コード例 #1
                public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
                    EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

                    SerializedProperty localisationkeyProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("_localisationKey");

                    float yPos = position.y;

                    Rect foldoutPosition = new Rect(position.x, yPos, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

                    property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutPosition, property.isExpanded, property.displayName + " (Localised String)");
                    yPos += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;

                    if (property.isExpanded)
                        int origIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

                        //Draw list of possible keys
                        int currentKey = 0;
                            string[] keys = Localisation.GetStringKeys();

                            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                                if (keys[i] == localisationkeyProperty.stringValue)
                                    currentKey = i;

                            Rect typePosition = new Rect(position.x, yPos, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                            yPos += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;

                            currentKey = EditorGUI.Popup(typePosition, "Localisation Key", currentKey, keys);

                            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                                if (currentKey == 0)
                                    localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = null;
                                    localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = keys[currentKey];

                        //Draw button for adding new key
                        //show drop downs for where to put the key - enum list of all current folders + empty.
                        //select one to preapend
                        if (currentKey == 0)
                            float folderNameWidth       = 160.0f;
                            float autoKeySlashFakeWidth = 12.0f;
                            float autoKeySlashWidth     = 40.0f;
                            float autoKeybuttonWidth    = 42.0f;
                            float addButtonWidth        = 38.0f;
                            float buttonSpace           = 2.0f;
                            float fudge        = 13.0f;
                            float keyTextWidth = position.width - EditorUtils.GetLabelWidth() - (folderNameWidth + buttonSpace + autoKeybuttonWidth + buttonSpace + addButtonWidth);
                            float buttonWidth  = autoKeySlashFakeWidth + keyTextWidth + buttonSpace + autoKeybuttonWidth + buttonSpace + addButtonWidth;

                            //Get list of current folder options
                            Rect folderText = new Rect(position.x, yPos, position.width - buttonWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

                            string[] folders            = Localisation.GetStringFolders();
                            int      currentFolderIndex = 0;
                            string   currentFolder;
                            for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++)
                                //To do - if the first bit of our folder exists then thats the current folder eg Roles/NewRole/Name - Roles/
                                if (folders[i] == Localisation.GetFolderName(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue))
                                    currentFolderIndex = i;
                            int newFolderIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(folderText, "New Key", currentFolderIndex, folders);
                            currentFolder = newFolderIndex == 0 ? "" : folders[newFolderIndex];
                            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                                if (newFolderIndex != 0)
                                    localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = currentFolder + "/" + Localisation.GetKeyWithoutFoldder(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue);
                                else if (currentFolderIndex != 0)
                                    localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = Localisation.GetKeyWithoutFoldder(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue);

                            Rect addKeySlash = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - buttonWidth) - fudge, yPos, autoKeySlashWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(addKeySlash, new GUIContent("/"));

                            Rect addKeyText = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - buttonWidth) - fudge + autoKeySlashFakeWidth, yPos, keyTextWidth + fudge, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                            if (newFolderIndex != 0)
                                string newAddKey = EditorGUI.TextField(addKeyText, Localisation.GetKeyWithoutFoldder(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue));
                                localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = currentFolder + "/" + newAddKey;
                                string newAddKey = EditorGUI.TextField(addKeyText, localisationkeyProperty.stringValue);
                                localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = newAddKey;

                            Rect autoKeyButton = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - buttonWidth) + autoKeySlashFakeWidth + buttonSpace + keyTextWidth, yPos, autoKeybuttonWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                            Rect addKeyButton  = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - buttonWidth) + autoKeySlashFakeWidth + buttonSpace + keyTextWidth + buttonSpace + autoKeybuttonWidth, yPos, addButtonWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

                            yPos += addKeyButton.height;

                            if (GUI.Button(autoKeyButton, "Auto"))
                                LocalisedStringRef localisedStringRef = (LocalisedStringRef)EditorUtils.GetTargetObjectOfProperty(property);

                                Component component = property.serializedObject.targetObject as Component;
                                if (component != null)
                                    string parentName = component.gameObject.name;

                                    if (component.gameObject.scene.IsValid())
                                        parentName = component.gameObject.scene.name + "_" + parentName;


                                localisationkeyProperty.stringValue = localisedStringRef.GetAutoKey();

                            if (GUI.Button(addKeyButton, "Add") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue))
                                if (!Localisation.IsKeyInTable(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue))
                                    Localisation.UpdateString(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue, Localisation.GetCurrentLanguage(), string.Empty);

                        //Draw displayed text (can be edited to update localization file)
                            //Only display if have a valid key
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue) && Localisation.IsKeyInTable(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue))
                                string text       = Localisation.GetString(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue);
                                int    numLines   = StringUtils.GetNumberOfLines(text);
                                float  height     = (EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight - 2.0f) * numLines + 4.0f;
                                float  labelWidth = EditorUtils.GetLabelWidth();

                                Rect textPosition = new Rect(position.x + labelWidth, yPos, position.width - labelWidth, height);
                                yPos += height;

                                text = EditorGUI.TextArea(textPosition, text);
                                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                                    Localisation.UpdateString(localisationkeyProperty.stringValue, Localisation.GetCurrentLanguage(), text);

                        EditorGUI.indentLevel = origIndent;
