コード例 #1
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestUniqueDestinationPath()
            Configuration conf    = new Configuration();
            FileContext   files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path          basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name

            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            ExecutorService   singleThreadedExec = Executors.NewSingleThreadExecutor();
            LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName);
            Path destPath          = dirs.GetLocalPathForWrite(basedir.ToString(), conf);

            destPath = new Path(destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
            Path p = new Path(basedir, "dir" + 0 + ".jar");
            LocalResourceVisibility vis  = LocalResourceVisibility.Private;
            LocalResource           rsrc = CreateJar(files, p, vis);
            FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), conf
                                            , destPath, rsrc);
            Future <Path> rPath = singleThreadedExec.Submit(fsd);

            while (!singleThreadedExec.AwaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds))
            // Now FSDownload will not create a random directory to localize the
            // resource. Therefore the final localizedPath for the resource should be
            // destination directory (passed as an argument) + file name.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(destPath, rPath.Get().GetParent());
コード例 #2
ファイル: BackupStore.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public FileCache(BackupStore <K, V> _enclosing, Configuration conf)
     this._enclosing = _enclosing;
     this.conf       = conf;
     this.fs         = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
     this.lDirAlloc  = new LocalDirAllocator(MRConfig.LocalDir);
コード例 #3
 public Context(TaskAttemptID reduceId, JobConf jobConf, FileSystem localFS, TaskUmbilicalProtocol
                umbilical, LocalDirAllocator localDirAllocator, Reporter reporter, CompressionCodec
                codec, Type combinerClass, Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> combineCollector,
                Counters.Counter spilledRecordsCounter, Counters.Counter reduceCombineInputCounter
                , Counters.Counter shuffledMapsCounter, Counters.Counter reduceShuffleBytes, Counters.Counter
                failedShuffleCounter, Counters.Counter mergedMapOutputsCounter, TaskStatus status
                , Progress copyPhase, Progress mergePhase, Task reduceTask, MapOutputFile mapOutputFile
                , IDictionary <TaskAttemptID, MapOutputFile> localMapFiles)
     this.reduceId                  = reduceId;
     this.jobConf                   = jobConf;
     this.localFS                   = localFS;
     this.umbilical                 = umbilical;
     this.localDirAllocator         = localDirAllocator;
     this.reporter                  = reporter;
     this.codec                     = codec;
     this.combinerClass             = combinerClass;
     this.combineCollector          = combineCollector;
     this.spilledRecordsCounter     = spilledRecordsCounter;
     this.reduceCombineInputCounter = reduceCombineInputCounter;
     this.shuffledMapsCounter       = shuffledMapsCounter;
     this.reduceShuffleBytes        = reduceShuffleBytes;
     this.failedShuffleCounter      = failedShuffleCounter;
     this.mergedMapOutputsCounter   = mergedMapOutputsCounter;
     this.status                    = status;
     this.copyPhase                 = copyPhase;
     this.mergePhase                = mergePhase;
     this.reduceTask                = reduceTask;
     this.mapOutputFile             = mapOutputFile;
     this.localMapFiles             = localMapFiles;
コード例 #4
        public virtual void TestSucceedAndFailedCopyMap <K, V>()
            JobConf job = new JobConf();

            //mock creation
            TaskUmbilicalProtocol mockUmbilical = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskUmbilicalProtocol
            Reporter   mockReporter   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Reporter>();
            FileSystem mockFileSystem = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FileSystem>();
            Type       combinerClass  = job.GetCombinerClass();

            Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> mockCombineOutputCollector = (Task.CombineOutputCollector
                                                                             <K, V>)Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Task.CombineOutputCollector>();
            // needed for mock with generic
            TaskAttemptID     mockTaskAttemptID     = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskAttemptID>();
            LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <LocalDirAllocator
            CompressionCodec mockCompressionCodec = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <CompressionCodec

            Counters.Counter mockCounter       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Counters.Counter>();
            TaskStatus       mockTaskStatus    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskStatus>();
            Progress         mockProgress      = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Progress>();
            MapOutputFile    mockMapOutputFile = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutputFile>();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task mockTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task
            MapOutput <K, V> output = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutput>();

            ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K, V> context = new ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K
                                                                                              , V>(mockTaskAttemptID, job, mockFileSystem, mockUmbilical, mockLocalDirAllocator
                                                                                                   , mockReporter, mockCompressionCodec, combinerClass, mockCombineOutputCollector,
                                                                                                   mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockTaskStatus
                                                                                                   , mockProgress, mockProgress, mockTask, mockMapOutputFile, null);
            TaskStatus status   = new _TaskStatus_251();
            Progress   progress = new Progress();
            ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V> scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V>(job, status
                                                                                    , null, null, progress, context.GetShuffledMapsCounter(), context.GetReduceShuffleBytes
                                                                                        (), context.GetFailedShuffleCounter());
            MapHost       host1           = new MapHost("host1", null);
            TaskAttemptID failedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0)
                                                                         , TaskType.Map, 0), 0);
            TaskAttemptID succeedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0
                                                                                    ), TaskType.Map, 1), 1);

            // handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part I
            // handle output fetch succeed for succeedAttemptID
            long bytes = (long)500 * 1024 * 1024;

            scheduler.CopySucceeded(succeedAttemptID, host1, bytes, 0, 500000, output);
            // handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part II
            // for MAPREDUCE-6361: verify no NPE exception get thrown out
            scheduler.CopyFailed(failedAttemptID, host1, true, false);
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Sharpen.URISyntaxException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDownloadBadPublic()
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            conf.Set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FsPermissionsUmaskKey, "077");
            FileContext files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path        basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name

            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            IDictionary <LocalResource, LocalResourceVisibility> rsrcVis = new Dictionary <LocalResource
                                                                                           , LocalResourceVisibility>();
            Random rand       = new Random();
            long   sharedSeed = rand.NextLong();

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
            IDictionary <LocalResource, Future <Path> > pending = new Dictionary <LocalResource,
                                                                                  Future <Path> >();
            ExecutorService   exec = Executors.NewSingleThreadExecutor();
            LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName);
            int size = 512;
            LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Public;
            Path          path          = new Path(basedir, "test-file");
            LocalResource rsrc          = CreateFile(files, path, size, rand, vis);

            rsrcVis[rsrc] = vis;
            Path destPath = dirs.GetLocalPathForWrite(basedir.ToString(), size, conf);

            destPath = new Path(destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
            FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), conf
                                            , destPath, rsrc);

            pending[rsrc] = exec.Submit(fsd);
            while (!exec.AwaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <LocalResource, Future <Path> > p in pending)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("We localized a file that is not public.");
            catch (ExecutionException e)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(e.InnerException is IOException);
コード例 #6
        public virtual void TestConsumerApi()
            JobConf jobConf = new JobConf();
            ShuffleConsumerPlugin <K, V> shuffleConsumerPlugin = new TestShufflePlugin.TestShuffleConsumerPlugin
                                                                 <K, V>();
            //mock creation
            ReduceTask            mockReduceTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ReduceTask>();
            TaskUmbilicalProtocol mockUmbilical  = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskUmbilicalProtocol
            Reporter   mockReporter   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Reporter>();
            FileSystem mockFileSystem = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FileSystem>();
            Type       combinerClass  = jobConf.GetCombinerClass();

            Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> mockCombineOutputCollector = (Task.CombineOutputCollector
                                                                             <K, V>)Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Task.CombineOutputCollector>();
            // needed for mock with generic
            TaskAttemptID     mockTaskAttemptID     = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskAttemptID>();
            LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <LocalDirAllocator
            CompressionCodec mockCompressionCodec = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <CompressionCodec

            Counters.Counter mockCounter       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Counters.Counter>();
            TaskStatus       mockTaskStatus    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskStatus>();
            Progress         mockProgress      = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Progress>();
            MapOutputFile    mockMapOutputFile = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutputFile>();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task mockTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task
                string[] dirs = jobConf.GetLocalDirs();
                // verify that these APIs are available through super class handler
                ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K, V> context = new ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K
                                                                                                  , V>(mockTaskAttemptID, jobConf, mockFileSystem, mockUmbilical, mockLocalDirAllocator
                                                                                                       , mockReporter, mockCompressionCodec, combinerClass, mockCombineOutputCollector,
                                                                                                       mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockTaskStatus
                                                                                                       , mockProgress, mockProgress, mockTask, mockMapOutputFile, null);
            catch (Exception e)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Threw exception:" + e, false);
            // verify that these APIs are available for 3rd party plugins
コード例 #7
        public virtual void TestProviderApi()
            LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <LocalDirAllocator
            JobConf mockJobConf = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <JobConf>();

                mockLocalDirAllocator.GetLocalPathToRead(string.Empty, mockJobConf);
            catch (Exception e)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Threw exception:" + e, false);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>Configure mapred-local dirs.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Configure mapred-local dirs. This config is used by the task for finding
        /// out an output directory.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        private static void ConfigureLocalDirs(Task task, JobConf job)
            string[] localSysDirs = StringUtils.GetTrimmedStrings(Runtime.Getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment
            job.SetStrings(MRConfig.LocalDir, localSysDirs);
            Log.Info(MRConfig.LocalDir + " for child: " + job.Get(MRConfig.LocalDir));
            LocalDirAllocator lDirAlloc = new LocalDirAllocator(MRConfig.LocalDir);
            Path workDir = null;

