コード例 #1
        public async void ShouldListActionstepParticipants()
            using (var authDelegatingHandler = new AuthDelegatingHandler()
                InnerHandler = _handler
                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(authDelegatingHandler))
                    using (var memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()))
                        var fakeClock           = new FakeClock(Instant.FromUtc(2019, 05, 07, 2, 3));
                        var testTokenRepository = new TestTokenSetRepository();
                        var testTokenSet        = GetTestTokenSet();
                        await testTokenRepository.AddOrUpdateTokenSet(testTokenSet);

                        var options           = new ActionstepServiceConfigurationOptions("clientId", "clientSecret");
                        var actionstepService = new ActionstepService(new NullLogger <ActionstepService>(), httpClient, options, testTokenRepository, fakeClock, memoryCache);

                        var request = new ListParticipantsRequest
                            TokenSetQuery = new TokenSetQuery(testTokenSet.UserId, testTokenSet.OrgKey)

                        var response = await actionstepService.Handle <ListParticipantsResponse>(request);

                        var admin = response.Participants.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == 1);

                        var expectedBirthTimestamp = new LocalDate(2000, 1, 1);
                        var expectedDeathTimestamp = new LocalDate(2001, 1, 1);
                        Assert.Equal(expectedBirthTimestamp, admin.BirthTimestamp);
                        Assert.Equal(expectedDeathTimestamp, admin.DeathTimestamp);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Snippet for ListParticipants</summary>
        public async Task ListParticipantsRequestObjectAsync()
            // Snippet: ListParticipantsAsync(ListParticipantsRequest, CallSettings)
            // Create client
            ParticipantsClient participantsClient = await ParticipantsClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            ListParticipantsRequest request = new ListParticipantsRequest
                ParentAsConversationName = ConversationName.FromProjectConversation("[PROJECT]", "[CONVERSATION]"),
            // Make the request
            PagedAsyncEnumerable <ListParticipantsResponse, Participant> response = participantsClient.ListParticipantsAsync(request);

            // Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
            await response.ForEachAsync((Participant item) =>
                // Do something with each item

            // Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
            await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListParticipantsResponse page) =>
                // Do something with each page of items
                Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
                foreach (Participant item in page)
                    // Do something with each item

            // Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
            int pageSize = 10;
            Page <Participant> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);

            // Do something with the page of items
            Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
            foreach (Participant item in singlePage)
                // Do something with each item
            // Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
            string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;
            // End snippet