コード例 #1
        public ListSuitableTrainerDTO GetSuitableTrainers(int programID)
                ListSuitableTrainerDTO suitableTrainers = new ListSuitableTrainerDTO();

                List <ShortTrainerDetailDTO> listSuitableTrainers = new List <ShortTrainerDetailDTO>();

                #region Get list modules included to program

                //Get program by ProgramId
                var program = _programRepository.Get(programID);

                int[] modulesIncludedID = program.ArrayOfIncludedModules;


                #region Get all trainers in database, we will findout trainers who fit to train the list module above

                var trainers = _trainerRepository.GetAllIncluding(trainer => trainer.Person);

                foreach (Trainer trainer in trainers)
                    int[] fitToTrainModules = trainer.ArrayOfSuitableModules;

                    if (_compareAppService.IsContainAny(fitToTrainModules, modulesIncludedID))
                        //This one is a suitable trainer
                        listSuitableTrainers.Add(new ShortTrainerDetailDTO(trainer.Id, trainer.Person.Name));

                suitableTrainers.ListSuitableTrainers = listSuitableTrainers;


コード例 #2
        public void GetSuitableTrainersShouldReturnTrainers()
            Person person1 = new Person()
                Id      = 1,
                Name    = "trainer1",
                Company = "Rosen"
            Person person2 = new Person()
                Id      = 2,
                Name    = "trainer2",
                Company = "Rosen"

            Trainer trainer1 = new Trainer()
                Id              = 1,
                PersonId        = 1,
                Person          = person1,
                IsExternal      = true,
                SuitableModules = "1,2"
            Trainer trainer2 = new Trainer()
                Id              = 2,
                PersonId        = 2,
                Person          = person2,
                IsExternal      = false,
                SuitableModules = "1,3"

            Program prg = new Program()
                Id                      = 1,
                ProgramTitle            = "test",
                IncludedModules         = "1",
                NeedByPotentialTrainees = "1,2,3"

            Module module = new Module()
                Id = 1,
                CompetenciesTrained = "1,2,11,12",
                AreaOfObjective     = "Game design",
                TypeId           = 1,
                Title            = "Game design basic",
                Objectives       = "Learn 3Dmax and basic design skill",
                TopicsCovered    = "Step 1, step 2, step 3",
                Exercises        = "Capture the event object, pass $event as a parameter in the event callback from the template",
                Theory           = 6.0,
                Pratical         = 3.0,
                Methods          = "instructor-led training, supported by multimedia presentation",
                ReferencesDoc    = "urlXYZ",
                ExamInclude      = false,
                RoomOrEquipment  = "beamer, access to QAS, pc / laptop",
                LearningTransfer = "training system, daily work, discussion board",
                ExpirationDate   = System.DateTime.Parse("02/01/2017"),
                TargetGroup      = "Software Developer",
                PersonId         = 1,

            mockProgramRepository.Setup(repo => repo.Get(1)).Returns(prg);

            List <Trainer> trnr = new List <Trainer>()

            //mockTrainerRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetAll()).Returns(trnr.AsQueryable());
            mockPersonRepository.Setup(repo => repo.Get(1)).Returns(person1);
            mockPersonRepository.Setup(repo => repo.Get(2)).Returns(person2);

            mockProgramRepository.Setup(repo => repo.Get(1)).Returns(prg);
            mockTrainerRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetAllIncluding(trainer => trainer.Person)).Returns(trnr.AsQueryable());
            ShortTrainerDetailDTO t1 = new ShortTrainerDetailDTO()
                TrainerId = 1,
                Name      = "traner1"
            ShortTrainerDetailDTO t2 = new ShortTrainerDetailDTO()
                TrainerId = 2,
                Name      = "traner2"

            ListSuitableTrainerDTO expectedListSuitableTrainersObject = new ListSuitableTrainerDTO()
                ListSuitableTrainers = new List <ShortTrainerDetailDTO>()

            ListSuitableTrainerDTO ListSuitableTrainersObjectOutput = sutTrainerAppService.GetSuitableTrainers(1);

            bool flag = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < ListSuitableTrainersObjectOutput.ListSuitableTrainers.Count; i++)
                if (ListSuitableTrainersObjectOutput.ListSuitableTrainers[i].TrainerId != expectedListSuitableTrainersObject.ListSuitableTrainers[i].TrainerId)
                    flag = false;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, flag);