            // First, try to find the JOB_LOCAL_DIR on this host.
                workDir = lDirAlloc.GetLocalPathToRead("work", job);
            catch (DiskChecker.DiskErrorException)
            // DiskErrorException means dir not found. If not found, it will
            // be created below.
            if (workDir == null)
                // JOB_LOCAL_DIR doesn't exist on this host -- Create it.
                workDir = lDirAlloc.GetLocalPathForWrite("work", job);
                FileSystem lfs     = FileSystem.GetLocal(job).GetRaw();
                bool       madeDir = false;
                    madeDir = lfs.Mkdirs(workDir);
                catch (FileAlreadyExistsException)
                    // Since all tasks will be running in their own JVM, the race condition
                    // exists where multiple tasks could be trying to create this directory
                    // at the same time. If this task loses the race, it's okay because
                    // the directory already exists.
                    madeDir = true;
                    workDir = lDirAlloc.GetLocalPathToRead("work", job);
                if (!madeDir)
                    throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + workDir.ToString());
            job.Set(MRJobConfig.JobLocalDir, workDir.ToString());
コード例 #9
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual int RunLocalization(IPEndPoint nmAddr)
            // load credentials
            InitDirs(conf, user, appId, lfs, localDirs);
            Credentials     creds    = new Credentials();
            DataInputStream credFile = null;

                // assume credentials in cwd
                // TODO: Fix
                Path tokenPath = new Path(string.Format(TokenFileNameFmt, localizerId));
                credFile = lfs.Open(tokenPath);
                // Explicitly deleting token file.
                lfs.Delete(tokenPath, false);
                if (credFile != null)
            // create localizer context
            UserGroupInformation remoteUser = UserGroupInformation.CreateRemoteUser(user);

            LocalizationProtocol nodeManager = remoteUser.DoAs(new _PrivilegedAction_151(this
                                                                                         , nmAddr));
            // create user context
            UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.CreateRemoteUser(user);

            foreach (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <TokenIdentifier> token in creds.GetAllTokens
            ExecutorService exec = null;

                exec = CreateDownloadThreadPool();
                CompletionService <Path> ecs = CreateCompletionService(exec);
                LocalizeFiles(nodeManager, ecs, ugi);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Print traces to stdout so that they can be logged by the NM address
                // space.
                Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e, System.Console.Out);
                    if (exec != null)
コード例 #10
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDirDownload()
            Configuration conf    = new Configuration();
            FileContext   files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path          basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name

            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            IDictionary <LocalResource, LocalResourceVisibility> rsrcVis = new Dictionary <LocalResource
                                                                                           , LocalResourceVisibility>();
            Random rand       = new Random();
            long   sharedSeed = rand.NextLong();

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
            IDictionary <LocalResource, Future <Path> > pending = new Dictionary <LocalResource,
                                                                                  Future <Path> >();
            ExecutorService   exec = Executors.NewSingleThreadExecutor();
            LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Private;
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Application;
                Path          p    = new Path(basedir, "dir" + i + ".jar");
                LocalResource rsrc = CreateJar(files, p, vis);
                rsrcVis[rsrc] = vis;
                Path destPath = dirs.GetLocalPathForWrite(basedir.ToString(), conf);
                destPath = new Path(destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
                FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), conf
                                                , destPath, rsrc);
                pending[rsrc] = exec.Submit(fsd);
            while (!exec.AwaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds))
            foreach (Future <Path> path in pending.Values)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <LocalResource, Future <Path> > p in pending)
                    Path       localized = p.Value.Get();
                    FileStatus status    = files.GetFileStatus(localized);
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Testing path " + localized);
                    VerifyPermsRecursively(localized.GetFileSystem(conf), files, localized, rsrcVis[p
            catch (ExecutionException e)
                throw new IOException("Failed exec", e);
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Sharpen.URISyntaxException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void DownloadWithFileType(TestFSDownload.TEST_FILE_TYPE fileType)
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            conf.Set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FsPermissionsUmaskKey, "077");
            FileContext files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path        basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name

