コード例 #1
ファイル: FSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains the file status, first by checking the stat cache if it is
 /// available, and then by getting it explicitly from the filesystem.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Obtains the file status, first by checking the stat cache if it is
 /// available, and then by getting it explicitly from the filesystem. If we got
 /// the file status from the filesystem, it is added to the stat cache.
 /// The stat cache is expected to be managed by callers who provided it to
 /// FSDownload.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 private static FileStatus GetFileStatus(FileSystem fs, Path path, LoadingCache <Path
                                                                                 , Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
     // if the stat cache does not exist, simply query the filesystem
     if (statCache == null)
         // get or load it from the cache
     catch (ExecutionException e)
         Exception cause = e.InnerException;
         // the underlying exception should normally be IOException
         if (cause is IOException)
             throw (IOException)cause;
             throw new IOException(cause);
     catch (Exception e)
         // should not happen
         throw new IOException(e);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Groups.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 public Groups(Configuration conf, Timer timer)
     impl = ReflectionUtils.NewInstance(conf.GetClass <GroupMappingServiceProvider>(CommonConfigurationKeys
                                                                                    .HadoopSecurityGroupMapping, typeof(ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping)), conf);
     cacheTimeout = conf.GetLong(CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsCacheSecs
                                 , CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsCacheSecsDefault) * 1000;
     negativeCacheTimeout = conf.GetLong(CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsNegativeCacheSecs
                                         , CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsNegativeCacheSecsDefault) * 1000;
     warningDeltaMs = conf.GetLong(CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsCacheWarnAfterMs
                                   , CommonConfigurationKeys.HadoopSecurityGroupsCacheWarnAfterMsDefault);
     this.timer = timer;
     this.cache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().RefreshAfterWrite(cacheTimeout, TimeUnit.Milliseconds
                                                              ).Ticker(new Groups.TimerToTickerAdapter(timer)).ExpireAfterWrite(10 * cacheTimeout
                                                                                                                                , TimeUnit.Milliseconds).Build(new Groups.GroupCacheLoader(this));
     if (negativeCacheTimeout > 0)
         Com.Google.Common.Cache.Cache <string, bool> tempMap = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().ExpireAfterWrite
                                                                    (negativeCacheTimeout, TimeUnit.Milliseconds).Ticker(new Groups.TimerToTickerAdapter
         negativeCache = Collections.NewSetFromMap(tempMap.AsMap());
     if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
         Log.Debug("Group mapping impl=" + impl.GetType().FullName + "; cacheTimeout=" + cacheTimeout
                   + "; warningDeltaMs=" + warningDeltaMs);
コード例 #3
        public static IObservable <T> Load <T>(string assetPath) where T : UObject
            if (_loadedAssetDict.ContainsKey(assetPath))
                return(Observable.Return <T>(_loadedAssetDict[assetPath].asset as T));

            if (_assetCacheDict.ContainsKey(assetPath))
                return(Observable.Return <T>(_assetCacheDict[assetPath].Asset as T));

            LoadingCache <UObject> loadingCache = null;

            if (!_loadingCacheDict.TryGetValue(assetPath, out loadingCache))
                loadingCache = new LoadingCache <UObject>();
                _loadingCacheDict.Add(assetPath, loadingCache);

                _assetLoader.Load <T>(assetPath)
                .Do(_ =>
                    _loadedAssetDict.Add(assetPath, new LoadedAssetInfo()
                        asset = _, instance = null
                    _assetNameDict.Add(_, assetPath);
            return(loadingCache.ToLoadingObserable().Select(obj => obj as T));
コード例 #4
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 public _Callable_358(FileSystem fs, Path path, FileStatus sStat, LoadingCache <Path
                                                                                , Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
     this.fs        = fs;
     this.path      = path;
     this.sStat     = sStat;
     this.statCache = statCache;
コード例 #5
 public LocalizerContext(string user, ContainerId containerId, Credentials credentials
                         , LoadingCache <Path, Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
     this.user        = user;
     this.containerId = containerId;
     this.credentials = credentials;
     this.statCache   = statCache;
コード例 #6
ファイル: TestFSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Sharpen.URISyntaxException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        /// <exception cref="Sharpen.ExecutionException"/>
        public virtual void TestDownloadPublicWithStatCache()
            Configuration conf    = new Configuration();
            FileContext   files   = FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext(conf);
            Path          basedir = files.MakeQualified(new Path("target", typeof(TestFSDownload).Name
            // if test directory doesn't have ancestor permission, skip this test
            FileSystem f = basedir.GetFileSystem(conf);

