コード例 #1
         * Ensure this is an ORC file to prevent users from trying to read text
         * files or RC files as ORC files.
         * @param in the file being read
         * @param path the filename for error messages
         * @param psLen the postscript length
         * @param buffer the tail of the file
         * @
        static void ensureOrcFooter(Stream @in,
                                    string path,
                                    int psLen,
                                    ByteBuffer buffer)
            int len = OrcFile.MAGIC.Length;

            if (psLen < len + 1)
                throw new FormatException("Malformed ORC file " + path +
                                          ". Invalid postscript length " + psLen);
            int offset = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position() + buffer.limit() - 1 - len;

            byte[] array = buffer.array();
            // now look for the magic string at the end of the postscript.
            if (!Lists.AreEqual(array, offset, OrcFile.MAGIC, len))
                // If it isn't there, this may be the 0.11.0 version of ORC.
                // Read the first 3 bytes of the file to check for the header
                byte[] header = new byte[len];
                @in.readFully(0, header, 0, len);
                // if it isn't there, this isn't an ORC file
                if (!Lists.AreEqual(header, 0, OrcFile.MAGIC, len))
                    throw new FormatException("Malformed ORC file " + path +
                                              ". Invalid postscript.");