コード例 #1
ファイル: IllumAreaBase.cs プロジェクト: vildar82/GP_PIK_Acad
        public List <Entity> CreateVisual(byte transparence)
            var draws = new List <Entity>();

            // Штриховка
            var color  = InsPoint?.InsValue?.Requirement?.Color ?? System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
            var visOpt = new VisualOption(color, Point3d.Origin, transparence);
            var points = new List <Point2d> {
                PtOrig, PtStart, PtEnd
            var h = VisualHelper.CreateHatch(points, visOpt);


            // Угловой размер
            var ptCenter = GetCenterTriangle(PtOrig, PtStart, PtEnd);
            var ptDim1   = PtOrig + (PtStart - PtOrig) / 2;
            var ptDim2   = PtOrig + (PtEnd - PtOrig) / 2;
            var dim      = new LineAngularDimension2(PtOrig.Convert3d(), ptDim1.Convert3d(),
                                                     PtOrig.Convert3d(), ptDim2.Convert3d(), ptCenter.Convert3d(), Time.ToHours(), ObjectId.Null);

            dim.DimensionStyle = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.GetDimAngularStylePIK();
            dim.Color          = Color.FromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
            dim.Dimtxt         = 1.5;
            dim.Dimscale       = 0.5;
            dim.LineWeight     = LineWeight.ByLineWeightDefault;
            dim.Dimclrd        = dim.Color;
            dim.Dimclre        = dim.Color;
            dim.Dimclrt        = dim.Color;

コード例 #2
        // 由两条直线的起点和终点以及尺寸文本位置、尺寸文本、标注样式创建角度标注的函数.
        public static ObjectId AddDimLineAngular(Point3d line1StartPt, Point3d line1EndPt, Point3d line2StartPt, Point3d line2EndPt, Point3d arcPt, string text, ObjectId style)
            LineAngularDimension2 ent = new LineAngularDimension2(line1StartPt, line1EndPt, line2StartPt, line2EndPt, arcPt, text, style);
            ObjectId entId            = AppendEntity(ent);

コード例 #3
        public static void CreateAngularDimension()
            // 获取当前数据库
            Document acDoc   = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;

            // 启动事务
            using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                // 以读模式打开块表
                BlockTable acBlkTbl;
                acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
                                             OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                // 以写模式打开块表记录 ModelSpace
                BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
                acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
                                                OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
                // 建立角度标注
                LineAngularDimension2 acLinAngDim = new LineAngularDimension2();
                acLinAngDim.XLine1Start    = new Point3d(0, 5, 0);
                acLinAngDim.XLine1End      = new Point3d(1, 7, 0);
                acLinAngDim.XLine2Start    = new Point3d(0, 5, 0);
                acLinAngDim.XLine2End      = new Point3d(1, 3, 0);
                acLinAngDim.ArcPoint       = new Point3d(3, 5, 0);
                acLinAngDim.DimensionStyle = acCurDb.Dimstyle;
                // 添加新对象到模型空间和事务中
                acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLinAngDim, true);
                // 提交修改,关闭事务
コード例 #4
        public static ObjectId AddDimLineAngular(Point3d line1StartPt, Point3d point3d_0, Point3d line2StartPt, Point3d point3d_1, Point3d arcPt)
            Database workingDatabase  = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
            ObjectId dimstyle         = workingDatabase.Dimstyle;
            Vector3d vector3d         = point3d_0 - line1StartPt;
            Vector3d vector3d2        = point3d_1 - line2StartPt;
            double   value            = vector3d.GetAngleTo(vector3d2) * 180.0 / 3.1415926535897931;
            string   text             = Math.Round(value, workingDatabase.Dimadec).ToString() + "%%d";
            LineAngularDimension2 ent = new LineAngularDimension2(line1StartPt, point3d_0, line2StartPt, point3d_1, arcPt, text, dimstyle);

コード例 #5
        // 由两条直线的起点和终点以及尺寸文本位置创建角度标注的函数.
        public static ObjectId AddDimLineAngular(Point3d line1StartPt, Point3d line1EndPt, Point3d line2StartPt, Point3d line2EndPt, Point3d arcPt)
            Database db               = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
            ObjectId style            = db.Dimstyle;
            Vector3d vec1             = line1EndPt - line1StartPt;
            Vector3d vec2             = line2EndPt - line2StartPt;
            double   ang              = vec1.GetAngleTo(vec2) * 180 / Math.PI;
            string   text             = Math.Round(ang, db.Dimadec).ToString() + "%%d";
            LineAngularDimension2 ent = new LineAngularDimension2(line1StartPt, line1EndPt, line2StartPt, line2EndPt, arcPt, text, style);
            ObjectId entId            = AppendEntity(ent);

コード例 #6
        public static LineAngularDimension2 DimAng(Database db, Line L1, Line L2, Point3d Pref, ObjectId dimID)
            LineAngularDimension2 AD1;

            using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                BlockTable       blockTbl   = tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                BlockTableRecord modelSpace = tr.GetObject(blockTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
                                                           OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
                AD1       = new LineAngularDimension2(L1.StartPoint, L1.EndPoint, L2.StartPoint, L2.EndPoint, Pref, "", dimID);
                AD1.Layer = "标注";
                tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(AD1, true);

コード例 #7
ファイル: Wrappers.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/dwg-crawl
    public crawlAcDbLineAngularDimension2(LineAngularDimension2 dim)
        Entity ent = (Entity)dim;

        this.ObjectId = ent.ObjectId.ToString();

        this.XLine1Start  = new crawlPoint3d(dim.XLine1Start.X, dim.XLine1Start.Y, dim.XLine1Start.Z);
        this.XLine1End    = new crawlPoint3d(dim.XLine1End.X, dim.XLine1End.Y, dim.XLine1End.Z);
        this.XLine2Start  = new crawlPoint3d(dim.XLine2Start.X, dim.XLine2Start.Y, dim.XLine2Start.Z);
        this.XLine2End    = new crawlPoint3d(dim.XLine2End.X, dim.XLine2End.Y, dim.XLine2End.Z);
        this.ArcPoint     = new crawlPoint3d(dim.ArcPoint.X, dim.ArcPoint.Y, dim.ArcPoint.Z);
        this.TextPosition = new crawlPoint3d(dim.TextPosition.X, dim.TextPosition.Y, dim.TextPosition.Z);

        this.Layer      = dim.Layer;
        this.Linetype   = dim.Linetype;
        this.LineWeight = dim.LineWeight.ToString();
        this.Color      = dim.Color.ToString();

        this.DimensionText      = dim.DimensionText;
        this.DimensionStyleName = dim.DimensionStyleName;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: zhangfuwang666/Bearing
        public static void addDiametricDimension(Database db, Point3d start1, Point3d start2, Point3d end1, Point3d end2, double distance, ObjectId dimid)
            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction())
                BlockTable            blockTable     = trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                BlockTableRecord      space          = trans.GetObject(blockTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
                LineAngularDimension2 dimLineAngular = new LineAngularDimension2();
                dimLineAngular.XLine1Start = start1;
                dimLineAngular.XLine2Start = start2;
                dimLineAngular.XLine1End   = end1;
                dimLineAngular.XLine2End   = end2;
                Vector3d vector3D1 = start1.GetVectorTo(end1);
                Vector3d vector3D2 = start2.GetVectorTo(end2);
                Vector3d vector3D  = vector3D1 + vector3D2;
                dimLineAngular.TextPosition = new Point3d((end1.X + end2.X) / 2, (end1.Y + end2.Y) / 2, (end1.Z + end2.Z) / 2).TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(vector3D * distance));;

                dimLineAngular.DimensionStyle = dimid;
                dimLineAngular.Layer          = "Dim_Layer";
                trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dimLineAngular, true);
コード例 #9
        static public void OpenJoint()
            Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db  = doc.Database;
            Editor   ed  = doc.Editor;

            using (Transaction tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                // Asking for user inputs and var casting
                PromptDoubleOptions pdopt = new PromptDoubleOptions("Enter open joint size : \n");
                pdopt.AllowZero     = false;
                pdopt.AllowNegative = false;
                pdopt.DefaultValue  = 0.5;
                pdopt.AllowNone     = false;
                PromptDoubleResult pdres = ed.GetDouble(pdopt);
                if (pdres.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
                double size = pdres.Value;

                PromptEntityOptions peopt_1 = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect first line : \n");
                peopt_1.SetRejectMessage("\nSelect only lines");
                peopt_1.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Line), false);
                peopt_1.AllowNone = false;
                PromptEntityResult peres_1 = ed.GetEntity(peopt_1);
                if (peres_1.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
                ObjectId line1_id = peres_1.ObjectId;

