public async void EntregasPendientes() { Locations.Clear(); Distribuidor distribuidor = new Distribuidor { IdDistribuidor = Settings.IdDistribuidor, }; var response = await ApiServices.InsertarAsync <Distribuidor>(distribuidor, new Uri(Constants.BaseApiAddress), "/api/Compras/MisVentasPendientes"); ListaClientes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <CompraResponse> >(response.Result.ToString()); Point p = new Point(0.48, 0.96); foreach (var cliente in ListaClientes) { var Pindistribuidor = new TKCustomMapPin { Image = "casa", Position = new TK.CustomMap.Position((double)cliente.Latitud, (double)cliente.Longitud), Title = cliente.NombreCliente + "", Subtitle = "Nro tanques: " + cliente.Cantidad, Anchor = p, ShowCallout = true, }; Locations.Add(Pindistribuidor); } ListaClientes.Count(); }
async Task ExecuteLoadLocationsCommand() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { Locations.Clear(); var locations = await DataStore.GetLocationsAsync(true); foreach (var location in locations) { Locations.Add(location); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
private async Task SearchLocationAsync() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchLocationText)) { return; } ShowBusy("Searching..."); try { var address = SearchLocationText; var result = await LocationService.FindLocationAsync(new GeocodeLocationRequest(SearchLocationText)); NotBusy(); if (result.Locations != null && result.Locations.Count > 0) { Locations.Clear(); MapCenter = result.Locations[0]; Locations.Add(MapCenter); } else { App.ShowMessage("Could not find location", "search"); } } finally { NotBusy(); } }
public void SetMockData(IGeolocationService geolocation) { Locations.Clear(); void addLocation(string location) { App.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => Locations.Add(new Location(location, Locations.Count + 1, geolocation.GetAddressList(location).FirstOrDefault())) ); } addLocation("Warszawa"); addLocation("Wrocław"); addLocation("Bydgoszcz"); addLocation("Białystok"); addLocation("Rzeszów"); addLocation("Gdańsk"); addLocation("Poznań"); addLocation("Kraków"); addLocation("Szczecin"); addLocation("Lublin"); addLocation("Katowice"); addLocation("Łódź"); addLocation("Koszalin"); addLocation("Częstochowa"); addLocation("Radom"); addLocation("Płock"); addLocation("Zamość"); addLocation("Chojnice"); addLocation("Świnoujście"); addLocation("Słupsk"); addLocation("Opole"); addLocation("Zielona Góra"); addLocation("Olsztyn"); }
private async Task RequestCurrentLocationAsync() { ShowBusy("Searching..."); try { var result = await FetchCurrentLocationCommand.ExecuteAsync(null); Locations.Clear(); if (result.IsValid()) { SearchLocationText = string.Empty; MapCenter = result.CurrentLocation; //Locations.Add(result.CurrentLocation); } else { App.ShowMessage(result.Notification.ToString(), "Error"); } } finally { NotBusy(); } }
private async Task ExecuteGetLocationsCommand() { if (IsBusy || !(await LoginAsync())) { return; } //if (ForceSync) //Settings.LastSync = DateTime.Now.AddDays (-30); IsBusy = true; GetLocationsCommand.ChangeCanExecute(); try{ Locations.Clear(); //var stores = new List<Store>(); Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(); var locations = await azureService.GetLocations(); foreach (var location in locations) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Image)) { location.Image = ""; } //added by aditmer on 2/14/18 because GeoCoding fails when offline if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected) { //geocode the street address if the data doesn't contain coordinates if (location.Latitude == 0 && location.Longitude == 0) { var address = location.StreetAddress + ", " + location.City + ", " + location.State + ", " + location.ZipCode; var approximateLocations = await geoCoder.GetPositionsForAddressAsync(address); Position pos = approximateLocations.FirstOrDefault(); location.Latitude = pos.Latitude; location.Longitude = pos.Longitude; } } Locations.Add(location); } Sort(); } catch (Exception ex) { _page.DisplayAlert("Uh Oh :(", "Unable to gather locations.", "OK"); Analytics.TrackEvent("Exception", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Message", ex.Message }, { "StackTrace", ex.ToString() } }); } finally { IsBusy = false; GetLocationsCommand.ChangeCanExecute(); } }
