public void SetLogger(ILoggable logger) { if (logger == null) { _log.Warn("Can't set logger. Logger instance equals null."); throw new ArgumentNullException(); } _log = new LogAdapter(logger); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IClienteLog clienteLog = new LogAdapter(); try { Console.Write("Digite el número a convertir..."); var cadena = Console.ReadLine(); var numero = Convert.ToInt16(cadena); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(clienteLog.GuardarErrorLog(ex.Message, "2")); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static WriterDelegate ConnectionOpen(string vhost, string caps, bool insist) { return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> ConnectionOpen"); } writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, (w) => { w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteShortstr(vhost); w.WriteShortstr(caps); w.WriteBit(insist); }); }); }
public static WriterDelegate ExchangeDelete(string exchange, bool waitConfirmation) { return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> ExchangeDelete " + exchange); } writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, w => { w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteUShort(0); // reserved w.WriteShortstr(exchange); w.WriteBits(false, !waitConfirmation); }); }); }
public static DataTable Query(string strSql) { SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); DataTable dtRet = null; try { dtRet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.Text, strSql); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } return(dtRet); }
internal static void InternalBasicAck(AmqpPrimitivesWriter writer, ushort channel, ushort classId, ushort methodId, object args) { var b_args = args as FrameParameters.BasicAckArgs; if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> BasicAck : " + b_args.deliveryTag); } { uint payloadSize = (uint)(8 + 5); writer.WriteFrameStart(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, payloadSize, classId, methodId); writer.WriteULong(b_args.deliveryTag); writer.WriteBit(b_args.multiple); writer.WriteOctet(AmqpConstants.FrameEnd); }; }
public static WriterDelegate BasicQos(uint prefetchSize, ushort prefetchCount, bool global) { const int payloadSize = 11; return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> BasicQos : prefetch " + prefetchCount); } writer.WriteFrameStart(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, payloadSize, classId, methodId); writer.WriteLong(prefetchSize); writer.WriteUShort(prefetchCount); writer.WriteBit(global); writer.WriteOctet(AmqpConstants.FrameEnd); }); }
public static void ChannelClose(AmqpPrimitivesWriter writer, ushort channel, ushort classId, ushort methodId, object args) { var closeArgs = (FrameParameters.CloseParams)args; writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, (w) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> ChannelClose " + channel); } w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteUShort(closeArgs.replyCode); w.WriteShortstr(closeArgs.replyText); w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); }); }
public static WriterDelegate ConnectionTuneOk(ushort channelMax, uint frameMax, ushort heartbeat) { const int payloadSize = 12; // 4 shorts + 1 int return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> ConnectionTuneOk"); } writer.WriteFrameStart(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, 0, payloadSize, 10, 31); writer.WriteUShort(channelMax); writer.WriteLong(frameMax); writer.WriteUShort(heartbeat); writer.WriteOctet(AmqpConstants.FrameEnd); }); }
public int AddInventory(OperLog operLog, Entity.Inventory inv) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); //inv.cndSDate = dtSysTime; inv.cnvcCreatePerson = operLog.cnvcOperID; inv.cndModifyDate = dtSysTime; EntityMapping.Create(inv, trans); SyncGoods(inv, trans); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "存货编码:" + inv.cnvcInvCode; EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); return(-1); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); return(-1); } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } return(1); } }
public static void UpdateVisit(Visit newvisit, Oper oper) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { DateTime dtSysTime = Helper.GetSysTime(trans); newvisit.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; EntityMapping.Update(newvisit, trans); BusiLog busiLog = new BusiLog(); busiLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; busiLog.cnnBusiSerialNo = Helper.GetSerialNo(trans); busiLog.cnvcComments = "修改拜访记录"; busiLog.cnvcFuncCode = " 拜访跟踪"; busiLog.cnvcOperID = oper.cnvcOperID; busiLog.cnvcIPAddress = ""; EntityMapping.Create(busiLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } }
public static DataTable GetOneOperFuncList(string strOperID) { DataTable dtRet = null; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); dtRet = auth.GetOneOperFuncList(strOperID); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(dtRet); }