            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            Random rand       = new Random();
            long   sharedSeed = rand.NextLong();

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
            IDictionary <LocalResource, Future <Path> > pending = new Dictionary <LocalResource,
                                                                                  Future <Path> >();
            ExecutorService   exec = Executors.NewSingleThreadExecutor();
            LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName);
            int size = rand.Next(512) + 512;
            LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Private;
            Path          p             = new Path(basedir, string.Empty + 1);
            string        strFileName   = string.Empty;
            LocalResource rsrc          = null;

            switch (fileType)
            case TestFSDownload.TEST_FILE_TYPE.Tar:
                rsrc = CreateTarFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);

            case TestFSDownload.TEST_FILE_TYPE.Jar:
                rsrc = CreateJarFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);

            case TestFSDownload.TEST_FILE_TYPE.Zip:
                rsrc        = CreateZipFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
                strFileName = p.GetName() + ".ZIP";

            case TestFSDownload.TEST_FILE_TYPE.Tgz:
                rsrc = CreateTgzFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
            Path destPath = dirs.GetLocalPathForWrite(basedir.ToString(), size, conf);

            destPath = new Path(destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
            FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), conf
                                            , destPath, rsrc);

            pending[rsrc] = exec.Submit(fsd);
            while (!exec.AwaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds))
                // see if there was an Exception during download
                FileStatus[] filesstatus = files.GetDefaultFileSystem().ListStatus(basedir);
                foreach (FileStatus filestatus in filesstatus)
                    if (filestatus.IsDirectory())
                        FileStatus[] childFiles = files.GetDefaultFileSystem().ListStatus(filestatus.GetPath
                        foreach (FileStatus childfile in childFiles)
                            if (strFileName.EndsWith(".ZIP") && childfile.GetPath().GetName().Equals(strFileName
                                                                                                     ) && !childfile.IsDirectory())
                                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Failure...After unzip, there should have been a" + " directory formed with zip file name but found a file. "
                                                            + childfile.GetPath());
                            if (childfile.GetPath().GetName().StartsWith("tmp"))
                                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Tmp File should not have been there " + childfile.GetPath
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IOException("Failed exec", e);
コード例 #12
        public MergeManagerImpl(TaskAttemptID reduceId, JobConf jobConf, FileSystem localFS
                                , LocalDirAllocator localDirAllocator, Reporter reporter, CompressionCodec codec
                                , Type combinerClass, Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> combineCollector, Counters.Counter
                                spilledRecordsCounter, Counters.Counter reduceCombineInputCounter, Counters.Counter
                                mergedMapOutputsCounter, ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter, Progress mergePhase
                                , MapOutputFile mapOutputFile)
            /* Maximum percentage of the in-memory limit that a single shuffle can
             * consume*/
            this.reduceId                  = reduceId;
            this.jobConf                   = jobConf;
            this.localDirAllocator         = localDirAllocator;
            this.exceptionReporter         = exceptionReporter;
            this.reporter                  = reporter;
            this.codec                     = codec;
            this.combinerClass             = combinerClass;
            this.combineCollector          = combineCollector;
            this.reduceCombineInputCounter = reduceCombineInputCounter;
            this.spilledRecordsCounter     = spilledRecordsCounter;
            this.mergedMapOutputsCounter   = mergedMapOutputsCounter;
            this.mapOutputFile             = mapOutputFile;
            this.localFS = localFS;
            this.rfs     = ((LocalFileSystem)localFS).GetRaw();
            float maxInMemCopyUse = jobConf.GetFloat(MRJobConfig.ShuffleInputBufferPercent, MRJobConfig

            if (maxInMemCopyUse > 1.0 || maxInMemCopyUse < 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value for " + MRJobConfig.ShuffleInputBufferPercent
                                            + ": " + maxInMemCopyUse);
            // Allow unit tests to fix Runtime memory
            this.memoryLimit = (long)(jobConf.GetLong(MRJobConfig.ReduceMemoryTotalBytes, Runtime
                                                      .GetRuntime().MaxMemory()) * maxInMemCopyUse);
            this.ioSortFactor = jobConf.GetInt(MRJobConfig.IoSortFactor, 100);
            float singleShuffleMemoryLimitPercent = jobConf.GetFloat(MRJobConfig.ShuffleMemoryLimitPercent
                                                                     , DefaultShuffleMemoryLimitPercent);