                PromptEntityOptions peopt_2 = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect second line : \n");
                peopt_2.SetRejectMessage("\nSelect only lines");
                peopt_2.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Line), false);
                peopt_2.AllowNone = false;
                PromptEntityResult peres_2 = ed.GetEntity(peopt_2);
                if (peres_2.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
                ObjectId line2_id = peres_2.ObjectId;

                // Oid > Entity > Line
                Entity line1_ent = tx.GetObject(line1_id, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Entity;
                Entity line2_ent = tx.GetObject(line2_id, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Entity;
                Line   line1     = line1_ent as Line;
                Line   line2     = line2_ent as Line;

                // Get intersection point > Check parallelity > re-orient lines
                Point3dCollection intptcoll = new Point3dCollection();

                line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intptcoll, 0, 0);

                if (intptcoll.Count != 1)
                    Application.ShowAlertDialog("Lines are parallel or not intersecting");
                Point3d intpt = intptcoll[0];  //---APEX

                if (line1.StartPoint.Equals(intpt) != true)
                    line1.EndPoint   = line1.StartPoint;
                    line1.StartPoint = intpt;
                if (line2.StartPoint.Equals(intpt) != true)
                    line2.EndPoint   = line2.StartPoint;
                    line2.StartPoint = intpt;

                double anglin = AngleBetweenLines(line1.StartPoint, line2.StartPoint, line1.EndPoint, line2.EndPoint);
                ed.WriteMessage("\nAngle between lines : " + anglin);

                // Calculate line angles
                LineAngularDimension2 angdim12 = new LineAngularDimension2();
                angdim12.XLine1Start = line1.StartPoint;
                angdim12.XLine2Start = line2.StartPoint;
                angdim12.XLine1End   = line1.EndPoint;
                angdim12.XLine2End   = line2.EndPoint;

                // Derive bisector geometry
                Point3d midpt1              = line1.GetPointAtDist(size);
                Point3d midpt2              = line2.GetPointAtDist(size);
                Point3d ovpt1               = line1.GetPointAtDist(2 * size);
                Point3d ovpt2               = line2.GetPointAtDist(2 * size);
                Point3d midptbis            = new Point3d((midpt1.X + midpt2.X) / 2.0, (midpt1.Y + midpt2.Y) / 2.0, (midpt1.Z + midpt2.Z) / 2.0);
                Point3d ovptbis             = new Point3d((ovpt1.X + ovpt2.X) / 2.0, (ovpt1.Y + ovpt2.Y) / 2.0, (ovpt1.Z + ovpt2.Z) / 2.0);
                Line    linebis             = new Line(intpt, ovptbis);
                double  hypothenusedistance = (size / Math.Cos(anglin / 2));
                if (hypothenusedistance < 0)
                    hypothenusedistance = hypothenusedistance * (-1);
                ed.WriteMessage("\nhypothenusedistance : " + hypothenusedistance);
                Point3d endptbis = linebis.GetPointAtDist(hypothenusedistance); //<------

                BlockTableRecord btrec = tx.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

                line1.StartPoint = midpt1;
                line2.StartPoint = midpt2;

                using (Line line3 = new Line(endptbis, midpt1))
                    tx.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(line3, true);

                using (Line line4 = new Line(endptbis, midpt2))
                    tx.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(line4, true);

コード例 #10
        private string jsonGetObjectData(ObjectId id_platf)
            string result = "";

            {//Всякое может случиться
                //Открываем переданный в функцию объект на чтение, преобразуем его к Entity
                Entity ent = (Entity)id_platf.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead);

                //Далее последовательно проверяем класс объекта на соответствие классам основных примитивов

                if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbLine")
                {                                                       //Если объект - отрезок (line)
                    crawlAcDbLine kline = new crawlAcDbLine((Line)ent); //Преобразуем к типу линия
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbLine>(kline);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbPolyline")
                {//Если объект - полилиния
                    Polyline          kpLine = (Polyline)ent;
                    crawlAcDbPolyline jpline = new crawlAcDbPolyline(kpLine);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbPolyline>(jpline);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDb2dPolyline")
                {//2D полилиния - такие тоже попадаются
                    Polyline2d        kpLine = (Polyline2d)ent;
                    crawlAcDbPolyline jpline = new crawlAcDbPolyline(kpLine);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbPolyline>(jpline);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDb3dPolyline")
                {//2D полилиния - такие тоже попадаются
                    Polyline3d kpLine = (Polyline3d)ent;

                    crawlAcDbPolyline jpline = new crawlAcDbPolyline(kpLine);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbPolyline>(jpline);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbText")
                { //Текст
                    DBText        dbtxt = (DBText)ent;
                    crawlAcDbText jtext = new crawlAcDbText(dbtxt);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbText>(jtext);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbMText")
                    MText          mtxt  = (MText)ent;
                    crawlAcDbMText jtext = new crawlAcDbMText(mtxt);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbMText>(jtext);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbArc")
                    Arc          arc  = (Arc)ent;
                    crawlAcDbArc cArc = new crawlAcDbArc(arc);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbArc>(cArc);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbCircle")
                    Circle          circle  = (Circle)ent;
                    crawlAcDbCircle cCircle = new crawlAcDbCircle(circle);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbCircle>(cCircle);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbEllipse")
                {  //Эллипс
                    Ellipse          el   = (Ellipse)ent;
                    crawlAcDbEllipse cEll = new crawlAcDbEllipse(el);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbEllipse>(cEll);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbAlignedDimension")
                {//Размер повернутый
                    AlignedDimension dim = (AlignedDimension)ent;

                    crawlAcDbAlignedDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbAlignedDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbAlignedDimension>(rDim);

                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbRotatedDimension")
                {//Размер повернутый
                    RotatedDimension dim = (RotatedDimension)ent;

                    crawlAcDbRotatedDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbRotatedDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbRotatedDimension>(rDim);

                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbPoint3AngularDimension")
                {//Угловой размер по 3 точкам
                    Point3AngularDimension dim = (Point3AngularDimension)ent;

                    crawlAcDbPoint3AngularDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbPoint3AngularDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbPoint3AngularDimension>(rDim);

                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbLineAngularDimension2")
                {//Еще угловой размер по точкам
                    LineAngularDimension2 dim = (LineAngularDimension2)ent;

                    crawlAcDbLineAngularDimension2 rDim = new crawlAcDbLineAngularDimension2(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbLineAngularDimension2>(rDim);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbDiametricDimension")
                {  //Размер диаметра окружности
                    DiametricDimension          dim  = (DiametricDimension)ent;
                    crawlAcDbDiametricDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbDiametricDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbDiametricDimension>(rDim);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbArcDimension")
                {  //Дуговой размер
                    ArcDimension          dim  = (ArcDimension)ent;
                    crawlAcDbArcDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbArcDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbArcDimension>(rDim);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbRadialDimension")
                {  //Радиальный размер
                    RadialDimension          dim  = (RadialDimension)ent;
                    crawlAcDbRadialDimension rDim = new crawlAcDbRadialDimension(dim);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbRadialDimension>(rDim);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbAttributeDefinition")
                {  //Атрибут блока
                    AttributeDefinition ad = (AttributeDefinition)ent;

                    crawlAcDbAttributeDefinition atd = new crawlAcDbAttributeDefinition(ad);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbAttributeDefinition>(atd);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbHatch")
                    Teigha.DatabaseServices.Hatch htch = ent as Teigha.DatabaseServices.Hatch;

                    crawlAcDbHatch cHtch = new crawlAcDbHatch(htch);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbHatch>(cHtch);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbSpline")
                    Spline spl = ent as Spline;

                    crawlAcDbSpline cScpline = new crawlAcDbSpline(spl);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbSpline>(cScpline);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbPoint")
                    DBPoint        Pnt = ent as DBPoint;
                    crawlAcDbPoint pt  = new crawlAcDbPoint(Pnt);
                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbPoint>(pt);

                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbBlockReference")
                    BlockReference          blk  = ent as BlockReference;
                    crawlAcDbBlockReference cBlk = new crawlAcDbBlockReference(blk);

                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbBlockReference>(cBlk);

                    //newDocument(id_platf, result);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbProxyEntity")
                    ProxyEntity pxy = ent as ProxyEntity;

                    crawlAcDbProxyEntity cBlk = new crawlAcDbProxyEntity(pxy);

                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbProxyEntity>(cBlk);

                    DocumentFromBlockOrProxy(id_platf, result);
                else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbSolid")
                {//Солид 2Д
                    Solid solid = (Solid)ent;

                    crawlAcDbSolid cSld = new crawlAcDbSolid(solid);

                    result = jsonHelper.To <crawlAcDbSolid>(cSld);

