コード例 #1
ファイル: RavenDB815.cs プロジェクト: yitaom2/ravendb
        public void Inner_IList_Strings_From_Array()
            using (var documentStore = GetDocumentStore())
                using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
                    session.Store(new Foo1 {
                        Id = "foos/1", Strings = new[] { "A", "B", "C" }

                using (var commands = documentStore.Commands())
                    var doc = GetJsonString(commands, "foos/1");

  ""Strings"": [
}"), doc);
コード例 #2
        public void ShouldNotGetErrors()
            using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
                store.Maintenance.Send(new PutIndexesOperation(new[] { new IndexDefinition
                                                                           Name = "test",
                                                                           Maps = { @"from brief in docs.TestCases
 select new {
 _tWarnings_AccessoryWarnings_Value = brief.Warnings.AccessoryWarnings.Select(y=>y.Value)
 }" }
                                                                       } }));

                using (var commands = store.Commands())
                    var json = commands.ParseJson(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"{
 ""Warnings"": {
   ""AccessoryWarnings"": [
       ""Value"": ""whatever"",
       ""Id"": 123
       ""Value"": ""dsfsdfsd sfsd sd"",
       ""Id"": 1234

                    commands.Put("TestCases/TST00001", null, json, new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection, "TestCases" }

                    json = commands.ParseJson(@"{
 ""Warnings"": {
   ""AccessoryWarnings"": []

                    commands.Put("TestCases/TST00002", null,
                                 new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection, "TestCases" }


コード例 #3
ファイル: RavenDB_483.cs プロジェクト: radtek/ravendb
        public void WillNotForgetCastToNullableDateTime()
            var indexDefinition = new IndexDefinitionBuilder <Person>
                Map = persons => from p in persons select new { DateTime = (DateTime?)null }

            var expected = LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.People.Select(p => new {
    DateTime = ((DateTime ? ) null)

            Assert.Equal(expected, indexDefinition.Maps.First());
コード例 #4
ファイル: SetBased.cs プロジェクト: ikvm/ravendb
        public void CanSetPropertyOnArrayItem()
            using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
                using (var commands = store.Commands())
                    var json = commands.ParseJson(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"{

                    commands.Put("patrons/1", null, json, new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection, "patrons" }

                new Index1().Execute(store);

                .Send(new PatchByQueryOperation(
                          new IndexQuery {
                    Query = $"FROM INDEX '{new Index1().IndexName}' UPDATE {{ this.Privilege[0].Level = 'Gold' }}"

                using (var commands = store.Commands())
                    dynamic document = commands.Get("patrons/1");
                    var     level    = document.Privilege[0].Level.ToString();

                    Assert.Equal("Gold", level);
コード例 #5
ファイル: RavenDB_483.cs プロジェクト: morhilai/ravendb
        public void WillNotForgetCastToNullableDateTime()
            var indexDefinition = new IndexDefinitionBuilder <Person>()
                Map = persons => from p in persons select new { DateTime = (DateTime?)null }
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            }.ToIndexDefinition(new DocumentConventions {
                PrettifyGeneratedLinqExpressions = false

#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

            var expected = LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.People.Select(p => new {
    DateTime = ((DateTime ? ) null)
            Assert.Equal(expected, indexDefinition.Maps.First());
コード例 #6
        public void WillGenerateDecimalCast()
            Expression <Func <IEnumerable <Coin>, IEnumerable <object> > > query = x => from y in x
                                                                                   group y by y.Denomination
                                                                                   into g
                                                                                   select new
                Denomination = g.Key,
                Cost         = g.Sum(z => z.Cost)

            var code = IndexDefinitionHelper.PruneToFailureLinqQueryAsStringToWorkableCode <Coin, Coin>(query, new DocumentConventions(), "docs", false);

            Assert.Equal(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.GroupBy(y => y.Denomination).Select(g => new {
    Denomination = g.Key,
    Cost = Enumerable.Sum(g, z => ((double) z.Cost))
})"), code);
コード例 #7
        public void CanCreateMultiMapIndex()
            using (var store = GetDocumentStore(new Options
                ModifyDocumentStore = s => s.Conventions.PrettifyGeneratedLinqExpressions = false
                new CatsAndDogs().Execute(store);

                var indexDefinition = store.Maintenance.Send(new GetIndexOperation("CatsAndDogs"));

