コード例 #1
ファイル: PollView.ascx.cs プロジェクト: KuduApps/Kentico
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int count = 0;
                int maxCount = 0;
                long sumCount = 0;

                // Sum answer counts and get highest
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                LocalizedCheckBox chkItem = null;
                LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel lblItem = null;
                int index = 0;
                bool enabled = false;

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (this.ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !this.HideWhenNotAuthorized)
                            || (!isOpened && !this.HideWhenNotOpened) || (this.CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                            lblItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem = new LocalizedCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                chkItem.Checked = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem = new LocalizedRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                radItem.Checked = false;
                                radItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerRadio";


                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (this.ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && this.ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// On btnVote click event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnVote_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check banned ip
        if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.AllNonComplete))
            lblInfo.CssClass = "ErrorMessage";
            lblInfo.Text     = GetString("General.BannedIP");

        if (pi != null)
            // Indicates whether user voted or not
            bool voted = false;

            // Indicates wheter all forms of all open-ended answers can be saved
            bool       formsAreValid   = true;
            List <int> selectedAnswers = new List <int>();

            // List of poll answers (in case of multiple answers) for activity logging
            StringBuilder pollAnswerIDs = new StringBuilder();

            // Check if user has already voted
            if ((CheckVoted) && (PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                errMessage = GetString("Polls.UserHasVoted");
                voted      = true;
            else if (isOpened)
                // Get poll answers
                DataSet ds = Answers;
                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                    DataRowCollection rows = ds.Tables[0].Rows;

                    LocalizedCheckBox    chkItem = null;
                    LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                    bool           selected      = false;
                    PollAnswerInfo pai           = null;
                    BizForm        bizItem       = null;

                    foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                        pai = new PollAnswerInfo(row);

                        if ((pai != null) && (pai.AnswerEnabled))
                            selected = false;

                            // Find specific controls and update pollanswerinfo if controls are checked
                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Find checkbox
                                chkItem = (LocalizedCheckBox)pnlAnswer.FindControl("chk" + pai.AnswerID);

                                if (chkItem != null)
                                    selected = chkItem.Checked;
                                // Find radiobutton
                                radItem = (LocalizedRadioButton)pnlAnswer.FindControl("rad" + pai.AnswerID);

                                if (radItem != null)
                                    selected = radItem.Checked;

                            if ((selected) && (pai.AnswerCount < Int32.MaxValue))
                                bool canBeSaved = false;
                                bizItem = (BizForm)pnlAnswer.FindControl("frm" + pai.AnswerID);

                                if (bizItem == null)
                                    canBeSaved = true;
                                else if (bizItem.BasicForm != null)
                                    // Validate form data
                                    canBeSaved = bizItem.BasicForm.ValidateData();

                                if (canBeSaved)
                                    formsAreValid = false;

                    if (formsAreValid)
                        if (selectedAnswers.Count > 0)
                            foreach (int aid in selectedAnswers)
                                // Set the vote
                                // Save the bizform data
                                bizItem = (BizForm)pnlAnswer.FindControl("frm" + aid);
                                if (bizItem != null)
                                    if (bizItem.BasicForm != null)
                                        bizItem.BasicForm.SaveData(null, false);

                                // Save all selected answers (for activity logging)
                            voted = true;
                            // Set error message if no answer selected
                            lblInfo.CssClass = "ErrorMessage";
                            lblInfo.Text     = GetString("Polls.DidNotVoted");

                    if (voted)
                        LogActivity(pi, pollAnswerIDs.ToString());

                    if ((CheckVoted) && (voted))
                        // Create cookie about user's voting

            if (voted)
                // Clear cache if it's used
                Answers = null;
                // Reload poll control

                if (OnAfterVoted != null)
                    OnAfterVoted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PollView.ascx.cs プロジェクト: kudutest2/Kentico
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int  count    = 0;
                int  maxCount = 0;
                long sumCount = 0;

                // Sum answer counts and get highest
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                LocalizedCheckBox    chkItem = null;
                LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel       lblItem = null;
                int  index   = 0;
                bool enabled = false;

