コード例 #1
        internal void LoadHistoryStream(MemoryStream loadStream, bool firstLoadFromHistory)
            if (Application.Current == null)

            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = new LoadHistoryStreamInfo();

            info.loadStream           = loadStream;
            info.firstLoadFromHistory = firstLoadFromHistory;

                new DispatcherOperationCallback(_LoadHistoryStreamDelegate),
コード例 #2
        private object _LoadHistoryStreamDelegate(object arg)
            Journal      journal = null;
            JournalEntry entry   = null;

            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = (LoadHistoryStreamInfo)arg;

            if (IsShutdown() == true)

            // Reset the memory stream pointer back to the begining and get the persisted object
            info.loadStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            object journaledObject = DeserializeJournaledObject(info.loadStream);

            //This is the very first load from history, so need to set the BaseUri and StartupUri.
            if (info.firstLoadFromHistory)
                // The journal does not get saved on Ctrl+N. Because of this,
                // here we can get just an index, like in the 'else' case below.
                if (!(journaledObject is BrowserJournal))

                BrowserJournal browserJournal = (BrowserJournal)journaledObject;

                journal = browserJournal.Journal;
                entry   = journal.CurrentEntry;
                if (entry == null)                    // See special case in _GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate().
                    entry = journal.GetGoBackEntry(); // could still be null

                //This will create the frame to use for hosting
                    NavigationService navigationService = null;
                    navigationService = _rbw.Value.NavigationService;

                //This should already be set for the container and exe cases. The former
                //sets it to the transformed ssres scheme and we don't want to overwrite it.
                if (BindUriHelper.BaseUri == null)
                    BindUriHelper.BaseUri = browserJournal.BaseUri;

                //CHECK: For xaml case, what should we set as the Startup Uri ? We set it the initial
                //uri we started with, should this be changed to creating the window explicitly
                //and navigating the window instead of setting the StartupUri?
                //(Application.Current as Application).StartupUri = entry.Uri;

                Debug.Assert(Application.Current != null, "BrowserJournalingError: Application object should already be created");

                if (entry != null)
                    //Prevent navigations to StartupUri for history loads by canceling the StartingUp event
                    Application.Current.Startup += new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.OnStartup);

                //else: fall back on navigating to StartupUri
                if (!(journaledObject is int))

                journal = _rbw.Value.Journal;

                int index = journal.FindIndexForEntryWithId((int)journaledObject);

                Debug.Assert(journal[index].Id == (int)journaledObject, "BrowserJournalingError: Index retrieved from journal stream does not match index of journal entry");

                // Check whether the navigation is canceled.
                if (!_rbw.Value.JournalNavigationScope.NavigateToEntry(index))
                    // When the navigation is canceled, we want to notify browser to prevent the internal journal from
                    // getting out of sync with the browser's.
                    // The exception will be caught by the interop layer and browser will cancel the navigation as a result.

                    // If the navigation is initiated pragmatically by calling GoBack/Forward (comparing to user initiated
                    // by clicking the back/forward button),  this will result in a managed exception at the call to ibcs.GoBack()
                    // in rbw.GoBackOverride(). rbw catches the exception when this happens.

                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

コード例 #3
        internal void LoadHistoryStream(MemoryStream loadStream, bool firstLoadFromHistory)
            if (Application.Current == null) 

            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = new LoadHistoryStreamInfo();
            info.loadStream = loadStream ; 
            info.firstLoadFromHistory = firstLoadFromHistory ;
                        new DispatcherOperationCallback(_LoadHistoryStreamDelegate), 