public override void DisposeModel() { BinTypes.Clear(); Locations.Clear(); Zones.Clear(); base.DisposeModel(); }
public async void OnNavigatingTo(INavigationParameters parameters) { var data = await LocationService.GetAsync(); Locations.Clear(); foreach (var item in data) { Locations.Add(new Location { Title = item.Title, Description = item.Description, HotelName = item.HotelName, HotelStandardsTitle = item.HotelStandardsTitle, HotelStandards = item.HotelStandards, Address = item.Address, PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber, DirectionsFromAirport = item.DirectionsFromAirport, ParkingInformation = item.ParkingInformation, LocalAttractionsTitle = item.LocalAttractionsTitle, LocalAttractions = item.LocalAttractions, Image = item.Image, LearnMoreUrl = item.LearnMoreUrl, BookNowUrl = item.BookNowUrl, PhoneNumberUrl = item.PhoneNumberUrl, WebsiteUrl = item.WebsiteUrl, MapUrl = item.MapUrl, WebsiteName = item.WebsiteName }); } Pages = Locations; }
private async void FirePlacesSearch(Task <WebServiceResults.Result> getResult, CancellationTokenSource onCancel) { try { WebServiceResults.Result result = await Task.Run(() => getResult, onCancel.Token); if (result != null) { Locations.Clear(); foreach (var prediction in result.predictions.Where(newItem => Locations.All(oldItem => oldItem.Id != { Locations.Add(new PlaceLocation() { Id = prediction.place_id, Location = prediction.description }); } } } catch (TaskCanceledException ex) { } }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { IsBusy = true; try { Locations.Clear(); var locations = await _ufavLocationService.GetMyLocationsAsync(); var items = locations.Select(x => x.ToLocationRequest()); foreach (var item in items) { Locations.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public async void SeguirA() { if (Settings.IdDistribuidor != 0) { var distribuidor = new Distribuidor { IdDistribuidor = Settings.IdDistribuidor, }; Point p = new Point(0.48, 0.96); var response = await ApiServices.InsertarAsync <Distribuidor>(distribuidor, new Uri(Constants.BaseApiAddress), "/api/Rutas/GetLastPosition"); var ruta = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ruta>(response.Result.ToString()); Locations.Clear(); Locations.Add(new TKCustomMapPin { Image = "camion.png", Position = new TK.CustomMap.Position((double)ruta.Latitud, (double)ruta.Longitud), Anchor = p, ShowCallout = true, }); CenterSearch = (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius((new TK.CustomMap.Position((double)ruta.Latitud, (double)ruta.Longitud)), Distance.FromMiles(.5))); } }
private async void Buy() { var lat = CenterSearch.Center.Latitude; var lon = CenterSearch.Center.Longitude; CenterSearch = (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius((new TK.CustomMap.Position(lat, lon)), Distance.FromMiles(.10))); Locations.Clear(); Camiones.Clear(); Locations.Add(new TKCustomMapPin { Image = "casa", Position = CenterSearch.Center, Anchor = new Point(0.48, 0.96), ShowCallout = true, }); ObtenerDireccion(CenterSearch.Center.Latitude, CenterSearch.Center.Longitude); isVisible = true; OneButton = false; }
// TODO: refresh one item only public async void Refresh(LocationViewModel item = null) { Operation = Resources.Loading; try { var locations = Locations.Select(it => it.Location).ToList(); Locations.Clear(); foreach (var location in locations) { var data = await _reader.ReadDataAsync(location); if (data != null) { Locations.Add(new LocationViewModel(location, data)); } } Operation = Resources.Ready; var first = Locations.FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null) { _eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new UpdateTrayIconTextEvent() { Text = first.BriefText }); } } catch (Exception e) { Operation = e.Message; } }
public ObservableCollection <LocationSearchResultItem> GetLocations() { var i = 0; var res = _index.Search(new Query("food")); var count = res.Count; var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LocationSearchResultItem> >(res["hits"].ToString()); LocationSearchResultItems = new ObservableCollection <LocationSearchResultItem>(); var locations = new List <LocationSearchResultItem> { new LocationSearchResultItem { Name = "Location 1", Description = "Description for location 1" }, new LocationSearchResultItem { Name = "Location 2", Description = "Description for location 2" } }; Locations.Clear(); foreach (var location in results) { i++; location.Index = i; LocationSearchResultItems.Add(location); } return(LocationSearchResultItems); }