                 * else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbLeader")
                 * {  //Выноска Autocad
                 * Leader ld = (Leader)ent;
                 * if (ld.EndPoint.Z != 0 || ld.StartPoint.Z != 0)
                 * {
                 * //ed.WriteMessage("DEBUG: Преобразован объект: Выноска Autocad");
                 * ld.EndPoint = new Point3d(ld.EndPoint.X, ld.EndPoint.Y, 0);
                 * ld.StartPoint = new Point3d(ld.StartPoint.X, ld.StartPoint.Y, 0);
                 * result = true;
                 * };
                 * }
                 * /*
                 * else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbPolygonMesh")
                 * {
                 * BUG: В платформе нет API для доступа к вершинам сетей AcDbPolygonMesh и AcDbPolygonMesh и AcDbSurface
                 * }
                 * else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbSolid")
                 * {
                 * BUG: Чтобы плющить Solid-ы нужны API функции 3d
                 * }
                 * else if (id_platf.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbRegion")
                 * {
                 * Region rgn = ent as Region;
                 * BUG: нет свойств у региона
                 * }
                    //Если объект не входит в число перечисленных типов,
                    //то выводим в командную строку класс этого необработанного объекта

                    cDebug.WriteLine("Не могу обработать тип объекта: " + id_platf.ObjectClass.Name);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                //Если что-то сломалось, то в командную строку выводится ошибка
                cDebug.WriteLine("Не могу преобразовать - ошибка: " + ex.Message);

            //Возвращаем значение функции
コード例 #11
        private void MyMirror(List <Entity> listEnt, Line line, string xY)
            if (listEnt == null || line == null)

            Line3d line3d = new Line3d(line.StartPoint, line.EndPoint);

            for (int i = 0; i < listEnt.Count; i++)
                var entity = listEnt[i];

                Entity ent = entity;

                //if((ent as Dimension) != null)
                //    continue;

                if (ent is DBText || ent is MText)
                    ent = entity.GetTransformedCopy(Matrix3d.Mirroring(line3d));

                    if ((ent as Dimension) == null)


                /* var ptMin = ent.Bounds.Value.MinPoint;
                 * var ptMax = ent.Bounds.Value.MaxPoint;
                 * var w = Math.Abs(ptMax.X - ptMin.X);
                 * var h = Math.Abs(ptMax.Y - ptMin.Y);
                 * var ptCenter = new Point3d((ptMin.X + ptMax.X) / 2, (ptMin.Y + ptMax.Y) / 2, 0);*/
                if (ent is DBText)
                    var a = ent as DBText;
                    MirrorText(a, line3d);
                else if (ent is MText)
                    var a = ent as MText;

                    MirrorText(a, line3d);
                else if ((ent as Dimension) != null)
                    var dim = ent as Dimension;

                    Plane p = null;

                    if (xY == "X")
                        p   = new Plane(dim.TextPosition, dim.Normal);
                        ent = dim.GetTransformedCopy(Matrix3d.Mirroring(p));
                    else if (xY == "Y")
                        p = new Plane(dim.TextPosition, dim.Normal);

                        ent = dim.GetTransformedCopy(Matrix3d.Mirroring(p));
                    if (ent is RotatedDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as RotatedDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new RotatedDimension(rDim.Rotation, rDim.XLine1Point, rDim.XLine2Point, rDim.DimLinePoint, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);
                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);

                    else if (ent is AlignedDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as AlignedDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new AlignedDimension(rDim.XLine1Point, rDim.XLine2Point, rDim.DimLinePoint, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);
                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is ArcDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as ArcDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new ArcDimension(rDim.CenterPoint, rDim.XLine1Point, rDim.XLine2Point, rDim.ArcPoint, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is DiametricDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as DiametricDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new DiametricDimension(rDim.ChordPoint, rDim.FarChordPoint, rDim.LeaderLength, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is LineAngularDimension2)
                        var rDim = ent as LineAngularDimension2;

                        var rDim1 = new LineAngularDimension2(rDim.XLine1Start, rDim.XLine1End, rDim.XLine2Start, rDim.XLine2End, rDim.ArcPoint, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is Point3AngularDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as Point3AngularDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new Point3AngularDimension(rDim.CenterPoint, rDim.XLine1Point, rDim.XLine2Point, rDim.ArcPoint, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is RadialDimension)
                        var rDim = ent as RadialDimension;

                        var rDim1 = new RadialDimension(rDim.Center, rDim.ChordPoint, rDim.LeaderLength, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);
                    else if (ent is RadialDimensionLarge)
                        var rDim = ent as RadialDimensionLarge;

                        var rDim1 = new RadialDimensionLarge(rDim.Center, rDim.ChordPoint, rDim.OverrideCenter, rDim.JogPoint, rDim.JogAngle, rDim.DimensionText, rDim.DimensionStyle);

                        Dim2Dim(rDim1, rDim);

            listEnt.ForEach(ent => ent.Dispose());
コード例 #12
ファイル: Planarizartion.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/Laurus
        public static bool Clear(this Dimension obj)
            bool myFlag = false;

            if (Math.Abs(obj.Elevation) >= TOLERANCE)
                obj.Elevation = 0.0;
                myFlag        = true;
            if (obj is AlignedDimension)
                AlignedDimension myDimension = obj as AlignedDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1Point = myDimension.XLine1Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2Point = myDimension.XLine2Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.DimLinePoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.DimLinePoint = myDimension.DimLinePoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is ArcDimension)
                ArcDimension myDimension = obj as ArcDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1Point = myDimension.XLine1Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2Point = myDimension.XLine2Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.Leader1Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.Leader1Point = myDimension.Leader1Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.Leader2Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.Leader2Point = myDimension.Leader2Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ArcPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ArcPoint = myDimension.ArcPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is DiametricDimension)
                DiametricDimension myDimension = obj as DiametricDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ChordPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ChordPoint = myDimension.ChordPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.FarChordPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.FarChordPoint = myDimension.FarChordPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is LineAngularDimension2)
                LineAngularDimension2 myDimension = obj as LineAngularDimension2;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ArcPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ArcPoint = myDimension.ArcPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1End.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1End = myDimension.XLine1End.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1Start.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1Start = myDimension.XLine1Start.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2End.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2End = myDimension.XLine2End.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2Start.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2Start = myDimension.XLine2Start.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is Point3AngularDimension)
                Point3AngularDimension myDimension = obj as Point3AngularDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ArcPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ArcPoint = myDimension.ArcPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.CenterPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.CenterPoint = myDimension.CenterPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1Point = myDimension.XLine1Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2Point = myDimension.XLine2Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is RadialDimension)
                RadialDimension myDimension = obj as RadialDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.Center.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.Center = myDimension.Center.ClearZ();
                    myFlag             = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ChordPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ChordPoint = myDimension.ChordPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is RadialDimensionLarge)
                RadialDimensionLarge myDimension = obj as RadialDimensionLarge;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.Center.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.Center = myDimension.Center.ClearZ();
                    myFlag             = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.ChordPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.ChordPoint = myDimension.ChordPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.JogPoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.JogPoint = myDimension.JogPoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.OverrideCenter.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.OverrideCenter = myDimension.OverrideCenter.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
            else if (obj is RotatedDimension)
                RotatedDimension myDimension = obj as RotatedDimension;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.DimLinePoint.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.DimLinePoint = myDimension.DimLinePoint.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine1Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine1Point = myDimension.XLine1Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
                if (Math.Abs(myDimension.XLine2Point.Z) >= TOLERANCE)
                    myDimension.XLine2Point = myDimension.XLine2Point.ClearZ();
                    myFlag = true;
コード例 #13
        Entity[] MakeGouJian(Param param)
            Point2d[] p2ds = new Point2d[]
                Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.YAxis * param.A,
                Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.YAxis * param.A - Vector2d.XAxis * param.D,
                Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.YAxis * param.B - Vector2d.XAxis * (param.C - param.E),
                Point2d.Origin + Vector2d.YAxis * param.B - Vector2d.XAxis * param.C,
                Point2d.Origin - Vector2d.XAxis * param.C

            Vector2d vec1 = p2ds[1] - p2ds[2];
            Vector2d vec2 = p2ds[3] - p2ds[2];

            Point2d[] AnglePoint = GetAnglePoint(p2ds[2], vec1, vec2, 0.1);

            Vector2d vec3 = p2ds[0] - p2ds[1];
            Vector2d vec4 = p2ds[2] - p2ds[1];

            Point2d[] AnglePoint0 = GetAnglePoint(p2ds[1], vec3, vec4, 0.1);

