コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor will add some basic operators, functions, and variables
        /// to the parser. Please note that you are able to change that using
        /// boolean flags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadPreDefinedFunctions">This will load "abs", "cos", "cosh", "arccos", "sin", "sinh", "arcsin", "tan", "tanh", "arctan", "sqrt", "rem", "round"</param>
        /// <param name="loadPreDefinedOperators">This will load "%", "*", ":", "/", "+", "-", ">", "&lt;", "="</param>
        /// <param name="loadPreDefinedVariables">This will load "pi", "pi2", "pi05", "pi025", "pi0125", "pitograd", "piofgrad", "e", "phi", "major", "minor"</param>
        public MathParser(bool loadPreDefinedFunctions = true, bool loadPreDefinedOperators = true, bool loadPreDefinedVariables = true)
            if (loadPreDefinedOperators)
                // by default, we will load basic arithmetic operators.
                // please note, its possible to do it either inside the constructor,
                // or outside the class. the lowest value will be executed first!
                OperatorList.Add("^"); // to the power of
                OperatorList.Add("%"); // modulo
                OperatorList.Add(":"); // division 1
                OperatorList.Add("/"); // division 2
                OperatorList.Add("*"); // multiplication
                OperatorList.Add("-"); // subtraction
                OperatorList.Add("+"); // addition

                OperatorList.Add(">"); // greater than
                OperatorList.Add("≥"); // greater or equal than
                OperatorList.Add("<"); // less than
                OperatorList.Add("≤"); // less or equal than
                OperatorList.Add("="); // are equal
                OperatorList.Add("≠"); // not equal

                // when an operator is executed, the parser needs to know how.
                // this is how you can add your own operators. note, the order
                // in this list does not matter.
                OperatorAction.Add("^", Math.Pow);
                OperatorAction.Add("%", (numberA, numberB) => numberA % numberB);
                OperatorAction.Add(":", (numberA, numberB) => numberA / numberB);
                OperatorAction.Add("/", (numberA, numberB) => numberA / numberB);
                OperatorAction.Add("*", (numberA, numberB) => numberA * numberB);
                OperatorAction.Add("+", (numberA, numberB) => numberA + numberB);
                OperatorAction.Add("-", (numberA, numberB) => numberA - numberB);

                OperatorAction.Add(">", (numberA, numberB) => numberA > numberB ? 1 : 0);
                OperatorAction.Add("≥", (numberA, numberB) => numberA >= numberB ? 1 : 0);
                OperatorAction.Add("<", (numberA, numberB) => numberA < numberB ? 1 : 0);
                OperatorAction.Add("≤", (numberA, numberB) => numberA <= numberB ? 1 : 0);
                OperatorAction.Add("=", (numberA, numberB) => Math.Abs(numberA - numberB) < double.Epsilon ? 1 : 0);
                OperatorAction.Add("≠", (numberA, numberB) => Math.Abs(numberA - numberB) < double.Epsilon ? 0 : 1);

            if (loadPreDefinedFunctions)
                // these are the basic functions you might be able to use.
                // as with operators, localFunctions might be adjusted, i.e.
                // you can add or remove a function.
                // please open the "MathosTest" project, and find MathParser.cs
                // in "CustomFunction" you will see three ways of adding
                // a new function to this variable!
                LocalFunctions.Add("abs", x => Math.Abs(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("cos", x => Math.Cos(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("cosh", x => Math.Cosh(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("arccos", x => Math.Acos(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("sec", x => 1.0 / Math.Cos(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("cosec", x => 1.0 / Math.Sin(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("cotan", x => 1.0 / Math.Tan(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("sin", x => Math.Sin(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("sinh", x => Math.Sinh(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("arcsin", x => Math.Asin(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("tan", x => Math.Tan(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("tanh", x => Math.Tanh(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("arctan", x => Math.Atan(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("radtodeg", x => x[0] / Math.PI * 180.0);
                LocalFunctions.Add("degtorad", x => x[0] / 180.0 * Math.PI);

                LocalFunctions.Add("arctan2", x => Math.Atan2(x[0], x[1]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("distance", x => Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x[2] - x[0]), 2.0) + Math.Pow((x[3] - x[1]), 2.0)));

                LocalFunctions.Add("max", x => Math.Max(x[0], x[1]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("min", x => Math.Min(x[0], x[1]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("random", x => RandomNumber(x[0], x[1]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("sqrt", x => Math.Sqrt(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("rem", x => Math.IEEERemainder(x[0], x[1]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("root", x => Math.Pow(x[0], 1.0 / x[1]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("pow", x => Math.Pow(x[0], x[1]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("exp", x => Math.Exp(x[0]));
                //LocalFunctions.Add("log", x => (decimal)Math.Log((double)x[0]));
                //LocalFunctions.Add("log10", x => (decimal)Math.Log10((double)x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("log", delegate(double[] input)
                    // input[0] is the number
                    // input[1] is the base

                    switch (input.Length)
                    case 1:

                    case 2:
                        return(Math.Log(input[0], input[1]));

                        return(0);    // false

                LocalFunctions.Add("round", delegate(double[] input)
                    // input[0] is the number
                    // input[1] is the decimals

                    switch (input.Length)
                    case 1:

                    case 2:
                        return(Math.Round(input[0], (int)input[1]));

