/// <summary> /// Import LoanTeam /// </summary> /// <param name="iFileId"></param> private void ImportLoanTeam(int iFileId) { LoanTeam bLoanTeam = new LoanTeam(); Model.LoanTeam mLoanTeam = new Model.LoanTeam(); mLoanTeam.FileId = iFileId; mLoanTeam.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(iLoanOfficer); mLoanTeam.RoleId = iLoanOfficerRoleID; //Loan Officer RoleID bLoanTeam.Add(mLoanTeam); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CurrentFileId == 0) { return; } ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); bool bSuccessful = false; using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient()) { ReassignLoanRequest req = new ReassignLoanRequest(); req.hdr = new ReqHdr(); req.hdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; //todo:check dummy data req.hdr.UserId = CurrentUser.iUserID; ReassignUserInfo uInfo = new ReassignUserInfo(); uInfo.FileId = this.CurrentFileId; uInfo.RoleId = int.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedValue); if (ddlUsers.SelectedValue != "") { uInfo.NewUserId = int.Parse(ddlUsers.SelectedValue); } else { uInfo.NewUserId = 0; } List <ReassignUserInfo> uList = new List <ReassignUserInfo>(); uList.Add(uInfo); req.reassignUsers = uList.ToArray(); ReassignLoanResponse respone = null; try { ReassignProspect(service); respone = service.ReassignLoan(req); if (respone.hdr.Successful) { LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam lcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam(); lcModel.FileId = CurrentFileId; lcModel.RoleId = uInfo.RoleId; lcModel.UserId = uInfo.NewUserId; LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam oldlcModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam(); oldlcModel.FileId = CurrentFileId; oldlcModel.RoleId = oldRoleID; oldlcModel.UserId = oldUserID; LPWeb.BLL.LoanTeam lc = new LoanTeam(); //lc.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, req.hdr.UserId, ddlRole.SelectedItem.Text, ddlUsers.SelectedItem.Text); lc.Reassign(oldlcModel, lcModel, req.hdr.UserId); bSuccessful = true; } else { bSuccessful = false; } if (bSuccessful) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Reassigned loan successfully", "window.parent.RefreshPage();" + this.hdnCloseDialogCodes.Value); } else { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, string.Format("Failed to reassign loan, reason:{0}.", respone.hdr.StatusInfo), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException ex) { LPLog.LogMessage(ex.Message); PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to reassign loan, reason: Point Manager is not running.", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } catch (Exception exception) { LPLog.LogMessage(exception.Message); PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, string.Format("Failed to reassign loan, reason:{0}.", exception.Message), PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } } }
private void BindBorrower() { DataTable dt = null; string borrowerName = string.Empty; int iBorrowerContactId = iContactID; if (iFileID <= 0 && iContactID <= 0) { GetBorrowerListFromSctach(); return; } try { if (iFileID > 0) { // loan officer name LoanTeam lt = new LoanTeam(); sProspectLoanOfficer = lt.GetLoanOfficer(iFileID); #region Get Loan Officer ID string sSql = "select isnull(dbo.lpfn_GetLoanOfficerID(" + iFileID + "),0)"; string sLoanOfficerIDx = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteScalar(sSql).ToString(); #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProspectLoanOfficer)) { if (ddlLoanOfficer.Items != null && ddlLoanOfficer.Items.Count > 0) { //ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedItem.Text = sProspectLoanOfficer; ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue = sLoanOfficerIDx; if (ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue == "-1") { //var s = sLoanOfficerIDx; ddlLoanOfficer.