/// <summary>block header, 6 bytes</summary> /// <exception cref="Com.Khubla.Pdxreader.Api.PDXReaderException"/> public virtual void Read(LittleEndianDataInputStream littleEndianDataInputStream) { try { nextBlockNumber = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); previousBlockNumber = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); offsetLastRecord = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PDXReaderException("Exception in read", e); } }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> public virtual int PreRead(LittleEndianDataInputStream littleEndianDataInputStream ) { sizeofBlock = BlockSizeMultiplier * littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort (); return(2); }
/// <exception cref="Com.Khubla.Pdxreader.Api.PDXReaderException"/> public override void Read(LittleEndianDataInputStream littleEndianDataInputStream ) { try { int blockType = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadByte(); if (blockType != base.recordType.GetValue()) { throw new PDXReaderException("Block type mismatch"); } int sizeofBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); if ((sizeofBlock * BlockSizeMultiplier) != base.sizeofBlock) { throw new PDXReaderException("Block type mismatch"); } modificationCount = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PDXReaderException("Exception reading inputStream", e); } }
/// <summary>read (little endian)</summary> /// <exception cref="Com.Khubla.Pdxreader.Api.PDXReaderException"/> public virtual void Read(LittleEndianDataInputStream littleEndianDataInputStream) { try { /* * The index record length is six greater than the sum of the lengths of the key fields. */ indexRecordLength = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); headerBlockSize = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); if (2048 != headerBlockSize) { throw new Exception("headerBlockSize was expected to be 2048, but '" + headerBlockSize + "' was found"); } int fileType = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (1 != fileType) { throw new Exception("PX file type was expected to be 1, but '" + fileType + "' was found" ); } dataBlockSizeCode = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (1 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = PXFileHeader.BlockSize.oneK; } else { if (2 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = PXFileHeader.BlockSize.twoK; } else { if (3 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = PXFileHeader.BlockSize.threeK; } else { if (4 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = PXFileHeader.BlockSize.fourK; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown block size code '" + dataBlockSizeCode + "'"); } } } } numberRecords = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadInt(); blocksInUse = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); totalBlocksInFile = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); firstDataBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); if (1 != firstDataBlock) { throw new Exception("firstDataBlock was expected to be 1, but '" + firstDataBlock + "' was found"); } lastDataBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); indexRootBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); numberIndexLevels = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); /* * The number of fields in the index is the same as the number of key fields for the table. */ numberIndexFields = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PDXReaderException("Exception in read", e); } }
/// <summary>read (little endian)</summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void Read(LittleEndianDataInputStream littleEndianDataInputStream) { try { recordBufferSize = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); headerBlockSize = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); int tableType = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (0 == tableType) { this.tableType = DBTableHeader.TableType.keyed; } else { if (2 == tableType) { this.tableType = DBTableHeader.TableType.unkeyed; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown table type '" + tableType + "'"); } } dataBlockSizeCode = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); if (1 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = DBTableHeader.BlockSize.oneK; } else { if (2 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = DBTableHeader.BlockSize.twoK; } else { if (3 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = DBTableHeader.BlockSize.threeK; } else { if (4 == dataBlockSizeCode) { blockSize = DBTableHeader.BlockSize.fourK; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown block size code '" + dataBlockSizeCode + "'"); } } } } numberRecords = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadInt(); blocksInUse = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); totalBlocksInFile = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); firstDataBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); lastDataBlock = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedShort(); littleEndianDataInputStream.SkipBytes(15); // byte 0x21 numberFields = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); // byte 0x22 littleEndianDataInputStream.SkipBytes(1); // byte 0x23 numberKeyFields = littleEndianDataInputStream.ReadUnsignedByte(); littleEndianDataInputStream.SkipBytes(unchecked ((int)(0x54))); // byte 0x78 ReadFieldTypesAndSizes(littleEndianDataInputStream); // name littleEndianDataInputStream.SkipBytes(20); embeddedFilename = StringUtil.ReadString(littleEndianDataInputStream); /* * skip forward 250 bytes */ int skipBytes = 250; // dumpBytes(skipBytes, littleEndianDataInputStream); littleEndianDataInputStream.SkipBytes(skipBytes); ReadFieldNames(littleEndianDataInputStream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Exception in read", e); } }