コード例 #1
        public void RegularizedLinearRegression_ArtificaialFunction()
            // Given
            var splitter = new CrossValidator <double>();
            Func <IList <double>, double> scoreFunc = list => 0.3 + (0.5 * list[0]) + (-0.3 * list[1]) + (0.7 * list[2]);
            var allData =
                    featuresCount: 3,
                    min: 0,
                    max: 1,
                    rowCount: 1000);
            var subject   = new RegularizedLinearRegressionModelBuilder(0.5);
            var regParams = new LinearRegressionParams(0.05);

            // When
            var accuracies = splitter.CrossValidate(
                modelBuilder: subject,
                modelBuilderParams: regParams,
                predictor: new LinearRegressionPredictor(),
                qualityMeasure: new GoodnessOfFitQualityMeasure(),
                dataFrame: allData,
                dependentFeatureName: "result",
                percetnagOfTrainData: 0.8,
                folds: 20);

            // Then
            Assert.IsTrue(accuracies.Select(acc => acc.Accuracy).Average() >= 0.9);
コード例 #2
        //  the function LinearRegressionParameters() computes parameters of
        //  linear regression using values of given sums ;
        //  this function returns <false> for special cases or invalid input
        //  that should be processed in client code ;
        static public bool LinearRegressionParameters
            double n_values,
            double sum_x,
            double sum_y,
            double sum_xx,
            double sum_xy,
            //  the results are
            //  coefficients a and b of linear function: y = a + b*x ;
            //  they are solution of the two equations:  a * N     + b * sum_x  = sum_y  ;
            //                                           a * sum_x + b * sum_xx = sum_xy ;
            LinearRegressionParams lin_regn_out
            //  result for special cases or invalid input parameters
            lin_regn_out.coef_a = 0.0;
            lin_regn_out.coef_b = 0.0;

            const double TOLER = 1.0e-10;

            //  invalid input n_values:
            //      0 is UN-defined case;
            //      1 causes division by zero (denom ==0.0) ;
            if (n_values < 1.0 + TOLER)

            double denom = n_values * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x;

            if (Math.Abs(denom) < TOLER)
                //  the following special cases should be processed in client code:
                //    1. user data represent a single point ;
                //    2. regression line is vertical: coef_a==INFINITY , coeff_b is UN-defined ;

            //  coefficients for the approximation line: y = a + b*x ;
            lin_regn_out.coef_a = (sum_y * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_xy) / denom;
            lin_regn_out.coef_b = (n_values * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / denom;
コード例 #3
        //  implementation specific function-helper for better code re-use,
        //  it enables us to measure approximations errors in results
        static public void InterpolateSegments
            List <RangeIndex> vec_ranges,
            List <LinearRegressionParams> vec_LR_params,
            List <double> data_x,
            //  results
            List <double> data_x_interpol,
            List <double> data_y_interpol

            int n_ranges = vec_ranges.Count;

            for (int i_rng = 0; i_rng < n_ranges; ++i_rng)
                //  in the current range we only need to interpolate y-data
                //  using corresponding linear regression
                RangeIndex             range_i     = vec_ranges[i_rng];
                LinearRegressionParams lr_params_i = vec_LR_params[i_rng];

                double coef_a  = lr_params_i.coef_a;
                double coef_b  = lr_params_i.coef_b;
                int    i_start = range_i.idx_a;
                int    i_end   = range_i.idx_b;
                for (int i = i_start; i < i_end; ++i)
                    double x_i = data_x[i];
                    double y_i = coef_a + coef_b * x_i;

コード例 #4
        //  the function SegmentedRegressionFast() implements
        //  algorithm for segmented linear (piecewise) regression,
        //  which uses for range splitting local maxima of
        //  absolute differences between original and smoothed values ;
        //  the method of smoothing is simple moving average;
        //  the average performance of this algorithm is O(N logM), where
        //      N is the number of given values and
        //      M is the number of resulting line segments ;
        //  in the worst case the performace is quadratic ;
        //  return value <false> shows that the required approximation accuracy
        //  has not been achieved ;
        public bool SegmentedRegressionFast
            //  input dataset:
            //  this function assumes that input x-data are equally spaced
            List <double> data_x,
            List <double> data_y,
            //  user specified approximation accuracy (tolerance) ;
            //  this parameter allows to control the total number
            //  and lengths of segments detected ;
            double devn_max,
            //  this parameter represents half length of window ( h_len+1+h_len ),
            //  which is used by simple moving average to create smoothed dataset
            int sm_half_len,
            //  the resulting segmented linear regression
            //  is interpolated to match and compare against input values
            List <double> data_x_res,
            List <double> data_y_res

            int size_x = data_x.Count;
            int size_y = data_y.Count;

            if (size_x != size_y)

            //  check for indivisible range
            if (size_x < 2 * RangeLengthMin())

            //  vector of smoothed values
            List <double> data_y_smooth = new List <double>();

            SimpleMovingAverage(data_y_smooth, sm_half_len);

