void listView1_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e) { // Determine if clicked column is already the column that is being sorted. if (e.Column == lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn) { // Reverse the current sort direction for this column. if (lvwColumnSorter.Order == SortOrder.Ascending) { lvwColumnSorter.Order = SortOrder.Descending; ListViewExtensions.SetSortIcon(listView1, e.Column, SortOrder.Descending); } else { lvwColumnSorter.Order = SortOrder.Ascending; ListViewExtensions.SetSortIcon(listView1, e.Column, SortOrder.Ascending); } } else { // Set the column number that is to be sorted; default to ascending. lvwColumnSorter.SortColumn = e.Column; lvwColumnSorter.Order = SortOrder.Ascending; ListViewExtensions.SetSortIcon(listView1, e.Column, SortOrder.Ascending); } // Perform the sort with these new sort options. this.listView1.Sort(); }
public frmMain() { XMLSettings.WriteDefaultSettings(); XMLSettings.ListenPort = ushort.Parse(XMLSettings.ReadValue("ListenPort")); XMLSettings.AutoListen = bool.Parse(XMLSettings.ReadValue("AutoListen")); XMLSettings.ShowPopup = bool.Parse(XMLSettings.ReadValue("ShowPopup")); XMLSettings.Password = XMLSettings.ReadValue("Password"); if (bool.Parse(XMLSettings.ReadValue("ShowToU"))) { using (var frm = new frmTermsOfUse()) { frm.ShowDialog(); } Thread.Sleep(300); } InitializeComponent(); this.Menu = mainMenu; lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); lstClients.ListViewItemSorter = lvwColumnSorter; ListViewExtensions.removeDots(lstClients); ListViewExtensions.changeTheme(lstClients); }
public FrmMain() { ReadSettings(); ShowTermsOfService(XMLSettings.ShowToU); InitializeComponent(); this.Menu = mainMenu; _lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); lstClients.ListViewItemSorter = _lvwColumnSorter; ListViewExtensions.removeDots(lstClients); ListViewExtensions.changeTheme(lstClients); }
/// <summary> /// Sorts the list by the clicked column. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">EventArgs object</param> protected override void OnColumnClick(ColumnClickEventArgs e) { //locked = true; base.OnColumnClick(e); //using (new Hourglass(ShowHourglass)) { ColumnHeader columnHeader = this.Columns[e.Column]; // The comparer is stored in the Tag property FWCompareObject comparer = ((ColumnHeaderTag)columnHeader.Tag).compareObject; if (compareObjectComparersVal.FirstComparer == comparer) { comparer.Ascending ^= true; } else { compareObjectComparersVal.FirstComparer = comparer; } object focusedObjectCache = FocusedObject; List <int> selectedObjectIDs = new List <int>(); BeforeSort(selectedObjectIDs); // Sort the cached objects. // The cache will ensure, that all objects are read. objectsCacheValue.Sort(compareObjectComparersVal); List <int> selectedIndizes = new List <int>(); AfterSort(focusedObjectCache, selectedObjectIDs, selectedIndizes); // The current cache for ListViewItems is invalid now itemCache = null; // Redraw the list Refresh(); // Set the sort icon (triangle in the column header) SortOrder sortOrder = comparer.Ascending ? SortOrder.Ascending : SortOrder.Descending; ListViewExtensions.SetSortIcon(this, e.Column, sortOrder); //locked = false; } }
private bool LVColUserMenuClick( int ColIdx, string ColText, out ListViewExtensions.UserMenuItem[] Items) { Items = null; if (ColIdx == 0) return false; Items = new ListViewExtensions.UserMenuItem[] { new ListViewExtensions.UserMenuItem() { Text = "Exclude - " + ColText }, new ListViewExtensions.UserMenuItem() { Text = "Include - " + ColText } }; return true; }
public static void HandleGetSystemInfoResponse(Client client, Core.Packets.ClientPackets.GetSystemInfoResponse packet) { if (client.Value.frmSI == null) { return; } ListViewItem[] lviCollection = new ListViewItem[packet.SystemInfos.Length / 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < packet.SystemInfos.Length; i += 2) { if (packet.SystemInfos[i] != null && packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] != null) { lviCollection[j] = new ListViewItem(new string[] { packet.SystemInfos[i], packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] }); j++; } } if (client.Value.frmSI == null) { return; } try { client.Value.frmSI.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.RemoveAt(2); // Loading... Information foreach (var lviItem in lviCollection) { if (lviItem != null) { client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviItem); } } }); ListViewExtensions.autosizeColumns(client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem); } catch { } }
public FrmMain() { Instance = this; ReadSettings(); #if !DEBUG ShowTermsOfService(XMLSettings.ShowToU); #endif InitializeComponent(); this.Menu = mainMenu; _lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); lstClients.ListViewItemSorter = _lvwColumnSorter; ListViewExtensions.RemoveDots(lstClients); ListViewExtensions.ChangeTheme(lstClients); }
public static void HandleGetSystemInfoResponse(Client client, Core.Packets.ClientPackets.GetSystemInfoResponse packet) { if (client.Value.frmSI == null) { return; } ListViewItem lviCPU = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "Processor (CPU)", packet.CPU }); ListViewItem lviRAM = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "Memory (RAM)", packet.RAM + " MB" }); ListViewItem lviGPU = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "Video Card (GPU)", packet.GPU }); ListViewItem lviUN = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "Username", packet.Username }); ListViewItem lviPC = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "PC Name", packet.PCName }); ListViewItem lviUP = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "Uptime", packet.Uptime }); ListViewItem lviLAN = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "LAN IP Address", packet.LAN }); ListViewItem lviWAN = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "WAN IP Address", packet.WAN }); try { client.Value.frmSI.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.RemoveAt(2); // Loading... Information client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviCPU); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviRAM); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviGPU); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviUN); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviPC); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviUP); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviLAN); client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviWAN); }); ListViewExtensions.autosizeColumns(client.Value.frmSI.lstSystem); } catch { } }
/// <summary>Limit the size of the <c>GridViewColumn</c> when it's being resized.</summary> /// <param name="sender">The object that called the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <c>System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs</c> instance containing the event data.</param> void RestrictColumn(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs e) { ListViewExtensions.LimitColumnSize((Thumb)e.OriginalSource); }
public static void HandleGetSystemInfoResponse(Client client, GetSystemInfoResponse packet) { if (XMLSettings.ShowToolTip) { try { FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { foreach (ListViewItem item in FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.Items) { if (item.Tag == client) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < packet.SystemInfos.Length; i += 2) { if (packet.SystemInfos[i] != null && packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] != null) { builder.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", packet.SystemInfos[i], packet.SystemInfos[i + 1]); } } item.ToolTipText = builder.ToString(); } } }); } catch { } } if (client.Value.FrmSi == null) { return; } ListViewItem[] lviCollection = new ListViewItem[packet.SystemInfos.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < packet.SystemInfos.Length; i += 2, j++) { if (packet.SystemInfos[i] != null && packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] != null) { lviCollection[j] = new ListViewItem(new string[] { packet.SystemInfos[i], packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] }); } } try { client.Value.FrmSi.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem.Items.RemoveAt(2); // Loading... Information foreach (var lviItem in lviCollection) { if (lviItem != null) { client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviItem); } } ListViewExtensions.AutosizeColumns(client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem); }); } catch { } }