            if (singleShuffleMemoryLimitPercent <= 0.0f || singleShuffleMemoryLimitPercent >
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value for " + MRJobConfig.ShuffleMemoryLimitPercent
                                            + ": " + singleShuffleMemoryLimitPercent);
            usedMemory   = 0L;
            commitMemory = 0L;
            this.maxSingleShuffleLimit = (long)(memoryLimit * singleShuffleMemoryLimitPercent
            this.memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold = jobConf.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ReduceMemtomemThreshold
                                                                , ioSortFactor);
            this.mergeThreshold = (long)(this.memoryLimit * jobConf.GetFloat(MRJobConfig.ShuffleMergePercent
                                                                             , 0.90f));
            Log.Info("MergerManager: memoryLimit=" + memoryLimit + ", " + "maxSingleShuffleLimit="
                     + maxSingleShuffleLimit + ", " + "mergeThreshold=" + mergeThreshold + ", " + "ioSortFactor="
                     + ioSortFactor + ", " + "memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold=" + memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold
            if (this.maxSingleShuffleLimit >= this.mergeThreshold)
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid configuration: " + "maxSingleShuffleLimit should be less than mergeThreshold "
                                           + "maxSingleShuffleLimit: " + this.maxSingleShuffleLimit + "mergeThreshold: " +
            bool allowMemToMemMerge = jobConf.GetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ReduceMemtomemEnabled, false

            if (allowMemToMemMerge)
                this.memToMemMerger = new MergeManagerImpl.IntermediateMemoryToMemoryMerger(this,
                                                                                            this, memToMemMergeOutputsThreshold);
                this.memToMemMerger = null;
            this.inMemoryMerger = CreateInMemoryMerger();
            this.onDiskMerger = new MergeManagerImpl.OnDiskMerger(this, this);
            this.mergePhase = mergePhase;
コード例 #13
ファイル: TestMerger.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        public virtual void TestInMemoryAndOnDiskMerger()
            JobID         jobId     = new JobID("a", 0);
            TaskAttemptID reduceId1 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Reduce, 0)
                                                        , 0);
            TaskAttemptID                 mapId1       = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Map, 1), 0);
            TaskAttemptID                 mapId2       = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Map, 2), 0);
            LocalDirAllocator             lda          = new LocalDirAllocator(MRConfig.LocalDir);
            MergeManagerImpl <Text, Text> mergeManager = new MergeManagerImpl <Text, Text>(reduceId1
                                                                                           , jobConf, fs, lda, Reporter.Null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new
                                                                                           Progress(), new MROutputFiles());
            // write map outputs
            IDictionary <string, string> map1 = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

            map1["apple"]  = "disgusting";
            map1["carrot"] = "delicious";
            IDictionary <string, string> map2 = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

            map1["banana"] = "pretty good";
            byte[] mapOutputBytes1 = WriteMapOutput(conf, map1);
            byte[] mapOutputBytes2 = WriteMapOutput(conf, map2);
            InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> mapOutput1 = new InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>(conf
                                                                                           , mapId1, mergeManager, mapOutputBytes1.Length, null, true);
            InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> mapOutput2 = new InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>(conf
                                                                                           , mapId2, mergeManager, mapOutputBytes2.Length, null, true);

            System.Array.Copy(mapOutputBytes1, 0, mapOutput1.GetMemory(), 0, mapOutputBytes1.
            System.Array.Copy(mapOutputBytes2, 0, mapOutput2.GetMemory(), 0, mapOutputBytes2.
            // create merger and run merge
            MergeThread <InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>, Text, Text> inMemoryMerger = mergeManager
            IList <InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> > mapOutputs1 = new AList <InMemoryMapOutput <Text
                                                                                                , Text> >();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs.Count);
            TaskAttemptID reduceId2 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Reduce, 3)
                                                        , 0);
            TaskAttemptID mapId3 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Map, 4), 0);
            TaskAttemptID mapId4 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(jobId, TaskType.Map, 5), 0);
            // write map outputs
            IDictionary <string, string> map3 = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

            map3["apple"]  = "awesome";
            map3["carrot"] = "amazing";
            IDictionary <string, string> map4 = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

            map4["banana"] = "bla";
            byte[] mapOutputBytes3 = WriteMapOutput(conf, map3);
            byte[] mapOutputBytes4 = WriteMapOutput(conf, map4);
            InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> mapOutput3 = new InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>(conf
                                                                                           , mapId3, mergeManager, mapOutputBytes3.Length, null, true);
            InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> mapOutput4 = new InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>(conf
                                                                                           , mapId4, mergeManager, mapOutputBytes4.Length, null, true);

