コード例 #1
        public void Reserve(string sharedMemName, bool useExistingSharedMemory, long numItems, bool largePages)
            if (rawMemoryPointer != null)
                throw new Exception("Internal error: Reserve should be called only once");
            if (useExistingSharedMemory)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Use existing shared memory not yet implemented under Linux");
            if (largePages)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Large page support not yet implemented under Linux");

            // We overreserve by one PAGE_SIZE since the OS may not allow partial page allocation
            long numBytes = numItems * sizeof(T) + PAGE_SIZE;

            rawMemoryPointer = (float *)LinuxAPI.mmap(null, numBytes, LinuxAPI.PROT_NONE, LinuxAPI.MAP_PRIVATE | LinuxAPI.MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);

            if (rawMemoryPointer == null)
                throw new Exception("Virtual memory reservation of {numBytes} bytes failed using mmap");
コード例 #2
        public void InsureAllocated(long numItems)
            long numBytesNeeded = numItems * sizeof(T);

            if (numBytesNeeded > numBytesAllocated)
                numBytesAllocated += ALLOCATE_INCREMENTAL_BYTES;
                numItemsAllocated  = numItems;
                int resultCode = LinuxAPI.mprotect(rawMemoryPointer, numBytesAllocated, LinuxAPI.PROT_READ | LinuxAPI.PROT_WRITE);
                if (resultCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Virtual memory extension to size {numBytes} failed");
コード例 #3
        public long NumItemsAllocated => this.numBytesAllocated / sizeof(T); // TODO: make faster?

        public void Dispose()
            LinuxAPI.munmap(rawMemoryPointer, numBytesAllocated);
            numBytesAllocated = 0;
            rawMemoryPointer  = null;