                        return(0);    // false

                //LocalFunctions.Add("round", x => Math.Round(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("truncate", x => x[0] < 0 ? -Math.Floor(-x[0]) : Math.Floor(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("floor", x => Math.Floor(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("ceiling", x => Math.Ceiling(x[0]));
                LocalFunctions.Add("sign", x => Math.Sign(x[0]));

                LocalFunctions.Add("or", x => OrFunction(x));
                LocalFunctions.Add("and", x => AndFunction(x));
                LocalFunctions.Add("if", x => IfFunction(x[0], x[1], x[2]));

                LocalStringFunctions.Add("hex2dec", x => Hex2DecFunction(x));

            if (loadPreDefinedVariables)
                // local variables such as pi can also be added into the parser.
                LocalVariables.Add("pi", 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288); // the simplest variable!
                LocalVariables.Add("pi2", 6.28318530717958647692528676655900576);
                LocalVariables.Add("pi05", 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144);
                LocalVariables.Add("pi025", 0.78539816339744830961566084581987572);
                LocalVariables.Add("pi0125", 0.39269908169872415480783042290993786);
                LocalVariables.Add("pitograd", 57.2957795130823208767981548141051704);
                LocalVariables.Add("piofgrad", 0.01745329251994329576923690768488612);
                LocalVariables.Add("pitorad", 57.2957795130823208767981548141051704);
                LocalVariables.Add("piofrad", 0.01745329251994329576923690768488612);

                LocalVariables.Add("e", 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249);
                LocalVariables.Add("phi", 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811);
                LocalVariables.Add("major", 0.61803398874989484820458683436563811);
                LocalVariables.Add("minor", 0.38196601125010515179541316563436189);
コード例 #2
        private double MathParserLogic(List <string> tokens)
            // Variables replacement
            for (var i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                if (LocalVariables.Keys.Contains(tokens[i]))
                    tokens[i] = LocalVariables[tokens[i]].ToString(CultureInfo);

            while (tokens.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                // getting data between "(" and ")"
                var open  = tokens.LastIndexOf("(");
                var close = tokens.IndexOf(")", open); // in case open is -1, i.e. no "(" // , open == 0 ? 0 : open - 1

                if (open >= close)
                    throw new ArithmeticException(I18n.Translate("internal/MathParser/noclosure", "No closing bracket/parenthesis. Token: {0}", open.ToString(CultureInfo)));

                var roughExpr = new List <string>();

                for (var i = open + 1; i < close; i++)

                double tmpResult;

                var args         = new List <double>();
                var sargs        = new List <string>();
                var functionName = tokens[open == 0 ? 0 : open - 1];

                if (LocalFunctions.Keys.Contains(functionName))
                    if (roughExpr.Contains(","))
                        // converting all arguments into a decimal array
                        for (var i = 0; i < roughExpr.Count; i++)
                            var defaultExpr = new List <string>();
                            var firstCommaOrEndOfExpression = (roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i) != -1)
                                ? roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i)
                                : roughExpr.Count;

                            while (i < firstCommaOrEndOfExpression)

                            args.Add(defaultExpr.Count == 0 ? 0 : BasicArithmeticalExpression(defaultExpr));

                        // finally, passing the arguments to the given function
                        tmpResult = double.Parse(LocalFunctions[functionName](args.ToArray()).ToString(CultureInfo), CultureInfo);
                        // but if we only have one argument, then we pass it directly to the function
                        tmpResult =
                                LocalFunctions[functionName](new[] { BasicArithmeticalExpression(roughExpr) })
                                .ToString(CultureInfo), CultureInfo);
                else if (LocalStringFunctions.Keys.Contains(functionName))
                    if (roughExpr.Contains(","))
                        // converting all arguments into a decimal array
                        for (var i = 0; i < roughExpr.Count; i++)
                            var defaultExpr = new List <string>();
                            var firstCommaOrEndOfExpression = (roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i) != -1)
                                ? roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i)
                                : roughExpr.Count;

                            while (i < firstCommaOrEndOfExpression)

                            sargs.Add(defaultExpr.Count == 0 ? "0" : defaultExpr[0]);

                        // finally, passing the arguments to the given function
                        tmpResult = double.Parse(LocalStringFunctions[functionName](sargs.ToArray()).ToString(CultureInfo), CultureInfo);
                        // but if we only have one argument, then we pass it directly to the function
                        tmpResult =
                                LocalStringFunctions[functionName](new[] { roughExpr[0] })
                                .ToString(CultureInfo), CultureInfo);
                    // if no function is need to execute following expression, pass it
                    // to the "BasicArithmeticalExpression" method.
                    tmpResult = BasicArithmeticalExpression(roughExpr);

                // when all the calculations have been done
                // we replace the "opening bracket with the result"
                // and removing the rest.
                tokens[open] = tmpResult.ToString(CultureInfo);
                tokens.RemoveRange(open + 1, close - open);

                if (LocalFunctions.Keys.Contains(functionName))
                    // if we also executed a function, removing
                    // the function name as well.
                    tokens.RemoveAt(open - 1);
                else if (LocalStringFunctions.Keys.Contains(functionName))
                    // if we also executed a function, removing
                    // the function name as well.
                    tokens.RemoveAt(open - 1);

            // at this point, we should have replaced all brackets
            // with the appropriate values, so we can simply
            // calculate the expression. it's not so complex
            // any more!