public static Oper GetOper(Oper oper) { Oper OldOper = null; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); OldOper = auth.GetOper(oper); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(OldOper); }
public async Task Apply(Channel channel, IDictionary <string, string> reservedNamesMapping) { var queueNameToUse = _queue.StartsWith(AmqpConstants.AmqpReservedPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? reservedNamesMapping[_queue] : _queue; if (LogAdapter.ExtendedLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug("Recovery", "Recovering consumer " + _consumerTag + " for queue " + queueNameToUse); } if (_consumer2 != null) { await channel.BasicConsume(_mode, _consumer2, queueNameToUse, _consumerTag, _withoutAcks, _exclusive, _arguments, waitConfirmation : true).ConfigureAwait(false); _consumer2.Recovered(); return; } await channel.BasicConsume(_mode, _consumer, queueNameToUse, _consumerTag, _withoutAcks, _exclusive, _arguments, waitConfirmation : true).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public static int DeleteOperFunc(OperFunc operFunc, BusiLog busiLog) { int ret = 0; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); ret = auth.DeleteOperFunc(operFunc, busiLog); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(ret); }
public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) { return; } _disposed = true; if (LogAdapter.ExtendedLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "Dispose called"); } _recoveryCancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); _disableRecovery = true; _connection.Dispose(); // not disposing _recoveryCancellationTokenSource. for now leaving for finalizer }
public static string GetDeptID(string strParentDeptID) { string strDeptID = ""; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); strDeptID = auth.GetDeptID(strParentDeptID); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(strDeptID); }
public static int AddOilPrice(OilPrice price, BusiLog busiLog) { int ret = 0; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); ret = auth.AddOilPrice(price, busiLog); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(ret); }
public static Dept GetDept(Dept dept) { Dept retDept = null; try { BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization auth = new BusinessRules.SysManage.Authorization(); retDept = auth.GetDept(dept); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(retDept); }
//获取部门列表 public static DataTable CommonQuery(string strSql) { DataTable dtRet = null; try { ReportQuery report = new ReportQuery(); dtRet = report.CommonQuery(strSql); } catch (SqlException sex) { LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new Exception("数据库访问异常。"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new Exception("业务规则层异常。"); } return(dtRet); }
internal RecoveryAction NotifyAbruptClose(Exception reason) { if (_disableRecovery) { if (LogAdapter.IsDebugEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "NotifyAbrupt skipping action since disconect was initiated by the user", reason); } return(RecoveryAction.NoAction); } // TODO: Block RecoveryChannels? So new operations are blocked. also should fire notifications to indicate recovery in progress if (LogAdapter.IsDebugEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "NotifyAbrupt", reason); } TryInitiateRecovery(); return(RecoveryAction.WillReconnect); }
// public DataTable GetMaterials(string strMaterialCode,string strMaterialName) // { // SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); // DataTable dtRet = null; // try // { // dtRet = MaterialAccess.GetAllMaterial(conn,strMaterialCode,strMaterialName); // } // catch(Exception ex) // { // LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); // } // finally // { // ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); // } // return dtRet; // } public void AddMaterial(Material material, OperLog operLog)//,BusiLog busiLog) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { material.IsUse = true; string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "原料材料编码:" + material.cnvcMaterialCode; EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); EntityMapping.Create(material, trans); //EntityMapping.Create(busiLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } }
public void AddBook(Book book, OperLog operLog) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); book.cndPublishDate = dtSysTime; long ibook = EntityMapping.Create(book, trans); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "留言本流水号:" + ibook.ToString(); EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } }
public int AddWareHouse(OperLog operLog, Entity.Warehouse wh) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); EntityMapping.Create(wh, trans); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "仓库编码:" + wh.cnvcWhCode; EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); return(-1); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); return(-1); } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } return(1); } }