            System.Array.Copy(mapOutputBytes3, 0, mapOutput3.GetMemory(), 0, mapOutputBytes3.
            System.Array.Copy(mapOutputBytes4, 0, mapOutput4.GetMemory(), 0, mapOutputBytes4.
            //    // create merger and run merge
            MergeThread <InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text>, Text, Text> inMemoryMerger2 = mergeManager
            IList <InMemoryMapOutput <Text, Text> > mapOutputs2 = new AList <InMemoryMapOutput <Text
                                                                                                , Text> >();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs.Count);
            IList <MergeManagerImpl.CompressAwarePath> paths = new AList <MergeManagerImpl.CompressAwarePath
            IEnumerator <MergeManagerImpl.CompressAwarePath> iterator = mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs
            IList <string> keys   = new AList <string>();
            IList <string> values = new AList <string>();

            while (iterator.HasNext())
                MergeManagerImpl.CompressAwarePath next = iterator.Next();
                ReadOnDiskMapOutput(conf, fs, next, keys, values);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(keys, Arrays.AsList("apple", "banana", "carrot",
                                                                "apple", "banana", "carrot"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(values, Arrays.AsList("awesome", "bla", "amazing"
                                                                  , "disgusting", "pretty good", "delicious"));
            mergeManager = new MergeManagerImpl <Text, Text>(reduceId2, jobConf, fs, lda, Reporter
                                                             .Null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new Progress(), new MROutputFiles
            MergeThread <MergeManagerImpl.CompressAwarePath, Text, Text> onDiskMerger = mergeManager

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs.Count);
            keys   = new AList <string>();
            values = new AList <string>();
            ReadOnDiskMapOutput(conf, fs, mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs.GetEnumerator().Next(
                                    ), keys, values);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(keys, Arrays.AsList("apple", "apple", "banana", "banana"
                                                                , "carrot", "carrot"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(values, Arrays.AsList("awesome", "disgusting", "pretty good"
                                                                  , "bla", "amazing", "delicious"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, mergeManager.inMemoryMapOutputs.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, mergeManager.inMemoryMergedMapOutputs.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, mergeManager.onDiskMapOutputs.Count);
コード例 #14
        public virtual void TestAggregatedTransferRate <K, V>()
            JobConf job = new JobConf();

            //mock creation
            TaskUmbilicalProtocol mockUmbilical = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskUmbilicalProtocol
            Reporter   mockReporter   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Reporter>();
            FileSystem mockFileSystem = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FileSystem>();
            Type       combinerClass  = job.GetCombinerClass();

            Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> mockCombineOutputCollector = (Task.CombineOutputCollector
                                                                             <K, V>)Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Task.CombineOutputCollector>();
            // needed for mock with generic
            TaskAttemptID     mockTaskAttemptID     = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskAttemptID>();
            LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <LocalDirAllocator
            CompressionCodec mockCompressionCodec = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <CompressionCodec

            Counters.Counter mockCounter       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Counters.Counter>();
            TaskStatus       mockTaskStatus    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskStatus>();
            Progress         mockProgress      = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Progress>();
            MapOutputFile    mockMapOutputFile = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutputFile>();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task mockTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task
            MapOutput <K, V> output = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutput>();

            ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K, V> context = new ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K
                                                                                              , V>(mockTaskAttemptID, job, mockFileSystem, mockUmbilical, mockLocalDirAllocator
                                                                                                   , mockReporter, mockCompressionCodec, combinerClass, mockCombineOutputCollector,
                                                                                                   mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockTaskStatus
                                                                                                   , mockProgress, mockProgress, mockTask, mockMapOutputFile, null);
            TaskStatus status   = new _TaskStatus_115();
            Progress   progress = new Progress();
            ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V> scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V>(job, status
                                                                                    , null, null, progress, context.GetShuffledMapsCounter(), context.GetReduceShuffleBytes
                                                                                        (), context.GetFailedShuffleCounter());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID0 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 0), 0);
            //adding the 1st interval, 40MB from 60s to 100s
            long bytes = (long)40 * 1024 * 1024;

            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID0, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 60000, 100000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(1, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID1 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 1), 1);

            //adding the 2nd interval before the 1st interval, 50MB from 0s to 50s
            bytes = (long)50 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID1, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 0, 50000, output
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(2, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID2 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 2), 2);

            //adding the 3rd interval overlapping with the 1st and the 2nd interval
            //110MB from 25s to 80s
            bytes = (long)110 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID2, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 25000, 80000,
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(3, 2, 2), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID3 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 3), 3);

