コード例 #1
        public void TC030_ApplyLoanwithRepaymentDateLowest_NL(int loanamout, string strmobiledevice)
            strUserType         = "NL";
            _driver             = _testengine.TestSetup(strmobiledevice);
            _homeDetails        = new HomeDetails(_driver, "NL");
            _loanPurposeDetails = new LoanPurposeDetails(_driver, "NL");
            _personalDetails    = new PersonalDetails(_driver, "NL");
            _bankDetails        = new BankDetails(_driver, "NL");
            _loanSetUpDetails   = new LoanSetUpDetails(_driver, "NL");

                //Go to the homepage and click the start application button

                //Select the loan amount and purpose and click on continue button
                _loanPurposeDetails.LoanPurposeFunction(loanamout, TestData.POL.Households);

                //populate the personal details and proceed

                //Fill Up all the required bank details and submits the application
                _bankDetails.bankFunctions(TestData.BankDetails.Dagbank, TestData.BankDetails.AUTOTriggerAllNoSACC.Yodlee.UID, TestData.BankDetails.AUTOTriggerAllNoSACC.Yodlee.PWD, TestData.IncomeCategory.PrimaryIncome, TestData.Dependents.Zero, TestData.SMSCode, loanamout);


                _loanSetUpDetails.VerifySetUpPageDetails(7, loanamout, loanamout, strUserType);

                string RepaymentDateThen = _loanSetUpDetails.GetfirstrepayFrequencyDate();


                string RepaymentDateNow = _loanSetUpDetails.GetfirstrepayFrequencyDate();

                Assert.AreNotEqual(RepaymentDateThen, RepaymentDateNow, "Repayment date unchanged even after the slider is moved to lowest date");

                double RepaymentAmountNow = _loanSetUpDetails.getRepAmtInTableMiddle();


                string[,] details = _loanSetUpDetails.Getrepaymentdetails();

                double lastrepay = Convert.ToDouble(details[details.GetLength(0) - 1, 1]);

                DateTime startdt = Convert.ToDateTime(RepaymentDateNow);

                if (loanamout > 2000)
                    _loanSetUpDetails.CalcluateSolver(loanamout, startdt, 7, Convert.ToDouble(details[0, 1]), details.GetLength(0), lastrepay);
                    _loanSetUpDetails.CalculateSAAC(loanamout, 7, details);

                // click on Buton Submit

                //  Scrolling the Loan Contract

                // Confirming accepting contract

                // click on I Agree button

                // click on No thanks Button

                if (GetPlatform(_driver))
                    // Click on To Loan Dashboard Button

                    // click on More Button from Bottom Menu

                    // Click on Loan Dashboard Button

            catch (Exception ex)
                strMessage += ex.Message; Assert.Fail(ex.Message);

            #region commented old scenario
            //// click on Buton Submit

            //    //  Scrolling the Loan Contract
            //    _loanSetUpDetails.Loancontract();

            //    // Confirming accepting contract
            //    _loanSetUpDetails.ConfirmAcceptingContract();

            //    // click on I Agree button
            //    _loanSetUpDetails.ClickOnAgreeBtn();

            //    // click on No thanks Button
            //    _loanSetUpDetails.ClickNothanksBtn();

            //    if (GetPlatform(_driver))
            //    {
            //        // Click on To Loan Dashboard Button
            //        _loanSetUpDetails.ClickMobileLoanDashboardBtn();

            //        // click on More Button from Bottom Menu
            //        _loanSetUpDetails.ClickMoreBtn();

            //        //Logout
            //        _loanSetUpDetails.Logout();
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // Click on Loan Dashboard Button
            //        _loanSetUpDetails.ClickLoanDashboard();