            Assume.AssumeTrue(FSDownload.AncestorsHaveExecutePermissions(f, basedir, null));
            files.Mkdir(basedir, null, true);
            conf.SetStrings(typeof(TestFSDownload).FullName, basedir.ToString());
            int size = 512;
            ConcurrentMap <Path, AtomicInteger> counts = new ConcurrentHashMap <Path, AtomicInteger
            CacheLoader <Path, Future <FileStatus> > loader = FSDownload.CreateStatusCacheLoader
            LoadingCache <Path, Future <FileStatus> > statCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().Build
                                                                      (new _CacheLoader_328(counts, loader));
            // increment the count
            // use the default loader
            // test FSDownload.isPublic() concurrently
            int fileCount = 3;
            IList <Callable <bool> > tasks = new AList <Callable <bool> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                Random rand       = new Random();
                long   sharedSeed = rand.NextLong();
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
                Path path = new Path(basedir, "test-file-" + i);
                CreateFile(files, path, size, rand);
                FileSystem fs    = path.GetFileSystem(conf);
                FileStatus sStat = fs.GetFileStatus(path);
                tasks.AddItem(new _Callable_358(fs, path, sStat, statCache));
            ExecutorService exec = Executors.NewFixedThreadPool(fileCount);

                IList <Future <bool> > futures = exec.InvokeAll(tasks);
                // files should be public
                foreach (Future <bool> future in futures)
                // for each path exactly one file status call should be made
                foreach (AtomicInteger count in counts.Values)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(count.Get(), 1);
コード例 #7
ファイル: FSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for a given path whether the Other permissions on it
        /// imply the permission in the passed FsAction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fs"/>
        /// <param name="path"/>
        /// <param name="action"/>
        /// <returns>true if the path in the uri is visible to all, false otherwise</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static bool CheckPermissionOfOther(FileSystem fs, Path path, FsAction action
                                                   , LoadingCache <Path, Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
            FileStatus   status      = GetFileStatus(fs, path, statCache);
            FsPermission perms       = status.GetPermission();
            FsAction     otherAction = perms.GetOtherAction();

