コード例 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // render when necessary; cord only changes when:
        //  smoothing is happening, this instance is grabbed, and the end position has changed
        if (doSmooth && inHand == this && end.transform.position != endPos)
            endPos = Vector3.SmoothDamp(endPos, end.transform.position, ref velocity, smoothing);
            //AkSoundEngine.SetRTPCValue("Tuning", tuning, grabber);

        if (playerPos != player.position)
            playerPos = player.position;
            // to get the effect that the sound is distributed along the length of the cord
            // place sound emitter at the point on the line nearest the player
            soundEmitter.transform.position = Linear.NearPointOnLine(startPos, endPos, playerPos);

        // the wind object moves stochastically around the area (see Wind.cs)
        // wind position determines
        Vector3 nearToWind    = Linear.NearPointOnLine(startPos, endPos, wind.position);
        float   windIntensity = 1 / (Vector3.Distance(nearToWind, wind.position));

        AkSoundEngine.SetRTPCValue("Wind", windIntensity, soundEmitter);
コード例 #2
    // measure distance of this segment of cord from the player
    float DistanceFromGrabber()
        Vector3 pos = grabber.transform.position;
        // calculate the point on centre line of the capsule nearest to the player
        Vector3 near = Linear.NearPointOnLine(start, end, pos);

        return(Vector3.Distance(near, pos));