            //        //Logout
            //        _loanSetUpDetails.Logout();
            //    }
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    strMessage += ex.Message; Assert.Fail(ex.Message);
コード例 #2
        public void TC030_ApplyLoanwithRepaymentDateLowest_RL(int loanamout, string mobiledevice)
            strUserType         = "RL";
            _driver             = _testengine.TestSetup(mobiledevice, "RL");
            _homeDetails        = new HomeDetails(_driver, "RL");
            _loanPurposeDetails = new LoanPurposeDetails(_driver, "RL");
            _personalDetails    = new PersonalDetails(_driver, "RL");
            _bankDetails        = new BankDetails(_driver, "RL");
            _loanSetUpDetails   = new LoanSetUpDetails(_driver, "RL");

                //Go to the homepage and click the start application button and then the Request money button
                _homeDetails.homeFunctions_RL(TestData.RandomPassword, loanamout, TestData.ClientType.NewProduct, TestData.Feature.ReturnerDagBankstaging);

                //Select the loan amount and purpose and click on continue button
                _loanPurposeDetails.LoanPurposeFunction_RL(loanamout, TestData.POL.Households);

                //Edit the personal details and change the Rmsrv Code
                _personalDetails.PersonalDetailsFunction_Skipbanklogin(TestData.YourEmployementStatus.FullTime, TestData.ReturnerLoaner, TestData.OverrideCodes.PassAll_RL);

                // select Bank Name

                // Click on Continue Button

                if (bsAutoRefresh)
                    // Entering Username and Password
                    _bankDetails.EnterBankCredentialsTxt(TestData.BankDetails.AUTOTriggerAllNoSACC.Yodlee.UID, TestData.BankDetails.AUTOTriggerAllNoSACC.Yodlee.PWD);

                    // Click on Continue Button

                // choose bank account

                // Click on bank select Continue Button

                // Confirm Bank Details

                // Click on Confirm account details Continue Button

                // Choose reason for no transactions
                //bool notrans = _bankDetails.NoTransaction(TestData.NoTransactionReasons.Usingcash);
                //Assert.IsTrue(notrans, "Notransaction page not appeared");

                // Select Category
                _bankDetails.SelectIncomecategory(TestData.IncomeCategory.PrimaryIncome, "0");

                // Select Just checking option
                //  _bankDetails.SelectJustCheckingOptionLst("Yes, it will stay the same (or more)");

                // click on Confirm Income Button

                // select  other debt repayments option No

                // select dependents

                // Click on continue

                // select Governments benefits option No

                // click on Agree that information True

                // click on confirm Submit button

                if (loanamout > 2000)
                    // enter sms input as OTP
                    if (_bankDetails.VerifySMSOTP())

                _loanSetUpDetails.VerifySetUpPageDetails(7, loanamout, loanamout, strUserType);

                string RepaymentDateThen = _loanSetUpDetails.GetfirstrepayFrequencyDate();


                string RepaymentDateNow = _loanSetUpDetails.GetfirstrepayFrequencyDate();

                Assert.AreNotEqual(RepaymentDateThen, RepaymentDateNow, "Repayment date unchanged even after the slider is moved to lowest date");

                double RepaymentAmountNow = _loanSetUpDetails.getRepAmtInTableMiddle();


                string[,] details = _loanSetUpDetails.Getrepaymentdetails();

                double lastrepay = Convert.ToDouble(details[details.GetLength(0) - 1, 1]);

                DateTime startdt = Convert.ToDateTime(RepaymentDateNow);

                if (loanamout > 2000)
                    _loanSetUpDetails.CalcluateSolver(loanamout, startdt, 7, Convert.ToDouble(details[0, 1]), details.GetLength(0), lastrepay);
                    _loanSetUpDetails.CalculateSAAC(loanamout, 7, details);

                // click on Buton Submit

                //  Scrolling the Loan Contract

                // Confirming accepting contract

                // click on I Agree button

                // click on No thanks Button

                if (GetPlatform(_driver))
                    // Click on To Loan Dashboard Button

                    // click on More Button from Bottom Menu

                    // Click on Loan Dashboard Button

            catch (Exception ex)
                strMessage += ex.Message; Assert.Fail(ex.Message);