public async Task Load() { if (NotNetOrConnection) { return; } try { LocationsIsBeingLoaded = true; List <Location> locations = await NAV.GetLocationList("", false, 1, int.MaxValue, ACD.Default).ConfigureAwait(true); Locations.Clear(); foreach (Location location in locations) { Locations.Add(location); } if (CanChangeLocationCode) { LocationsIsLoaded = locations.Count > 0; } else { LocationsIsLoaded = false; } MessagingCenter.Send <ZoneViewModel>(this, "LocationsIsLoaded"); BinTypesIsBeingLoaded = true; List <BinType> bintypes = await NAV.GetBinTypeList(1, int.MaxValue, ACD.Default).ConfigureAwait(true); BinTypes.Clear(); foreach (BinType bt in bintypes) { BinTypes.Add(bt); } BinTypesIsLoaded = bintypes.Count > 0; MessagingCenter.Send <ZoneViewModel>(this, "BinTypesIsLoaded"); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); State = ModelState.Error; ErrorText = e.Message; } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); State = ModelState.Error; ErrorText = e.Message; } finally { BinTypesIsBeingLoaded = false; LocationsIsBeingLoaded = false; } }
public async Task Init(string user, string password) { this.User = user; this.Password = password; Locations.Clear(); await Login(); await UserAccount(); await RefreshSetup(); await UpdateStatus(); }
public PinItemsSourcePageViewModel(INavService navService, IAnalyticsService analyticsService) : base(navService, analyticsService) { AddLocationCommand = new Command(AddLocation); RemoveLocationCommand = new Command(RemoveLocation); ClearLocationsCommand = new Command(() => Locations.Clear()); UpdateLocationsCommand = new Command(UpdateLocations); ReplaceLocationCommand = new Command(ReplaceLocation); }
private async void GetLocationsAsync() { Locations.Clear(); var locations = await WeatherAPI.GetLocationKeyAsync(query); foreach (Location location in locations) { Locations.Add(location); } }
private async void AddLocation() { MainVM.Loading = true; if (AddingLocationName != "" && !double.IsNaN(FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress?.Lat ?? double.NaN)) { if (Editing == null) { if (await Client.AddAddress(FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress, AddingLocationName)) { Locations.Add(new UserLocation(AddingLocationName, FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress)); AddingLocationName = ""; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress = null; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddressText = ""; FavAddressSearch.Addresses.Clear(); } } else { if (Editing.Address == FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress && Editing.Name == AddingLocationName) { Editing = null; AddingLocationName = ""; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress = null; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddressText = ""; FavAddressSearch.Addresses.Clear(); } else { if (await Client.EditAddress(Editing.Name, AddingLocationName, FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress)) { Editing = null; AddingLocationName = ""; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddress = null; FavAddressSearch.SelectedAddressText = ""; FavAddressSearch.Addresses.Clear(); await Task.Run(async() => { return(await Client.GetMyAddresses()); }).ContinueWith(task => { Locations.Clear(); Locations.AddRange(task.Result); MainVM.Loading = false; }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); } } } } else { Editing = null; FavAddressSearch.Addresses.Clear(); } MainVM.Loading = false; }
public virtual void Reset() { Dispose(); Head = new CacheFileHeader(Head); DebugStrings = new Util.StringPool(true); RamMemory = new BlamLib.IO.EndianWriter(new System.IO.MemoryStream(1024), this); Locations.Clear(); }