            Polyline pline0 = EntityHelper.CreatePolygon(
                new double[]
                p2ds[0].X, p2ds[0].Y,
                AnglePoint0[1].X, AnglePoint0[1].Y,
                AnglePoint0[0].X, AnglePoint0[0].Y,
                p2ds[1].X - param.D * 0.5, p2ds[1].Y,
                AnglePoint[1].X, AnglePoint[1].Y,
                AnglePoint[0].X, AnglePoint[0].Y,
                p2ds[3].X, p2ds[3].Y,
                p2ds[4].X, p2ds[4].Y,
                p2ds[5].X, p2ds[5].Y,
                new Tuple <int, double>[] {
                Tuple.Create(4, Math.Tan((Math.PI - vec2.GetAngleTo(vec1)) / 4)),
                Tuple.Create(1, Math.Tan((Math.PI - vec4.GetAngleTo(vec3)) / 4))

            AlignedDimension alignDim1 = new AlignedDimension(Point3d.Origin, Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.A,
                                                              Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.XAxis * 0.5, null, ObjectId.Null);

            AlignedDimension alignDim2 = new AlignedDimension(Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.A,
                                                              Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.A - Vector3d.XAxis * param.D,
                                                              Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * 3.5, null, ObjectId.Null);

            AlignedDimension alignDim3 = new AlignedDimension(Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.B - Vector3d.XAxis * (param.C - param.E),
                                                              Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.B - Vector3d.XAxis * param.C, Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * (param.B + 0.5),
                                                              null, ObjectId.Null);

            AlignedDimension alignDim4 = new AlignedDimension(Point3d.Origin + Vector3d.YAxis * param.B - Vector3d.XAxis * param.C,
                                                              Point3d.Origin - Vector3d.XAxis * param.C, Point3d.Origin - Vector3d.XAxis * (param.C + 0.5), null, ObjectId.Null);

            AlignedDimension alignDim5 = new AlignedDimension(Point3d.Origin - Vector3d.XAxis * param.C, Point3d.Origin,
                                                              Point3d.Origin - Vector3d.YAxis * 0.5, null, ObjectId.Null);

            LineAngularDimension2 langularDim = new LineAngularDimension2(new Point3d(p2ds[3].X, p2ds[3].Y, 0), new Point3d(p2ds[2].X, p2ds[2].Y, 0),
                                                                          new Point3d(p2ds[3].X, p2ds[3].Y, 0), new Point3d(p2ds[4].X, p2ds[4].Y, 0),
                                                                          new Point3d(p2ds[3].X - 0.8, p2ds[3].Y + 0.8, 0), null, ObjectId.Null

            Xline xline = new Xline()
                BasePoint = new Point3d(0, param.A * 0.5, 0),
                UnitDir   = Vector3d.XAxis

            DBText d1 = new DBText()
                TextString = "A",
                Position   = new Point3d(-0.15, param.A * 0.5, 0)

            HatchLoop hLoop = new HatchLoop(HatchLoopTypes.Polyline);

            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, pline0.NumberOfVertices))
                hLoop.Polyline.Add(new BulgeVertex(pline0.GetPoint2dAt(i), pline0.GetBulgeAt(i)));

            Hatch hatch = new Hatch();

            hatch.SetHatchPattern(HatchPatternType.PreDefined, "BOX");

            return(new Entity[]
                pline0, alignDim1, alignDim2, alignDim3, alignDim4, alignDim5, d1, hatch, langularDim, xline
コード例 #14
ファイル: myHook.cs プロジェクト: espwyc/AutoCadMyDemos
        public void MyHook()
            Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;

            List <Entity> entityList     = new List <Entity>();
            List <Entity> centerMarkList = new List <Entity>();
            List <Entity> MarkList       = new List <Entity>();

            Point3d pt1 = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            Point3d pt2 = new Point3d(5, -3, 0);
            Point3d pt3 = new Point3d(0, 70, 0);
            Point3d pt4 = new Point3d(-18, 46, 0);

            Circle c1 = new Circle(pt1, Vector3d.ZAxis, 20);
            Circle c2 = new Circle(pt2, Vector3d.ZAxis, 45);
            Circle c3 = new Circle(pt3, Vector3d.ZAxis, 10);
            Circle c4 = new Circle(pt3, Vector3d.ZAxis, 20);
            Circle c5 = new Circle(pt4, Vector3d.ZAxis, 8);


            Line l1 = new Line(new Point3d(5, -3 - 45, 0), new Point3d(-60, -3 - 45, 0));

            l1.ColorIndex = 2;
            Line l2 = new Line(new Point3d(5, -3 - 45 + 64, 0), new Point3d(-60, -3 - 45 + 64, 0));

            l2.ColorIndex = 2;

            Line lc1x = new Line(new Point3d(-30, 0, 0), new Point3d(30, 0, 0));
            Line lc1y = new Line(new Point3d(0, -30, 0), new Point3d(0, 30, 0));
            Line lc2x = new Line(new Point3d(-30 + 5, 0 - 3, 0), new Point3d(30 + 5, 0 - 3, 0));
            Line lc2y = new Line(new Point3d(-30 + 5, 0 - 3, 0), new Point3d(30 + 5, 0 - 3, 0));
            Line lc3x = new Line(new Point3d(-30, 0 + 70, 0), new Point3d(30, 0 + 70, 0));
            Line lc3y = new Line(new Point3d(-30, 0 + 70, 0), new Point3d(30, 0 + 70, 0));


            Circle            fc1 = new Circle(pt4, Vector3d.ZAxis, 8 + 18);
            Circle            fc2 = new Circle(pt3, Vector3d.ZAxis, 20 + 18);
            Point3dCollection pc  = new Point3dCollection();

            fc1.IntersectWith(fc2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            foreach (Point3d p in pc)
                if (p.X < c4.Center.X)
                    double sa = new Line(p, pt4).Angle;
                    double sb = new Line(p, pt3).Angle;
                    Arc    a  = new Arc(p, 18, sa, sb);

            Circle fc3 = new Circle(pt2, Vector3d.ZAxis, 45 + 86);
            Circle fc4 = new Circle(pt3, Vector3d.ZAxis, 20 + 86);

            fc3.IntersectWith(fc4, Intersect.OnBothOperands, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            foreach (Point3d p in pc)
                if (p.X > c2.Center.X)
                    double sa = new Line(p, pt3).Angle;
                    double sb = new Line(p, pt2).Angle;
                    Arc    a  = new Arc(p, 86, sa, sb);

            Circle fc5 = new Circle(pt1, Vector3d.ZAxis, 20 + 9.7144);
            Circle fc6 = new Circle(pt2, Vector3d.ZAxis, 45 - 9.7144);

            fc5.IntersectWith(fc6, Intersect.OnBothOperands, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            foreach (Point3d p in pc)
                if (p.X < c1.Center.X && p.Y < (-3 - 45 + 64))
                    double sa = new Line(p, pt1).Angle;
                    double sb = new Line(pt2, p).Angle;
                    Arc    a  = new Arc(p, 9.7144, sa, sb);

            Line fl3 = new Line(new Point3d(0, -30, 0), new Point3d(0, 100, 0));

            fl3.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation((Math.PI * 15 / 180), doc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis, fl3.EndPoint));
            Point3d fp1 = fl3.GetClosestPointTo(c1.Center, true);
            Line    l3  = new Line(c1.Center, fp1);

            l3.IntersectWith(c1, Intersect.ExtendThis, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            Point3d fp2 = l3.StartPoint;

            foreach (Point3d p in pc)
                if (p.X > c1.Center.X)
                    fp2 = p;

            l3.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation((Math.PI * 90 / 180), doc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis, fp2));

            //l3.GetOffsetCurvesGivenPlaneNormal(Vector3d.XAxis, 18);
            Vector3d ve = new Vector3d(fp2.X, fp2.Y, fp2.Z);

            ve = ve.GetNormal();
            //DBObjectCollection lc= l3.GetOffsetCurvesGivenPlaneNormal(ve, 14);
            DBObjectCollection lc = l3.GetOffsetCurves(14);

            Circle  fc7 = new Circle(pt4, Vector3d.ZAxis, 22);
            Point3d sc1 = new Point3d();

            foreach (Entity l in lc)
                Point3dCollection fc = new Point3dCollection();
                fc7.IntersectWith(l, Intersect.ExtendBoth, fc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
                foreach (Point3d p in fc)
                    if (p.Y < pt4.Y)
                        //Circle tmpc = new Circle(p, Vector3d.ZAxis, 14);
                        Arc a = new Arc(p, 14, new Line(pt1, fp1).Angle, new Line(p, pt4).Angle);

            l3.StartPoint = fp2;
            l3.EndPoint   = ((Arc)(entityList[entityList.Count - 1])).StartPoint;

            Arc a1 = new Arc(c5.Center, c5.Radius, new Line(c5.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[0])).StartPoint).Angle, new Line(c5.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[3])).EndPoint).Angle);


            Arc a2 = new Arc(c2.Center, c2.Radius, new Line(c2.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[2])).EndPoint).Angle, new Line(c2.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[1])).EndPoint).Angle);


            Arc a3 = new Arc(c4.Center, c4.Radius, new Line(c4.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[1])).StartPoint).Angle, new Line(c4.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[0])).EndPoint).Angle);