            //  vector of deviations (as absolute differences) between original and smoothed values
            List <double> vec_deviations = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < size_y; ++i)
                vec_deviations.Add(Math.Abs(data_y_smooth[i] - data_y[i]));

            //  find positions of local maxima in the vector of deviations
            List <int> vec_max_indices = new List <int>();

            FindLocalMaxima(vec_deviations, vec_max_indices);

            //  ranges (segments) of linear regression
            List <RangeIndex> vec_ranges = new List <RangeIndex>();
            //  parameters of linear regression in each matching range
            List <LinearRegressionParams> vec_LR_params = new List <LinearRegressionParams>();

            //  the stage of recursive top-down subvision:
            //  this processing starts from the entire range of given dataset
            RangeIndex range_top = new RangeIndex(0, size_x);
            //  the position (index) of a current split point
            int idx_split = -1;
            //  parameters of linear regression in a current range (segment)
            LinearRegressionParams lr_params = new LinearRegressionParams(0.0, 0.0);

            Stack <RangeIndex> stack_ranges = new Stack <RangeIndex>();


            while (stack_ranges.Count > 0)
                range_top = stack_ranges.Pop();

                if (CanSplitRangeFast(data_x, data_y, vec_deviations, vec_max_indices,
                                      devn_max, range_top, ref idx_split, lr_params))
                    //  reverse order of pushing onto stack eliminates re-ordering vec_ranges
                    //  after this function is completed
                    stack_ranges.Push(new RangeIndex(idx_split, range_top.idx_b));
                    stack_ranges.Push(new RangeIndex(range_top.idx_a, idx_split));
                    //  the range is indivisible, we add it to the result
                    vec_ranges.Add(new RangeIndex(range_top.idx_a, range_top.idx_b));
                    vec_LR_params.Add(new LinearRegressionParams(lr_params.coef_a, lr_params.coef_b));

            //  interpolate the resulting segmented linear regression
            //  and verify the accuracy of the approximation
            List <double> data_x_interpol = new List <double>();
            List <double> data_y_interpol = new List <double>();

            InterpolateSegments(vec_ranges, vec_LR_params, data_x,
                                data_x_interpol, data_y_interpol);

            double appr_error = ApproximationErrorY(data_y, data_y_interpol);

            //if (appr_error > devn_max)
            //    return false;

            //  the result of this function when the required accuracy has been achieved

コード例 #5
        //  the function CanSplitRangeFast()
        //  makes decision whether a given range should be split or not ;
        //  a given range is not subdivided if the specified accuracy of
        //  linear regression has been achieved, otherwise,
        //  the function selects for the best split the position of
        //  the greatest local maximum of absolute differences
        //  between original and smoothed values in a given range ;
        static public bool CanSplitRangeFast
            //  original dataset
            List <double> data_x,
            List <double> data_y,
            //  absolute differences between original and smoothed values
            List <double> vec_devns_in,
            //  positions (indices) of local maxima in vec_devns_in
            List <int> vec_max_ind_in,
            //  the limit for maximum allowed approximation error (tolerance)
            double devn_max_user,
            //  input range to be split if linear regression is not acceptable
            RangeIndex idx_range_in,
            //  the position of a split point, when the function returns <true>
            ref int idx_split_out,
            //  the parameters of linear regression for the given range,
            //  when the function returns <false>
            LinearRegressionParams lr_params_out
            idx_split_out = -1;

            if (vec_devns_in.Count != data_x.Count)
                Console.WriteLine("SLR: size error");

            int end_offset = RangeLengthMin();
            int range_len  = idx_range_in.Length();

            if (range_len < end_offset)
                Console.WriteLine("SLR: input range is too small");

            //  compute linear regression and approximation error for input range
            double err_range_in = double.MaxValue;

            ComputeLinearRegression(data_x, data_y, idx_range_in, lr_params_out, ref err_range_in);

            //  if the approximation is acceptable, input range is not subdivided
            if (err_range_in < devn_max_user)

            //  check for indivisible range
            if (range_len < 2 * RangeLengthMin())

            if (vec_devns_in.Count == 0)

            //  for the main criterion of splitting here we use
            //  the greatest local maximum of deviations inside the given range
            int    idx_split_local_max = -1;
            double devn_max            = 0.0;
            double devn_cur            = 0.0;
            int    sz_loc_max          = vec_max_ind_in.Count;

            //  find inside given range local maximum with the largest deviation
            for (int k_max = 0; k_max < sz_loc_max; ++k_max)
                int idx_max_cur = vec_max_ind_in[k_max];

                //  check if the current index is inside the given range and that
                //  potential split will not create segment with 1 data point only
                if ((idx_max_cur < idx_range_in.idx_a + end_offset) ||
                    (idx_max_cur >= idx_range_in.idx_b - end_offset))

                devn_cur = vec_devns_in[idx_max_cur];
                if (devn_cur > devn_max)
                    devn_max            = devn_cur;
                    idx_split_local_max = idx_max_cur;