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Text = sProspectLoanOfficer, Value = sLoanOfficerIDx }); ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue = sLoanOfficerIDx; } hfLoanOfficer.Value = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedItem.Text; } } dt = loan.GetBorrowerInfo(iFileID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["LastName"] == DBNull.Value || dt.Rows[0]["ContactId"] == DBNull.Value || dt.Rows[0]["FirstName"] == DBNull.Value) { iBorrowerContactId = iContactID; } else { iBorrowerContactId = (int)dt.Rows[0]["ContactId"]; if (iContactID <= 0) { iContactID = iBorrowerContactId; } } } borrowerName = contact.GetContactName(iBorrowerContactId); if (dt != null) { dt.Clear(); } } if (borrowerName == string.Empty) { borrowerName = contact.GetContactName(iContactID); iBorrowerContactId = iContactID; } if (iBorrowerContactId > 0) { ddlBorrower.Items.Add(new ListItem(borrowerName, iBorrowerContactId.ToString())); ddlBorrower.SelectedValue = iBorrowerContactId.ToString(); } else { ddlBorrower.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- select --", "0")); ddlBorrower.SelectedValue = "0"; } if (relatedContactsTable == null || relatedContactsTable.Rows.Count <= 0) { relatedContactsTable = contact.GetRelatedContacts(iContactID); } if (relatedContactsTable != null && relatedContactsTable.Rows.Count > 0) { lc.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in relatedContactsTable.Rows) { if (dr["ContactName"] == DBNull.Value || dr["RelContactID"] == null) { continue; } lc.Add(new ListItem(dr["ContactName"].ToString(), dr["RelContactID"].ToString())); } } if (lc.Count > 0) { foreach (ListItem item in lc) { ddlBorrower.Items.Add(item); } } } catch { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 检查权限 SyncNow_Once = false; if (this.CurrUser.userRole.AccessProfitability == false) { this.Response.Redirect("../Unauthorize1.aspx"); return; } // Rate Lock权限 if (this.CurrUser.userRole.LockRate == false && this.CurrUser.userRole.ViewLockInfo == false) { this.hdnShowLockRatePopup.Value = "false"; } else { this.hdnShowLockRatePopup.Value = "true"; } // View Compensation权限 if (this.CurrUser.userRole.ViewCompensation == true) { this.hdnShowCompensationDetailPopup.Value = "true"; } else { this.hdnShowCompensationDetailPopup.Value = "false"; } // Modify Loan Info权限 if (this.CurrUser.userRole.Loans.Contains("B") == true) { this.hdnModifyLoan.Value = "true"; } else { this.hdnModifyLoan.Value = "false"; } #endregion #region 校验页面参数 #region 校验FileId bool bValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "FileId", QueryStringType.ID); if (bValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid file id.", ""); return; } string sFileId = this.Request.QueryString["FileId"]; this.iFileId = Convert.ToInt32(sFileId); #endregion #endregion #region 加载Loan Info Loans LoansMgr = new Loans(); this.LoanInfo = LoansMgr.GetLoanInfo(this.iFileId); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid file id.", ""); return; } #endregion #region 加载LoanProfit Info LoanProfit LoanProfitMgr = new LoanProfit(); this.LoanProfitInfo = LoanProfitMgr.GetLoanProfitInfo(this.iFileId); #endregion #region 加载LoanLocks Info LoanLocks LoanLocksMgr = new LoanLocks(); this.LoanLocksInfo = LoanLocksMgr.GetLoanLocksInfo(this.iFileId); #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region Loan Amount decimal dPoints = decimal.Zero; decimal dLoanAmount = 0; LoanPointFieldsMgr = new LoanPointFields(); LPWeb.Model.LoanPointFields PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 21017); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dLoanAmount); } if (dLoanAmount <= 0 && this.LoanInfo != null && this.LoanInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { dLoanAmount = this.LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (decimal)this.LoanInfo.Rows[0]["LoanAmount"]; } this.txtLoanAmount.Text = dLoanAmount.ToString("n2"); this.txtLoanAmount.Enabled = false; #endregion #region Mandatory/Final Price decimal dMandatoryPrice = decimal.Zero; decimal dMandatoryPricePoint = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 11604); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dMandatoryPricePoint)) { this.txtMandatory_Points.Text = dMandatoryPricePoint.ToString("n3"); dMandatoryPrice = dMandatoryPricePoint * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtMandatory_Amount.Text = dMandatoryPrice.