public override bool StartCard() { frontBitmap = null; backBitmap = null; PrinterStatus ps = GetPrinterStatus(); if (ps != PrinterStatus.Ready) { throw new Exception($"Printer {printerName} not ready"); } JobId = GetNewJobID(); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, Start Job {JobId}, Hopper {HopperID}"); var startJob2In = new StartJob2Input { client = ClientId, jobId = JobId, settingsGroup = string.Empty, exceptionJob = false }; dpcl2Client.StartJob3(startJob2In); Pick((HopperID > 0) ? (uint)HopperID : (uint)1); //WaitForActionCompletion(); return(JobId > 0); }
public override bool StopJob() { if (JobId > 0) { WaitForCompletion(); } dpcl2Client?.Close(); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, Stop Job {JobId}"); return(true); }
public override bool StartJob() { LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, Https = {Https}, Dpcl starting"); try { dpcl2Client = CreateDPCL2Client(printerName, !Https, false, 50); GetPrinterStatus(); } catch (EndpointNotFoundException ex) { return(true); } catch (Exception e) { SecurityProtocolTypeCurrent = SecurityProtocolType.Tls; LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName} trying tls protocol"); dpcl2Client = CreateDPCL2Client(printerName, !Https, false, 50); } //LogClass.WriteToLog($"Dpcl: CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName} connected"); //проверяем что устройство доступно //return (GetPrinterStatus() == PrinterStatus.Ready); return(true); }
private void SubmitDataSigma(byte[] data) { StringBuilder req = new StringBuilder(); req.Append(@"--qwertyqwerty" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append("Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; type=\"application/soap+xml\"" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"Content-ID: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(Environment.NewLine); req.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append("<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:ds=\"\" xmlns:DPCLEmboss=\"urn:dpcl:emboss:2011-06-03\" xmlns:DPCLWheel=\"urn:dpcl:wheel:2011-06-03\" xmlns:DPCLMagStripe=\"urn:dpcl:magstripe:2010-01-19\" xmlns:DPCLSensors=\"urn:dpcl:sensors:2010-01-19\" xmlns:DPCLSettings=\"urn:dpcl:settings:2010-01-19\" xmlns:DPCLUpdate=\"urn:dpcl:update:2011-10-19\" xmlns:DPCLNetworkAccessList=\"urn:dpcl:nal:2012-05-30\" xmlns:xop=\"\" xmlns:xenc=\"\" xmlns:xmime5=\"\" xmlns:DPCL=\"urn:dpcl:wsdl:2010-01-19\" xmlns:DPCL2=\"urn:dpcl:wsdl:2011-09-02\"><SOAP-ENV:Body><DPCL2:SubmitData><SubmitDataInput><client>" + ClientId + "</client><jobId>" + JobId + "</jobId><actionId>" + LastAction + "</actionId><dataId>1</dataId><attachment xmime5:contentType=\"application/vnd.dpcl.emboss+xml\"><xop:Include href=\"cid:id6\"/></attachment><moreData>false</moreData></SubmitDataInput></DPCL2:SubmitData></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"--qwertyqwerty" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"Content-Type: application/vnd.dpcl.emboss+xml" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + Environment.NewLine); req.Append(@"Content-ID: <id6>" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); byte[] header = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(req.ToString()); //Byte[] data1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(req.ToString()); //image // string foobar = @"--==filiMb0Hl4qGJpC5624Cjxmfapt+igWS0/5m/JextOjsohegdLCD/BHEPUFl==" + Environment.NewLine; string foobar = Environment.NewLine + @"--qwertyqwerty--"; byte[] footer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(foobar); //Byte[] data3 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(foobar); byte[] dataToSend = new byte[header.Length + data.Length + footer.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(header, 0, dataToSend, 0, header.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, dataToSend, header.Length, data.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(footer, 0, dataToSend, header.Length + data.Length, footer.Length); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, SubmitDataSigma.Length = {data?.Length}"); SendHttp(dataToSend); }
