void Update() { // For the start: enabling day light and disabling night light for the crane bird if (lightManager.startingInDayLight == true) { lightManager.EnableNightLights(); lightManager.startingInDayLight = false; } // Pressing LB or RB switches the lens on the list and triggers the LensSwitcher function if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (lensCounter <= 0) { lensCounter = lensesList.Count - 1; } else { lensCounter = lensCounter - 1; } currentLens = lensesList[lensCounter]; LensSwitcher(currentLens); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (lensCounter >= lensesList.Count - 1) { lensCounter = 0; } else { lensCounter = lensCounter + 1; } currentLens = lensesList[lensCounter]; LensSwitcher(currentLens); } // Special transition made when coming back to normal if (noLensTransition == true) { noLensTransitionTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (noLensTransitionTimer >= 0.2) { bawShader.enabled = false; postProcess.profile = noLenseProfile; cineCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = noLenseDepthOfView; Camera.main.GetComponent <Skybox>().material = daySkybox; Camera.main.GetComponent <Camera>().clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; noLensTransition = false; noLensTransitionTimer = 0; // Enables Day Light and disables Night Light in case the player is a crane and comes back from the night lense if (isCrane == true) { lightManager.DisableNightLights(); } } } // White transition for the night, maybe I can find a better idea... if (nightTransition == true) { nightTransitionTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (nightTransitionTimer >= 0.2) { bawShader.enabled = false; postProcess.profile = nightProfile; cineCamera.m_Lens.FarClipPlane = noLenseDepthOfView; Camera.main.GetComponent <Skybox>().material = nightSkybox; Camera.main.GetComponent <Camera>().clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; lightManager.EnableNightLights(); nightTransition = false; nightTransitionTimer = 0; lightManager.EnableNightLights(); } } }