コード例 #8
 private static void UpdateLeaseCount <T>(LoadingCache <Type, AtomicInteger> usageCounts
                                          , T codec, int delta)
     if (codec != null)
         Type codecClass = ReflectionUtils.GetClass(codec);
コード例 #9
ファイル: FSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 public FSDownload(FileContext files, UserGroupInformation ugi, Configuration conf
                   , Path destDirPath, LocalResource resource, LoadingCache <Path, Future <FileStatus
                                                                                           > > statCache)
     this.conf        = conf;
     this.destDirPath = destDirPath;
     this.files       = files;
     this.userUgi     = ugi;
     this.resource    = resource;
     this.statCache   = statCache;
コード例 #10
ファイル: DFSClientCache.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 internal DFSClientCache(NfsConfiguration config, int clientCache)
     this.config      = config;
     this.clientCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().MaximumSize(clientCache).RemovalListener
     this.inputstreamCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().MaximumSize(DefaultDfsInputstreamCacheSize
                                                                   ).ExpireAfterAccess(DefaultDfsInputstreamCacheTtl, TimeUnit.Seconds).RemovalListener
     ShutdownHookManager.Get().AddShutdownHook(new DFSClientCache.CacheFinalizer(this)
                                               , ShutdownHookPriority);
コード例 #11
 internal CacheExtension(KeyProvider prov, long keyTimeoutMillis, long currKeyTimeoutMillis
     this.provider   = prov;
     keyVersionCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().ExpireAfterAccess(keyTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit
                                                                   .Milliseconds).Build(new _CacheLoader_49(this));
     keyMetadataCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().ExpireAfterAccess(keyTimeoutMillis,
                                                                    TimeUnit.Milliseconds).Build(new _CacheLoader_62(this));
     currentKeyCache = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().ExpireAfterWrite(currKeyTimeoutMillis
                                                                  , TimeUnit.Milliseconds).Build(new _CacheLoader_75(this));
コード例 #12
ファイル: FSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
 public static bool IsPublic(FileSystem fs, Path current, FileStatus sStat, LoadingCache
                             <Path, Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
     current = fs.MakeQualified(current);
     //the leaf level file should be readable by others
     if (!CheckPublicPermsForAll(fs, sStat, FsAction.ReadExecute, FsAction.Read))
     if (Shell.Windows && fs is LocalFileSystem)
         // Relax the requirement for public cache on LFS on Windows since default
         // permissions are "700" all the way up to the drive letter. In this
         // model, the only requirement for a user is to give EVERYONE group
         // permission on the file and the file will be considered public.
         // This code path is only hit when fs.default.name is file:/// (mainly
         // in tests).
     return(AncestorsHaveExecutePermissions(fs, current.GetParent(), statCache));
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>Constructor takes the following tunable configuration parameters</summary>
 /// <param name="numValues">
 /// The number of values cached in the Queue for a
 /// particular key.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="lowWatermark">
 /// The ratio of (number of current entries/numValues)
 /// below which the <code>fillQueueForKey()</code> funciton will be
 /// invoked to fill the Queue.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="expiry">
 /// Expiry time after which the Key and associated Queue are
 /// evicted from the cache.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="numFillerThreads">Number of threads to use for the filler thread</param>
 /// <param name="policy">
 /// The SyncGenerationPolicy to use when client
 /// calls "getAtMost"
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="refiller">implementation of the QueueRefiller</param>
 public ValueQueue(int numValues, float lowWatermark, long expiry, int numFillerThreads
                   , ValueQueue.SyncGenerationPolicy policy, ValueQueue.QueueRefiller <E> refiller)
     // Return atleast 1 value
     // Return min(n, lowWatermark * numValues) values
     // Return n values
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(numValues > 0, "\"numValues\" must be > 0");
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(((lowWatermark > 0) && (lowWatermark <= 1)), "\"lowWatermark\" must be > 0 and <= 1"
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(expiry > 0, "\"expiry\" must be > 0");
     Preconditions.CheckArgument(numFillerThreads > 0, "\"numFillerThreads\" must be > 0"
     Preconditions.CheckNotNull(policy, "\"policy\" must not be null");
     this.refiller     = refiller;
     this.policy       = policy;
     this.numValues    = numValues;
     this.lowWatermark = lowWatermark;
     keyQueues         = CacheBuilder.NewBuilder().ExpireAfterAccess(expiry, TimeUnit.Milliseconds
                                                                     ).Build(new _CacheLoader_175(refiller, lowWatermark, numValues));
     executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numFillerThreads, numFillerThreads, 0L, TimeUnit
                                       .Milliseconds, queue, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().SetDaemon(true).SetNameFormat(RefillThread
コード例 #14
ファイル: FSDownload.cs プロジェクト: orf53975/hadoop.net
        internal static bool AncestorsHaveExecutePermissions(FileSystem fs, Path path, LoadingCache
                                                             <Path, Future <FileStatus> > statCache)
            Path current = path;

            while (current != null)
                //the subdirs in the path should have execute permissions for others
                if (!CheckPermissionOfOther(fs, current, FsAction.Execute, statCache))
                current = current.GetParent();
コード例 #15
 private static int GetLeaseCount <T>(LoadingCache <Type, AtomicInteger> usageCounts
                                      , Type codecClass)