            Arc a4 = new Arc(c1.Center, c1.Radius, new Line(c1.Center, ((Arc)(entityList[2])).StartPoint).Angle, new Line(c1.Center, l3.StartPoint).Angle);


            Point3d[] points = { pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 };
            foreach (Point3d p in points)
                Line tmpl1 = new Line(new Point3d(p.X - 20, p.Y, 0), new Point3d(p.X + 20, p.Y, 0));
                Line tmpl2 = new Line(new Point3d(p.X, p.Y - 20, 0), new Point3d(p.X, p.Y + 20, 0));
                //tmpl1.Linetype = "CENTER2";
                //tmpl2.Linetype = "CENTER2";
                tmpl1.ColorIndex = 4;
                tmpl2.ColorIndex = 4;

            DiametricDimension d1 = new DiametricDimension();
            Line tmpl             = new Line(c3.Center, new Point3d(c3.Center.X - 1, c3.Center.Y + 1, 0));

            c3.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            d1.ChordPoint    = pc[0];
            d1.FarChordPoint = pc[1];
            d1.LeaderLength  = 20;
            d1.ColorIndex    = 2;

            RadialDimension r1     = new RadialDimension();
            Arc             tmparc = entityList[0] as Arc;

            tmpl = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 1, tmparc.Center.Y - 0.5, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r1.Center       = tmparc.Center;
            r1.ChordPoint   = pc[1].X > pc[0].X?pc[1]:pc[0];
            r1.ColorIndex   = 2;
            r1.LeaderLength = -5;

            RadialDimension r2 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[1] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X - 1, tmparc.Center.Y - 0.5, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r2.Center       = tmparc.Center;
            r2.ChordPoint   = pc[1].X > pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r2.ColorIndex   = 2;
            r2.LeaderLength = -30;

            RadialDimension r3 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[2] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 1, tmparc.Center.Y - 0.2, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r3.Center     = tmparc.Center;
            r3.ChordPoint = pc[1].X > pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r3.ColorIndex = 2;

            RadialDimension r4 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[3] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 0.35, tmparc.Center.Y + 1, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r4.Center     = tmparc.Center;
            r4.ChordPoint = pc[1].X < pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r4.ColorIndex = 2;

            RadialDimension r5 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[4] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 0.35, tmparc.Center.Y + 1, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r5.Center     = tmparc.Center;
            r5.ChordPoint = pc[1].X > pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r5.ColorIndex = 2;

            RadialDimension r6 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[5] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 1, tmparc.Center.Y - 1, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r6.Center       = tmparc.Center;
            r6.ChordPoint   = pc[1].X < pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r6.ColorIndex   = 2;
            r6.LeaderLength = 20;

            RadialDimension r7 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[6] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X + 1, tmparc.Center.Y + 1, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r7.Center       = tmparc.Center;
            r7.ChordPoint   = pc[1].X < pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r7.ColorIndex   = 2;
            r7.LeaderLength = 20;

            RadialDimension r8 = new RadialDimension();

            tmparc = entityList[7] as Arc;
            tmpl   = new Line(tmparc.Center, new Point3d(tmparc.Center.X - 1, tmparc.Center.Y - 1, 0));
            tmparc.IntersectWith(tmpl, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            r8.Center       = tmparc.Center;
            r8.ChordPoint   = pc[1].X > pc[0].X ? pc[0] : pc[1];
            r8.ColorIndex   = 2;
            r8.LeaderLength = 13;

            AlignedDimension am1 = new AlignedDimension();

            am1.XLine1Point  = pt1;
            am1.XLine2Point  = new Point3d(5, 0, 0);
            am1.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(0, -40, 0);
            am1.ColorIndex   = 2;

            AlignedDimension am2 = new AlignedDimension();

            am2.XLine1Point  = pt1;
            am2.XLine2Point  = new Point3d(0, -3, 0);
            am2.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(40, 0, 0);
            am2.ColorIndex   = 2;

            AlignedDimension am3 = new AlignedDimension();

            am3.XLine1Point  = pt1;
            am3.XLine2Point  = new Point3d(0, 70, 0);
            am3.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(70, 30, 0);
            am3.ColorIndex   = 2;

            AlignedDimension am4 = new AlignedDimension();

            am4.XLine1Point  = l1.EndPoint;
            am4.XLine2Point  = l2.EndPoint;
            am4.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(-60, 0, 0);
            am4.ColorIndex   = 2;

            AlignedDimension am5 = new AlignedDimension();

            am5.XLine1Point  = new Point3d(0, 34, 0);
            am5.XLine2Point  = new Point3d(-18, 34, 0);
            am5.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(0, 8, 0);
            am5.ColorIndex   = 2;

            AlignedDimension am6 = new AlignedDimension();

            am6.XLine1Point  = new Point3d(-18, 70, 0);
            am6.XLine2Point  = new Point3d(-18, 46, 0);
            am6.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(-50, 0, 0);
            am6.ColorIndex   = 2;

            LineAngularDimension2 lad1 = new LineAngularDimension2();

            tmpl = new Line(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Point3d(0, 1, 0));
            tmpl.IntersectWith(l3, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pc, new IntPtr(0), new IntPtr(0));
            lad1.XLine2Start = pc[0];
            lad1.XLine2End   = pt1;
            lad1.XLine1Start = l3.EndPoint;
            lad1.XLine1End   = l3.StartPoint;
            lad1.ArcPoint    = new Point3d(10, 2, 0);
            lad1.ColorIndex  = 2;


            Entity[] es = { c3, l3 };
            DBObjectCollection dbc1 = new DBObjectCollection();

            foreach (Entity e in entityList)

            DBObjectCollection regions = new DBObjectCollection();

            regions = Region.CreateFromCurves(dbc1);
            //doc.Editor.WriteMessage("r1{0}", dbc1regions.Count);
            Region re1 = regions[0] as Region;
            Region re2 = regions[1] as Region;

            doc.Editor.WriteMessage("r1:{0},r2:{1}", re1.Area, re2.Area);

            double area = re1.Area > re2.Area ?re1.Area - re2.Area:re2.Area - re1.Area;

            Area = area;
            doc.Editor.WriteMessage("面积{0}", area);


            foreach (Entity e in entityList)
                e.ColorIndex = 1;
コード例 #15
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Declare the input variables
            double intDia       = double.Parse(textBox_intDia.Text);
            double extDia       = double.Parse(textBox_extDia.Text);
            double height       = double.Parse(textBox_height.Text);
            double crossSection = (extDia - intDia) * 0.5;

            // Boolean : Endless/Split
            Boolean endless = true;
            Boolean split   = false;

            // Input validation
            Boolean isDataValidated = true;

            // Get the document object
            Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db  = doc.Database;
            Editor   ed  = doc.Editor;

            ///// Transferred to the class Global.cs
            //// Prompt for the insertion point
            //PromptPointResult insertPointResult;
            //PromptPointOptions insertPointOption = new PromptPointOptions("");
            //insertPointOption.Message = "\nClick the point where you want to insert the profile UN : ";
            //insertPointResult = doc.Editor.GetPoint(insertPointOption);
            //Point3d insertPoint = insertPointResult.Value;

            //// Exit if the user presses ESC or cancels the command
            //if (insertPointResult.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel) return;

            ////// DATA VALIDATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
            // int Dia. > ext Dia.
            if (intDia >= extDia)
                labelWarning.Text = "int.Diameter must be smaller than ext.Diameter!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // too low height
            if (height <= 3)
                labelWarning.Text = "Height is too small!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // too high height
            if (height > 45)
                labelWarning.Text = "Height is too big!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // Feasible range
            if (crossSection < 5 || crossSection > 35)
                labelWarning.Text = "Cross-section is out of range!\n(5 <= F <= 35)";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // Null input
            // Internal diameter (Null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBox_intDia.Text))
                labelWarning.Text = "Please insert the value of int.Diameter!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // External diameter (Null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBox_extDia.Text))
                labelWarning.Text = "Please insert the value of ext.Diameter!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // Height (Null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBox_height.Text))
                labelWarning.Text = "Please insert the value of the height!";
                isDataValidated   = false;

            // Process futher only if all the condition has been met
            // Prompt for the insertion point
            if (isDataValidated == true)
                Global.Point.getInsertionPoint("\nClick the point where you want to insert the profile : ", doc);

            // Locking the document
            using (DocumentLock docLock = doc.LockDocument())
                // Transaction
                using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                        BlockTable bt;
                        bt = trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

                        BlockTableRecord btr;
                        btr = trans.GetObject(bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

                        double  insertPointX = Global.Point.insertPoint.X;
                        double  insertPointY = Global.Point.insertPoint.Y;
                        Point3d insertPoint  = new Point3d(insertPointX, insertPointY, 0);

