コード例 #1
        public static void Right(EditorViewController controller)
            // Pull out some useful variables.
            IDisplayContext displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            LineBuffer      lineBuffer     = displayContext.LineBuffer;

            // Move the character position based on line context.
            TextPosition      position          = displayContext.Caret.Position;
            LinePosition      linePosition      = position.LinePosition;
            int               lineIndex         = linePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer);
            int               lineLength        = lineBuffer.GetLineLength(lineIndex);
            CharacterPosition characterPosition = position.CharacterPosition;
            int               characterIndex    = position.GetCharacterIndex(lineBuffer);

            if (characterIndex == lineLength)
                if (lineIndex < lineBuffer.LineCount - 1)
                    linePosition      = new LinePosition(lineIndex + 1);
                    characterPosition = CharacterPosition.Begin;
                characterPosition = new CharacterPosition(characterIndex + 1);

            // Cause the text editor to redraw itself.
            var caretPosition = new TextPosition(linePosition, characterPosition);

コード例 #2
        public void BeyondEndNormalize()
            // Arrange
            var position = new LinePosition(1000);

            // Act
            Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => position.GetLineIndex(10));
        public static int GetLineIndex(
            this TextPosition textPosition,
            LineBuffer lineBuffer)
            LinePosition linePosition = textPosition.LinePosition;
            int          results      = linePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer.LineCount);

        public static int GetLineIndex(
            this LinePosition linePosition,
            LineBuffer lineBuffer,
            LinePositionOptions options = LinePositionOptions.None)
            int lineIndex = linePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer.LineCount, options);

コード例 #5
        public LineBlockStyle GetLineStyle(
            LinePosition linePosition,
            LineContexts lineContexts = LineContexts.None)
            int            lineIndex = linePosition.GetLineIndex(LineBuffer);
            LineBlockStyle results   = GetLineStyle(lineIndex, lineContexts);

コード例 #6
        public int GetLineLength(
            LinePosition linePosition,
            LineContexts lineContexts = LineContexts.None)
            int lineIndex = linePosition.GetLineIndex(this);
            int results   = GetLineLength(lineIndex, lineContexts);

コード例 #7
        public string GetLineText(
            LinePosition line,
            LineContexts lineContexts)
            int    lineIndex = line.GetLineIndex(this);
            string results   = GetLineText(lineIndex, lineContexts);

コード例 #8
        public void MiddleNormalize()
            // Arrange
            var position = new LinePosition(10);

            // Act
            int results = position.GetLineIndex(15);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(10, results);
コード例 #9
        public void BeginningNormalize()
            // Arrange
            var position = new LinePosition(0);

            // Act
            int results = position.GetLineIndex(15);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results);
コード例 #10
        public void EndNormalize()
            // Arrange
            const string input    = "one one one one";
            LinePosition position = LinePosition.End;

            // Act
            int results = position.GetLineIndex(15);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(input.Length, results);
コード例 #11
        public void NumericEndNormalize()
            // Arrange
            const string input    = "one one one one";
            var          position = new LinePosition(input.Length);

            // Act
            int results = position.GetLineIndex(15);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(input.Length, results);
コード例 #12
        private void ClearCacheLines(TextRange selection)
            LinePosition firstLinePosition = selection.FirstLinePosition;
            int          firstLineIndex    = firstLinePosition.GetLineIndex(
                LineBuffer, LinePositionOptions.NoBoundsChecking);
            LinePosition lastLinePosition = selection.LastLinePosition;
            int          lastLineIndex    = lastLinePosition.GetLineIndex(
                LineBuffer, LinePositionOptions.NoBoundsChecking);

            for (int lineIndex = firstLineIndex;
                 lineIndex <= lastLineIndex;
                CachedLine line = lines[lineIndex];
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Scrolls the view to ensure the caret is visible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferPosition">The buffer position.</param>
        public void ScrollToCaret(TextPosition bufferPosition)
            // Look to see if we are moving to a different position. If we are,
            // we tell the line buffer that we have exited the previous line.
            LinePosition linePosition = caret.Position.LinePosition;
            int          lineIndex    =

            if (linePosition != bufferPosition.LinePosition)
                // Send an operation to the line buffer that we left the line.

