コード例 #1
        public void PlaceOrders()
            //Place orders
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.PlaceOrder("AAA", "Buy", 10, 10));

            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.PlaceOrder("BBB", "Buy", 12, 12));
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.PlaceOrder("CCC", "Buy", 14, 14));

            //Cancel Order
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.CancelOrder("CCC"));

            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.PlaceOrder("DDD", "Sell", 10, 15));

            Assert.AreEqual("Fully matched with BBB(2@12)", book.PlaceOrder("EEE", "Sell", 2, 12));

            Assert.AreEqual("Fully matched with BBB(4@12)", book.PlaceOrder("FFF", "Sell", 4, 12));

            Assert.AreEqual("Partially matched with BBB(6@12)", book.PlaceOrder("GGG", "Sell", 10, 12));

            Assert.AreEqual("Failed - already fully filled", book.CancelOrder("BBB"));

            Assert.AreEqual("Fully matched with GGG(4@12)", book.PlaceOrder("HHH", "Buy", 14, 12));

            //struglling on this test case
            Assert.AreEqual("Fully matched with HHH(10@12) and AAA(10@10)", book.PlaceOrder("KKK", "Sell", 20, 12));

            Assert.AreEqual("OK", book.CancelOrder("DDD"));
            Assert.AreEqual("Failed - no such active order", book.CancelOrder("DDD"));

            //book should now be empty
            //check if true