コード例 #1
        public override Android.Views.View GetView(int position, Android.Views.View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
            if (App.Locator.ModeZone.InvalidViews)
            // on récupère l'alerte en question
            var item = this[position];
            // on essaie de récupérer la vue potentiellement déjà créé
            ListAlertModeZoneViewHolder holder = null;

            if (!_alreadyCreatedViews.ContainsKey(position))
                _alreadyCreatedViews.Add(position, null);
            Android.Views.View view = _alreadyCreatedViews[position];
            // si on a récupéré la vue on récupère le holder dans son tag
            if (view != null)
                holder = view.Tag as ListAlertModeZoneViewHolder;
            // si le holder n'est pas défini, on le fait et on crée la vue
            if (holder == null)
                holder               = new ListAlertModeZoneViewHolder();
                view                 = _context.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ListAlertModeZoneRow, null);//pour une ligne ?
                view.Tag             = holder;
                holder.titre         = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.listAlertsModeZoneRow_titre);
                holder.description   = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.listAlertsModeZoneRow_contenu);
                holder.nbrRecipients = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.listAlertsModeZoneRow_nbrRecipients);
                    var alertWithRecipient = ((AlertWithRecipientDTO)item);
                    // updates the contents of the holder
                    UpdateHolderContents(holder, alertWithRecipient);
                    // attaches the click event (edit alert) on the view
                    view.Click += ((object o, EventArgs e) =>
                        App.Locator.ModeZone.GoToAlertDetail(alertWithRecipient, position);
                _alreadyCreatedViews[position] = view;
            // if the holder exists, we may need to update its properties
                UpdateHolderContents(holder, (AlertWithRecipientDTO)item);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the content of one holder
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateHolderContents(ListAlertModeZoneViewHolder holder, AlertWithRecipientDTO contents)
     holder.titre.Text         = contents.Title;
     holder.description.Text   = contents.Content;
     holder.nbrRecipients.Text = contents.LsRecipients != null?contents.LsRecipients.Count.ToString() : "0";