コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get cartridge list by a part of the name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Part of the name</param>
        public void BeginGetByName(string name)
            if (!checkConnection())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid connection to the API.");

            Live.SearchCartridgesRequest search = new Live.SearchCartridgesRequest()
                PageNumber      = 1,
                ResultsPerPage  = 50,
                SearchArguments = new Live.CartridgeSearchArguments()
                    CartridgeName = name.Trim(),
                    OrderSearchBy = Live.CartridgeSearchArguments.OrderBy.Distance

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get cartridge list with only play anywhere cartridges. Sort list by date.
        /// </summary>
        public void BeginGetByPlayAnywhere()
            if (!checkConnection())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid connection to the API.");

            Live.SearchCartridgesRequest search = new Live.SearchCartridgesRequest()
                PageNumber      = 1,
                ResultsPerPage  = 50,
                SearchArguments = new Live.CartridgeSearchArguments()
                    OrderSearchBy  = Live.CartridgeSearchArguments.OrderBy.PublishDate,
                    IsPlayAnywhere = true

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get cartridge list by a coordinate and a radius.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lat">Latitude</param>
        /// <param name="lon">Longitude</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius in km</param>
        public void BeginGetByCoords(double lat, double lon, double radius)
            if (!checkConnection())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid connection to the API.");

            Live.SearchCartridgesRequest search = new Live.SearchCartridgesRequest()
                PageNumber      = 1,
                ResultsPerPage  = 50,
                SearchArguments = new Live.CartridgeSearchArguments()
                    Latitude         = lat,
                    Longitude        = lon,
                    SearchRadiusInKm = radius

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Search cartridges via web client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">Search parameters</param>
        private void beginGetCartridges(Live.SearchCartridgesRequest search)
            // Starts the asynchronous search operation.
            // The result happens in the event handler onSearchCartridgesCompleted.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken))
                search.UserToken = userToken;
            string result = callAPI("SearchCartridges", search);

            Live.SearchCartridgesResponse resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Live.SearchCartridgesResponse>(result);

            status = resp.Status.StatusCode;

            if (status == 0)
                if (resp.Cartridges != null)
                    // Delete old ones

                    // Get new ones
                    foreach (Live.CartridgeSearchResult res in resp.Cartridges)
                        Cartridge cart = new Cartridge();

                        cart.Name                      = res.Name;
                        cart.AuthorName                = res.AuthorName;
                        cart.AuthorCompany             = res.AuthorCompany;
                        cart.DateAdded                 = res.DateAdded;
                        cart.DateLastPlayed            = res.DateLastPlayed;
                        cart.DateLastUpdated           = res.DateLastUpdated;
                        cart.CompletionTime            = res.CompletionTime;
                        cart.ActivityType              = res.ActivityType;
                        cart.CountryID                 = res.CountryID;
                        cart.StateID                   = res.StateID;
                        cart.IsArchived                = res.IsArchived;
                        cart.IsDisabled                = res.IsDisabled;
                        cart.IsOpenSource              = res.IsOpenSource;
                        cart.IsPlayAnywhere            = res.IsPlayAnywhere;
                        cart.IconFileURL               = res.IconFileURL;
                        cart.PosterFileURL             = res.PosterFileURL;
                        cart.StartingLocationLatitude  = res.Latitude;
                        cart.StartingLocationLongitude = res.Longitude;
                        cart.LinkedGeocacheNames       = res.LinkedGeocacheNames;
                        cart.LinkedGeocacheGCs         = res.LinkedGeocacheGCs;
                        cart.LinkedGeocacheGUIDs       = res.LinkedGeocacheGuids;
                        cart.LongDescription           = res.LongDescription;
                        cart.ShortDescription          = res.ShortDescription;
                        cart.NumberOfCompletions       = res.NumberOfCompletions;
                        cart.NumberOfUsersWatching     = res.NumberOfUsersWatching;
                        cart.UniqueDownloads           = res.UniqueDownloads;
                        cart.Complete                  = res.UserHasCompleted;
                        cart.UserHasPartiallyPlayed    = res.UserHasPartiallyPlayed;
                        cart.WGCode                    = res.WGCode;

                statusMessage = resp.Status.StatusMessage;