public void Local2LocalWithAbsoluteUri() { var locationFactory = new LocationFactoryUnc2unc (); var copier = new Copier { LocationFactory = locationFactory }; var source = new UncLocation { ItemUri = new Uri(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"TestSet\github.jpg")) }; var destination = new UncLocation { ItemUri = new Uri(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"TestSet\github-copy.jpg")) }; var done = copier.Copy (source, destination, ReplaceMode.Ignore); if (done) { Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (destination.ItemUri.LocalPath), "File destination.ItemUri.LocalPath shall exist."); var sourceSize = locationFactory.GetSourceManager ().GetSize (source); var destinationSize = locationFactory.GetDestinationManager ().GetSize (destination); Assert.AreEqual (sourceSize, destinationSize, "File length shall be " + sourceSize + " bytes."); locationFactory.GetDestinationManager ().Delete (destination); } }
public void Local2LocalWithRelativeUri() { var locationFactory = new LocationFactoryUnc2unc (); var copier = new Copier { LocationFactory = locationFactory }; var source = new UncLocation { ItemUri = new Uri(@"TestSet\github.jpg", UriKind.Relative) }; var destination = new UncLocation { ItemUri = new Uri(@"TestSet\github-copy.jpg", UriKind.Relative) }; var done = copier.Copy (source, destination, ReplaceMode.Ignore); Assert.IsTrue (done, "Copy must return true."); if (done) { var path = destination.ItemUri.IsAbsoluteUri ? destination.ItemUri.LocalPath : destination.ItemUri.ToString (); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (path), "File " + path + " shall exist."); var sourceSize = locationFactory.GetSourceManager ().GetSize (source); var destinationSize = locationFactory.GetDestinationManager ().GetSize (destination); Assert.AreEqual (sourceSize, destinationSize, "File length shall be " + sourceSize + " bytes."); locationFactory.GetDestinationManager ().Delete (destination); } }