                Assert.Equal(2, indexDefinition.Maps.Count);
                Assert.Equal(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.Cats.Select(cat => new {
    Name = cat.Name
})"), indexDefinition.Maps.First());
                Assert.Equal(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.Dogs.Select(dog => new {
    Name = dog.Name
})"), indexDefinition.Maps.Skip(1).First());
コード例 #8
        public void WillProperlyCompileWhenUsingToString()
            Expression <Func <IEnumerable <Coin>, IEnumerable <object> > > query = x => from y in x
                                                                                   group y by y.Denomination
                                                                                   into g
                Denomination = g.Key,
                Cost         = g.First().Cost.ToString()

            var code = IndexDefinitionHelper.PruneToFailureLinqQueryAsStringToWorkableCode <Coin, Coin>(query, new DocumentConventions(), "docs", false);

            Assert.Equal(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"docs.GroupBy(y => y.Denomination).Select(g => new {
    Denomination = g.Key,
    Cost = (DynamicEnumerable.FirstOrDefault(g)).Cost.ToString()
})"), code);
コード例 #9
        public unsafe void RavenDB_15975()
            using (var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir))
                options.Encryption.MasterKey = Sodium.GenerateRandomBuffer((int)Sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keybytes());

                using (var innerPager = LinuxTestUtils.GetNewPager(options, DataDir, "Raven.Voron"))
                    AbstractPager cryptoPager;
                    using (cryptoPager = new CryptoPager(innerPager))
                        using (var tx = new TempPagerTransaction(isWriteTransaction: true))
                            var overflowSize = 4 * Constants.Storage.PageSize + 100;

                            cryptoPager.EnsureContinuous(26, 5);
                            var pagePointer = cryptoPager.AcquirePagePointerForNewPage(tx, 26, 5);

                            var header = (PageHeader *)pagePointer;
                            header->PageNumber   = 26;
                            header->Flags        = PageFlags.Overflow;
                            header->OverflowSize = overflowSize;

                            Memory.Set(pagePointer + PageHeader.SizeOf, (byte)'X', overflowSize);

                        using (var tx = new TempPagerTransaction())
                            var pagePointer = cryptoPager.AcquirePagePointer(tx, 26);

                            // Making sure that the data was decrypted and still holds those 'X' chars
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[PageHeader.SizeOf] == 'X');
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[666] == 'X');
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[1039] == 'X');
コード例 #10
ファイル: RavenDB815.cs プロジェクト: rstonkus/ravendb
        public void Inner_List_Objects()
            using (var documentStore = GetDocumentStore())
                using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
                    session.Store(new Foo7 {
                        Id = "foos/1", Bars = new List <Bar> {
                            new Bar {
                                Baz = "A"
                            }, new Bar {
                                Baz = "B"
                            }, new Bar {
                                Baz = "C"

                using (var commands = documentStore.Commands())
                    var doc = GetJsonString(commands, "foos/1");

  ""Bars"": [
      ""Baz"": ""A""
      ""Baz"": ""B""
      ""Baz"": ""C""
}"), doc);
コード例 #11
        public unsafe void WriteAndReadPageUsingCryptoPager()
            using (var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir))
                options.Encryption.MasterKey = Sodium.GenerateRandomBuffer((int)Sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keybytes());

                using (var innerPager = LinuxTestUtils.GetNewPager(options, DataDir, "Raven.Voron"))
                    AbstractPager cryptoPager;
                    using (cryptoPager = new CryptoPager(innerPager))
                        using (var tx = new TempPagerTransaction(isWriteTransaction: true))
                            cryptoPager.EnsureContinuous(17, 1); // We're gonna try to read and write to page 17
                            var pagePointer = cryptoPager.AcquirePagePointerForNewPage(tx, 17, 1);

                            var header = (PageHeader *)pagePointer;
                            header->PageNumber = 17;
                            header->Flags      = PageFlags.Single | PageFlags.FixedSizeTreePage;

                            Memory.Set(pagePointer + PageHeader.SizeOf, (byte)'X', Constants.Storage.PageSize - PageHeader.SizeOf);

                        using (var tx = new TempPagerTransaction())
                            var pagePointer = cryptoPager.AcquirePagePointer(tx, 17);