                        // Define the dimensions of tacche
                        // Dimensions are according to TAB_27
                        double dimB = 1;
                        double dimD = 1;

                        if (crossSection >= 5 && crossSection <= 7.5)
                            dimB = 1.5;
                            dimD = 1.5;
                        else if (crossSection > 7.5 && crossSection < 12.5)
                            dimB = 2;
                            dimD = 1.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 12.5 && crossSection < 15)
                            dimB = 2.5;
                            dimD = 1.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 15 && crossSection < 17.5)
                            dimB = 3;
                            dimD = 1.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 17.5 && crossSection < 22)
                            dimB = 3.5;
                            dimD = 2;
                        else if (crossSection >= 22 && crossSection < 27.6)
                            dimB = 3.5;
                            dimD = 2.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 27.6)
                            dimB = 3.5;
                            dimD = 3;
                            dimB = 4;
                            dimD = 3.5;

                        // Number of tacche
                        double numTacche = 2;
                        if (extDia <= 300)
                            numTacche = 2;
                        else if (extDia > 300 && extDia <= 500)
                            numTacche = 4;
                        else if (extDia > 500 && extDia <= 700)
                            numTacche = 6;
                        else if (extDia > 700 && extDia <= 1100)
                            numTacche = 8;
                        else if (extDia > 1100 && extDia <= 1500)
                            numTacche = 12;
                        else if (extDia > 1500)
                            numTacche = 16;
                            numTacche = 20;

                        // Define the dimension of the bottom height
                        // dimE = total height - height imp (altezzaColl)
                        double dimE = 1;

                        if (crossSection <= 7.5)
                            dimE = 2;
                        else if (crossSection > 7.5 && crossSection < 10)
                            dimE = 2.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 10 && crossSection < 12.5)
                            dimE = 3;
                        else if (crossSection >= 12.5 && crossSection < 15)
                            dimE = 3.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 15 && crossSection < 17.5)
                            dimE = 4;
                        else if (crossSection >= 17.5 && crossSection < 20)
                            dimE = 4.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 20 && crossSection < 22.5)
                            dimE = 5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 22.5 && crossSection < 25)
                            dimE = 5.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 25 && crossSection < 27.5)
                            dimE = 6;
                        else if (crossSection >= 27.5 && crossSection < 30)
                            dimE = 6.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 30 && crossSection < 32.5)
                            dimE = 7;
                        else if (crossSection >= 32.5 && crossSection < 35)
                            dimE = 7.5;
                            dimE = 8;

                        // Fascia gap
                        /////////////////////// To be defined x = Fnom-Fcoll.
                        double fasciaGap = 1;
                        if (crossSection <= 8)
                            fasciaGap = 0.4;
                        else if (crossSection > 8 && crossSection < 10)
                            fasciaGap = 0.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 10 && crossSection < 10.6)
                            fasciaGap = 0.6;
                        else if (crossSection >= 10.6 && crossSection < 14)
                            fasciaGap = 0.8;
                        else if (crossSection >= 14 && crossSection < 20.1)
                            fasciaGap = 1;
                        else if (crossSection >= 20.1 && crossSection < 23.9)
                            fasciaGap = 1.2;
                        else if (crossSection >= 23.9 && crossSection < 26.1)
                            fasciaGap = 1.3;
                        else if (crossSection >= 26.1 && crossSection < 27.6)
                            fasciaGap = 1.4;
                        else if (crossSection >= 27.6 && crossSection < 30.1)
                            fasciaGap = 1.5;
                        else if (crossSection >= 30.1 && crossSection < 35.1)
                            fasciaGap = 1.6;
                            fasciaGap = 1.8;

                        // Calculate each point of the profile
                        double point2X = insertPointX;
                        double point2Y = insertPointY - dimB;
                        double point3X = insertPointX - dimD;
                        double point3Y = point2Y;
                        double point4X = point3X;
                        double point4Y = point3Y - (height - dimB);
                        double point5X = point4X;
                        double point5Y = point4Y - (dimE / Math.Sin((45 * (Math.PI / 180))));

                        double point10X = insertPointX + (crossSection - fasciaGap - (2 * dimD));
                        double point10Y = insertPointY;

                        double point9X = point10X;
                        double point9Y = point10Y - dimB;
                        double point8X = point9X + dimD;
                        double point8Y = point9Y;
                        double point7X = point8X;
                        double point7Y = point4Y;

                        double point6X = point7X;
                        double point6Y = point7Y - (dimE / Math.Sin((45 * (Math.PI / 180))));

                        // Create the points with the X,Y point values above
                        Point3d point2  = new Point3d(point2X, point2Y, 0);
                        Point3d point3  = new Point3d(point3X, point3Y, 0);
                        Point3d point4  = new Point3d(point4X, point4Y, 0);
                        Point3d point5  = new Point3d(point5X, point5Y, 0);
                        Point3d point6  = new Point3d(point6X, point6Y, 0);
                        Point3d point7  = new Point3d(point7X, point7Y, 0);
                        Point3d point8  = new Point3d(point8X, point8Y, 0);
                        Point3d point9  = new Point3d(point9X, point9Y, 0);
                        Point3d point10 = new Point3d(point10X, point10Y, 0);

                        //// point5 & point 6 shall be rotated 45°/-45°
                        //Matrix3d currentMatrix = doc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
                        //CoordinateSystem3d crdSystem = currentMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d;

                        //point5.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(45 * (Math.PI / 180), crdSystem.Zaxis, point4));
                        //point6.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-45 * (Math.PI / 180), crdSystem.Zaxis, point7));

                        //// Draw the profile as polyline
                        //using (Polyline pl = new Polyline())
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(0, new Point2d(point7X, point7Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(1, new Point2d(point8X, point8Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(2, new Point2d(point9X, point9Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(3, new Point2d(point10X, point10Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(4, new Point2d(insertPointX, insertPointY), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(5, new Point2d(point2X, point2Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(6, new Point2d(point3X, point3Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(7, new Point2d(point4X, point4Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(8, new Point2d(point5X, point5Y), 0, 0, 0);
                        //    pl.AddVertexAt(9, new Point2d(point6X, point6Y), 0, 0, 0);

                        //    pl.Closed = true;
                        //    //pl.ColorIndex = 1;

                        //    pl.SetDatabaseDefaults();
                        //    btr.AppendEntity(pl);
                        //    trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(pl, true);

                        // Draw the profile section
                        Line ln12 = new Line(insertPoint, point2);
                        Line ln23 = new Line(point2, point3);
                        Line ln34 = new Line(point3, point4);
                        Line ln45 = new Line(point4, point5);
                        //Line ln56 = new Line(point5, point6);
                        Line ln67  = new Line(point6, point7);
                        Line ln78  = new Line(point7, point8);
                        Line ln89  = new Line(point8, point9);
                        Line ln910 = new Line(point9, point10);
                        Line ln101 = new Line(point10, insertPoint);

                        // Point 5 & 6 shall be roated 45° / -45°
                        double pointRotated5X = point5X + dimE;
                        double pointRotated5Y = point5Y + (dimE / Math.Sin((45 * (Math.PI / 180)))) - dimE;
                        double pointRotated6X = point6X - dimE;
                        double pointRotated6Y = point6Y + (dimE / Math.Sin((45 * (Math.PI / 180)))) - dimE;

                        Point3d pointRotated5 = new Point3d(pointRotated5X, pointRotated5Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointRotated6 = new Point3d(pointRotated6X, pointRotated6Y, 0);

                        Line ln56 = new Line(pointRotated5, pointRotated6);

                        // Plot
                        Line[] profileLineArray1 = new Line[] { ln12, ln23, ln34, ln56, ln78, ln89, ln910, ln101 };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(profileLineArray1[i], true);

                        // ln45 & ln67 shall be rotated 45°/-45°
                        Matrix3d           currentMatrix = doc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
                        CoordinateSystem3d crdSystem     = currentMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d;

                        ln45.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(45 * (Math.PI / 180), crdSystem.Zaxis, point4));
                        ln67.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(-45 * (Math.PI / 180), crdSystem.Zaxis, point7));

                        // Plot rotated 2 lines : ln45 & ln67
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ln45, true);

                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ln67, true);

                        // Profile line layer (Disegno)
                        Line[] profileLineArray2 = new Line[] { ln12, ln23, ln34, ln45, ln56, ln67, ln78, ln89, ln910, ln101 };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            profileLineArray2[i].Layer = "DISEGNO";

                        // Center line (Axis)
                        double axisPoint1X = point8X + 10 + (crossSection * 0.75);  // 10 = length of tacche
                        double axisPoint2X = point8X + 10 + (crossSection * 0.75);  // 10 = length of tacche
                        double axisPoint3X = point8X + 10 + (crossSection * 0.75);  // 10 = length of tacche
                        double axisPoint4X = point8X + 10 + (crossSection * 0.75);  // 10 = length of tacche