//订单删除产品 public void DeleteDetail(OrderBookDetail detail, OperLog operLog) //,BusiLog busiLog) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { EntityMapping.Delete(detail, trans); string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "订单流水:" + detail.cnnOrderSerialNo.ToString() + ",产品编码:" + detail.cnvcInvCode; EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); //EntityMapping.Create(busiLog, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } }
public void UpdateMaterial(Material mat, string strOldMaterialCode, OperLog operLog)//,BusiLog busiLog) { using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { string strSysTime = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(trans, CommandType.Text, "select getdate()").ToString(); DateTime dtSysTime = DateTime.Parse(strSysTime); operLog.cndOperDate = dtSysTime; operLog.cnvcComments = "原料材料编码:" + mat.cnvcMaterialCode; EntityMapping.Create(operLog, trans); MaterialAccess.UpdateMaterial(trans, mat, strOldMaterialCode); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, "Update tbProvider set cnvcProductName='" + mat.cnvcMaterialName + "' where cnvcProductCode='" + mat.cnvcMaterialCode + "' and cnvcProductName<>'" + mat.cnvcMaterialName + "'"); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } }
private Task __SendGreeting() { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug("ConnectionIO", "__SendGreeting >"); } var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); SendCommand(0, 0, 0, AmqpConnectionFrameWriter.Greeting(), reply: (channel, classMethodId, _) => { if (classMethodId == AmqpClassMethodConnectionLevelConstants.ConnectionStart) { _frameReader.Read_ConnectionStart((versionMajor, versionMinor, serverProperties, mechanisms, locales) => { this.ServerProperties = serverProperties; this.AuthMechanisms = mechanisms; if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug("ConnectionIO", "__SendGreeting completed"); } tcs.SetResult(true); }); } else { // Unexpected tcs.SetException(new Exception("Unexpected result. Got " + classMethodId)); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }, expectsReply: true); return(tcs.Task); }
public static DataTable QueryLongTrans(string strSql, bool IsCenter) { ConnectionPool.IsCenter = IsCenter; SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); DataTable dtRet = null; try { //conn.ConnectionTimeout = 300; //SqlHelper. dtRet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTableLongTrans(conn, CommandType.Text, strSql); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } return(dtRet); }
public static WriterDelegate BasicConsume(string queue, string consumerTag, bool withoutAcks, bool exclusive, IDictionary <string, object> arguments, bool waitConfirmation) { return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> BasicConsume " + queue); } writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, w => { w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteUShort(0); w.WriteShortstr(queue); w.WriteShortstr(consumerTag); w.WriteBits(false, withoutAcks, exclusive, !waitConfirmation); w.WriteTable(arguments); }); }); }
public static WriterDelegate QueueDeclare(string queue, bool passive, bool durable, bool exclusive, bool autoDelete, IDictionary <string, object> arguments, bool waitConfirmation) { return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { var logQueueName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(queue) ? "*temp*" : queue; LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> QueueDeclare " + logQueueName); } writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, w => { w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteUShort(0); w.WriteShortstr(queue); w.WriteBits(passive, durable, exclusive, autoDelete, !waitConfirmation); w.WriteTable(arguments); }); }); }
public static WriterDelegate QueueUnbind(string queue, string exchange, string routingKey, IDictionary <string, object> arguments) { return((writer, channel, classId, methodId, args) => { if (LogAdapter.ProtocolLevelLogEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "> QueueUnbind " + queue); } writer.WriteFrameWithPayloadFirst(AmqpConstants.FrameMethod, channel, w => { w.WriteUShort(classId); w.WriteUShort(methodId); w.WriteUShort(0); // reserved w.WriteShortstr(queue); w.WriteShortstr(exchange); w.WriteShortstr(routingKey); w.WriteTable(arguments); }); }); }
// Run on its own thread, and invokes user code from it private void ReadFramesLoop() { if (LogAdapter.IsDebugEnabled) { LogAdapter.LogDebug(LogSource, "ReadFramesLoop starting"); } _readThreadRunning = true; try { var token = _threadCancelToken; while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { _frameReader.ReadAndDispatch(); } LogAdapter.LogError(LogSource, "ReadFramesLoop exiting"); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { // no-op } catch (Exception ex) { LogAdapter.LogError(LogSource, "ReadFramesLoop error", ex); this.InitiateAbruptClose(ex).IntentionallyNotAwaited(); } finally { _readThreadRunning = false; TryTriggerClean(); } }
public BookListService() { _books = new List<Book>(); _log = new LogAdapter(new NLogger()); _log.Initialize(); }