                            // Making sure that the data was decrypted and still holds those 'X' chars
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[PageHeader.SizeOf] == 'X');
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[666] == 'X');
                            Assert.True(pagePointer[1039] == 'X');
コード例 #12
ファイル: Everett616.cs プロジェクト: yitaom2/ravendb
        public void CanIndexWithNoErrors_Datetime()
            using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
                using (var commands = store.Commands())
                    var json = commands.ParseJson(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"{
  '$type': 'Domain.Model.Clicks.ClickAllocation, Domain',
  'AccountId': 'accounts/4',
  'Quantity': 90,
  'Date': '2011-12-12T08:47:44.0706445',
  'Key': null,
  'OrderNumber': null,
  'PurchaseOrderNumber': null,
  'PurchaseDate': '0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-05:00',
  'ReorderQuantity': 0,
  'Type': 'Dealer',
  'LastSavedDate': '2011-12-12T08:47:44.1643945-05:00',
  'LastSavedUser': '******',
  'SourceId': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

                    commands.Put("test/1", null, json, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection, "ClickAllocations" }

                    json = commands.ParseJson(LinuxTestUtils.Dos2Unix(@"{
  '$type': 'Domain.Model.Clicks.ClickAllocation, Domain',
  'AccountId': 'accounts/4',
  'Quantity': 20,
  'Date': '2012-02-28T16:05:18.7359910',
  'Key': null,
  'OrderNumber': null,
  'PurchaseOrderNumber': null,
  'PurchaseDate': '0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000',
  'ReorderQuantity': 5,
  'Type': 'Dealer',
  'LastSavedDate': '2012-02-28T16:05:19.3609910',
  'LastSavedUser': '******',
  'SourceId': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

                    commands.Put("test/2", null, json, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { Constants.Documents.Metadata.Collection, "ClickAllocations" }

                store.Maintenance.Send(new PutIndexesOperation(new[] {
                    new IndexDefinition
                        Name = "test",
                        Maps =
    .Select(doc => new {AccountId = doc.AccountId, Date = doc.Date, Id = Id(doc), Key = doc.Key, LastSavedDate = doc.LastSavedDate, LastSavedUser = doc.LastSavedUser, OrderNumber = doc.OrderNumber, PurchaseDate = doc.PurchaseDate, PurchaseOrderNumber = doc.PurchaseOrderNumber, Quantity = doc.Quantity, ReorderQuantity = doc.ReorderQuantity, Type = doc.Type})
                        Reduce =
    .GroupBy(result => result.AccountId)
    .Select(a => new {a = a, clickAllocation = a.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault()})
    .Select(__h__TransparentIdentifier0 => new {AccountId = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.AccountId, Date = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.Date, Id = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.Id, Key = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.Key, LastSavedDate = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.LastSavedDate, LastSavedUser = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.LastSavedUser, OrderNumber = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.OrderNumber, PurchaseDate = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.PurchaseDate, PurchaseOrderNumber = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.PurchaseOrderNumber, Quantity = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.Quantity, ReorderQuantity = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.ReorderQuantity, Type = __h__TransparentIdentifier0.clickAllocation.Type})")

コード例 #13
ファイル: Checksum.cs プロジェクト: rstonkus/ravendb
        public unsafe void ValidatePageChecksumShouldDetectDataCorruption()
            // Create some random data
            var treeNames = new List <string>();

            var random = new Random();

            var value1 = new byte[random.Next(1024 * 1024 * 2)];
            var value2 = new byte[random.Next(1024 * 1024 * 2)];


            const int treeCount   = 5;
            const int recordCount = 6;

            using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir)))
                env.Options.ManualFlushing = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < treeCount; i++)
                    using (var tx = env.WriteTransaction())
                        string name = "tree/" + i;

                        var tree = tx.CreateTree(name);

                        for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++)
                            tree.Add(string.Format("{0}/items/{1}", name, j), j % 2 == 0 ? value1 : value2);


            // Lets corrupt something
            using (var options = StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir))
                using (var pager = LinuxTestUtils.GetNewPager(options, DataDir, "Raven.Voron"))
                    using (var tempTX = new TempPagerTransaction())
                        var writePtr = pager.AcquirePagePointer(tempTX, 2) + PageHeader.SizeOf + 43; // just some random place on page #2
                        for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            writePtr[i] = i;

            // Now lets try to read it all back and hope we get an exception
                using (var env = new StorageEnvironment(StorageEnvironmentOptions.ForPath(DataDir)))
                    using (var tx = env.ReadTransaction())
                        foreach (var treeName in treeNames)
                            var tree = tx.CreateTree(treeName);

                            for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++)
                                var readResult = tree.Read(string.Format("{0}/items/{1}", treeName, i));


                                if (i % 2 == 0)
                                    var readBytes = new byte[value1.Length];
                                    readResult.Reader.Read(readBytes, 0, readBytes.Length);
                                    var readBytes = new byte[value2.Length];
                                    readResult.Reader.Read(readBytes, 0, readBytes.Length);
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.True(e is InvalidOperationException || e is InvalidDataException);