            //adding the 4th interval just after the 2nd interval, 100MB from 100s to 300s
            bytes = (long)100 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID3, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 100000, 300000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(4, 0.5, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID4 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 4), 4);

            //adding the 5th interval between after 4th, 50MB from 350s to 400s
            bytes = (long)50 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID4, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 350000, 400000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(5, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID5 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 5), 5);

            //adding the 6th interval between after 5th, 50MB from 450s to 500s
            bytes = (long)50 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID5, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 450000, 500000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(6, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID6 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 6), 6);

            //adding the 7th interval between after 5th and 6th interval, 20MB from 320s to 340s
            bytes = (long)20 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID6, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 320000, 340000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(7, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID7 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 7), 7);

            //adding the 8th interval overlapping with 4th, 5th, and 7th 30MB from 290s to 350s
            bytes = (long)30 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID7, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 290000, 350000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(8, 0.5, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID8 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 8), 8);

            //adding the 9th interval overlapping with 5th and 6th, 50MB from 400s to 450s
            bytes = (long)50 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID8, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 400000, 450000
                                    , output);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(9, 1, 1), progress.ToString());
            TaskAttemptID attemptID9 = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType
                                                                    .Map, 9), 9);

            //adding the 10th interval overlapping with all intervals, 500MB from 0s to 500s
            bytes = (long)500 * 1024 * 1024;
            scheduler.CopySucceeded(attemptID9, new MapHost(null, null), bytes, 0, 500000, output
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(CopyMessage(10, 1, 2), progress.ToString());
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up the distributed cache by localizing the resources, and updating
        /// the configuration with references to the localized resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conf"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void Setup(JobConf conf)
            FilePath workDir = new FilePath(Runtime.GetProperty("user.dir"));
            // Generate YARN local resources objects corresponding to the distributed
            // cache configuration
            IDictionary <string, LocalResource> localResources = new LinkedHashMap <string, LocalResource

            MRApps.SetupDistributedCache(conf, localResources);
            // Generating unique numbers for FSDownload.
            AtomicLong uniqueNumberGenerator = new AtomicLong(Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis());
            // Find which resources are to be put on the local classpath
            IDictionary <string, Path> classpaths = new Dictionary <string, Path>();

            Path[] archiveClassPaths = DistributedCache.GetArchiveClassPaths(conf);
            if (archiveClassPaths != null)
                foreach (Path p in archiveClassPaths)
                    classpaths[p.ToUri().GetPath().ToString()] = p;
            Path[] fileClassPaths = DistributedCache.GetFileClassPaths(conf);
            if (fileClassPaths != null)
                foreach (Path p in fileClassPaths)
                    classpaths[p.ToUri().GetPath().ToString()] = p;
            // Localize the resources
            LocalDirAllocator    localDirAllocator  = new LocalDirAllocator(MRConfig.LocalDir);
            FileContext          localFSFileContext = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext();
            UserGroupInformation ugi  = UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser();
            ExecutorService      exec = null;

                ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().SetNameFormat("LocalDistributedCacheManager Downloader #%d"
                exec = Executors.NewCachedThreadPool(tf);
                Path destPath = localDirAllocator.GetLocalPathForWrite(".", conf);
                IDictionary <LocalResource, Future <Path> > resourcesToPaths = Maps.NewHashMap();
                foreach (LocalResource resource in localResources.Values)
                    Callable <Path> download = new FSDownload(localFSFileContext, ugi, conf, new Path(
                                                                  destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet())), resource
                    Future <Path> future = exec.Submit(download);
                    resourcesToPaths[resource] = future;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, LocalResource> entry in localResources)
                    LocalResource resource_1 = entry.Value;
                    Path          path;
                        path = resourcesToPaths[resource_1].Get();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new IOException(e);
                    catch (ExecutionException e)
                        throw new IOException(e);
                    string pathString = path.ToUri().ToString();
                    string link       = entry.Key;
                    string target     = new FilePath(path.ToUri()).GetPath();
                    Symlink(workDir, target, link);
                    if (resource_1.GetType() == LocalResourceType.Archive)
                        if (resource_1.GetType() == LocalResourceType.File)
                            if (resource_1.GetType() == LocalResourceType.Pattern)
                                //PATTERN is not currently used in local mode
                                throw new ArgumentException("Resource type PATTERN is not " + "implemented yet. "
                                                            + resource_1.GetResource());
                    Path resourcePath;
                        resourcePath = ConverterUtils.GetPathFromYarnURL(resource_1.GetResource());
                    catch (URISyntaxException e)
                        throw new IOException(e);
                    Log.Info(string.Format("Localized %s as %s", resourcePath, path));
                    string cp = resourcePath.ToUri().GetPath();
                    if (classpaths.Keys.Contains(cp))
                if (exec != null)
            // Update the configuration object with localized data.
            if (!localArchives.IsEmpty())
                conf.Set(MRJobConfig.CacheLocalarchives, StringUtils.ArrayToString(Sharpen.Collections.ToArray
                                                                                       (localArchives, new string[localArchives.Count])));
            if (!localFiles.IsEmpty())
                conf.Set(MRJobConfig.CacheLocalfiles, StringUtils.ArrayToString(Sharpen.Collections.ToArray
                                                                                    (localFiles, new string[localArchives.Count])));
            setupCalled = true;
コード例 #16
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual int Run(string[] args)
            // silence the minidfs cluster
            Log hadoopLog = LogFactory.GetLog("org");

