public void TestConfirmedDataUp() { byte[] mhdr = new byte[1]; mhdr[0] = 128; byte[] devAddr = new byte[4] { 4, 3, 2, 1 }; byte[] fctrl = new byte[1] { 0 }; byte[] fcnt = new byte[2] { 0, 0 }; byte[] fport = new byte[1] { 10 }; byte[] frmPayload = new byte[4] { 4, 3, 2, 1 }; var appkey = new byte[16] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }; var nwkkey = new byte[16] { 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; Array.Reverse(appkey); Array.Reverse(nwkkey); LoRaPayloadStandardData lora = new LoRaPayloadStandardData(mhdr, devAddr, fctrl, fcnt, null, fport, frmPayload, 0); lora.PerformEncryption(BitConverter.ToString(appkey).Replace("-", "")); byte[] testEncrypt = new byte[4] { 226, 100, 212, 247 }; Assert.Equal(testEncrypt, lora.frmpayload); lora.SetMic(BitConverter.ToString(nwkkey).Replace("-", "")); byte[] testMic = new byte[4] { 181, 106, 14, 117 }; Assert.Equal(testMic, lora.mic.ToArray()); var mess = Convert.ToBase64String(lora.ToMessage()); Assert.Equal("gAQDAgEAAAAK4mTU97VqDnU=", mess); }
public void TestUnconfirmedUplink() { string jsonUplinkUnconfirmedDataUp = @"{ ""rxpk"":[ { ""time"":""2013-03-31T16:21:17.528002Z"", ""tmst"":3512348611, ""chan"":2, ""rfch"":0, ""freq"":866.349812, ""stat"":1, ""modu"":""LORA"", ""datr"":""SF7BW125"", ""codr"":""4/6"", ""rssi"":-35, ""lsnr"":5.1, ""size"":32, ""data"":""QAQDAgGAAQABppRkJhXWw7WC"" }]}"; byte[] physicalUpstreamPyld = new byte[12]; physicalUpstreamPyld[0] = 2; var jsonUplinkUnconfirmedDataUpBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(jsonUplinkUnconfirmedDataUp); LoRaMessage jsonUplinkUnconfirmedMessage = new LoRaMessage(physicalUpstreamPyld.Concat(jsonUplinkUnconfirmedDataUpBytes).ToArray()); Assert.Equal(LoRaMessageType.UnconfirmedDataUp, jsonUplinkUnconfirmedMessage.loRaMessageType); LoRaPayloadStandardData loRaPayloadUplinkObj = (LoRaPayloadStandardData)jsonUplinkUnconfirmedMessage.payloadMessage; Assert.True(loRaPayloadUplinkObj.fcnt.SequenceEqual(new byte[2] { 1, 0 })); Assert.True(loRaPayloadUplinkObj.devAddr.SequenceEqual(new byte[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 })); byte[] LoRaPayloadUplinkNwkKey = new byte[16] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; Assert.True(loRaPayloadUplinkObj.CheckMic(BitConverter.ToString(LoRaPayloadUplinkNwkKey).Replace("-", ""))); byte[] LoRaPayloadUplinkAppKey = new byte[16] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; var key = BitConverter.ToString(LoRaPayloadUplinkAppKey).Replace("-", ""); Assert.Equal("hello", (loRaPayloadUplinkObj.PerformEncryption(key))); }
private async Task <byte[]> ProcessLoraMessage(LoRaMessage loraMessage) { bool validFrameCounter = false; byte[] udpMsgForPktForwarder = new byte[0]; string devAddr = BitConverter.ToString(loraMessage.payloadMessage.devAddr).Replace("-", ""); Message c2dMsg = null; Cache.TryGetValue(devAddr, out LoraDeviceInfo loraDeviceInfo); if (loraDeviceInfo == null) { loraDeviceInfo = await LoraDeviceInfoManager.GetLoraDeviceInfoAsync(devAddr); Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"processing message, device not in cache", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); Cache.AddToCache(devAddr, loraDeviceInfo); } else { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"processing message, device in cache", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } if (loraDeviceInfo.IsOurDevice) { //either there is no gateway linked to the device or the gateway is the one that the code is running if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loraDeviceInfo.GatewayID) || loraDeviceInfo.GatewayID.ToUpper() == GatewayID.ToUpper()) { if (loraMessage.CheckMic(loraDeviceInfo.NwkSKey)) { if (loraDeviceInfo.HubSender == null) { loraDeviceInfo.HubSender = new IoTHubSender(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, loraDeviceInfo.PrimaryKey); } UInt16 fcntup = BitConverter.ToUInt16(((LoRaPayloadStandardData)loraMessage.payloadMessage).fcnt, 0); //check if the frame counter is valid: either is above the server one or is an ABP device resetting the counter (relaxed seqno checking) if (fcntup > loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp || (fcntup == 1 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(loraDeviceInfo.AppEUI))) { //save the reset fcnt for ABP (relaxed seqno checking) if (fcntup == 1 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(loraDeviceInfo.AppEUI)) { _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.UpdateFcntAsync(fcntup, 0, true); } validFrameCounter = true; Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"valid frame counter, msg: {fcntup} server: {loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); byte[] decryptedMessage = null; try { decryptedMessage = loraMessage.DecryptPayload(loraDeviceInfo.AppSKey); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"failed to decrypt message: {ex.Message}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Error); } Rxpk rxPk = ((UplinkPktFwdMessage)loraMessage.loraMetadata.fullPayload).rxpk[0]; dynamic fullPayload = JObject.FromObject(rxPk); string jsonDataPayload = ""; uint fportUp = (uint)((LoRaPayloadStandardData)loraMessage.payloadMessage).fport[0]; fullPayload.port = fportUp; fullPayload.fcnt = fcntup; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loraDeviceInfo.SensorDecoder)) { jsonDataPayload = Convert.ToBase64String(decryptedMessage); = jsonDataPayload; } else { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"decoding with: {loraDeviceInfo.SensorDecoder} port: {fportUp}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); jsonDataPayload = LoraDecoders.DecodeMessage(decryptedMessage, fportUp, loraDeviceInfo.SensorDecoder); = JObject.Parse(jsonDataPayload); } fullPayload.eui = loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI; fullPayload.gatewayid = GatewayID; //todo check what the other ts are if milliseconds or seconds fullPayload.edgets = (long)((startTimeProcessing - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds); string iotHubMsg = fullPayload.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None); await loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.SendMessageAsync(iotHubMsg); Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"sent message '{jsonDataPayload}' to hub", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp = fcntup; } else { validFrameCounter = false; Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"invalid frame counter, msg: {fcntup} server: {loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } //start checking for new c2d message, we do it even if the fcnt is invalid so we support replying to the ConfirmedDataUp //todo ronnie should we wait up to 900 msec? c2dMsg = await loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); byte[] bytesC2dMsg = null; byte[] fport = null; byte[] fctl = new byte[1] { 32 }; //check if we got a c2d message to be added in the ack message and preprare the message if (c2dMsg != null) { //check if there is another message var secondC2dMsg = await loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)); if (secondC2dMsg != null) { //put it back to the queue for the next pickup _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.AbandonAsync(secondC2dMsg); //set the fpending flag so the lora device will call us back for the next message fctl = new byte[1] { 48 }; } bytesC2dMsg = c2dMsg.GetBytes(); fport = new byte[1] { 1 }; if (bytesC2dMsg != null) { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"C2D message: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesC2dMsg)}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } //todo ronnie implement a better max payload size by datarate //cut to the max payload of lora for any EU datarate if (bytesC2dMsg.Length > 51) { Array.Resize(ref bytesC2dMsg, 51); } Array.Reverse(bytesC2dMsg); } //if confirmation or cloud to device msg send down the message if (loraMessage.loRaMessageType == LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataUp || c2dMsg != null) { //check if we are not too late for the 1 and 2 window if (((DateTime.UtcNow - startTimeProcessing) <= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1900))) { //increase the fcnt down and save it to iot hub twins loraDeviceInfo.FCntDown++; Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"down frame counter: {loraDeviceInfo.FCntDown}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); //Saving both fcnts to twins _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.UpdateFcntAsync(loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp, loraDeviceInfo.FCntDown); var _datr = ((UplinkPktFwdMessage)loraMessage.loraMetadata.fullPayload).rxpk[0].datr; uint _rfch = ((UplinkPktFwdMessage)loraMessage.loraMetadata.fullPayload).rxpk[0].rfch; double _freq = ((UplinkPktFwdMessage)loraMessage.loraMetadata.fullPayload).rxpk[0].freq; uint txDelay = 0; //if we are already longer than 900 mssecond move to the 2 second window //uncomment to force second windows usage //Thread.Sleep(901); if ((DateTime.UtcNow - startTimeProcessing) > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(900)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RX2_DATR"))) { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"using standard second receive windows", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); //using EU fix DR for RX2 _freq = 869.525; _datr = "SF12BW125"; } //if specific twins are set, specify second channel to be as specified else { _freq = double.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RX2_FREQ")); _datr = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RX2_DATR"); Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"using custom DR second receive windows freq : {_freq}, datr:{_datr}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } txDelay = 1000000; } long _tmst = ((UplinkPktFwdMessage)loraMessage.loraMetadata.fullPayload).rxpk[0].tmst + txDelay; Byte[] devAddrCorrect = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(loraMessage.payloadMessage.devAddr, devAddrCorrect, 4); Array.Reverse(devAddrCorrect); //todo mik check what is the A0 LoRaPayloadStandardData ackLoRaMessage = new LoRaPayloadStandardData(StringToByteArray("A0"), devAddrCorrect, fctl, BitConverter.GetBytes(loraDeviceInfo.FCntDown), null, fport, bytesC2dMsg, 1); ackLoRaMessage.PerformEncryption(loraDeviceInfo.AppSKey); ackLoRaMessage.SetMic(loraDeviceInfo.NwkSKey); byte[] rndToken = new byte[2]; Random rnd = new Random(); rnd.NextBytes(rndToken); //todo ronnie should check the device twin preference if using confirmed or unconfirmed down LoRaMessage ackMessage = new LoRaMessage(ackLoRaMessage, LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataDown, rndToken, _datr, 0, _freq, _tmst); udpMsgForPktForwarder = ackMessage.physicalPayload.GetMessage(); //confirm the message to iot hub only if we are in time for a delivery if (c2dMsg != null) { _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.CompleteAsync(c2dMsg); Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"complete the c2d msg to IoT Hub", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } } else { PhysicalPayload pushAck = new PhysicalPayload(loraMessage.physicalPayload.token, PhysicalIdentifier.PUSH_ACK, null); udpMsgForPktForwarder = pushAck.GetMessage(); _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.UpdateFcntAsync(loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp, null); //put back the c2d message to the queue for the next round _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.AbandonAsync(c2dMsg); Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"too late for down message, sending only ACK to gateway", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } } //No ack requested and no c2d message we send the udp ack only to the gateway else if (loraMessage.loRaMessageType == LoRaMessageType.UnconfirmedDataUp && c2dMsg == null) { PhysicalPayload pushAck = new PhysicalPayload(loraMessage.physicalPayload.token, PhysicalIdentifier.PUSH_ACK, null); udpMsgForPktForwarder = pushAck.GetMessage(); if (validFrameCounter) { _ = loraDeviceInfo.HubSender.UpdateFcntAsync(loraDeviceInfo.FCntUp, null); } } } else { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"with devAddr {devAddr} check MIC failed. Device will be ignored from now on", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); loraDeviceInfo.IsOurDevice = false; } } else { Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"ignore message because is not linked to this GatewayID", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } } else { Logger.Log(devAddr, $"device with devAddr {devAddr} is not our device, ignore message", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); } Logger.Log(loraDeviceInfo.DevEUI, $"processing time: {DateTime.UtcNow - startTimeProcessing}", Logger.LoggingLevel.Info); return(udpMsgForPktForwarder); }