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Best Effort Price decimal dBestEffortPrice = decimal.Zero; decimal dBestEffortPricePoint = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12492); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dBestEffortPricePoint)) { this.txtBestEffortPrice_Points.Text = (dBestEffortPricePoint).ToString("n3"); dBestEffortPrice = dBestEffortPricePoint * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtBestEffortPrice_Amount.Text = dBestEffortPrice.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Commission Total // CR67 #region 获取Commission Total % LoanTeam LoanTeamMgr = new LoanTeam(); DataTable LoanOfficerInfo = LoanTeamMgr.GetLoanOfficerInfo(this.iFileId); decimal dCommissionTotalPoint = decimal.Zero; if (LoanOfficerInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow LoanOfficerRow = LoanOfficerInfo.Rows[0]; decimal dLOComp = LoanOfficerRow["LOComp"] == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanOfficerRow["LOComp"]); decimal dBranchMgrComp = LoanOfficerRow["BranchMgrComp"] == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanOfficerRow["BranchMgrComp"]); decimal dDivisionMgrComp = LoanOfficerRow["DivisionMgrComp"] == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanOfficerRow["DivisionMgrComp"]); decimal dRegionMgrComp = LoanOfficerRow["RegionMgrComp"] == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanOfficerRow["RegionMgrComp"]); dCommissionTotalPoint = dLOComp + dBranchMgrComp + dDivisionMgrComp + dRegionMgrComp; this.txtCommissionTotal_Points.Text = dCommissionTotalPoint.ToString("n3"); } #endregion // 计算Commission Total $ decimal dCommissionTotalAmount = dLoanAmount * dCommissionTotalPoint / 100; this.txtCommissionTotal_Amount.Text = dCommissionTotalAmount.ToString("n2"); #endregion #region Lender Credit // CR67 // 获取Lender Credit % decimal dLenderCreditAmount = decimal.Zero; decimal dLenderCreditPoint = decimal.Zero; // LW 08/30/2013 Changed Lender Credit 2284-->812 PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 812); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dLenderCreditAmount) == true) { // Lender Credit % this.txtLenderCredit_Amount.Text = dLenderCreditAmount.ToString("n2"); // 计算Lender Credit $ if (dLoanAmount > 0) { dLenderCreditPoint = dLenderCreditAmount * 100 / dLoanAmount; } else { dLenderCreditPoint = 0; } this.txtLenderCredit_Points.Text = dLenderCreditPoint.ToString("n3"); } } #endregion #region LPMI decimal dLPMI = decimal.Zero; decimal dLPMIPoint = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12973); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dLPMIPoint)) { this.txtLPMI_Points.Text = dLPMIPoint.ToString("n3"); dLPMI = dLPMIPoint * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtLPMI_Amount.Text = dLPMI.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Best Effort Price to LO #region 注释代码 //decimal dBestEffortPriceToLO = decimal.Zero; //PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 12495); //if (PointFieldInfo.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // string sAmount = PointFieldInfo.Rows[0]["CurrentValue"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : PointFieldInfo.Rows[0]["CurrentValue"].ToString(); // if (sAmount != string.Empty) // { // decimal.TryParse(sAmount, out dBestEffortPriceToLO); // } // else // { // dBestEffortPriceToLO = dCommissionTotalAmount + dLenderCreditAmount + dLPMI; // } // this.txtBestEffortPriceToLO_Amount.Text = dBestEffortPriceToLO.ToString("n2"); // // Calc. Points // dPoints = this.CalcPoints(dBestEffortPriceToLO, dLoanAmount); // this.txtBestEffortPriceToLO_Points.Text = (dPoints * 100).ToString("n3"); //} #endregion // // 计算Best Effort Price to LO % decimal dBestEffortPriceToLOPoint = dCommissionTotalPoint + dLenderCreditPoint + dLPMIPoint; this.txtBestEffortPriceToLO_Points.Text = dBestEffortPriceToLOPoint.ToString("n3"); //this.Response.Write("dCommissionTotalPoint: " + dCommissionTotalPoint + "; dLenderCreditPoint: " + dLenderCreditPoint + "; dLPMIPoint" + dLPMIPoint); // 计算Best Effort Price to LO $ decimal dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount = dLoanAmount * dBestEffortPriceToLOPoint / 100; this.txtBestEffortPriceToLO_Amount.Text = dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount.ToString("n2"); #endregion #region Hedge Cost decimal dHedgeCost = decimal.Zero; decimal dHedgeCostPoint = decimal.Zero; decimal dHedgeCost_Reverse = decimal.Zero; decimal dHedgeCostPoint_Reverse = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12974); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dHedgeCostPoint)) { //dHedgeCostPoint_Reverse = 0 - dHedgeCostPoint; this.txtHedgeCost_Points.Text = dHedgeCostPoint.ToString("n3"); dHedgeCost = dHedgeCostPoint * dLoanAmount / 100; //dHedgeCost_Reverse = 0 - dHedgeCost; this.txtHedgeCost_Amount.Text = dHedgeCost.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Cost on sale decimal dCostOnSale = decimal.Zero; decimal dCostOnSalePoint = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12975); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dCostOnSalePoint)) { this.txtCostOnSale_Points.Text = dCostOnSalePoint.ToString("n3"); dCostOnSale = dCostOnSalePoint * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtCostOnSale_Amount.Text = dCostOnSale.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Origination Pts decimal dOriginationPts = decimal.Zero; decimal dOriginationPts_Amount = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 11243); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dOriginationPts)) { this.txtOriginationPts_Points.Text = dOriginationPts.ToString("n3"); dOriginationPts_Amount = dOriginationPts * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtOriginationPts_Amount.Text = dOriginationPts_Amount.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion #region Discount Pts decimal dDiscountPts = decimal.Zero; decimal dDiscountPts_Amount = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 11241); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dDiscountPts)) { this.txtDiscountPts_Points.Text = dDiscountPts.ToString("n3"); dDiscountPts_Amount = dDiscountPts * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtDiscountPts_Amount.Text = dDiscountPts_Amount.ToString("n2"); } } #endregion //dBestEffortPrice = dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount + dHedgeCost + dCostOnSale + dOriginationPts_Amount + dDiscountPts_Amount; //this.txtBestEffortPrice_Amount.Text = dBestEffortPrice.ToString("n2"); //dBestEffortPricePoint = dBestEffortPrice * 100 / dLoanAmount; //this.txtBestEffortPrice_Points.Text = (dBestEffortPricePoint).ToString("n3"); #region Best Effort Margin // LCW 10-05-2013 Per MSA Request remove HedgeCost in the formula //decimal dBestEffortMargin = dBestEffortPrice - dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount - dHedgeCost + dCostOnSale + (dOriginationPts * dLoanAmount) + (dDiscountPts * dLoanAmount); decimal dBestEffortMargin = dBestEffortPrice - dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount + dCostOnSale + (dOriginationPts * dLoanAmount) + (dDiscountPts * dLoanAmount); this.txtBestEffortMargin_Amount.Text = dBestEffortMargin.ToString("n2"); // Calc. Points decimal dBestEffortMargin_Points = this.CalcPoints(dBestEffortMargin, dLoanAmount); this.txtBestEffortMargin_Points.Text = (dBestEffortMargin_Points * 100).ToString("n3"); #endregion #region Extension1 decimal dExtension1 = decimal.Zero; decimal dExtension1Point = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12976); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dExtension1Point)) { dExtension1 = dExtension1Point * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtExtension1_Amount.Text = dExtension1.ToString("n2"); this.txtExtension1_Points.Text = dExtension1Point.ToString("n3"); } } #endregion #region Extension2 decimal dExtension2 = decimal.Zero; decimal dExtension2Point = decimal.Zero; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 