                        double axisPoint1Y = point10Y;
                        double axisPoint2Y = point8Y;
                        double axisPoint3Y = point7Y;
                        double axisPoint4Y = point7Y - dimE;

                        Point3d pointCnt1 = new Point3d(axisPoint1X, axisPoint1Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointCnt2 = new Point3d(axisPoint2X, axisPoint2Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointCnt3 = new Point3d(axisPoint3X, axisPoint3Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointCnt4 = new Point3d(axisPoint4X, axisPoint4Y, 0);

                        // Tacche
                        // Calculate each point of tacche
                        // X value
                        double pointTacche1X = point10X + (crossSection * 0.5);
                        double pointTacche2X = pointTacche1X;
                        double pointTacche3X = point10X + (crossSection * 0.5) + 10;
                        double pointTacche4X = pointTacche3X;
                        // Y value
                        double pointTacche1Y = point10Y;
                        double pointTacche2Y = pointTacche1Y - dimB;
                        double pointTacche3Y = pointTacche2Y;
                        double pointTacche4Y = pointTacche1Y;
                        // Tacche points
                        Point3d pointTacche1 = new Point3d(pointTacche1X, pointTacche1Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointTacche2 = new Point3d(pointTacche2X, pointTacche2Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointTacche3 = new Point3d(pointTacche3X, pointTacche3Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointTacche4 = new Point3d(pointTacche4X, pointTacche4Y, 0);

                        // Center lines
                        // Profile lines to the center line
                        Line lnCnt11 = new Line(point10, pointTacche1);
                        Line lnCnt12 = new Line(pointTacche4, pointCnt1);
                        Line lnCnt21 = new Line(point8, pointTacche2);
                        Line lnCnt22 = new Line(pointTacche3, pointCnt2);
                        Line lnCnt3  = new Line(point7, pointCnt3);
                        Line lnCnt4  = new Line(pointRotated6, pointCnt4);

                        // Plot + Layer
                        Line[] centerLineArray = new Line[] { lnCnt11, lnCnt12, lnCnt21, lnCnt22, lnCnt3, lnCnt4 };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(centerLineArray[i], true);
                            centerLineArray[i].Layer = "DISEGNO";

                        // Tacche
                        // Tacche lines
                        Line lnTacche2 = new Line(pointTacche1, pointTacche2);
                        Line lnTacche3 = new Line(pointTacche2, pointTacche3);
                        Line lnTacche4 = new Line(pointTacche3, pointTacche4);

                        // Plot + Layer
                        Line[] taccheLineArray = new Line[] { lnTacche2, lnTacche3, lnTacche4 };
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(taccheLineArray[i], true);
                            taccheLineArray[i].Layer = "DISEGNO";

                        // Axis line in drawing
                        // Calculate 2 points
                        double pointAxisDwg1X = axisPoint1X;
                        double pointAxisDwg2X = axisPoint1X;
                        double pointAxisDwg1Y = axisPoint1Y + dimB;
                        double pointAxisDwg2Y = axisPoint4Y - dimB;

                        // Axis line in drawing point3d
                        Point3d pointAxisDwg1 = new Point3d(pointAxisDwg1X, pointAxisDwg1Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointAxisDwg2 = new Point3d(pointAxisDwg2X, pointAxisDwg2Y, 0);

                        // Draw the line
                        Line axisLineDwg = new Line(pointAxisDwg1, pointAxisDwg2);
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(axisLineDwg, true);

                        // Line layer (Assi)
                        axisLineDwg.Layer = "ASSI";

                        // Actual axis line
                        // ENDLESS/SPLIT selection
                        double endlessSplit = 0;
                        string endlessText  = "";
                        string splitText    = "";
                        if (radioButton_endless.Checked == true)
                            endlessSplit = 0;
                            endless      = true;
                            endlessText  = "Endless (Intera)";
                        else if (radioButton_split.Checked == true)
                            endlessSplit = 0.5;
                            split        = true;
                            splitText    = "Double splits";
                        // Calculate 2 points
                        double pointAxisReal1X = ((point3X + point8X) * 0.5) + ((intDia + extDia) * 0.25) + endlessSplit;
                        double pointAxisReal1Y = pointAxisDwg1Y;
                        double pointAxisReal2X = pointAxisReal1X;
                        double pointAxisReal2Y = pointAxisDwg2Y;

                        // point
                        Point3d pointAxisReal1 = new Point3d(pointAxisReal1X, pointAxisReal1Y, 0);
                        Point3d pointAxisReal2 = new Point3d(pointAxisReal2X, pointAxisReal2Y, 0);
                        Line    lnAxisReal     = new Line(pointAxisReal1, pointAxisReal2);
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(lnAxisReal, true);

                        // Line layer (Assi)
                        lnAxisReal.Layer = "DEFPOINTS";

                        // Create the aligned dimension //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // Tolerance variables
                        double tollFascia       = 0.1;
                        double tollAltezzaColl  = 0.1;
                        double tollAltezzaTotal = 0.1;

                        // Cross-section tolerance range (F = 15)
                        if ((point8X - point3X) < 15)
                            tollFascia = 0.1;
                        else if ((point8X - point3X) >= 15)
                            tollFascia = 0.15;

                        // Altezza Coll. (Height imp)
                        if ((insertPointY - point4Y) < 15)
                            tollAltezzaColl = 0.1;
                        else if ((insertPointY - point4Y) >= 15)
                            tollAltezzaColl = 0.15;

                        // Altezza total (Total height)
                        if ((insertPointY - pointRotated5Y) < 15)
                            tollAltezzaTotal = 0.1;
                        else if ((insertPointY - pointRotated5Y) >= 15)
                            tollAltezzaTotal = 0.15;

                        // Open the dimension style and set it to "P"
                        DimStyleTableRecord dstr      = new DimStyleTableRecord();
                        DimStyleTable       dst       = trans.GetObject(db.DimStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as DimStyleTable;
                        ObjectId            dimStyleP = dst["P"];
                        doc.Database.Dimstyle = dimStyleP;

                        // Fascia Coll
                        RotatedDimension fasciaColl = new RotatedDimension();
                        fasciaColl.XLine1Point    = point8;
                        fasciaColl.XLine2Point    = point3;
                        fasciaColl.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(0, insertPointY + (dimB * 2.8), 0);
                        fasciaColl.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        fasciaColl.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Tolerance
                        fasciaColl.Dimtol = true;
                        fasciaColl.Dimtp  = tollFascia;
                        fasciaColl.Dimtm  = tollFascia;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(fasciaColl, true);

                        // Dimension D (TAB_27)
                        RotatedDimension dimensionD = new RotatedDimension();
                        dimensionD.XLine1Point    = point3;
                        dimensionD.XLine2Point    = insertPoint;
                        dimensionD.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(0, insertPointY + (dimB * 1.25), 0);
                        dimensionD.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        dimensionD.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dimensionD, true);

                        // Dimension B (TAB_27)
                        RotatedDimension dimensionB = new RotatedDimension();
                        dimensionB.XLine1Point    = insertPoint;
                        dimensionB.XLine2Point    = point3;
                        dimensionB.Rotation       = Math.PI / 2;
                        dimensionB.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(point3X - (dimD * 1.5), 0, 0);
                        dimensionB.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        dimensionB.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dimensionB, true);

                        // Altezza coll (height)
                        RotatedDimension altezzaColl = new RotatedDimension();
                        altezzaColl.XLine1Point    = insertPoint;
                        altezzaColl.XLine2Point    = point4;
                        altezzaColl.Rotation       = Math.PI / 2;
                        altezzaColl.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(point3X - (dimD * 2.8), (point3Y + point4Y) * 0.5, 0);
                        altezzaColl.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        altezzaColl.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Tolerance
                        altezzaColl.Dimtol = true;
                        altezzaColl.Dimtp  = tollAltezzaColl;
                        altezzaColl.Dimtm  = tollAltezzaColl;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(altezzaColl, true);

                        // Altezza total (total height)
                        RotatedDimension altezzaTotal = new RotatedDimension();
                        altezzaTotal.XLine1Point    = insertPoint;
                        altezzaTotal.XLine2Point    = pointRotated5;
                        altezzaTotal.Rotation       = Math.PI / 2;
                        altezzaTotal.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(point3X - (dimD * 4.15), (insertPointY + pointRotated5Y) * 0.5, 0);
                        altezzaTotal.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        altezzaTotal.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Tolerance
                        altezzaTotal.Dimtol = true;
                        altezzaTotal.Dimtp  = tollAltezzaTotal;
                        altezzaTotal.Dimtm  = tollAltezzaTotal;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(altezzaTotal, true);