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (this.ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !this.HideWhenNotAuthorized) ||
                            (!isOpened && !this.HideWhenNotOpened) || (this.CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem    = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text            = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                            lblItem.CssClass        = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem              = new LocalizedCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID           = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                chkItem.Checked      = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem              = new LocalizedRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID           = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName    = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                radItem.Checked      = false;
                                radItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerRadio";


                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (this.ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && this.ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int  count        = 0;
                int  maxCount     = 0;
                long sumCount     = 0;
                bool hideSomeForm = false;

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Sum answer counts and get highest
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                    // Check if any open-ended answer form should be hidden
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false))
                        hideSomeForm = true;

                LocalizedCheckBox    chkItem = null;
                LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel       lblItem = null;
                BizForm viewBiz  = null;
                string  formName = null;
                int     index    = 0;
                bool    enabled  = false;

                bool bizFormsAvailable = ModuleEntry.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleEntry.BIZFORM) && ResourceSiteInfoProvider.IsResourceOnSite(ModuleEntry.BIZFORM, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !HideWhenNotAuthorized) ||
                            (!isOpened && !HideWhenNotOpened) || (CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem    = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text            = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                            lblItem.CssClass        = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem              = new LocalizedCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID           = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                chkItem.Checked      = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    chkItem.AutoPostBack    = true;
                                    chkItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;
                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem              = new LocalizedRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID           = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName    = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                radItem.Checked      = false;
                                radItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerRadio";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    radItem.AutoPostBack    = true;
                                    radItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;


                            formName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerForm"], string.Empty);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName) && bizFormsAvailable)
                                // Add forms for open ended answers
                                viewBiz          = new BizForm();
                                viewBiz.FormName = formName;
                                viewBiz.SiteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
                                viewBiz.AlternativeFormFullName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerAlternativeForm"], string.Empty);
                                viewBiz.ID                 = "frm" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                viewBiz.IsLiveSite         = IsLiveSite;
                                viewBiz.OnAfterDataLoad   += Form_AfterDataLoad;
                                viewBiz.CssClass           = "PollAnswerForm";
                                viewBiz.Visible            = !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false);
                                viewBiz.FormClearAfterSave = true;
                                viewBiz.FormRedirectToUrl  = String.Empty;
                                viewBiz.FormDisplayText    = String.Empty;

                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
コード例 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int count = 0;
                int maxCount = 0;
                long sumCount = 0;
                bool hideSomeForm = false;

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Sum answer counts and get highest
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                    // Check if any open-ended answer form should be hidden
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false))
                        hideSomeForm = true;

                LocalizedCheckBox chkItem = null;
                LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel lblItem = null;
                BizForm viewBiz = null;
                string formName = null;
                int index = 0;
                bool enabled = false;

                bool bizFormsAvailable = ModuleEntry.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleEntry.BIZFORM) && ResourceSiteInfoProvider.IsResourceOnSite(ModuleEntry.BIZFORM, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !HideWhenNotAuthorized)
                            || (!isOpened && !HideWhenNotOpened) || (CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                            lblItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem = new LocalizedCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                chkItem.Checked = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    chkItem.AutoPostBack = true;
                                    chkItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;
                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem = new LocalizedRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                radItem.Checked = false;
                                radItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerRadio";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    radItem.AutoPostBack = true;
                                    radItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;


                            formName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerForm"], string.Empty);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName) && bizFormsAvailable)
                                // Add forms for open ended answers
                                viewBiz = new BizForm();
                                viewBiz.FormName = formName;
                                viewBiz.SiteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
                                viewBiz.AlternativeFormFullName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerAlternativeForm"], string.Empty);
                                viewBiz.ID = "frm" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                viewBiz.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
                                viewBiz.OnAfterDataLoad += Form_AfterDataLoad;
                                viewBiz.CssClass = "PollAnswerForm";
                                viewBiz.Visible = !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false);
                                viewBiz.FormClearAfterSave = true;
                                viewBiz.FormRedirectToUrl = String.Empty;
                                viewBiz.FormDisplayText = String.Empty;

                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));