public MapViewModel(List <ComplainRequest> _ListDenuncia) { Locator(); locations = new ObservableCollection <TKCustomMapPin>(); Locations.Clear(); _listdenuncia = new List <ComplainRequest>(); ListDenuncia.Clear(); foreach (var denuncia in _ListDenuncia) { ListDenuncia.Add(denuncia); var cachedImage = new CachedImage() { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, DownsampleToViewSize = true, Transformations = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ITransformation>() { new GrayscaleTransformation(), new CircleTransformation(), }, Source = denuncia.Photo, CacheType = FFImageLoading.Cache.CacheType.Disk }; string imagenPin = ""; Color colorpin = Color.White; if (denuncia.IdSubcategory < 3) { imagenPin = "qpt_mov"; colorpin = Color.Blue; } else if (denuncia.IdSubcategory < 6) { imagenPin = "qpt_edu"; colorpin = Color.Red; } else if (denuncia.IdSubcategory < 9) { imagenPin = "qpt_inc"; colorpin = Color.Yellow; } var pin = new TKCustomMapPin { Position = new TK.CustomMap.Position((double)denuncia.Latitude, (double)denuncia.Longitude), Title = denuncia.Title, Subtitle = denuncia.Description, DefaultPinColor = colorpin, ShowCallout = true, }; Locations.Add(pin); } }
public void InitBlank() { LastModified.Reset(); Locations.Clear(); Notes.Clear(); Tags.Clear(); TagMaps.Clear(); BlockRanges.Clear(); Bookmarks.Clear(); UserMarks.Clear(); }
private void Cleanup() { Locations.CollectionChanged -= Locations_CollectionChanged; Locations.Clear(); AddLocationCommand = null; RemoveLocationCommand = null; Status = null; _messengerService = null; _collectionManager = null; }
public async Task RefreshSetup() { var info = await MakeGetRequest <Location[]>(string.Format(Controller.RootUrl + "/WebAPI/emea/api/v1/location/installationInfo?userId={0}&includeTemperatureControlSystems=True", AccountInfo.UserId)); foreach (var loc in info) { loc.Controller = this; } Locations.Clear(); Locations.AddRange(info); await UpdateStatus(); }
public override void Clear() { Broadcasts.Clear(); Locations.Clear(); Restrictions.Clear(); Rewards.Clear(); Rules.Clear(); Sounds.Clear(); SuddenDeath.Clear(); Timing.Clear(); Weather.Clear(); }
private void loadWorldLocationWidgets() { Locations.Clear(); foreach (var country in WorldData.Countries) { foreach (var place in country.Places) { var btn = new WorldLocationWidget(this, place); btn.OnClick += Btn_OnClick; Locations.Add(btn); } } }
private void ExecuteFindPlaceCommandAsync(string searchString) { if (searchString?.Length >= 3) { IsVisibleListView = true; PerformSearch(); } else { IsVisibleListView = false; Locations.Clear(); } }
public void PopulateGame() { var id = OlympiadId; if (id == 0) { YearOf = ""; Number = ""; Title = ""; Venue = ""; StartDate = null; FinishDate = null; MaxFee = ""; MaxCon = ""; AgeDate = null; JnrAge = ""; SnrAge = ""; PentaLong = ""; PentaTotal = ""; Events.Clear(); Locations.Clear(); } else { var context = DataEntitiesProvider.Provide(); // TODO This join could be eliminated if an Event had a do-not-delete flag. Still, it's // better than not Including it. var o = context.Olympiad_Infoes.Include("Events").Include("Events.Entrants") .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); EditingThePast = !o.Current; YearOf = o.YearOf.ToString(); Number = o.Number; Title = o.Title; Venue = o.Venue; StartDate = o.StartDate; FinishDate = o.FinishDate; MaxFee = (o.MaxFee.HasValue) ? o.MaxFee.Value.ToString("F2") : ""; MaxCon = (o.MaxCon.HasValue) ? o.MaxCon.Value.ToString("F2") : ""; AgeDate = o.AgeDate; JnrAge = o.JnrAge.ToString(); SnrAge = o.SnrAge.ToString(); PentaLong = o.PentaLong.ToString(); PentaTotal = o.PentaTotal.ToString(); Events.Clear(); foreach (var e in o.Events.OrderBy(x => x.Code)) { Events.Add(new EventVm(e)); } Locations.Clear(); foreach (var l in o.Locations.OrderBy(x => x.Location1)) { Locations.Add(new LocationVm() { Id = l.Id, Name = l.Location1 }); } } IsDirty = false; }
public async void SearchLocations(GeoLocation centerLocation, string searchTerm) { LocationService locationService = new LocationService(); Locations.Clear(); var locationResults = await locationService.GetLocations(centerLocation, searchTerm); //var bestLocationResults = locationResults.Where(location => location.Rank > 80); //foreach (var item in bestLocationResults) foreach (var item in locationResults) { Locations.Add(item); } }
private async Task LoadLocationsList() { List <Location> locations = await NAV.GetLocationList("", false, 1, int.MaxValue, ACD.Default).ConfigureAwait(true); if (!IsDisposed) { Locations.Clear(); foreach (Location location in locations) { Locations.Add(location); } LocationsIsLoaded = CanChangeLocationAndZone && locations.Count > 0; } }