コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that the result of serializing and then deserializing
        /// an object is the same as the original.
        /// </summary>
        private void VerifyRoundtrip(Context context, LocalMinute value)
            // To be used in assert message
            string nameAsString = value.AsString();

            // Verify string serialization roundtrip
            string      stringValue       = value.AsString();
            LocalMinute parsedStringValue = LocalMinuteUtil.Parse(stringValue);

            context.Log.Assert(value == parsedStringValue, $"String roundtrip for {nameAsString} assert.");

            // Verify int serialization roundtrip
            int         intValue       = value.ToIsoInt();
            LocalMinute parsedIntValue = LocalMinuteUtil.FromIsoInt(intValue);

            context.Log.Assert(value == parsedIntValue, $"Int roundtrip for {nameAsString} assert.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate with values based on the specified array
        /// of value types, repeating the types in cycle.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateValues(VariantType[] valueTypes, VariantMatrix result)
            // Initial values to populate the data
            int           stringValueAsInt   = 0;
            bool          boolValue          = false;
            int           intValue           = 0;
            long          longValue          = 0;
            double        doubleValue        = 0.5;
            LocalDate     localDateValue     = new LocalDate(2003, 5, 1);
            LocalTime     localTimeValue     = new LocalTime(10, 15, 30);
            LocalMinute   localMinuteValue   = new LocalMinute(10, 15);
            LocalDateTime localDateTimeValue = new LocalDateTime(2003, 5, 1, 10, 15, 0);
            Instant       instantValue       = new LocalDateTime(2003, 5, 1, 10, 15, 0).ToInstant(DateTimeZone.Utc);

            int valueTypeCount = valueTypes.Length;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < result.RowCount; rowIndex++)
                for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < result.ColCount; colIndex++)
                    // Repeat value types in cycle
                    var valueType = valueTypes[colIndex % valueTypeCount];
                    switch (valueType)
                    case VariantType.String:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = $"Str{stringValueAsInt++}";

                    case VariantType.Double:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = doubleValue++;

                    case VariantType.Bool:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = boolValue;
                        boolValue = !boolValue;

                    case VariantType.Int:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = intValue++;

                    case VariantType.Long:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = longValue++;

                    case VariantType.LocalDate:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = localDateValue;
                        localDateValue             = localDateValue.PlusDays(1);

                    case VariantType.LocalTime:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = localTimeValue;
                        localTimeValue             = localTimeValue.PlusHours(1);

                    case VariantType.LocalMinute:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = localMinuteValue;
                        localMinuteValue           = localMinuteValue.ToLocalTime().PlusHours(1).ToLocalMinute();

                    case VariantType.LocalDateTime:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = localDateTimeValue;
                        localDateTimeValue         = localDateTimeValue.PlusDays(2).PlusHours(2);

                    case VariantType.Instant:
                        result[rowIndex, colIndex] = instantValue;
                        instantValue = instantValue;     // TODO Fix, uses previous value

                    default: throw new Exception($"Value type {valueType} cannot be stored in VariantMatrix.");