public ActionResult Index(Page <LogModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1"); if (model.Item != null) { if (model.Item.UserID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and UserID = {0} ", model.Item.UserID.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.TableName)) { where.AppendFormat(" and TableName like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.TableName.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.LogType)) { where.AppendFormat(" and LogType like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.LogType.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.SQLInfo)) { where.AppendFormat(" and SQLInfo like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.SQLInfo.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DelFlag != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DelFlag = {0} ", model.Item.DelFlag.Value); } } model = LogModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(LogModel)); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Index(Page <CacheModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("select c.*,u.ChName as Ssssname from Cache c left join XUser u on c.CacheValue = u.Id where c.DelFlag=0 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.CacheKey)) { where.AppendFormat(" and CacheKey like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.CacheKey.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Ssssname)) { where.AppendFormat(" and u.ChName like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Ssssname.Trim()); } } where.AppendFormat(" order by c.createtime desc "); var page = CacheModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(CacheModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult Index(Page <GlobalSqlModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 and ISNULL(DelFlag,0) = 0 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.SQLKey)) { where.AppendFormat(" and SQLKey like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.SQLKey.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.SQLContent)) { where.AppendFormat(" and SQLContent like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.SQLContent.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.SqlConnection)) { where.AppendFormat(" and SqlConnection like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.SqlConnection.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DelFlag != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DelFlag = {0} ", model.Item.DelFlag.Value); } } where.Append(" order by CreateTime desc "); var page = GlobalSqlModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(GlobalSqlModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult SystemLogEdit(SystemLogModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ID)) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; model.InsTime = System.DateTime.Now; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemLogModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); } else { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; model.InsTime = System.DateTime.Now; if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemLogModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { SystemParamModel.Delete(" where ParamID in (" + id + ")"); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemParamModel)); return(JsonSuccess(DeleteSuccess)); }
public ActionResult SystemParamEdit(SystemParamModel model) { if (model.OrderNo != null && model.ParamName != null && model.ParamValue != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ParamID)) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemParamModel)); return(JsonSuccess("保存成功")); } return(JsonError("保存失败")); } else { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemParamModel)); return(JsonSuccess("保存成功")); } return(JsonError("保存失败")); } } else { return(JsonError("请填写完整信息")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { ConfigModel.Delete(" where ID in ('@0')", id); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(ConfigModel)); return(JsonSuccess(DeleteSuccess)); }
public ActionResult DeleteForWhere(string Where) { ConfigModel.Delete(Where); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(ConfigModel)); return(JsonSuccess(DeleteSuccess)); }
public ActionResult FileIndex(Page <FileModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (model.Item.ID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and ID = {0} ", model.Item.ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.PathName)) { where.AppendFormat(" and PathName like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.PathName.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.ShowName)) { where.AppendFormat(" and ShowName like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.ShowName.Trim()); } } var page = FileModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(FileModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult Edit(string id) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; RoleModel model = RoleModel.SingleOrDefault(id); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Role"); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Add(GroupModel model) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(GroupModel)); return(JsonSuccess(SaveSuccess, "/Admin/Group/Index?Item.ProductId=" + model.ProductId)); } return(Error()); }
public ActionResult Edit(GlobalSqlModel model) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(GlobalSqlModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); }
public ActionResult DemoAdd(DemoModel model) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(DemoModel)); return(JsonSuccessJump()); } return(JsonErrorJump()); }
public ActionResult Add(ProductModel model) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(ProductModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(Error()); }
public ActionResult Delete(NodeModel model) { if (NodeDAL.DeleteSubNodes(model)) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Node"); return(JsonSuccess(DeleteSuccess, "/Admin/Node/Index")); } return(Error(DeleteError)); }
public ActionResult Edit(LogModel model) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(LogModel)); return(Success()); } return(Error()); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { string[] tmp = id.Split(','); foreach (string item in tmp) { LogModel.Delete("where ID=@0", item); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(LogModel)); } return(Success()); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { string[] tmp = id.Split(','); foreach (string item in tmp) { GlobalSqlModel.Update("set DelFlag = 1 where ID=@0", item); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(GlobalSqlModel)); } return(JsonSuccess("")); }
public ActionResult ConfigIndex(Page <ConfigModel> model) { try { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (model.Item.ID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and ID = {0} ", model.Item.ID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.ConfigKey)) { where.AppendFormat(" and ConfigKey like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.ConfigKey.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.ConfigData)) { where.AppendFormat(" and ConfigData like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.ConfigData.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.ConfigType)) { where.AppendFormat(" and ConfigType like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.ConfigType.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DelFlag != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DelFlag = {0} ", model.Item.DelFlag); } } where.Append(" order by CreateTime desc, ConfigKey asc"); var page = ConfigModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(ConfigModel)); return(View(page)); } catch (System.Exception e) { //=============================================================================== FileStream fss = new FileStream("E:\\Web\\CRM\\gb.txt", FileMode.Create); // //获得字节数组 // byte[] datas = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(e.Message); //开始写入 fss.Write(datas, 0, datas.Length); //清空缓冲区、关闭流 fss.Flush(); fss.Close(); // //================================================================================ throw; } }
