コード例 #1
        public Config(PudgePlus main)
            Main = main;

            Screen       = new Vector2(Drawing.Width - 160, Drawing.Height);
            MultiSleeper = new MultiSleeper();

            Menu    = new MenuManager(this);
            Helpers = new Helpers(this);

            UpdateMode        = new UpdateMode(this);
            DamageCalculation = new DamageCalculation(this);
            LinkenBreaker     = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            AutoKillSteal     = new AutoKillSteal(this);
            AutoAbility       = new AutoAbility(this);

            Menu.ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += ComboKeyChanged;
            var key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)Menu.ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(key, this);

            Renderer = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: Moones/EnsageSharp-5
        public Config(SkywrathMagePlus main)
            Main = main;

            Screen       = new Vector2(Drawing.Width - 160, Drawing.Height);
            MultiSleeper = new MultiSleeper();

            Menu = new MenuManager(this);

            Abilities  = new Abilities(this);
            Extensions = new Extensions(this);

            UpdateMode        = new UpdateMode(this);
            DamageCalculation = new DamageCalculation(this);
            LinkenBreaker     = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            AutoKillSteal     = new AutoKillSteal(this);
            AutoCombo         = new AutoCombo(this);
            SpamMode          = new SpamMode(this);
            AutoDisable       = new AutoDisable(this);
            WithoutFail       = new WithoutFail(this);
            AutoAbility       = new AutoAbility(this);

            Menu.ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += ComboKeyChanged;
            var key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)Menu.ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(key, this);

            Renderer = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: Moones/EnsageSharp-5
        public Config(LegionCommanderPlus main)
            Main = main;

            Screen       = new Vector2(Drawing.Width - 160, Drawing.Height);
            MultiSleeper = new MultiSleeper();

            Menu       = new MenuManager(this);
            Extensions = new Extensions(this);

            UpdateMode    = new UpdateMode(this);
            LinkenBreaker = new LinkenBreaker(this);

            Menu.ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += ComboKeyChanged;
            var key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)Menu.ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(key, this);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: Moones/EnsageSharp-5
        public Config(NyxAssassinPlus main)
            Main         = main;
            Screen       = new Vector2(Drawing.Width - 160, Drawing.Height);
            MultiSleeper = new MultiSleeper();

            Menu              = new MenuManager(this);
            UpdateMode        = new UpdateMode(this);
            DamageCalculation = new DamageCalculation(this);
            LinkenBreaker     = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            AutoKillSteal     = new AutoKillSteal(this);
            MaxStunMode       = new MaxStunMode(this);

            Menu.ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += ComboKeyChanged;
            var ModeKey = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)Menu.ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(Main.Context, ModeKey, this);

            Renderer = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Common.cs プロジェクト: ihatevim/Divine.Plugins
        public Common()
            TargetSelector    = new TargetSelectorManager(MenuConfig);
            DamageCalculation = new DamageCalculation(this);

            LinkenBreaker = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            KillSteal     = new KillSteal(this);
            Combo         = new Combo(this);

            UpdateMode = new UpdateMode(this);

            AutoCombo      = new AutoCombo(this);
            Farm           = new Farm(this);
            AutoArcaneBolt = new AutoArcaneBolt(this);
            SpamArcaneBolt = new SpamArcaneBolt(this);
            Disable        = new Disable(this);
            EulControl     = new EulControl(this);
            ExecuteOrder   = new ExecuteOrder(this);

            Renderer = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #6
        public Config(VisagePlus main)
            Main   = main;
            Screen = new Vector2(Drawing.Width - 160, Drawing.Height);

            Factory = MenuFactory.CreateWithTexture("VisagePlus", "npc_dota_hero_visage");

            var AbilitiesMenu = Factory.Menu("Abilities");

            AbilityToggler = AbilitiesMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_summon_familiars_stone_form", true },
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "visage_grave_chill", true }

            var ItemsMenu = Factory.Menu("Items");

            ItemsToggler = ItemsMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_armlet", true },
                { "item_necronomicon_3", true },
                { "item_shivas_guard", true },
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "item_veil_of_discord", true },
                { "item_ethereal_blade", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_hurricane_pike", true },
                { "item_solar_crest", true },
                { "item_medallion_of_courage", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var LinkenBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Linken Breaker", "item_sphere");