            //  the case of no one local maximum inside the given range
            if (idx_split_local_max < 0)

            //  the case (idx_split_local_max==0) is not possible here due to (end_offset==RANGE_LENGTH_MIN),
            //  this is a valid result ( idx_split_local_max > 0 )
            idx_split_out = idx_split_local_max;

コード例 #6
        //  the function CanSplitRangeThorough()
        //  makes decision whether a given range should be split or not ;
        //  a given range is not subdivided if the specified accuracy of
        //  linear regression has been achieved, otherwise, the function
        //  searches for the best split point in the range ;
        static public bool CanSplitRangeThorough
            //  original dataset
            List <double> data_x,
            List <double> data_y,
            //  the limit for maximum allowed approximation error (tolerance)
            double devn_max_user,
            //  input range to be split if linear regression is not acceptable
            RangeIndex idx_range_in,
            //  the position of a split point, when the function returns <true>
            ref int idx_split_out,
            //  the parameters of linear regression for the given range,
            //  when the function returns <false>
            LinearRegressionParams lr_params_out
            //  compute linear regression and approximation error for input range
            double error_range_in = double.MaxValue;

            ComputeLinearRegression(data_x, data_y, idx_range_in, lr_params_out, ref error_range_in);

            //  if the approximation is acceptable, input range is not subdivided
            if (error_range_in < devn_max_user)

            //  approximation error for a current split
            double err_split = double.MaxValue;
            //  the position (index) of a current split
            int idx_split  = -1;
            int idx_a      = idx_range_in.idx_a;
            int idx_b      = idx_range_in.idx_b;
            int end_offset = RangeLengthMin();

            //  sequential search for the best split point in the input range
            for (int idx = idx_a + end_offset; idx < idx_b - end_offset; ++idx)
                //  sub-divided ranges
                RangeIndex range_left  = new RangeIndex(idx_a, idx);
                RangeIndex range_right = new RangeIndex(idx, idx_b);

                //  parameters of linear regression in sub-divided ranges
                LinearRegressionParams lin_regr_left  = new LinearRegressionParams(0.0, 0.0);
                LinearRegressionParams lin_regr_right = new LinearRegressionParams(0.0, 0.0);

                //  corresponding approximation errors
                double err_left  = double.MaxValue;
                double err_right = double.MaxValue;

                //  compute linear regression and approximation error in each range
                ComputeLinearRegression(data_x, data_y, range_left, lin_regr_left, ref err_left);
                ComputeLinearRegression(data_x, data_y, range_right, lin_regr_right, ref err_right);

                //  we use the worst approximation error
                double err_idx = Math.Max(err_left, err_right);
                //  the smaller error the better split
                if (err_idx < err_split)
                    err_split = err_idx;
                    idx_split = idx;

            //  check that sub-division is valid,
            //  the case of short segment: 2 or 3 data points ;
            //  if (n==3) required approximation accuracy cannot be reached ;
            if (idx_split < 0)

            idx_split_out = idx_split;
コード例 #7
        //  the function ComputeLinearRegression() computes parameters of
        //  linear regression and approximation error
        //  for a given range of a given dataset ;
        static public void ComputeLinearRegression
            //  original dataset
            List <double> data_x,
            List <double> data_y,
            //  semi-open range [ a , b )
            RangeIndex idx_range,
            //  coefficients of linear regression in the given range
            LinearRegressionParams lin_regr_out,
            //  approximation error
            ref double err_appr_out
            if (idx_range.Length() < RangeLengthMin())
                Console.WriteLine("SLR error: input range is too small");

            int    idx_a  = idx_range.idx_a;
            int    idx_b  = idx_range.idx_b;
            double n_vals = idx_range.Length();
            double sum_x  = 0.0;
            double sum_y  = 0.0;
            double sum_xx = 0.0;
            double sum_xy = 0.0;

            //  compute the required sums:
            for (int it = idx_a; it < idx_b; ++it)
                double xi = data_x[it];
                double yi = data_y[it];
                sum_x  += xi;
                sum_y  += yi;
                sum_xx += xi * xi;
                sum_xy += xi * yi;

            //  compute parameters of linear regression in the given range
            if (!LinearRegressionParameters(n_vals, sum_x, sum_y, sum_xx, sum_xy, lin_regr_out))
                //  this is a very unusual case for real data
                //Console.WriteLine("SLR: special case error");

            double coef_a = lin_regr_out.coef_a;
            double coef_b = lin_regr_out.coef_b;

            //  use linear regression obtained to measure approximation error in the given range,
            //  the error is the maximum of absolute differences between original and approximation values
            double diff_max = 0.0;

            for (int it = idx_a; it < idx_b; ++it)
                double xi      = data_x[it];
                double yi_orig = data_y[it];
                double yi_appr = coef_a + coef_b * xi;

                double diff_i = Math.Abs(yi_orig - yi_appr);
                if (diff_i > diff_max)
                    diff_max = diff_i;

            err_appr_out = diff_max;