                        // Tacche (Dimension A = 10, TAB_27)
                        RotatedDimension dimensionA = new RotatedDimension();
                        dimensionA.XLine1Point    = pointTacche1;
                        dimensionA.XLine2Point    = pointTacche4;
                        dimensionA.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(0, insertPointY + (dimB * 1.25), 0);
                        dimensionA.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        dimensionA.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dimensionA, true);

                        // Create an angular dimension (90°)
                        LineAngularDimension2 acLinAngDim = new LineAngularDimension2();
                        acLinAngDim.XLine1Start    = point4;
                        acLinAngDim.XLine1End      = pointRotated5;
                        acLinAngDim.XLine2Start    = pointRotated6;
                        acLinAngDim.XLine2End      = point7;
                        acLinAngDim.ArcPoint       = new Point3d((point4X + point7X) * 0.5, point4Y + 2, 0);
                        acLinAngDim.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        acLinAngDim.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLinAngDim, true);

                        // External diameter coll.
                        // Diameter dimensions (P-D2)
                        ObjectId dimStylePD2 = dst["P-D2"];

                        RotatedDimension extDiaColl = new RotatedDimension();
                        extDiaColl.XLine1Point    = new Point3d(pointAxisReal1X, point8Y, 0);
                        extDiaColl.XLine2Point    = point3;
                        extDiaColl.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(point8X, insertPointY + (dimB * 4.05), 0);
                        extDiaColl.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        doc.Database.Dimstyle     = dimStylePD2;
                        extDiaColl.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Tolerance
                        // External diameter
                        extDiaColl.Dimtol = true;
                        double tollExtDia = 1;

                        if (split == true)
                            if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) <= 1000)
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = 1;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = 0;
                            else if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) > 1000)
                                tollExtDia       = Math.Round(extDia * 0.001, 2);
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = tollExtDia;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = 0;

                        else if (endless == true)
                            if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) > 600)
                                tollExtDia       = extDia * 0.001;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = tollExtDia;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = 0;
                            else if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) <= 200)
                                tollExtDia       = 0.15;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = tollExtDia;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = tollExtDia;
                            else if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) > 200 && ((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) <= 400)
                                tollExtDia       = 0.2;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = tollExtDia;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = tollExtDia;
                            else if (((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) > 400 && ((pointAxisReal1X - point3X) * 2) <= 600)
                                tollExtDia       = 0.25;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtp = tollExtDia;
                                extDiaColl.Dimtm = tollExtDia;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(extDiaColl, true);

                        // Diameter at point5
                        RotatedDimension diaPoint5 = new RotatedDimension();
                        diaPoint5.XLine1Point    = new Point3d(pointAxisReal1X, pointRotated5Y, 0);
                        diaPoint5.XLine2Point    = pointRotated5;
                        diaPoint5.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(pointRotated5X, pointRotated5Y - (dimB * 2.2), 0);
                        diaPoint5.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        doc.Database.Dimstyle    = dimStylePD2;
                        diaPoint5.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(diaPoint5, true);

                        // Diameter at point6
                        RotatedDimension diaPoint6 = new RotatedDimension();
                        diaPoint6.XLine1Point    = new Point3d(pointAxisReal1X, pointRotated6Y, 0);
                        diaPoint6.XLine2Point    = pointRotated6;
                        diaPoint6.DimLinePoint   = new Point3d(pointRotated6X, pointRotated6Y - (dimB * 1.2), 0);
                        diaPoint6.Layer          = "QUOTE";
                        doc.Database.Dimstyle    = dimStylePD2;
                        diaPoint6.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(diaPoint6, true);

                        // Internal diameter coll.
                        RotatedDimension intDiaColl = new RotatedDimension();
                        intDiaColl.XLine1Point  = new Point3d(pointAxisReal1X, point8Y, 0);
                        intDiaColl.XLine2Point  = point8;
                        intDiaColl.DimLinePoint = new Point3d(point8X, insertPointY + (dimB * 2.8), 0);

                        // Override the dimension (ref.)
                        intDiaColl.DimensionText = "(<>)";

                        //acRotDim.DimensionStyle = acCurDb.Dimstyle;
                        intDiaColl.Layer = "QUOTE";

                        doc.Database.Dimstyle     = dimStylePD2;
                        intDiaColl.DimensionStyle = doc.Database.Dimstyle;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(intDiaColl, true);

                        // Get the dimension style from P-D2 to P
                        doc.Database.Dimstyle = dimStyleP;

                        ///// Create the leader ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        Leader leader = new Leader();
                        leader.AppendVertex(new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 2, pointTacche2Y, 0));

                        // Verify the space for leader text
                        if ((point8Y - point7Y) >= 6.5)
                            leader.AppendVertex(new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 2, pointTacche2Y - dimB, 0));
                            leader.AppendVertex(new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 3, pointTacche2Y - dimB, 0));
                        else if ((point8Y - point7Y) < 6.5)
                            leader.AppendVertex(new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 2, pointRotated6Y - dimB, 0));
                            leader.AppendVertex(new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 3, pointRotated6Y - dimB, 0));
                        leader.HasArrowHead = true;
                        leader.Layer        = "QUOTE";

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(leader, true);

                        // Create the leader text (TACCHE COME DA ...)
                        MText leaderText = new MText();

                        // Verify the space for leader text
                        if ((point8Y - point7Y) >= 6.5)
                            leaderText.Location = new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 3, pointTacche2Y - dimB + 0.5, 0);  // Connected to the third point of the leader
                        else if ((point8Y - point7Y) < 6.5)
                            leaderText.Location = new Point3d(pointTacche2X + 3, pointRotated6Y - dimB + 0.5, 0);  // Connected to the third point of the leader
                        leaderText.Width = 15;

                        // Adjust text height
                        double textHeight = 1;
                        if (crossSection < 11)
                            textHeight = 0.8;
                        leaderText.TextHeight = textHeight;

                        leaderText.Layer    = "0";
                        leaderText.Contents = "TACCHE COME DA\nTAB_27\nN°" + numTacche + "x" + dimB + "x10";

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(leaderText, true);

                        ////// HATCH //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                        // Create the hatches
                        // Adds the circle to an object id array
                        ObjectIdCollection acObjIdColl = new ObjectIdCollection();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

                        // Create the hatch object and append it to the block table record
                        Hatch acHatch = new Hatch();

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acHatch, true);

                        // Set the properties of the hatch object
                        // Associative must be set after the hatch object is appended to the
                        // block table record and before AppendLoop
                        acHatch.Layer = "FINE";

                        // Adjust the pattern scale
                        double patternScale = 1;
                        if (crossSection < 10)
                            patternScale = 0.15;
                        else if (crossSection >= 10 && crossSection < 19)
                            patternScale = 0.25;
                        else if (crossSection >= 19 && crossSection < 34)
                            patternScale = 0.5;
                        acHatch.PatternScale = patternScale;   // Pattern scale to be defined according to the size of crossSection

                        // Material type (Nylon / PTFE)
                        string matNylon = "";
                        string matPTFE  = "";
                        if (radioButton_nylon.Checked == true)
                            acHatch.SetHatchPattern(HatchPatternType.PreDefined, "ANSI32");
                            matNylon = "Nylon (PA6)";
                        else if (radioButton_ptfe.Checked == true)
                            acHatch.SetHatchPattern(HatchPatternType.PreDefined, "ANSI34");
                            matPTFE = "PTFE";
                        acHatch.Associative = true;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        acHatch.AppendLoop(HatchLoopTypes.Outermost, acObjIdColl);

                        // General information of the profile
                        MText infoText = new MText();
                        infoText.Location   = new Point3d(axisPoint1X + (crossSection * 0.5), insertPointY, 0); // The right side of the drawing
                        infoText.Width      = 20;
                        infoText.TextHeight = textHeight;
                        infoText.Layer      = "DEFPOINTS";
                        infoText.Contents   = "AUTOGENERATED MALE RING\n" + intDia + "/" + extDia + "x" + height + "\n" + endlessText + splitText + "\nMaterial : " + matNylon + matPTFE;

                        // Add the new object to Model space and the transaction
                        trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(infoText, true);

                        // Commit the transaction
                        if (isDataValidated == true)
                            // Complete message
                            doc.Editor.WriteMessage("\nThe profile has been successfully created!\n");

                    // Exception handling
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        doc.Editor.WriteMessage("Error encountered : " + ex.Message);
コード例 #16
        public static ObjectId AddDimLineAngular(Point3d line1StartPt, Point3d point3d_0, Point3d line2StartPt, Point3d point3d_1, Point3d arcPt, string text, ObjectId style)
            LineAngularDimension2 ent = new LineAngularDimension2(line1StartPt, point3d_0, line2StartPt, point3d_1, arcPt, text, style);