private void SubmitData(string contentType, byte[] data, Parameter[] parameters) { var submitDataIn = new SubmitDataInput { client = ClientId, jobId = JobId, actionId = LastAction, dataId = 1 }; if (parameters != null) { submitDataIn.parameter = parameters; } var attachment = new Attachment(); submitDataIn.attachment = attachment; attachment.contentType = contentType; attachment.Item = data; dpcl2Client.SubmitDataAsync(submitDataIn); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, SubmitData.Length = {data?.Length}"); }
public void Start() { LogClass.ToConsole = true; _startDirectory = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; _exeName = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName.Replace(".exe", "").Replace(".vshost", ""); _xmlSettings = new XmlDocument(); try { _xmlSettings.Load($"{_startDirectory}{_exeName}.xml"); } catch (Exception exc) { LogClass.WriteToLog($"Ошибка загрузки настроек: {exc.Message}"); return; } _inDirectory = XmlClass.GetTag(_xmlSettings, "InputDirectory", null); _inMask = XmlClass.GetAttribute(_xmlSettings, "InputDirectory", "Mask", "*", null); _xmlProducts = new XmlDocument(); try { string prods = XmlClass.GetTag(_xmlSettings, "ProductsFile", null).Replace("..\\", _startDirectory); if (prods.Length == 0) { prods = $"{_startDirectory}Products.xml"; } _xmlProducts.Load(prods); int cnt = XmlClass.GetXmlNodeCount(_xmlProducts, "", null); _products.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { ProductClass pc = new ProductClass(); XmlDocument pr = XmlClass.GetXmlNode(_xmlProducts, "", i, null); pc.ProductName = XmlClass.GetAttribute(pr, "", "Name", null); pc.conditions = new List <List <Condition> >(); int allConditionsCnt = XmlClass.GetXmlNodeCount(pr, "Conditions", null); for (int k = 0; k < allConditionsCnt; k++) { pc.conditions.Add(new List <Condition>()); XmlDocument oneConditions = XmlClass.GetXmlNode(pr, "Conditions", k, null); int conditionCnt = XmlClass.GetXmlNodeCount(oneConditions, "Condition", null); for (int j = 0; j < conditionCnt; j++) { XmlDocument cn = XmlClass.GetXmlNode(oneConditions, "Condition", j, null); pc.conditions[k].Add(new Condition() { Field = XmlClass.GetAttribute(cn, "", "Field", null), Type = XmlClass.GetAttribute(cn, "", "Type", null), Value = XmlClass.GetAttribute(cn, "", "Value", null) }); } } XmlDocument addon = XmlClass.GetXmlNode(pr, "AdditionalProcessing", 0, null); if (addon != null) { pc.AdditionalXml = addon.OuterXml; } pc.Ignore = XmlClass.GetAttribute(pr, "", "Ignore", "false", null).ToLower() == "true"; _products.Add(pc); } } catch (Exception exc) { LogClass.WriteToLog($"Ошибка загрузки файла продуктов: {exc.Message}"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(_inDirectory)) { LogClass.WriteToLog($"Ошибка открытия входной директории: {_inDirectory}"); return; } _mainTimer = new Timer { Interval = 5000, AutoReset = true }; _mainTimer.Elapsed += _mainTimer_Elapsed; }
/// <summary> /// Waits for the job completion. /// </summary> private void WaitForCompletion() { var input = new WaitForStatus2Input { maxSeconds = 2, matchConditionClient = ClientId, matchConditionJobId = JobId, minConditionSeverity = ConditionSeverity.Notice, includeConditions = true, includeCounters = false, includeJobQueue = false, includeNetworkAdapters = false, includeSensors = false, includeSettings = false, includeSupplies = true, includeTunnels = false }; uint currentConditionMarker = 0; uint? startConditionMarker = null; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; int countWait = 0; while (true) { if ((DateTime.Now - startTime).Seconds > 15) { LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, WaitForCompletion, ~15 sec passed"); startTime = DateTime.Now; countWait++; } if (countWait > 20) { throw new Exception($"CardId = { cardId }, Printer = { printerName}, WaitForCompletion, Error = too