private void AddNewScript() { // выбрать тип скрипта var scriptTypes = TerminalScript.GetAllTerminalScripts(); var dialog = new ListSelectDialog(); dialog.Initialize(scriptTypes.Keys.Cast <object>().ToList(), "", Localizer.GetString("TitleSelectScript")); if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var selectedScript = (string)dialog.SelectedItem; // создать скрипт с параметрами по-умолчанию var script = TerminalScript.MakeScriptByScriptName(selectedScript); // добавить в таблицу var scripts = gridScripts.rows.Select(r => (TerminalScript)r.ValueObject).ToList(); scripts.Add(script); gridScripts.DataBind(scripts); gridScripts.Invalidate(); // сохранить настройки ScriptManager.Instance.UpdateScripts(GetScriptsFromTable()); }
private void OnExtractFileArchivePath(string path) { // Get the appropriate archive type string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); ArchiveFile archive; switch (extension.ToLower()) { case ".vol": archive = new VolFile(path); break; case ".clm": archive = new ClmFile(path); break; default: interactable = true; Debug.Log("Invalid archive selected."); return; } // Get list of files from the archive List <string> fileNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < archive.GetCount(); ++i) { fileNames.Add(archive.GetName(i)); } // Open list of file names for selection ListSelectDialog.Create(fileNames, "Extract File", "Select", (string fileName) => OnExtractFileSelected(archive, fileName), () => OnExtractFileCanceled(archive)); }
private void OnImportMapPath(string path) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); switch (extension.ToLower()) { case ".vol": List <string> fileNames = new List <string>(); // Get list of map names from the archive VolFile vol = new VolFile(path); for (int i = 0; i < vol.GetCount(); ++i) { string name = vol.GetName(i); if (Path.GetExtension(name).ToLower() == ".map") { fileNames.Add(name); } } // Open list of map names for selection ListSelectDialog.Create(fileNames, "Select Map", "Import", (string mapName) => OnImportMapSelected(vol, mapName), () => { interactable = true; vol.Dispose(); }); break; default: CreateNew_NoRefresh(); interactable = true; if (UserData.current.ImportMap(path)) { interactable = false; m_MapRenderer.Refresh(() => { interactable = true; Debug.Log("Import Complete."); }); } else { // Import failed interactable = false; m_MapRenderer.Refresh(() => { interactable = true; Debug.LogError("Failed to read map: " + path); }); } break; } }
private void OkButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { errorProvider.SetError(titleTextBox, ""); errorProvider.SetError(durationsListBox, ""); if (titleTextBox.Text == "") { errorProvider.SetError(titleTextBox, "Введите наименование"); return; } var sum = GetTotalDuration(); if (sum == 0) { errorProvider.SetError(durationsListBox, "Введите длительности"); return; } if (24 * 60 % sum != 0) { var durations = new List <string>(); var n = 1; while (true) { var x = 24 * 60 / n - sum; if (x > 0 && x < 60 && durations.Count == 0) { durations.Add(String.Format("0:{0:D2}", x)); break; } if (x < 60) { break; } durations.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1:D2}", x / 60, x % 60)); n++; } var text = Localizer.GetString("MessageIntervalLackedInChronometer"); if (durations.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, text, Localizer.GetString("TitleWarning"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { var form = new ListSelectDialog(); form.Initialize(durations.Select(o => o as object), text + ".\n\n" + Localizer.GetString("MessageChronometerChoseLength") + ":"); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } durationsListBox.Items.Add(form.SelectedItem); UpdateDurations(); } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void GridUserHitCell(object sender, MouseEventArgs e, int rowIndex, FastColumn col) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { return; } var selPerformer = (PerformerStatEx)grid.rows[rowIndex].ValueObject; if (col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.IsSubscribed)) { PerformerStatistic.SubscribeOrUnsubscribe(selPerformer, true); if (PageTargeted != null) { PageTargeted(SubscriptionControl.ActivePage.Subscription); } } else if ((col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.TradeSignalTitle) || col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.ChartIndex) || col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.Login))) { var form = new SubscriberStatisticsForm(selPerformer); form.EnterRoomRequested += OnEnterRoomRequested; form.pageTargeted += p => { if (PageTargeted != null) { PageTargeted(p); } }; form.Show(this); } else if (col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.UserScore)) { //ChangeCriteria(); } else if (col.PropertyName == selPerformer.Property(t => t.Rooms)) { var performer = (PerformerStatEx)grid.rows[rowIndex].ValueObject; if (EnterRoomRequested != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(performer.Rooms)) { var rooms = performer.Rooms.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (rooms.Length == 1) { EnterRoomRequested(rooms[0]); } else { var form = new ListSelectDialog(); form.Initialize(rooms.Select(o => o as object), "Выберите комнату чата:"); if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { EnterRoomRequested(form.SelectedItem.ToString()); } } } } }
private void buttonAddProperty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > properties = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, string> kvp in ApplicationServices.GetAvailableModules <IPropertyModuleInstance>()) { properties.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(kvp.Value, kvp.Key)); } using (ListSelectDialog addForm = new ListSelectDialog("Add Property", (properties))) { if (addForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _displayedNode.Properties.Add((Guid)addForm.SelectedItem); PopulatePropertiesArea(_displayedNode); _changesMade = true; } } }
private void MenuItemAddButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dialog = new ListSelectDialog(); dialog.Initialize(ChartToolButtonStorage.Instance.allButtons.Where(b => b.ButtonType == buttonType)); if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var button = dialog.SelectedItem as ChartToolButtonSettings; if (button == null) { return; } var item = new TreeNode(button.ToString(), button.Image, button.Image); treeButtons.Nodes.Add(item); item.Tag = new ChartToolButtonSettings(button); }
private void buttonAddProperty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > properties = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, string> kvp in ApplicationServices.GetAvailableModules <IPropertyModuleInstance>()) { properties.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(kvp.Value, kvp.Key)); } using (ListSelectDialog addForm = new ListSelectDialog("Add Property", (properties))) { addForm.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.One; if (addForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // TODO: something smarter about picking subelements vs. applying it to the groups. For now, will just apply it to the actual selected items. foreach (ElementNode node in elementTree.SelectedElementNodes) { node.Properties.Add((Guid)addForm.SelectedItem); } UpdateFormWithNode(); OnElementsChanged(new ElementsChangedEventArgs(ElementsChangedEventArgs.ElementsChangedAction.Edit)); } } }
public void OnClick_DeleteFile() { ListSelectDialog.Create(missionData.fileNames, "Delete File", "Delete", OnSelected_DeleteFileName); }