コード例 #1
ファイル: Interface.cs プロジェクト: FluentZap/colony
        void ConnectTile(Point P)
            //Check all tiles in range of 4
            if (_city.CityArea.Contains(P))
                Listof_BuildTypes type = _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[_city.TileMap[P.X, P.Y].Type].BuildingType;

                for (int x = P.X + 1; x <= P.X + 4; x++) //x>
                    if (CheckTile(x, P.Y, P.X, P.Y, type))

                for (int x = P.X - 1; x >= P.X - 4; x--) //x<
                    if (CheckTile(x, P.Y, P.X, P.Y, type))

                for (int y = P.Y + 1; y <= P.Y + 4; y++) //y>
                    if (CheckTile(P.X, y, P.X, P.Y, type))

                for (int y = P.Y - 1; y >= P.Y - 4; y--) //y<
                    if (CheckTile(P.X, y, P.X, P.Y, type))

            bool CheckTile(int x, int y, int Sx, int Sy, Listof_BuildTypes SType)
                City_Tyle tile = _city.TileMap[Sx, Sy];

                if (_city.CityArea.Contains(new Point(x, y)))
                    if (SType == Listof_BuildTypes.Zone || SType == Listof_BuildTypes.Structure)
                        if (_e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[_city.TileMap[x, y].Type].BuildingType == Listof_BuildTypes.Road)
                            _city.TileMap[x, y].ConnectTile(tile); return(true);

                    if (SType == Listof_BuildTypes.Road)
                        if (_e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[_city.TileMap[x, y].Type].BuildingType == Listof_BuildTypes.Structure ||
                            _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[_city.TileMap[x, y].Type].BuildingType == Listof_BuildTypes.Zone)
                            tile.ConnectTile(_city.TileMap[x, y]);
                        if (_e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[_city.TileMap[x, y].Type].BuildingType == Listof_BuildTypes.Road)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Interface.cs プロジェクト: FluentZap/colony
        void CheckBuildable(Listof_BuildTypes B)
            BuildCost = 0;

            Buildable = true;
            Typeof_BuildItems BuildData = _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[Building];

            if (B == Listof_BuildTypes.Road)
                Point P1, P2, P3;
                //Set building points X and Y
                if (BuildPoint1.X <= BuildPoint2.X)
                    P1.X = BuildPoint1.X; P2.X = BuildPoint2.X;
                    P1.X = BuildPoint2.X; P2.X = BuildPoint1.X;

                if (BuildPoint1.Y <= BuildPoint2.Y)
                    P1.Y = BuildPoint1.Y; P2.Y = BuildPoint2.Y;
                    P1.Y = BuildPoint2.Y; P2.Y = BuildPoint1.Y;
                //Set shortest angle

                int ShortX = Math.Abs(BuildPoint1.X - BuildPoint2.X), ShortY = Math.Abs(BuildPoint1.Y - BuildPoint2.Y), Temp;

                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.LeftControl))
                    Temp = ShortX; ShortX = ShortY; ShortY = Temp;

                if (ShortY >= ShortX)
                    P3.X = BuildPoint2.X; P3.Y = BuildPoint1.Y;
                    P3.X = BuildPoint1.X; P3.Y = BuildPoint2.Y;

                District district = _city.GetDistrictByPoint(P1);
                if (district != null)
                    for (int x = P1.X; x <= P2.X - 1; x++)
                        if (!district.Area.Contains(new Point(x, P3.Y)))
                            Buildable = false; return;

                    for (int y = P1.Y; y <= P2.Y; y++)
                        if (!district.Area.Contains(new Point(P3.X, y)))
                            Buildable = false; return;
                    Buildable = false;

                //Check cost
                for (int x = P1.X; x <= P2.X - 1; x++)
                    if (_city.TileMap[x, P3.Y].Type != Building)
                        BuildCost += _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[Building].Cost;

                for (int y = P1.Y; y <= P2.Y; y++)
                    if (_city.TileMap[P3.X, y].Type != Building)
                        BuildCost += _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[Building].Cost;

            if (B == Listof_BuildTypes.Zone)
                Point P1, P2;
                //Set building points X and Y
                if (BuildPoint1.X <= BuildPoint2.X)
                    P1.X = BuildPoint1.X; P2.X = BuildPoint2.X;
                    P1.X = BuildPoint2.X; P2.X = BuildPoint1.X;

                if (BuildPoint1.Y <= BuildPoint2.Y)
                    P1.Y = BuildPoint1.Y; P2.Y = BuildPoint2.Y;
                    P1.Y = BuildPoint2.Y; P2.Y = BuildPoint1.Y;

                Rectangle buildzone = new Rectangle(P1.X, P1.Y, (P2.X - P1.X) + 1, (P2.Y - P1.Y) + 1);

                District district1 = _city.GetDistrictByPoint(P1);
                District district2 = _city.GetDistrictByPoint(P2);

                if (district1 != null && district2 != null && district1 == district2)
                    Buildable = false;

                //Add Cost
                for (int x = buildzone.Left; x < buildzone.Right; x++)
                    for (int y = buildzone.Top; y < buildzone.Bottom; y++)
                        if (_city.TileMap[x, y].Buildable == true && (_city.TileMap[x, y].Type != Building))
                            BuildCost += _e.Dictionaryof_BuildItems[Building].Cost;

            if (B == Listof_BuildTypes.CityCenter)
                Rectangle area = new Rectangle(BuildPoint1.X, BuildPoint1.Y, 1, 1);
                area.Inflate(20, 20);
                if (IntersectsDistrict(area))
                    Buildable = false;

                if (!_city.CityArea.Contains(area))
                    Buildable = false;

                BuildCost = BuildData.Cost;

            if (B == Listof_BuildTypes.Structure)
                for (int y = 0; y < BuildData.Size.Y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < BuildData.Size.X; x++)
                        if (!_city.TileMap[BuildPoint1.X - x, BuildPoint1.Y - y].Buildable)
                            Buildable = false;

                BuildCost = BuildData.Cost;

            //No more Money :(
            if (BuildCost > Currency)
                Buildable = false;