12977); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { if (decimal.TryParse(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue, out dExtension2Point)) { dExtension2 = dExtension2Point * dLoanAmount / 100; this.txtExtension2_Amount.Text = dExtension2.ToString("n2"); this.txtExtension2_Points.Text = dExtension2Point.ToString("n3"); } } #endregion #region Final Mandatory Margin decimal dFinalMandatoryMargin = dMandatoryPrice - dBestEffortPriceToLOAmount + dHedgeCost + dCostOnSale + (dOriginationPts * dLoanAmount) + (dDiscountPts * dLoanAmount); this.txtFinalMandatoryMargin_Amount.Text = dFinalMandatoryMargin.ToString("n2"); // Calc. Points decimal dFinalMandatoryMargin_Points = this.CalcPoints(dFinalMandatoryMargin, dLoanAmount); this.txtFinalMandatoryMargin_Points.Text = (dFinalMandatoryMargin_Points * 100).ToString("n3"); #endregion #region Final Best Effort Margin decimal dFinalBestEffortMargin = dBestEffortMargin + dExtension1 + dExtension2; this.txtFinalBestEffortMargin_Amount.Text = dFinalBestEffortMargin.ToString("n2"); // Calc. Points decimal dFinalBestEffortMargin_Points = this.CalcPoints(dFinalBestEffortMargin, dLoanAmount); this.txtFinalBestEffortMargin_Points.Text = (dFinalBestEffortMargin_Points * 100).ToString("n3"); #endregion #region Final Mandatory Pickup decimal dMandatoryPickup_Amount = dFinalMandatoryMargin - dFinalBestEffortMargin; this.txtMandatoryPickup_Amount.Text = dMandatoryPickup_Amount.ToString("n2"); // Calc. Points decimal dMandatoryPickup_Points = this.CalcPoints(dMandatoryPickup_Amount, dLoanAmount); this.txtMandatoryPickup_Points.Text = (dMandatoryPickup_Points * 100).ToString("n3"); #endregion #region Market to Market Daily Price // Loan Amount this.txtMM_LoanAmount.Text = dLoanAmount.ToString("n2"); if (this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { // Net Sell decimal dNetSell = decimal.Zero; string sAmount = LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["NetSell"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["NetSell"].ToString(); if (sAmount != string.Empty) { if (decimal.TryParse(sAmount, out dNetSell)) { this.txtMM_NetSell.Text = dNetSell.ToString("n2"); } } string sCommitmentNumber = LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentNumber"].ToString(); this.txtCommitmentNumber.Text = sCommitmentNumber; this.txtCommitmentDate.Text = string.Empty; string sCommitmentDate = LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentDate"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentDate"].ToString(); DateTime dt_CommitmentDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (sCommitmentDate != string.Empty) { if (DateTime.TryParse(sCommitmentDate, out dt_CommitmentDate)) { this.txtCommitmentDate.Text = dt_CommitmentDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } } int iCommitmentTerm = 0; string sCommitmentTerm = LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentTerm"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentTerm"].ToString(); if (sCommitmentTerm != string.Empty) { if (int.TryParse(sCommitmentTerm, out iCommitmentTerm)) { this.txtCommitmentTerm.Text = iCommitmentTerm.ToString(); } } this.txtCommitmentExpirationDate.Text = string.Empty; string sCommitmentExpirationDate = LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentExpDate"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CommitmentExpDate"].ToString(); DateTime dt_CommitmentExpirationDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (sCommitmentExpirationDate != string.Empty) { if (DateTime.TryParse(sCommitmentExpirationDate, out dt_CommitmentExpirationDate)) { this.txtCommitmentExpirationDate.Text = dt_CommitmentExpirationDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } } // SRP decimal dSRP = decimal.Zero; sAmount = this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["SRP"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["SRP"].ToString(); if (sAmount != string.Empty) { if (decimal.TryParse(sAmount, out dSRP)) { this.txtMM_SRP.Text = dSRP.ToString("n2"); } } // LLPA decimal dLLPA = decimal.Zero; sAmount = this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["LLPA"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["SRP"].ToString(); if (sAmount != string.Empty) { if (decimal.TryParse(sAmount, out dLLPA)) { this.txtMM_LLPA.Text = dLLPA.ToString("n2"); } } // Sum Price //if (this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["NetSell"] != DBNull.Value || this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["SRP"] != DBNull.Value) //{ decimal dSumPrice = dNetSell + dSRP + dLLPA; this.txtMM_SumPrice.Text = dSumPrice.ToString("n2"); //} // Investor LCW 10/08/2013 use the LoanProfitInfo.Investor field instead if (this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["Investor"] != DBNull.Value) { this.txtMM_Investor.Text = this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["Investor"].ToString(); } // Investor //if (this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows[0]["InvestorID"] == DBNull.Value) //{ // this.txtMM_Investor.Text = this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows[0]["Investor"].ToString(); //} //else //{ // int iInvestorID = Convert.ToInt32(this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows[0]["InvestorID"]); // ContactCompanies ContactCompaniesMgr = new ContactCompanies(); // DataTable InvestorInfo = ContactCompaniesMgr.GetContactCompanyInfo(iInvestorID); // this.txtMM_Investor.Text = InvestorInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); //} } #endregion #region Compensation Plan if (this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { this.ddlCompensationPlan.SelectedValue = this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["CompensationPlan"].ToString(); } #endregion #region Price decimal LOCompDecimal = 0; DataTable LoanOfficerInfo1 = LoanTeamMgr.GetLoanOfficerInfo(this.iFileId); if (LoanOfficerInfo1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow LoanOfficerRow1 = LoanOfficerInfo1.Rows[0]; LOCompDecimal = LoanOfficerRow1["LOComp"] == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(LoanOfficerRow1["LOComp"]); } decimal AmountDecimal = 0; decimal TempDecimal = 0; //if (LOCompDecimal > 0) //{ // if (decimal.TryParse(this.txtLoanAmount.Text, out AmountDecimal)) // { // TempDecimal = AmountDecimal * LOCompDecimal /100; // this.txtPrice.Text = TempDecimal.ToString("n0"); // } // else // { // TempDecimal = 0; // this.txtPrice.Text = TempDecimal.ToString("n3"); // } //} //else //{ // TempDecimal = 0; // this.txtPrice.Text = TempDecimal.ToString("n3"); //} if (this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { this.txtPrice.Text = this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["Price"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : Convert.ToDecimal(this.LoanProfitInfo.Rows[0]["Price"]).ToString("n3"); } #endregion #region Lock Option if (this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { this.ddlLockOption.SelectedItem.Text = this.LoanLocksInfo.Rows[0]["LockOption"].ToString(); } #endregion string N_string = "No MI Required"; string B_string = "Borrower Paid MI"; string L_string = "Lender Paid MI"; string O_string = "No MI Option"; // MI Option DataTable MIOptionInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetPointFieldInfo(this.iFileId, 4018); if (MIOptionInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string cValue = MIOptionInfo.Rows[0]["CurrentValue"].ToString(); if (cValue.Trim().ToLower() == N_string.Trim().ToLower()) { this.ddlMIOption.SelectedValue = "N"; } if (cValue.Trim().ToLower() == B_string.Trim().ToLower()) { this.ddlMIOption.SelectedValue = "B"; } if (cValue.Trim().ToLower() == L_string.Trim().ToLower()) { this.ddlMIOption.SelectedValue = "L"; } if (cValue.Trim().ToLower() == O_string.Trim().ToLower()) { this.ddlMIOption.SelectedValue = "O"; } } #region First time homebuyer if (this.LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FirstTimeBuyer"] != DBNull.Value) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.LoanInfo.Rows[0]["FirstTimeBuyer"]) == true) { this.ddlFirsTimeHomebuyer.SelectedValue = "Yes"; } else { this.ddlFirsTimeHomebuyer.SelectedValue = "No"; } } #endregion #region Escrow Taxes PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 4003); this.ddlEscrowTaxes.SelectedValue = "N"; if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { string cValue = PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue.ToUpper(); if ((cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "X") || (cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "Y") || (cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "YES")) { this.ddlEscrowTaxes.SelectedValue = "Y"; } } #endregion #region Escrow Insurance this.ddlEscrowInsurance.SelectedValue = "N"; PointFieldInfo = LoanPointFieldsMgr.GetModel(this.iFileId, 4004); if (PointFieldInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue)) { string cValue = PointFieldInfo.CurrentValue.ToUpper(); if ((cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "X") || (cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "Y") || (cValue.Trim().ToUpper() == "YES")) { this.ddlEscrowInsurance.SelectedValue = "Y"; } } #endregion } }
private bool SaveLocal(ref string errMsg) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) && FileName.Length > 0 && !FileName.ToUpper().EndsWith(".PRS") && !FileName.ToUpper().EndsWith(".BRW")) { errMsg = "The filename must end with “.PRS” or “.BRW”. "; return(false); } try { #region Save BranchId Loans bllLoans = new Loans(); LPWeb.Model.Loans loanInfo = new LPWeb.Model.Loans(); loanInfo = bllLoans.GetModel(iFileID); if (loanInfo != null) { loanInfo.BranchID = BranchId; bllLoans.Update(loanInfo); } #endregion //Save Loan Officer #region Loan Officer LoanTeam bllLoanTeam = new LoanTeam(); Users bllUsers = new Users(); var loanOfficer = bllLoanTeam.GetLoanOfficer(iFileID); var loanOfficerId = bllLoanTeam.GetLoanOfficerID(iFileID); #region Loan Officer RolesID =loanOfficerRolesId Roles bllRoles = new Roles(); int loanOfficerRolesId = 3;//default; try { loanOfficerRolesId = bllRoles.GetModelList(" Name = 'Loan Officer' ").FirstOrDefault().RoleId; } catch { } #endregion if (LoanOfficerId != loanOfficerId) { var loanTeamInfo = bllLoanTeam.GetModel(iFileID, loanOfficerRolesId, loanOfficerId); if (loanTeamInfo == null) { loanTeamInfo = new LPWeb.Model.LoanTeam(); } else { bllLoanTeam.Delete(iFileID, loanOfficerRolesId, loanOfficerId); } loanTeamInfo.FileId = iFileID; loanTeamInfo.RoleId = loanOfficerRolesId; loanTeamInfo.UserId = LoanOfficerId; bllLoanTeam.Add(loanTeamInfo); } #endregion #region Local PointFile ----pointFileInfo and pointFolderInfo PointFiles bllPointFile = new PointFiles(); PointFolders bllPointFolders = new PointFolders(); LPWeb.Model.PointFiles pointFileInfo = bllPointFile.GetModel(iFileID); var IsAddPointFile = false; if (pointFileInfo == null) { IsAddPointFile = true; pointFileInfo = new LPWeb.Model.PointFiles(); } else { IsAddPointFile = false; } pointFileInfo.FileId = iFileID; if (FolderId > 0) { pointFileInfo.FolderId = FolderId; } if (FileName.Length > 0) { pointFileInfo.Name = FileName; } if (IsAddPointFile) { bllPointFile.Add(pointFileInfo); } else { bllPointFile.UpdateBase(pointFileInfo); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { errMsg = ex.Message; return(false); } return(true); }
private void BindOther() { if (iBranchId == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlBranch.SelectedValue)) { iBranchId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlBranch.SelectedValue); } #region Loan Officer LoanTeam bllLoanTeam = new LoanTeam(); Users bllUsers = new Users(); var loanOfficer = bllLoanTeam.GetLoanOfficer(iFileID); var loanOfficerId = bllLoanTeam.GetLoanOfficerID(iFileID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loanOfficer)) { ddlLoanOfficer.DataTextField = "text"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataValueField = "value"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = new ListItemCollection() { new ListItem() { Selected = true, Text = loanOfficer, Value = loanOfficerId.ToString() } }; ddlLoanOfficer.DataBind(); } else { if (iBranchId > 0) { ddlLoanOfficer.DataTextField = "UserName"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataValueField = "UserId"; //ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = bllUsers.GetAllUsers(loanInfo.BranchID.Value); ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = bllUsers.GetAllUsers(iBranchId); ddlLoanOfficer.DataBind(); } else { if (loginUser.sRoleName == "Executive") { ddlLoanOfficer.DataTextField = "UserName"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataValueField = "UserId"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = bllUsers.GetUserListByBranches_Executive(loginUser.iUserID); ddlLoanOfficer.DataBind(); } else if (loginUser.bIsBranchManager || loginUser.bIsBranchUser) { ddlLoanOfficer.DataTextField = "UserName"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataValueField = "UserId"; ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = bllUsers.GetUserListByUserBranches(loginUser.iUserID); ddlLoanOfficer.DataBind(); } } if (ddlLoanOfficer.Items.Count > 0 && loanOfficerId != 0) { ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue = loanOfficerId.ToString(); //ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedIndex = 0; } } #endregion #region FolderName ddlFolderName.Enabled = true; //if (pointFileInfo.FolderId != 0) //{ // ddlFolderName.DataTextField = "text"; // ddlFolderName.DataValueField = "value"; // ddlFolderName.DataSource = new ListItemCollection() { new ListItem() { Text = pointFolderInfo.Name, Value = pointFolderInfo.FolderId.ToString(), Selected = true } }; // ddlFolderName.DataBind(); // //ddlFolderName.Enabled = false; //} //else //CR60 ADD Company_Point bllcomPoint = new Company_Point(); //LPWeb.BLL.ArchiveLeadStatus bllLeadStatus = new ArchiveLeadStatus(); LPWeb.Model.Company_Point comPointInfo = bllcomPoint.GetModel(); //int leadStatus = 0; //LPWeb.Model.ArchiveLeadStatus statusInfo = bllLeadStatus.GetModelList(" LeadStatusName ='" + loanInfo.ProspectLoanStatus + "'").FirstOrDefault(); //if (statusInfo != null && statusInfo.LeadStatusName == loanInfo.ProspectLoanStatus) //{ // leadStatus = statusInfo.LeadStatusId; //} if (comPointInfo != null && comPointInfo.Enable_MultiBranchFolders) { ddlFolderName.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlFolderName.DataValueField = "FolderId"; ddlFolderName.DataSource = bllPointFolders.GetList(" [Enabled] = 1 AND (BranchID IS NOT NULL) AND (LoanStatus= 8 ) order by [Name] asc"); ddlFolderName.DataBind(); } else { #region CR60前绑定逻辑 if (iBranchId > 0 || Convert.ToInt32(ddlBranch.SelectedValue) > 0) { if (loanInfo.ProspectLoanStatus == "Active") { ddlFolderName.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlFolderName.DataValueField = "FolderId"; ddlFolderName.DataSource = bllPointFolders.GetList(" [Enabled] = 1 AND BranchId = " + iBranchId + " AND LoanStatus = 6 order by Name"); ddlFolderName.DataBind(); } else { ddlFolderName.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlFolderName.DataValueField = "FolderId"; ddlFolderName.DataSource = bllPointFolders.GetList(" [Enabled] = 1 AND BranchId = " + iBranchId + " AND LoanStatus = 8 order by Name"); ddlFolderName.DataBind(); } } else { string whereStr = " [Enabled] = 1 "; if (loanInfo.ProspectLoanStatus == "Active") { whereStr += " AND LoanStatus = 6 "; } else { whereStr += " AND LoanStatus = 8 "; } if (loginUser.bIsCompanyExecutive) { whereStr += " AND BranchId IN (select BranchId from dbo.lpfn_GetUserBranches_Executive(" + loginUser.iUserID + "))"; } else if (loginUser.bIsBranchManager) { whereStr += " AND BranchId IN (select BranchId from dbo.lpfn_GetUserBranches_Branch_Manager(" + loginUser.iUserID + "))"; } else { whereStr += " AND BranchId IN (select BranchId from dbo.lpfn_GetUserBranches(" + loginUser.iUserID + "))"; } whereStr += " order by Name "; ddlFolderName.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlFolderName.DataValueField = "FolderId"; ddlFolderName.DataSource = bllPointFolders.GetList(whereStr); ddlFolderName.DataBind(); } #endregion } if (ddlFolderName.Items.Count > 0 && iPointFolderId > 0) { ddlFolderName.SelectedValue = iPointFolderId.ToString(); //ddlFolderName.SelectedIndex = 0; } #endregion }