public ActionResult SystemLogIndex(Page <SystemLogModel> model, string orderby = "") { ViewBag.orderby = orderby; if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (model.Item.ID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and ID = {0} ", model.Item.ID); } if (model.Item.UserID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and UserID = {0} ", model.Item.UserID); } if (model.Item.Type != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and Type = {0} ", model.Item.Type); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.LogInfo)) { where.AppendFormat(" and LogInfo like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.LogInfo.Trim()); } if (model.Item.InsTime != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and CONVERT(varchar(100),InsTime,23) = '{0}' ", model.Item.InsTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.IP)) { where.AppendFormat(" and IP like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.IP.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Parameters)) { where.AppendFormat(" and Parameters like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Parameters.Trim()); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { where.Append(" order by ID desc"); } else { where.Append(" order by " + orderby + ""); } var page = SystemLogModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(SystemLogModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult DemoIndex(Page <DemoModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1"); if (model.Item != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Name)) { where.AppendFormat(" and Name like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Name.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DemoRedioButton != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoRedioButton = {0} ", model.Item.DemoRedioButton.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoCheckBox)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoCheckBox like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoCheckBox.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DemoSelected != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoSelected = {0} ", model.Item.DemoSelected.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoTextArea)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoTextArea like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoTextArea.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DemoText)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DemoText like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DemoText.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.Phone)) { where.AppendFormat(" and Phone like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.Phone.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.IDCard)) { where.AppendFormat(" and IDCard like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.IDCard.Trim()); } if (model.Item.DelFlag != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and DelFlag = {0} ", model.Item.DelFlag.Value); } } var page = DemoModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(DemoModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult Add(string nodeIds, string roleId) { List <string> sqlParams = new List <string>(); if (accessDal.Add(Request["nodeIds"].Split(','), roleId, ref sqlParams)) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Access", sqlParams.ToArray()); return(JsonSuccess(SaveSuccess, "")); } return(Error(SaveError)); }
public ActionResult Edit(CacheModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Cache"); return(Success()); } } TempData[Info] = SaveError; return(Error()); }
public ActionResult Add(GlobalSqlModel model) { GlobalSqlModel gmodel = GlobalSqlModel.FirstOrDefault(" where SqlKey= @0", model.SQLKey); if (gmodel != null) { return(JsonError("SqlKey已存在!")); } ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(GlobalSqlModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { var first = new RoleModel { ID = "" }; string[] tmp = id.Split(','); foreach (string item in tmp) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(first.ID)) { first = RoleModel.FirstOrDefault("where Id= @0", item); } RoleModel.Delete("where ID=@0", item); LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(RoleModel)); } return(JsonSuccess(DeleteSuccess, "/Admin/Group/Index?Item.ProductId=" + first.ProductId)); }
public ActionResult UserLoginLogIndex(Page <UserLoginLogModel> model) { if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) { model.CurrentPage = 1; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (model.Item != null) { if (model.Item.ID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and ID = {0} ", model.Item.ID); } if (model.Item.UserID != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and UserID = {0} ", model.Item.UserID); } if (model.Item.LoginTime != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and LoginTime = {0} ", model.Item.LoginTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.LoginIp)) { where.AppendFormat(" and LoginIp like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.LoginIp.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DeviceID)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DeviceID like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DeviceID.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.DeviceOS)) { where.AppendFormat(" and DeviceOS like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.DeviceOS.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Item.AppVersion)) { where.AppendFormat(" and AppVersion like '%{0}%' ", model.Item.AppVersion.Trim()); } } var page = UserLoginLogModel.Page(model.CurrentPage, MTConfig.ItemsPerPage, where.ToString(), model.Item); page.Item = model.Item; LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(UserLoginLogModel)); return(View(page)); }
public ActionResult Add(NodeModel model) { model.Pid = model.ID; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Insert() != null) { if (model.NodeLevel == 1) { model.Area = model.ID; model.Update(); } LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Node"); return(JsonSuccess(SaveSuccess, "/Admin/Node/Index")); } } return(Error(SaveError)); }
public ActionResult UserInfoEdit(UserInfoModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserID)) { ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Insert() != null) { return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); } ViewData[EditFlag] = true; if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, typeof(UserInfoModel)); return(JsonSuccess("")); } return(JsonError("")); }
public ActionResult Add(RoleModel model) { model.ID = "0"; model.DelFlag = 0; model.CreateMan = Common.MTConfig.CurrentUserID.ToInt(); model.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; model.ModifyMan = Common.MTConfig.CurrentUserID.ToInt(); model.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.Insert() != null) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Role"); return(JsonSuccess(SaveSuccess, "/Admin/Role/Index")); } } return(Error(SaveError)); }
public ActionResult Edit(RoleModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var item = RoleModel.Single(model.ID); model.DelFlag = item.DelFlag; model.CreateMan = item.CreateMan; model.CreateTime = model.CreateTime; model.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; model.ModifyMan = MTConfig.CurrentUserID.ToInt(); if (model.Update() > 0) { LogDAL.AppendSQLLog(MTConfig.CurrentUserID, "Role"); return(JsonSuccess(SaveSuccess, "/Admin/Role/Index")); } } return(Error(SaveError)); }