コード例 #1
        public void OverlapsRangeFails()
            // Assert
            var start    = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);
            var finish   = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31);
            var validity = new DateRange(start, finish);
            var system   = new MDM.SourceSystem {
                Name = "Test"
            var locationMapping = new LocationMapping {
                System = system, MappingValue = "1", Validity = validity

            var list = new List <LocationMapping> {
            var repository = new Mock <IRepository>();

            repository.Setup(x => x.Queryable <LocationMapping>()).Returns(list.AsQueryable());

            var systemList       = new List <MDM.SourceSystem>();
            var systemRepository = new Mock <IRepository>();

            systemRepository.Setup(x => x.Queryable <MDM.SourceSystem>()).Returns(systemList.AsQueryable());

            var overlapsRangeIdentifier = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId
                SystemName = "Test",
                Identifier = "1",
                StartDate  = start.AddHours(10),
                EndDate    = start.AddHours(15)

            var identifierValidator = new NexusIdValidator <LocationMapping>(repository.Object);
            var validatorEngine     = new Mock <IValidatorEngine>();

            validatorEngine.Setup(x => x.IsValid(It.IsAny <EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId>(), It.IsAny <IList <IRule> >()))
            .Returns((EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId x, IList <IRule> y) => identifierValidator.IsValid(x, y));
            var validator = new LocationValidator(validatorEngine.Object, repository.Object);

            var location = new Location {
                Identifiers = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmIdList {

            // Act
            var violations = new List <IRule>();
            var result     = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(result, "Validator succeeded");
コード例 #2
        public void ValidLocationPasses()
            // Assert
            var start  = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);
            var system = new MDM.SourceSystem {
                Name = "Test"

            var systemList = new List <MDM.SourceSystem> {
            var systemRepository = new Mock <IRepository>();
            var repository       = new StubValidatorRepository();

            systemRepository.Setup(x => x.Queryable <MDM.SourceSystem>()).Returns(systemList.AsQueryable());

            var identifier = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId
                SystemName = "Test",
                Identifier = "1",
                StartDate  = start.AddHours(-10),
                EndDate    = start.AddHours(-5)

            var validatorEngine = new Mock <IValidatorEngine>();
            var validator       = new LocationValidator(validatorEngine.Object, repository);

            var location = new Location {
                Details = new EnergyTrading.MDM.Contracts.Sample.LocationDetails {
                    Name = "Test"
                }, Identifiers = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmIdList {


            // Act
            var violations = new List <IRule>();
            var result     = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Validator failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, violations.Count, "Violation count differs");
コード例 #3
        public void ParentShouldNotBeSameAsEntity()
            // Arrange
            var parentId = 999;
            var location = NewLocation("SameName", parentId);

            var repository = new Mock <IRepository>();

            repository.Setup(x => x.FindOne <MDM.Location>(parentId))
            .Returns(new MDM.Location {
                Name = "SameName"

            // Act
            var violations = new List <IRule>();
            var validator  = new LocationValidator(new Mock <IValidatorEngine>().Object, repository.Object);
            var result     = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(result, "Validation should not have succeeded");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, violations.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Parent must not be same as entity", violations[0].Message);
コード例 #4
        public void BadSystemFails()
            // Assert
            var start = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);
            var finish = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31);
            var validity = new DateRange(start, finish);
            var system = new MDM.SourceSystem { Name = "Test" };
            var locationMapping = new LocationMapping { System = system, MappingValue = "1", Validity = validity };

            var list = new List<LocationMapping> { locationMapping };
            var repository = new Mock<IRepository>();
            repository.Setup(x => x.Queryable<LocationMapping>()).Returns(list.AsQueryable());

            var badSystemIdentifier = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId
                SystemName = "Jim",
                Identifier = "1",
                StartDate = start.AddHours(-10),
                EndDate = start.AddHours(-5)

            var identifierValidator = new NexusIdValidator<LocationMapping>(repository.Object);
            var validatorEngine = new Mock<IValidatorEngine>();
            validatorEngine.Setup(x => x.IsValid(It.IsAny<EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId>(), It.IsAny<IList<IRule>>()))
                           .Returns((EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId x, IList<IRule> y) => identifierValidator.IsValid(x, y));
            var validator = new LocationValidator(validatorEngine.Object, repository.Object);

            var location = new Location { Identifiers = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmIdList { badSystemIdentifier } };

            // Act
            var violations = new List<IRule>();
            var result = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(result, "Validator succeeded");
コード例 #5
        public void ValidLocationPasses()
            // Assert
            var start = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);
            var system = new MDM.SourceSystem { Name = "Test" };

            var systemList = new List<MDM.SourceSystem> { system };
            var systemRepository = new Mock<IRepository>();
            var repository = new StubValidatorRepository();

            systemRepository.Setup(x => x.Queryable<MDM.SourceSystem>()).Returns(systemList.AsQueryable());

            var identifier = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmId
                SystemName = "Test",
                Identifier = "1",
                StartDate = start.AddHours(-10),
                EndDate = start.AddHours(-5)

            var validatorEngine = new Mock<IValidatorEngine>();
            var validator = new LocationValidator(validatorEngine.Object, repository);

            var location = new Location { Details = new EnergyTrading.MDM.Contracts.Sample.LocationDetails{Name = "Test"}, Identifiers = new EnergyTrading.Mdm.Contracts.MdmIdList { identifier } };

            // Act
            var violations = new List<IRule>();
            var result = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Validator failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, violations.Count, "Violation count differs");
コード例 #6
        public void ParentShouldNotBeSameAsEntity()
            // Arrange
            var parentId = 999;
            var location = NewLocation("SameName", parentId);

            var repository = new Mock<IRepository>();
            repository.Setup(x => x.FindOne<MDM.Location>(parentId))
                .Returns(new MDM.Location { Name = "SameName"});

            // Act
            var violations = new List<IRule>();
            var validator = new LocationValidator(new Mock<IValidatorEngine>().Object, repository.Object);
            var result = validator.IsValid(location, violations);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(result, "Validation should not have succeeded");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, violations.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Parent must not be same as entity", violations[0].Message);