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("linkensphere", "Linkens Sphere:"));
            LinkenBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", "linkentoggler", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            LinkenBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", "linkenchanger", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "visage_soul_assumption" },
                { "item_sheepstick" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_bloodthorn" },
                { "item_orchid" },
                { "item_heavens_halberd" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("empty", ""));

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("antiMagespellshield", "AntiMage Spell Shield:"));
            AntiMageBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", "antimagetoggler", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            AntiMageBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", "antimagechanger", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "visage_soul_assumption" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_heavens_halberd" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            UseOnlyFromRangeItem = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use Only From Range", false);
            UseOnlyFromRangeItem.Item.SetTooltip("Use only from the Range and do not use another Ability");

            var AutoAbilityMenu = Factory.Menu("Auto Ability");

            KillStealItem    = AutoAbilityMenu.Item("Auto Kill Steal", true);
            KillStealToggler = AutoAbilityMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true }

            AutoSoulAssumptionItem = AutoAbilityMenu.Item("Auto Soul Assumption", true);

            var FamiliarsMenu        = Factory.Menu("Familiars");
            var FamiliarsLastHitMenu = FamiliarsMenu.Menu("Last Hit");

            LastHitItem      = FamiliarsLastHitMenu.Item("LastHit Key", new KeyBind('W', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            DenyItem         = FamiliarsLastHitMenu.Item("Deny", true);
            CommonAttackItem = FamiliarsLastHitMenu.Item("Common Attack", true);

            FamiliarsLockItem    = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Familiars Target Lock Key", new KeyBind('F', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            FollowKeyItem        = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Follow Key", new KeyBind('E', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            FamiliarsFollowItem  = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Follow Mouse Position", true);
            FamiliarsCourierItem = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Attack Courier", true);
            FamiliarsFollowItem.Item.SetTooltip("When Combo if there is No Enemy then Follow Mouse Position, Otherwise he Returns to the Hero");
            FamiliarsLowHPItem        = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Low HP %", new Slider(30, 0, 80));
            FamiliarsStoneControlItem = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Stone Form Control", false);
            FamiliarsStoneControlItem.Item.SetTooltip("Stone will work looking at the amount of charge");
            FamiliarsChargeItem = FamiliarsMenu.Item("Damage Charge", new Slider(3, 0, 5));

            var DrawingMenu = Factory.Menu("Drawing");
            var TargetMenu  = DrawingMenu.Menu("Target");

            DrawTargetItem = TargetMenu.Item("Target Enable", true);
            TargetRedItem  = TargetMenu.Item("Red", "red", new Slider(255, 0, 255));
            TargetGreenItem = TargetMenu.Item("Green", "green", new Slider(0, 0, 255));
            TargetBlueItem = TargetMenu.Item("Blue", "blue", new Slider(0, 0, 255));

            DrawOffTargetItem = TargetMenu.Item("Off Target Enable", true);
            OffTargetRedItem  = TargetMenu.Item("Red", "offred", new Slider(0, 0, 255));
            OffTargetGreenItem = TargetMenu.Item("Green", "offgreen", new Slider(255, 0, 255));
            OffTargetBlueItem = TargetMenu.Item("Blue", "offblue", new Slider(255, 0, 255));

            ComboRadiusItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Combo Stable Radius", true);
            ComboRadiusItem.Item.SetTooltip("I suggest making a combo in this radius");
            TextItem  = DrawingMenu.Item("Text", true);
            TextXItem = DrawingMenu.Item("X", new Slider(0, 0, (int)Screen.X - 60));
            TextYItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Y", new Slider(0, 0, (int)Screen.Y - 200));

            ComboKeyItem        = Factory.Item("Combo Key", new KeyBind('D'));
            MinDisInOrbwalkItem = Factory.Item("Min Distance in OrbWalk", new Slider(0, 0, 600));
            EscapeKeyItem       = Factory.Item("Escape Key", new KeyBind('0'));

            BladeMailItem = Factory.Item("Blade Mail Cancel", false);
            BladeMailItem.Item.SetTooltip("Cancel Combo if there is enemy Blade Mail");
            TargetItem = Factory.Item("Target", new StringList("Lock", "Default"));

            ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += HotkeyChanged;

            UpdateMode = new UpdateMode(this);

            var Key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(Main.Context, Key, this);

            LinkenBreaker    = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            FamiliarsControl = new FamiliarsControl(this);
            FamiliarsCombo   = new FamiliarsCombo(this);
            FamiliarsLastHit = new FamiliarsLastHit(this);
            AutoAbility      = new AutoAbility(this);
            Renderer         = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: vitorpaceli/EnsageSharp
        public Config(SkywrathMagePlus skywrathmageplus)
            SkywrathMagePlus = skywrathmageplus;

            Factory = MenuFactory.CreateWithTexture("SkywrathMagePlus", "npc_dota_hero_skywrath_mage");
            var AbilitiesMenu = Factory.Menu("Abilities");

            AbilityToggler = AbilitiesMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "skywrath_mage_mystic_flare", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_concussive_shot", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt", true }

            var ItemsMenu = Factory.Menu("Items");

            ItemsToggler = ItemsMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_shivas_guard", true },
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "item_veil_of_discord", true },
                { "item_ethereal_blade", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var AutoComboMenu = Factory.Menu("Auto Combo");

            AutoComboItem        = AutoComboMenu.Item("Use Auto Combo", true);
            AutoAbilitiesToggler = AutoComboMenu.Item("Abilities: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "skywrath_mage_mystic_flare", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_concussive_shot", true },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt", true }

            AutoItemsToggler = AutoComboMenu.Item("Items: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_shivas_guard", true },
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "item_veil_of_discord", true },
                { "item_ethereal_blade", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var AutoDisableMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Auto Disable", "item_sheepstick");

            AutoDisableItem    = AutoDisableMenu.Item("Use Auto Disable", true);
            AutoDisableToggler = AutoDisableMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var LinkenBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Linken Breaker", "item_sphere");

            LinkenBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal", false },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            LinkenBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal" },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt" },
                { "item_sheepstick" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_bloodthorn" },
                { "item_orchid" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            var AntimageBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Antimage Breaker", "antimage_spell_shield");

            AntimageBreakerToggler = AntimageBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal", false },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            AntimageBreakerChanger = AntimageBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "skywrath_mage_ancient_seal" },
                { "skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            var BladeMailMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Blade Mail", "item_blade_mail");

            BladeMailItem = BladeMailMenu.Item("Cancel Combo", true);
            BladeMailItem.Item.SetTooltip("Cancel Combo if there is enemy Blade Mail");
            EulBladeMailItem = BladeMailMenu.Item("Use Eul", true);
            EulBladeMailItem.Item.SetTooltip("Use Eul if there is BladeMail with ULT");

            var ConcussiveShotMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Smart Concussive Shot", "skywrath_mage_concussive_shot");

            WWithoutFailItem = ConcussiveShotMenu.Item("Without Fail", true);
            WTargetItem      = ConcussiveShotMenu.Item("Use Only Target", true);
            WTargetItem.Item.SetTooltip("This only works with Combo");
            WRadiusItem = ConcussiveShotMenu.Item("Use in Radius", new Slider(1400, 800, 1600));
            WRadiusItem.Item.SetTooltip("This only works with Combo");

            var DrawingMenu = Factory.Menu("Drawing");

            TextItem        = DrawingMenu.Item("Text", true);
            ComboRadiusItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Combo Stable Radius", true);
            ComboRadiusItem.Item.SetTooltip("I suggest making a combo in this radius");
            WDrawItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Show W Target", true);

            ComboKeyItem = Factory.Item("Combo Key", new KeyBind('D'));
            AutoQKeyItem = Factory.Item("Auto Q Key", new KeyBind('F', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            AutoQKeyItem.Item.SetValue(new KeyBind(AutoQKeyItem.Item.GetValue <KeyBind>().Key, KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            SpamKeyItem  = Factory.Item("Spam Q Key", new KeyBind('Q'));
            SpamUnitItem = Factory.Item("Spam Q Units", true);
            SpamUnitItem.Item.SetTooltip("Creeps, Neutrals and Roshan");
            MinDisInOrbwalk = Factory.Item("Min Distance in OrbWalk", new Slider(0, 0, 600));
            TargetItem      = Factory.Item("Target", new StringList("Lock", "Default"));

            ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += HotkeyChanged;

            var Key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(SkywrathMagePlus.Context, Key, this);

            Data          = new Data();
            LinkenBreaker = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            SpamMode      = new SpamMode(this);
            AutoCombo     = new AutoCombo(this);
            AutoDisable   = new AutoDisable(this);
            UpdateMode    = new UpdateMode(this);
            WithoutFail   = new WithoutFail(this);
            AutoUsage     = new AutoUsage(this);
            Renderer      = new Renderer(this);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: Moones/EnsageSharp-5
        public Config(SilencerPlus main)
            Main = main;

            Factory = MenuFactory.CreateWithTexture("SilencerPlus", "npc_dota_hero_silencer");

            var AbilitiesMenu = Factory.Menu("Abilities");

            AbilityToggler = AbilitiesMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "silencer_last_word", true },
                { "silencer_glaives_of_wisdom", true },
                { "silencer_curse_of_the_silent", true }

            var ItemsMenu = Factory.Menu("Items");

            ItemsToggler = ItemsMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_shivas_guard", true },
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "item_veil_of_discord", true },
                { "item_ethereal_blade", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_hurricane_pike", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var LinkenBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Linken Breaker", "item_sphere");

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("linkensphere", "Linkens Sphere:"));
            LinkenBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", "linkentoggler", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "silencer_last_word", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            LinkenBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", "linkenchanger", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "silencer_last_word" },
                { "item_sheepstick" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_bloodthorn" },
                { "item_orchid" },
                { "item_heavens_halberd" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("empty", ""));

            LinkenBreakerMenu.Target.AddItem(new MenuItem("antiMagespellshield", "AntiMage Spell Shield:"));
            AntiMageBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", "antimagetoggler", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "silencer_last_word", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_heavens_halberd", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            AntiMageBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", "antimagechanger", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "silencer_last_word" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_heavens_halberd" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            UseOnlyFromRangeItem = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use Only From Range", false);
            UseOnlyFromRangeItem.Item.SetTooltip("Use only from the Range and do not use another Ability");

            var GlobalSilenceMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Global Silence", "silencer_global_silence");

            GlobalSilenceItem    = GlobalSilenceMenu.Item("Enable", true);
            GlobalSilenceToggler = GlobalSilenceMenu.Item("Use: ", "globalsilencetoggler", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "enigma_black_hole", true },
                { "witch_doctor_death_ward", true },
                { "crystal_maiden_freezing_field", true },
                { "pudge_dismember", true },
                { "sandking_epicenter", true },
                { "bane_fiends_grip", true }

            var DrawingMenu = Factory.Menu("Drawing");
            var TargetMenu  = DrawingMenu.Menu("Target");

            DrawTargetItem = TargetMenu.Item("Target Enable", true);
            TargetRedItem  = TargetMenu.Item("Red", "red", new Slider(255, 0, 255));
            TargetGreenItem = TargetMenu.Item("Green", "green", new Slider(0, 0, 255));
            TargetBlueItem = TargetMenu.Item("Blue", "blue", new Slider(0, 0, 255));

            DrawOffTargetItem = TargetMenu.Item("Off Target Enable", true);
            OffTargetRedItem  = TargetMenu.Item("Red", "offred", new Slider(0, 0, 255));
            OffTargetGreenItem = TargetMenu.Item("Green", "offgreen", new Slider(255, 0, 255));
            OffTargetBlueItem = TargetMenu.Item("Blue", "offblue", new Slider(255, 0, 255));

            ComboRadiusItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Combo Stable Radius", true);
            ComboRadiusItem.Item.SetTooltip("I suggest making a combo in this radius");

            ComboKeyItem        = Factory.Item("Combo Key", new KeyBind('D'));
            MinDisInOrbwalkItem = Factory.Item("Min Distance in OrbWalk", new Slider(0, 0, 600));

            BladeMailItem = Factory.Item("Blade Mail Cancel", false);
            BladeMailItem.Item.SetTooltip("Cancel Combo if there is enemy Blade Mail");
            TargetItem = Factory.Item("Target", new StringList("Lock", "Default"));

            ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += HotkeyChanged;

            UpdateMode = new UpdateMode(this);

            var Key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(Main.Context, Key, this);

            AutoAbility   = new AutoAbility(this);
            LinkenBreaker = new LinkenBreaker(this);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: faizkhairi/EnsageSharp
        public Config(VisagePlus visageplus)
            VisagePlus = visageplus;

            Factory = MenuFactory.CreateWithTexture("VisagePlus", "npc_dota_hero_visage");
            var AbilitiesMenu = Factory.Menu("Abilities");

            AbilityToggler = AbilitiesMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_summon_familiars_stone_form", true },
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "visage_grave_chill", true }

            var ItemsMenu = Factory.Menu("Items");

            ItemsToggler = ItemsMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_armlet", true },
                { "item_necronomicon_3", true },
                { "item_shivas_guard", true },
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "item_veil_of_discord", true },
                { "item_ethereal_blade", true },
                { "item_solar_crest", true },
                { "item_medallion_of_courage", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true }

            var LinkenBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Linken Breaker", "item_sphere");

            LinkenBreakerToggler = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "item_sheepstick", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_bloodthorn", true },
                { "item_orchid", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            LinkenBreakerChanger = LinkenBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "visage_soul_assumption" },
                { "item_sheepstick" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_bloodthorn" },
                { "item_orchid" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            var AntimageBreakerMenu = Factory.MenuWithTexture("Antimage Breaker", "antimage_spell_shield");

            AntimageBreakerToggler = AntimageBreakerMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true },
                { "item_rod_of_atos", true },
                { "item_cyclone", true },
                { "item_force_staff", true }

            AntimageBreakerChanger = AntimageBreakerMenu.Item("Priority: ", new PriorityChanger(new List <string>
                { "visage_soul_assumption" },
                { "item_rod_of_atos" },
                { "item_cyclone" },
                { "item_force_staff" }

            var AutoUsageMenu = Factory.Menu("Auto Usage");

            KillStealItem    = AutoUsageMenu.Item("Auto Kill Steal", true);
            KillStealToggler = AutoUsageMenu.Item("Use: ", new AbilityToggler(new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "item_dagon_5", true },
                { "visage_soul_assumption", true }

            AutoSoulAssumptionItem = AutoUsageMenu.Item("Auto Soul Assumption", true);

            var FamiliarsLastHitMenu = Factory.Menu("Familiars Last Hit");

            LastHitItem      = FamiliarsLastHitMenu.Item("LastHit Key", new KeyBind('W', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));
            CommonAttackItem = FamiliarsLastHitMenu.Item("Common Attack", true);

            var DrawingMenu = Factory.Menu("Drawing");

            ComboRadiusItem = DrawingMenu.Item("Combo Stable Radius", true);
            ComboRadiusItem.Item.SetTooltip("I suggest making a combo in this radius");

            ComboKeyItem    = Factory.Item("Combo Key", new KeyBind('D'));
            MinDisInOrbwalk = Factory.Item("Min Distance in OrbWalk", new Slider(0, 0, 600));
            FollowKeyItem   = Factory.Item("Follow Key", new KeyBind('E', KeyBindType.Toggle, false));

            FamiliarsLowHPItem = Factory.Item("Familiars Low HP %", new Slider(30, 0, 80));
            BladeMailItem      = Factory.Item("Blade Mail Cancel", false);
            BladeMailItem.Item.SetTooltip("Cancel Combo if there is enemy Blade Mail");
            TargetItem = Factory.Item("Target", new StringList("Lock", "Default"));

            ComboKeyItem.Item.ValueChanged += HotkeyChanged;

            var Key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey((int)ComboKeyItem.Value.Key);

            Mode = new Mode(VisagePlus.Context, Key, this);

            LinkenBreaker    = new LinkenBreaker(this);
            FamiliarsCombo   = new FamiliarsCombo(this);
            FamiliarsFollow  = new FamiliarsFollow(this);
            FamiliarsLastHit = new FamiliarsLastHit(this);
            FamiliarsLowHP   = new FamiliarsLowHP(this);
            AutoUsage        = new AutoUsage(this);
            UpdateMode       = new UpdateMode(this);
            Renderer         = new Renderer(this);