            // Call the base scrolling.
            caret.Position = bufferPosition;
コード例 #14
        public static void RightWord(EditorViewController controller)
            // Pull out some useful variables.
            IDisplayContext displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            LineBuffer      buffer         = displayContext.LineBuffer;
            LineBuffer      lineBuffer     = displayContext.LineBuffer;

            // Pull out the line and chracter positions from where we're starting.
            TextPosition      position          = displayContext.Caret.Position;
            LinePosition      linePosition      = position.LinePosition;
            int               lineIndex         = linePosition.GetLineIndex(buffer);
            string            lineText          = buffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);
            CharacterPosition wordPosition      = CharacterPosition.Word;
            CharacterPosition characterPosition = position.CharacterPosition;
            int               characterIndex    = characterPosition.GetCharacterIndex(lineText);

            // If we are at the beginning of the line, we need to move to the
            // previous line.
            if (characterIndex == lineText.Length)
                // If we are at the last line, we don't do anything.
                if (lineIndex == lineBuffer.LineCount - 1)

                // Move to the end of the previous line.
                linePosition      = new LinePosition(lineIndex + 1);
                characterPosition = CharacterPosition.Begin;
                // Move to the previous left word.
                int rightCharacterIndex = wordPosition.GetCharacterIndex(
                    lineText, characterPosition, WordSearchDirection.Right);
                characterPosition = new CharacterPosition(rightCharacterIndex);

            // Cause the text editor to redraw itself.
            var caretPosition = new TextPosition(linePosition, characterPosition);

コード例 #15
        public void Do(
            ICommand <OperationContext> command,
            OperationContext context)
            // Every command needs a full write lock on the blocks.
            using (Project.Blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Create the context for the block commands.
                var          blockContext = new BlockCommandContext(Project);
                LinePosition linePosition = context.Position.LinePosition;
                int          lineIndex    = linePosition.GetLineIndex(Project.Blocks.Count);
                Block        currentBlock = Project.Blocks[lineIndex];
                blockContext.Position = new BlockPosition(
                    currentBlock, context.Position.CharacterPosition);

                // Wrap the command with our wrappers.
                IWrappedCommand wrappedCommand = WrapCommand(command, context);

                Project.Commands.Do(wrappedCommand, blockContext);

                // Set the operation context from the block context.
                if (blockContext.Position.HasValue)
                    // Grab the block position and figure out the index.
                    BlockPosition blockPosition = blockContext.Position.Value;
                    int           blockIndex    = Project.Blocks.IndexOf(blockPosition.BlockKey);

                    var position = new TextPosition(blockIndex, (int)blockPosition.TextIndex);

                    // Set the context results.
                    context.Results = new LineBufferOperationResults(position);

                // Make sure we process our wrapped command.
コード例 #16
        public string GetLineText(LinePosition line)
            int lineIndex = line.GetLineIndex(this);

            return(GetLineText(lineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted));
コード例 #17
        public static void Up(EditorViewController controller)
            // Extract a number of useful variable for this method.
            IDisplayContext    displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            TextPosition       position       = displayContext.Caret.Position;
            EditorViewRenderer buffer         = displayContext.Renderer;

            // Figure out the layout and wrapped line we are currently on.
            Layout     layout;
            int        wrappedLineIndex;
            LayoutLine wrappedLine = position.GetWrappedLine(
                displayContext, out layout, out wrappedLineIndex);

            // Figure out the X coordinate of the line. If there is an action context,
            // use that. Otherwise, calculate it from the character index of the position.
            int lineX = GetLineX(controller, wrappedLine, position);

            // Figure out which wrapped line we'll be moving the caret to.
            LinePosition linePosition = position.LinePosition;
            int          lineIndex    = linePosition.GetLineIndex(buffer.LineBuffer);

            if (wrappedLineIndex == 0)
                // If we are the last line in the buffer, just do nothing.
                if (linePosition == 0)

                // Move to the next line.
                layout           = buffer.GetLineLayout(lineIndex, LineContexts.None);
                wrappedLineIndex = layout.LineCount - 1;
                wrappedLine      = layout.Lines[wrappedLineIndex];
                // Just move down in the layout.
                wrappedLine = layout.Lines[wrappedLineIndex];

            // Adjust the X coordinate for the current line.
            lineX -= GetLeftStylePaddingPango(controller, lineIndex);

            // The wrapped line has the current wrapped line, so use the lineX
            // to figure out which character to use.
            int trailing;
            int unicodeIndex;

            wrappedLine.XToIndex(lineX, out unicodeIndex, out trailing);

            // Calculate the character position, but we have to map UTF-8
            // characters because Pango uses that instead of C# strings.
            string lineText = controller.DisplayContext.LineBuffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);

            unicodeIndex = NormalizeEmptyStrings(lineText, unicodeIndex);
            int characterIndex = PangoUtility.TranslateStringToPangoIndex(
                lineText, unicodeIndex);

            if (lineText.Length > 0 &&
                trailing > 0)

            // Draw the new location of the caret.
            var caretPosition = new TextPosition(lineIndex, characterIndex);