long"); } input.minConditionMarker = currentConditionMarker; var output = dpcl2Client.WaitForStatus2(input); currentConditionMarker = output.nextConditionMarker; if (startConditionMarker == null) { startConditionMarker = currentConditionMarker; } //LogClass.WriteToLog($"{currentConditionMarker}"); if (isKiosk && (currentConditionMarker - startConditionMarker) >= 6) { SendMessage(MessageType.CompleteStep, $"dispense:{cardId}"); } if (output.status.condition == null) { continue; } foreach (var c in output.status.condition.Where(c => c.client == ClientId)) { LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, WaitForCompletion = {c.code}"); if ((c.code == 0) || (c.code == 1)) { return; } switch (c.severity) { case ConditionSeverity.Notice: break; default: //break; throw new Exception(GetErrorMessage(c.code)); } } } }
private void EmbossData(List <EmbossString> emboss_strings, Boolean TopperOn) { string actionName = (isKiosk) ? "EmbCardDataKiosk" : "EmbCardData"; //применяется ли топпирование фольгой if (TopperOn) { SubmitAction(actionName, new[] { new Parameter { name = "EmbossDataSource", value = "TopCard" } }); } else { SubmitAction(actionName, null); } string emm = ""; using (var str = new MemoryStream()) { var doc = new XmlTextWriter(str, Encoding.UTF8); doc.WriteStartDocument(); doc.WriteStartElement("emboss"); doc.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "SOAP-ENV", null, ""); doc.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "SOAP-ENC", null, ""); doc.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "xsi", null, ""); doc.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "xsd", null, ""); doc.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "DPCLEmboss", null, "urn:dpcl:emboss:2010-01-19"); doc.WriteAttributeString("xsi", "type", null, "DPCLEmboss:Emboss"); doc.WriteAttributeString("SOAP-ENV", "encodingStyle", null, ""); foreach (EmbossString embs in emboss_strings) { doc.WriteStartElement("line"); doc.WriteAttributeString("number", emboss_strings.IndexOf(embs).ToString()); doc.WriteElementString("font", embs.font.ToString()); doc.WriteElementString("horz", embs.x.ToString()); doc.WriteElementString("vert", embs.y.ToString()); doc.WriteElementString("stringData", embs.text); doc.WriteEndElement(); emm += $"{embs.font},{embs.x},{embs.y},{embs.text.Length} chars;"; } LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, EmbossData = {emm}"); doc.WriteEndElement(); doc.WriteEndDocument(); doc.Flush(); if (deviceType == ProcardWPF.DeviceType.CE) { SubmitData("application/vnd.dpcl.emboss+xml", str.GetBuffer()); } if (deviceType == ProcardWPF.DeviceType.Sigma) { SubmitDataSigma(str.GetBuffer()); } if (isKiosk) { SubmitAction("Dispense", null); } } }
/// <summary> /// Submits an action to the printer. /// </summary> /// <param name="action">The action name.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The parameters of the action.</param> private void SubmitAction(string action, Parameter[] parameters) { if (action.ToLower() == "magstriperead") { action = action; } var submitActionIn = new SubmitActionInput { client = ClientId, jobId = JobId, actionId = ++LastAction, type = action, parameter = parameters }; //Task<SubmitActionResponse> sa = dpcl2Client.SubmitActionAsync(submitActionIn); //var submitActionOut = sa.Result.output; string logstr = $"Client {submitActionIn.client}, Job {submitActionIn.jobId}, ActionId {submitActionIn.actionId}, Type {submitActionIn.type}, Parameters ["; for (int i = 0; i < submitActionIn.parameter?.Length; i++) { logstr += $"[{submitActionIn.parameter[i].name}: {submitActionIn.parameter[i].value}] "; } logstr = logstr.Trim() + "]"; LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, SubmitActionIn: {logstr}"); var submitActionOut = dpcl2Client.SubmitAction(submitActionIn); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, SubmitActionOut: Check {submitActionOut?.checkStatus}, Success {submitActionOut?.success}"); //var parametersStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0) //{ // parametersStringBuilder.Append('('); // var isFirst = true; // foreach (var p in parameters) // { // if (isFirst) // { // isFirst = false; // } // else // { // parametersStringBuilder.Append(", "); // } // parametersStringBuilder.Append(; // parametersStringBuilder.Append('='); // parametersStringBuilder.Append(p.value); // } // parametersStringBuilder.Append(')'); //} // If there is an error detected, we need to wait for the completion of the action if (!submitActionOut.success) { if (submitActionOut.checkStatus) { WaitForCompletion(); } else { throw new Exception($"Printer = {printerName}, Submit action failed unexpectedly"); } } }
public override bool PrintCard() { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(magstripe[0]) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(magstripe[1]) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(magstripe[2])) { //LogClass.WriteToLog($"Encode t1: {magstripe[0]}, t2: {magstripe[1]}, t3: {magstripe[2]}"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(magstripe[0]) && magstripe[0].ToUpper().StartsWith("B") && magstripe[0].IndexOf("^") > 0) { string panFromMS = magstripe[0].Substring(1, magstripe[0].IndexOf("^") - 1); if (panFromMS.Length >= 16) { panFromMS = panFromMS.Substring(0, 6).PadRight(panFromMS.Length - 4, '*') + panFromMS.Substring(panFromMS.Length - 4); LogClass.WriteToLog($"CardId = {cardId}, Printer = {printerName}, Encode mag stripe, Pan = {panFromMS}"); } } EncodeMagstripe(2, magstripe[0].ToUpper(), magstripe[1], magstripe[2]); } if (frontBitmap != null) { if (Color) { SubmitAction("Color", new[] { new Parameter { name = "PageNumber", value = "1" }, new Parameter { name = "PrintColorResolution", value = "300x300" } }); } else { SubmitAction("Monochrome", new[] { new Parameter { name = "PageNumber", value = "1" }, new Parameter { name = "PrintMonoResolution", value = "300x300" }, new Parameter { name = "MonochromePanelSelect", value = "Custom1" } }); } //GraphicsUnit gu = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; //frontBitmap.SetResolution(300, 300); //frontBitmap = frontBitmap.Clone(frontBitmap.GetBounds(ref gu), PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed); frontBitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); frontBitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); ms.Close(); var parameters = new List <Parameter>(); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "Orientation", value = "Portrait" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "ImageContent", value = "Graphics" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "XOrigin", value = "0" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "YOrigin", value = "0" }); //File.WriteAllBytes("111.png", data); SubmitData("image/png", data, parameters.ToArray()); } if (backBitmap != null) { if (Color) { SubmitAction("Color", new[] { new Parameter { name = "PageNumber", value = "2" }, new Parameter { name = "PrintColorResolution", value = "300x300" } }); } else { SubmitAction("Monochrome", new[] { new Parameter { name = "PageNumber", value = "2" }, new Parameter { name = "PrintMonoResolution", value = "300x300" }, new Parameter { name = "MonochromePanelSelect", value = "Custom1" } }); } backBitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); backBitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); ms.Close(); var parameters = new List <Parameter>(); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "Orientation", value = "Portrait" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "ImageContent", value = "Graphics" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "XOrigin", value = "0" }); parameters.Add(new Parameter { name = "YOrigin", value = "0" }); SubmitData("image/png", data, parameters.ToArray()); } if (embossData.Count > 0) { EmbossData(embossData, !NoTopper); } else { Eject(); } } catch (Exception e) { CancelJob(); EndJob(); throw new Exception($"Printer = {printerName}, card print error: {e.Message}"); } return(true); }