catch { } _eventAggregator.SendMessage <LogAddedEvent>(new LogAddedEvent() { DepartmentId = DepartmentId, Log = model.Log }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogException(ex); model.ErrorMessage = "We encountered an error trying to save your log. Please check your form to ensure it's properly filled out and try again."; return(View(model)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }