コード例 #1
        public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile)
            Vector3 met         = new Vector3();
            var     featureName = ve.Feature.Properties["destination-type"].ToString();

            if (featureName == "conference-room")
                string planetName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString();
                string prefabName = "Prefabs/" + planetName + "Prefab";
                //Debug.Log("PrefabName : " + prefabName);

                var scale  = tile.TileScale;
                int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2;
                met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos];
                var prefabGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefabName));
                prefabGO.name = prefabName;
                //met.y = 7 * scale;
                met.y = prefabGO.transform.Find(planetName + "Model").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().bounds.extents.y + 2;
                prefabGO.transform.position = met;
                prefabGO.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false);
            else if (featureName == "phone-room")
                string phoneRoomName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString();
                string prefabName    = "Prefabs/Phone";
                //Debug.Log("PrefabName : " + prefabName);

                var scale  = tile.TileScale;
                int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2;
                met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos];
                var prefabGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefabName));
                prefabGO.name = prefabName;

                prefabGO.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = phoneRoomName;
                met.y = prefabGO.transform.Find("Model").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().bounds.extents.y + 2;
                prefabGO.transform.position = met;
                prefabGO.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false);

            var destPosition = met;

            destPosition.y = 0;

            Location.DestinationPointData locationData = new Location.DestinationPointData();
            var feature = ve.Feature;

            int      id           = 0;
            float    heading      = 0.0f;
            string   locationName = string.Empty;
            string   latitudeLongitudeString;
            Vector2d latitudeLongitude = Vector2d.zero;
            string   locationColor     = string.Empty;

            if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationIdKey))
                if (!int.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationIdKey].ToString(), out id))
                    Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationIdKey + "found!");

            if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationNameKey))
                locationName = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationNameKey].ToString();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationName))
                    Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationNameKey + "found!");

            if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationPositionKey))
                latitudeLongitudeString = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationPositionKey].ToString();
                latitudeLongitude       = Conversions.StringToLatLon(latitudeLongitudeString);

            if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationHeadingKey))
                if (!float.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationHeadingKey].ToString(), out heading))
                    Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationHeadingKey + "found!");

            if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey("color"))
                locationColor = feature.Properties["color"].ToString();
            if (featureName == "phone-room")
                locationColor = "phone-room";
            locationData.SetLocation(id, locationName, locationColor, latitudeLongitude, heading);

コード例 #2
        int pointId; // 추가

        public override void Run(VectorEntity ve, UnityTile tile)
            Vector3 met = new Vector3();

            var dbobj = GameObject.Find("DBobj").GetComponent <DBscript>();

            int    input_colNum    = dbobj.col_num;   //dbobj.col_num2
            int    input_shelfNum  = dbobj.book_sNum; //dbobj.book_sNum15
            string input_direction = dbobj.shelf_dir; //dbobj.shelf_dirfront
            int    input_shelfNum1 = 0;
            int    input_shelfNum2 = 0;

            if (input_direction == "front")
                input_shelfNum1 = input_shelfNum - 1;
                input_shelfNum2 = input_shelfNum;
            else if (input_direction == "back")
                input_shelfNum1 = input_shelfNum;
                input_shelfNum2 = input_shelfNum + 1;

            string input_colName = input_colNum + "_shelf " + input_shelfNum1 + "_" + input_shelfNum2; // 추가

            var typeName = ve.Feature.Properties["destination_type"].ToString();

            if (typeName == "phone-room")
                if (input_colName == (colName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString()))
                    pointId = int.Parse(ve.Feature.Properties["id"].ToString());

                        string planetName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString();

                        string prefabName = "Prefabs/" + "scroll3"; //"Saturn" <- planetName
                        //Debug.Log("PrefabName : " + prefabName);

                        var scale  = tile.TileScale;
                        int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2;
                        met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos];
                        var prefabGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefabName));
                        prefabGO.name = prefabName;
                        //met.y = 7 * scale;
                        met.y = prefabGO.transform.Find("scrollTop").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().bounds.extents.y + 0.5f;
                        prefabGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
                        prefabGO.transform.position   = met;
                        prefabGO.transform.Rotate(40, 126, -14);
                        prefabGO.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false);
                    }//여기까지 추가

                    var destPosition = met;
                    destPosition.y = 0;

                    Location.DestinationPointData locationData = new Location.DestinationPointData();
                    var feature = ve.Feature;

                    int      id           = 0;
                    float    heading      = 0.0f;
                    string   locationName = string.Empty;
                    string   latitudeLongitudeString;
                    Vector2d latitudeLongitude = Vector2d.zero;
                    string   locationColor     = string.Empty;

                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationIdKey))
                        if (!int.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationIdKey].ToString(), out id))
                            Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationIdKey + "found!");

                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationNameKey))
                        locationName = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationNameKey].ToString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationName))
                            Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationNameKey + "found!");

                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationPositionKey))
                        latitudeLongitudeString = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationPositionKey].ToString();
                        latitudeLongitude       = Conversions.StringToLatLon(latitudeLongitudeString);

                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationHeadingKey))
                        if (!float.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationHeadingKey].ToString(), out heading))
                            Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationHeadingKey + "found!");

                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey("destination_type"))
                        locationColor = feature.Properties["destination_type"].ToString();

                    if (typeName == "phone-room")
                        locationColor = "phone-room";

                    locationData.SetLocation(pointId, colName, locationColor, latitudeLongitude, heading);
                    Debug.Log(pointId + " " + colName + " " + locationColor + " " + latitudeLongitude + " " + heading);


             * var featureName = ve.Feature.Properties["destination_type"].ToString();
             * if (featureName == "conference-room")
             * {
             *  string planetName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString();
             *  string prefabName = "Prefabs/" + "Saturn" + "Prefab";
             *  //Debug.Log("PrefabName : " + prefabName);
             *  var scale = tile.TileScale;
             *  int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2;
             *  met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos];
             *  var prefabGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefabName));
             *  prefabGO.name = prefabName;
             *  //met.y = 7 * scale;
             *  met.y = prefabGO.transform.Find(planetName + "Model").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().bounds.extents.y + 2;
             *  prefabGO.transform.position = met;
             *  prefabGO.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false);
             * }
             * else if (featureName == "phone-room")
             * {
             *  string phoneRoomName = ve.Feature.Properties["name"].ToString();
             *  string prefabName = "Prefabs/Phone";
             *  //Debug.Log("PrefabName : " + prefabName);
             *  var scale = tile.TileScale;
             *  int selpos = ve.Feature.Points[0].Count / 2;
             *  met = ve.Feature.Points[0][selpos];
             *  var prefabGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(prefabName));
             *  prefabGO.name = prefabName;
             *  prefabGO.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = phoneRoomName;
             *  met.y = prefabGO.transform.Find("Model").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().bounds.extents.y + 2;
             *  prefabGO.transform.position = met;
             *  prefabGO.transform.SetParent(ve.GameObject.transform, false);
             * }

             * var destPosition = met;
             *          destPosition.y = 0;
             *          Location.DestinationPointData locationData = new Location.DestinationPointData();
             *          var feature = ve.Feature;
             *          int id = 0;
             *          float heading = 0.0f;
             *          string locationName = string.Empty;
             *          string latitudeLongitudeString;
             *          Vector2d latitudeLongitude = Vector2d.zero;
             *          string locationColor = string.Empty;
             *          if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationIdKey))
             *          {
             *                  if (!int.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationIdKey].ToString(), out id))
             *                  {
             *                          Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationIdKey + "found!");
             *                  }
             *          }
             *          if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationNameKey))
             *          {
             *                  locationName = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationNameKey].ToString();
             *                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(locationName))
             *                  {
             *                          Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationNameKey + "found!");
             *                  }
             *          }
             *          if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationPositionKey))
             *          {
             *                  latitudeLongitudeString = feature.Properties[_destinationLocationPositionKey].ToString();
             *                  latitudeLongitude = Conversions.StringToLatLon(latitudeLongitudeString);
             *          }
             *          if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey(_destinationLocationHeadingKey))
             *          {
             *                  if (!float.TryParse(feature.Properties[_destinationLocationHeadingKey].ToString(), out heading))
             *                  {
             *                          Debug.Log("No property with key : " + _destinationLocationHeadingKey + "found!");
             *                  }
             *          }
             *          if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey("color"))
             *          {
             *                  locationColor = feature.Properties["color"].ToString();
             *          }
             *          if (featureName == "phone-room")
             *                  locationColor = "phone-room";
             *          locationData.SetLocation(id, locationName, locationColor, latitudeLongitude, heading);
             *          Location.DestinationPointLocationProvider.Instance.Register(locationData);