public void SimpleCoverage() { var innerMessage = ""; var inner = new TestLogger(); var adapter = new LogAdapter(inner); inner.MethodCalled += (s, e) => { innerMessage = e.Message; }; var obj = new object(); const string format = "{0}"; var formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var exception = new Exception(); // we are going to call methods on the adapter and verify that the // reciprocal methods are called on the inner logger instance // Debug Object adapter.Debug(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Debug(object message)", innerMessage); // Debug Object, Exception adapter.Debug(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Debug(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); // Error Object adapter.Error(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Error(object message)", innerMessage); // Error Object, Exception adapter.Error(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Error(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); // Fatal Object adapter.Fatal(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Fatal(object message)", innerMessage); // Fatal Object, Exception adapter.Fatal(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Fatal(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); // Info Object adapter.Info(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Info(object message)", innerMessage); // Info Object, Exception adapter.Info(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Info(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); // Trace Object adapter.Trace(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Trace(object message)", innerMessage); // Trace Object, Exception adapter.Trace(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Trace(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); // Warn Object adapter.Warn(obj); Assert.AreEqual("Warn(object message)", innerMessage); // Warn Object, Exception adapter.Warn(obj, exception); Assert.AreEqual("Warn(object message, Exception exception)", innerMessage); }
public void MockedCoverage() { var inner = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TestLogger>(); var adapter = new LogAdapter(inner); var obj = new object(); const string format = "{0}"; var formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var exception = new Exception(); // we are going to call methods on the adapter and verify that the // reciprocal methods are called on the inner logger instance // Debug Object adapter.Debug(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Debug(obj)); // Debug Object, Exception adapter.Debug(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Debug(obj, exception)); // Error Object adapter.Error(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Error(obj)); // Error Object, Exception adapter.Error(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Error(obj, exception)); // Fatal Object adapter.Fatal(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Fatal(obj)); // Fatal Object, Exception adapter.Fatal(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Fatal(obj, exception)); // Info Object adapter.Info(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Info(obj)); // Info Object, Exception adapter.Info(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Info(obj, exception)); // Trace Object adapter.Trace(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Trace(obj)); // Trace Object, Exception adapter.Trace(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Trace(obj, exception)); // Warn Object adapter.Warn(obj); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Warn(obj)); // Warn Object, Exception adapter.Warn(obj, exception); inner.AssertWasCalled(i => i.Warn(obj, exception)); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Get employee EmployeeNumber= Intent.GetStringExtra("EmployeeNumber"); selectedEmployee = EmployeeManagement.GetInstance().Employees.Where(L => L.Number == EmployeeNumber).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedEmployee == null) return; // Set up Listview SetContentView(Resource.Layout.CheckLogMaster); LogAdapter = new LogAdapter(this, selectedEmployee); listView = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.checklogs); listView.Adapter = LogAdapter; var LogName = this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.NameForLog); LogName.Text = selectedEmployee.Name.ToString(); var TotalHours = this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.TotalHour); TotalHours.Text = "Total Hours: " + selectedEmployee.TotalHours; //editButton = this.FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.EditButton); addTimeButton = this.FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.AddTimeButton); //editButton.Click += EditButton_Click; addTimeButton.Click += AddTimeButton_Click; listView.SetOnTouchListener(this); // Gestures gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this); listView.SetOnTouchListener(this); var _message = this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.message); _message.Text = (selectedEmployee.Logs.Count == 0)?"There are no Transactions":""; }