            if (hadoopLog is Log4JLogger)
            int reps = 1;

            if (args.Length == 1)
                    reps = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
                catch (FormatException)
                if (args.Length > 1)
            Configuration conf = GetConf();
            // the size of the file to write
            long Size = conf.GetLong("dfsthroughput.file.size", 10L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);

            BufferSize = conf.GetInt("dfsthroughput.buffer.size", 4 * 1024);
            string localDir = conf.Get("mapred.temp.dir");

            if (localDir == null)
                localDir = conf.Get("hadoop.tmp.dir");
                conf.Set("mapred.temp.dir", localDir);
            dir = new LocalDirAllocator("mapred.temp.dir");
            Runtime.SetProperty("test.build.data", localDir);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Local = " + localDir);
            ChecksumFileSystem checkedLocal = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
            FileSystem         rawLocal     = checkedLocal.GetRawFileSystem();

            for (int i = 0; i < reps; ++i)
                WriteAndReadLocalFile("local", conf, Size);
                WriteAndReadFile(rawLocal, "raw", conf, Size);
                WriteAndReadFile(checkedLocal, "checked", conf, Size);
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;

                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).Racks(new string[] { "/foo" }).Build();
                FileSystem dfs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
                for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < reps; ++i_1)
                    WriteAndReadFile(dfs, "dfs", conf, Size);
                if (cluster != null)
                    // clean up minidfs junk
                    rawLocal.Delete(new Path(localDir, "dfs"), true);
コード例 #17
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Sharpen.URISyntaxException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDownload()
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            conf.Set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FsPermissionsUmaskKey, "077");
            FileContext files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path        basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name

            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            IDictionary <LocalResource, LocalResourceVisibility> rsrcVis = new Dictionary <LocalResource
                                                                                           , LocalResourceVisibility>();
            Random rand       = new Random();
            long   sharedSeed = rand.NextLong();

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
            IDictionary <LocalResource, Future <Path> > pending = new Dictionary <LocalResource,
                                                                                  Future <Path> >();
            ExecutorService   exec = Executors.NewSingleThreadExecutor();
            LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName);

            int[] sizes = new int[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                sizes[i] = rand.Next(512) + 512;
                LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Private;
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    vis = LocalResourceVisibility.Application;
                Path          p    = new Path(basedir, string.Empty + i);
                LocalResource rsrc = CreateFile(files, p, sizes[i], rand, vis);
                rsrcVis[rsrc] = vis;
                Path destPath = dirs.GetLocalPathForWrite(basedir.ToString(), sizes[i], conf);
                destPath = new Path(destPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
                FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser(), conf
                                                , destPath, rsrc);
                pending[rsrc] = exec.Submit(fsd);
            while (!exec.AwaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.Milliseconds))
            foreach (Future <Path> path in pending.Values)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <LocalResource, Future <Path> > p in pending)
                    Path localized = p.Value.Get();
                                                                                         ())], p.Key.GetSize());
                    FileStatus   status = files.GetFileStatus(localized.GetParent());
                    FsPermission perm   = status.GetPermission();
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Cache directory permissions are incorrect", new
                                                    FsPermission((short)0x1ed), perm);
                    status = files.GetFileStatus(localized);
                    perm   = status.GetPermission();
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("File permission " + perm + " for rsrc vis " + p.Key
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Private file should be 500", perm.ToShort() == FSDownload
            catch (ExecutionException e)
                throw new IOException("Failed exec", e);